Hello! You can power it up. From a short-term inclusion, most likely, nothing will happen to him. Please note that it can warm up even at rated voltage, you need to check. To lower the voltage of a laptop PSU, you need to use a PWM dimmer, for example, or a pulse down converter, for example, on an lm2596. But he has a current from the strength of a couple of amperes. You can connect two in parallel, but then the regulating potentiometer is soldered from one and its contacts are soldered to the remaining potentiometer on the second board. This is one of the options.
You can also use a regulator on the NE555 and a field effect transistor. And if they are more or less strong in electronics, you can find a feedback circuit on the power supply of the laptop and edit it. By the way, it can be assembled on TL431. There is nothing complicated - by increasing the resistance of the lower resistor in the harness, you increase the output voltage, and by increasing the resistance of the upper one, you decrease the output voltage.
And what about the current? Are you sure he can handle it? If you are not strong in the above issues, any PWM dimmer is suitable, but it is desirable that it have a rotating regulator so that you can set the initial voltage, so that there is no such problem as with push-button ones - which, when turned on, can give out 100% of the voltage until you lower it.