Consumers, both individuals and entrepreneurs, are obliged by electricity suppliers to pay for the volume they consume. In the meantime, suppliers are committed to providing energy without interruption. However, in the case when there is a non-contractual consumption of electricity, certain sanctions may be imposed. Let's take a look at the risks of connecting to the power grid without a contract.
- What it is
- Actions and sanctions
- Calculation of cost and volume
- Responsibility and commitment
What it is
Non-contractual consumption of electricity is a relationship between a consumer and an electricity supplier without an electricity supply contract. In simple words - illegal, unauthorized or unauthorized connection of the consumer to the network. Except when the consumer receives energy without a contract within 2 months from the date set for the acceptance of the facility by the supplier. So this term is defined in the decree of the Russian Federation No. 422 of May 4, 2012.
Thus, a number of situations fit the definition of non-contractual consumption:
- Unauthorized connection.
- Consumption when the power supply is interrupted, for example, during a power consumption limitation mode.
- The use of electricity without a valid contract (except for the cases described above).
Actions and sanctions
When identifying the fact of non-contractual electricity consumption, a number of actions are taken:
- A regime is introduced to completely limit consumption in relation to the offender until the bill is paid.
- An Act of unaccounted consumption is drawn up, which indicates the date and time when the restriction mode was introduced and the characteristics of the consumer's electrical installations (power receivers) for which it is introduced.
- An invoice is drawn up for the consumed electricity. This document must also indicate the calculation of this amount.
Calculation of cost and volume
Before determining the amount of invoice for non-contractual electricity consumption (the so-called penalty), you need to find out the amount of consumption. How is it calculated correctly? The calculation is carried out according to the cross-section of the cable and its permissible continuous current load, but for a period of not more than 3 years.
More precisely, the period is determined depending on the specific situation:
- If you unauthorizedly connected to the network, then the period lasts from the date of the last control check of the technical condition of objects in the territory where the connection was made.
- If you continued consumption during the restriction period, then from the day the restriction or full restriction regime was introduced (if the verification of compliance with the requirements was not carried out). If the Act of unaccounted consumption was already drawn up earlier, then from the date of its registration, depending on what came later.
The cost for individuals is equal to the cost of an ordinary kWh, according to the tariffs of its region. And for legal entities, for example, enterprises, it is calculated from several factors, such as:
- the average cost for electricity during the period of non-contractual electricity consumption in this region;
- Supplier-assigned markups for sales and value-added services;
The calculations also use the coefficient of payment for the consumed power equal to 0.002824, and its market value is multiplied by it.
Note: not paid for the services of various organizations controlling the infrastructure, as well as the supplier's sales markup.
So, after determining the duration of the period of electricity use without a contract, the volumes are calculated using the formulas:
For 1-phase input:
For 3-phase input:
W (kWh) - the total estimated power used during the use of electricity without a contract. If there is a meter, then from the moment of the last control check of its readings.
Ipert for (A) - permissible continuous current load of current-carrying conductors of the input cable. At the same time, the Act indicates the cross-section and brand of your wire or cable.
Cosφ is the power factor of your electrical installation at full load. Usually equal to about 0.9.
TBd - the period during which there was a non-contractual consumption of electricity. But no more than 26280 hours.
Responsibility and commitment
Before fulfilling the requirement of the management company or any other electricity supplier (in each it may be different in a particular case) you should know how to pay and in what time frame you should be notified of the amount of debt.
After determining the amount, the consumer must receive an invoice no later than three working days from the date execution of the Act, or up to two working days after the assessment of the cost of non-contractual consumption of electrical power.
The invoice is delivered to the addressee in a manner that provides for confirmation of receipt. Then you need to pay this invoice within a period of no more than 10 working days. What penalty will have to be paid depends on the number of phases and the period during which non-contractual consumption took place.
If the payment did not occur within the specified timeframe, then judicial practice shows that the invoice amount can be received by the supplier in order to recover unjust enrichment.
At the same time, you can appeal the decision of the service provider on the amount of the fine if the requirements to provide an invoice were not met within the established time frame or if the calculations used the cross-sections of the input cables and the terms that do not correspond to reality.
The legislation does not provide for other administrative or criminal liability or punishment.
Finally, we recommend watching a selection of videos in which it is discussed in detail what constitutes non-contractual electricity consumption and how its cost is calculated:
You probably don't know:
- How to conclude an electricity contract
- Where to go if neighbors steal electricity
- Calculation of the cable cross-section for power and current