Resumption of electricity supply: procedure and cost

As a result of non-fulfillment by the consumer of the terms of the contract or non-payment of electricity bills, a regime of restriction or complete cessation of power supply to the facility may be introduced. You can restore the supply of electricity by going through a certain procedure. How to do this in the prescribed manner and how the electricity supply is resumed, we will tell in this article.


  • Grounds for the introduction of the restriction regime
  • Grounds for renewal of filing

Grounds for the introduction of the restriction regime

The regime of limiting the supply of electricity is introduced if the consumer does not fulfill or improperly fulfills the terms of the electricity supply contract. For example, he has debts for at least 1 billing period established in the contract, and for citizens-consumers - for at least 2 billing periods. And also in the case of unaccounted electricity consumption. For example, it can be illegal connection to the power supply system or connection to the network before the metering device - the so-called "bypass".

And also as a result of actions or connection of electrical installations that violate the characteristics of the technological connection. Or actions that lead to disruption of the functioning of protective circuits and the absence of devices reactive power compensation and the improper condition of some parts of the electrical equipment or electrical installations as a whole. In addition to all this, such a regime can be introduced in the event of a change of ownership, in case of not concluding or before the entry into force of a new agreement.

So, you may be cut off or cut off your electricity supply if:

  • Disconnection for non-payment the consumption of electricity by an energy sales, supply or network organization.
  • Connected to the network illegally or bypassing the meter.
  • If your object does not meet the requirements specified in the technical specifications.
  • The electrical installation is in poor condition and may cause harm to human health or the environment, as well as disrupt the functioning of the power supply system.
  • The owner of the object has changed, but a new contract has not been concluded.
  • In case of accidents or repair work on the line, adjacent electrical facilities, and so on, if the performance of these works is impossible with the full operation of the power grid.

Grounds for renewal of filing

There are three reasons for the renewal of electricity supply. Moreover, the timing of this procedure depends on the specific situation, for example:

  1. After eliminating the reason for the introduction of the restriction mode by the consumer. For example, after paying a debt for electricity consumption. In this case, the initiator of the introduction of the restriction must restore the power supply within 24 hours after receiving the notification about the elimination of the reasons for its introduction.
  2. On the basis of a court decision, in this case, the terms and procedure are indicated in this decision.
  3. If the restriction regime is recognized as unreasonable by the initiator of its introduction. In this case, the terms are not legally regulated.

To carry out the renewal procedure, an Act on the renewal of the electricity supply is drawn up. It is drawn up in 3 copies, and it is signed by the persons who are present during the preparation and are interested in this procedure. The following information is entered into it:

  1. TIN, KPP or full name of the person, TIN of an individual entrepreneur, name of the organization.
  2. Place, time and date of compilation.
  3. The list of objects in which the power supply was cut off or limited.
  4. Terms, namely the date and time at which the resumption of the electricity supply will be made.
  5. To what level will the power supply be resumed?
  6. Where the procedure (address) of electricity supply will take place.
  7. List of measures to be performed during the procedure for resuming the power supply. If necessary, the location of the switching devices is indicated.
  8. Information about the location, numbers and current meter readings at the time of submission.
  9. Name of the person who is authorized to sign the act on behalf of the consumer.

If, during the resumption of power supply to disconnected subscribers, any facts were revealed or circumstances arose that could not be performed, this is indicated in the Act.

The organization that initiated the introduction of this regime (initiator) does not have the right to claim compensation. more than 10,000 rubles from entrepreneurs and consumer organizations, and for citizens - no more than 1,000 rubles. But this is possible if the restriction was introduced legally. If you have proven the illegality of the actions of the initiator in court, the latter has no right to demand compensation.

Now you know how the power resumes after a power outage. We hope the information provided was useful and interesting for you!

Related materials:

  • What to do if neighbors steal electricity
  • Conclusion of a power supply contract
  • How does the anti-magnetic seal on the meter work?
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