Monter's claws and manholes: types, purpose, rules of use

Monter's claws and manholes are a kit that a person uses to climb an overhead power line support. These devices are popular with electricians, because allow you to repair or maintain power lines at a lower cost. In this article, we will look at what an electrician's claws are, what types of products are there and, just as importantly, how to use them.


  • Design features
  • Varieties of claws
  • Terms of use

Design features

The design of the product is as follows: two steel elements that are bent in a semicircle or at right angles, and spikes that are attached to arcs. With their help, you can hook with the support. These elements are connected to a special platform for the legs, which, in turn, have straps, with the help of which the foot of the electricians is fixed, which is lifted onto the support.

The human body must be supported on a support. For this, the device comes with slings and a special holding leash. With their help, the employee is protected from falling if the structure is damaged or slides off.

Monters' manholes and claws are used for electrical work. This is an alternative version of the aerial platform, which is used when lifting personnel to work on power line poles. Such a device is convenient to use, practical and economical, as it reduces the cost of maintaining power grids. When it is not possible to install an aerial platform near the supports, the claws will be indispensable.

However, it should be noted that such a device is capable of lifting only one worker. When there is a need to perform work for two or more electricians, it is necessary to use only the aerial platform.

Varieties of claws

Monter's claws come in a variety of designs. It depends on the types of power line supports. They differ in section type and shape. Reinforced concrete pillars are round, rectangular, cylindrical, trapezoidal, polyhedral and conical in shape. There are also round wooden supports. So what types of fixtures are there? There are only 2 of them (main):

  1. Sickle (KM-1, KM-2 and others). They are used when climbing wooden poles, even those with reinforced concrete attachments. This design is not adjustable, as the sickle with which the worker clings to the structure has a fixed standard size.Crescent
  2. Lazy (universal - LU-1 and others). They differ from the previous ones in the field of application and design. The element with which the worker clings to the support is called a manhole. It is bent at right angles. It is used for climbing a reinforced concrete post with a trapezoidal and rectangular cross-section. A distinctive feature is the fact that such fixer claws can be adjusted and selected for any size of the reinforced concrete column.The appearance of the manholes

Such a product is used for lifting power lines with a voltage of 0.4 / 6/10/35 kV. There are also improved models that are used when lifting power lines from 110 kV to a pole.

Terms of use

There is a special instruction for electricians that tells you how to use the electrician's claws. First of all, it is necessary to take certain safety measures when performing various work in electrical networks, especially on power lines.

  1. Before starting work, you need to agree on the procedure, draw up all the necessary documents, prepare the workplace and allow workers to complete the task. These measures are extremely important and necessary in order to keep workers safe. For example, when an electrician is working, voltage may be applied to live parts (namely, wires).
  2. You need to be able to properly use protective insulating means that are used during work.
  3. Monter's claws are used exclusively for those supports that are indicated in the device's passport.
  4. Before starting work, you need to check the product for damage and check the test date. In this case, check yarns and belts, bolted joints, welds, clamps, spikes. Electricians who use pliers' claws must receive additional instruction and training. They also check their knowledge, and check for the presence of an entry for permission to independently perform work.
  5. Two times a year, claws and manholes should be sent for inspection. This is necessary in order to detect and correct a defect or malfunction in time.
  6. If the device is damaged (for example, there is a crack or burr), then they are not allowed to be used.
  7. In addition to the structure itself, before carrying out work, you need to separately check the safety belt and climb the pole only with it.
  8. It is forbidden to change anything in the device of the device, their belts.
  9. It is strictly forbidden to climb the pole through which the fault currents passed to the ground.
  10. The structure must be stable and complete.

The video below clearly demonstrates how to use the mounter's claws when lifting onto a support:

So we examined what the monter's claws and manholes are. Now you know what types of fixtures are and what the purpose of each design is.

It will be helpful to read:

  • Tests for electricians
  • How to use a megohmmeter
  • Electrical protective equipment in electrical installations above 1000 V

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