Roofs of ondulin - eurosphere

When there is a need for an inexpensive and reliable roof, then the help comes onduline roof, which nowadays it is customary to call the euroshire.

This type of roof will prove useful in many cases. In particular, it is unusually practical if the angle of the roof is between 15 and 90 degrees. It should be understood that ordinary types of roofing here no longer "play."And we have to pay attention to the following types of them, among which the roof of the ondulin stands apart.

This roof is suitable for both cottages and suburban buildings, including frame houses, cottages and other houses. Let's consider some advantages of a roof from ondulin.

Roof from ondulin photo

Roof from ondulin

The advantages of this type of roof lie in the area of ​​weight. The square meter of this material weighs only 3-4 kg / m².This is due to the fact that it produces natural organic fiber, which is saturated with a special oxidized bitumen. As a result, such material is not only light, but also excellent withstand both cold and strong heat.

The device of roofing from ondulin

ondulin roofing system Due to its structural strength, the onduline roof( or Euroshield - its other commercial name) will be able to successfully withstand and strong winds. Sometimes you can see a sad picture - a strong hurricane swept through the region, and most of the various types of roofs fell flat, while the roof of the Euroshade remained in place. This is due to the fact that the ondulin sheets can withstand wind gusts with speeds of up to 200 km / h.

In the winter operation , the roof of the ondulin is also the undisputed favorite. If you set a high gradient( more than 15-20 degrees), then the snow will simply move down from such a roof, not having enough time to give a strong load to the rafter structures of the building.

But even if you install this type of roof with a small gradient, it can still easily withstand the snow load of up to 300 kg / m2, which makes this fact really unique among the other types of roofs.

Roof roof onduline

Roof roofing with asdulin

Roof leakage with Eurosiron does not threaten - guarantees for roofing from ondulin

Among the important facts worth noting is the guarantee for water resistance, which the manufacturers of this material give all 15 years. If we talk about color, then the guarantee is usually 5 years, which is a good indicator. Considering that the Euro-sphere, even if completely burned in the sun, can serve up to 50 years, it becomes obvious why this roofing material is becoming more popular in the domestic space.

Technology of roofing from ondulin

Technology of roofing from ondulin

As you can see, the roof of ondulin has exactly the properties that a roof should have under which you feel safe and comfortable.

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