Bathroom interior combined with toilet

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In search of an acceptable interior for a bathroom, many homeowners browse a large number of magazines and Internet sites, but in most cases run into excellent harmonious designs suitable only for spacious rooms. Designers seem to specifically choose to implement their ideas bathroom area, which can only be found in rich mansions. Unfortunately, most people can not afford such a luxury.

Bathroom interior combined with toilet

Interior of the bathroom combined with the toilet

It should be noted that spacious rooms and much easier to design, without much difficulty placing them in all the necessary pieces of furniture and sanitary ware. It is more difficult to make from the standard bathroom an exclusive version, unlike the others. Therefore, very often a decision is made to combine two rooms of a bathroom in one to expand the space and get the opportunity to implement their ideas. The interior of the bathroom is combined with a toilet - this is already a "testing ground" for creativity, where you can test your design capabilities. Dividing the room into zones using lighting or small partitions, it is quite possible to change the standard bathrooms literally beyond recognition.

The article will discuss some issues related to the unification of these premises, as well as interior solutions that are possible in small standard bathrooms of standard apartments.

What should be provided for in the redevelopment?

Contents of the article

  • 1 What should be provided for during the redevelopment?
    • 1.1 Coordination of works on facilities of the United
    • 1.2 partitions Dismantling
    • 1.3 floor Waterproofing
    • 1.4 Risers
    • 1.5 Underfloor
    • 1.6 final stage of redevelopment
    • 1.7 Non-compliance with the rules
  • 2 Preparatory work
    • 2.1 sketch design bathrooms
    • 2.2 Laying of pipes and cables
    • 2.3 Preparation of walls and ceilings for finishing
  • 3 Interior design of a combined sanitary unit
    • 3.1 Ceiling
    • 3.2 Floor
    • 3.3 Lighting in the bathroom
    • 3.4 Video: rational placement of furniture, plumbing and utilities in the bathroom
  • 4 Examples of interiors of the combined bathroom
    • 4.1 First version
    • 4.2 Second version
    • 4.3 Third version
    • 4.4 Fourth version
    • 4.5 The fifth version of
    • 4.6 Video: examples of design of a bath combined with a toilet

Before starting any work in the bathroom rooms, you need to familiarize yourself with certain nuances thate can help you avoid problematic situations.

Harmonization of the work on the uniting of premises

If the rooms of the bathroom are not yet integrated, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you have to do a lot and quite a costly job.

Most often, the wall between the toilet and the bathroom is not capital, but, one way or another, before starting the dismantling work, it is necessary to pre-plan. To do this, you need to draw a drawing or drawing, indicating on it what permutation would be desirable to hold in the combined rooms.

The redevelopment plan must be approved by the relevant authorities

Plan for redevelopment must be approved by the appropriate authorities

Next, after collecting all the documents for the apartment and taking with them the drawn up drawing plan, it is necessary to contact the BTI of the district with them to agree on the redevelopment.

Each region has its own rules for obtaining permits. For example, registration of re-planning or rearrangement of plumbing units in Moscow is regulated by Government Decision No. 73-PP.

In any case, the work should not begin until all the necessary permits have been issued and received.

Dismantling the

Partition If permission is obtained, you can proceed to the repair work.

  • As the rules they begin with the dismantling of the internal partition between the toilet and the bathroom.

Dismantling must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the communication pipes. The towel dryer is best dismantled prior to the demolition of the septum and the plugs on its pipes. Further, if desired, the pipes can be directed in the other direction or hidden together with the rest of the communications in the masking riser box.

The transfer of the towel heater or its replacement must also be coordinated with the DEZ, as the new device may require filling with much more hot water, which will affect the hot water supply system of the entire entrance.

When dismantling the partition, damage to utility lines must not be allowed

When dismantling the partition, do not damage the utility communications

. If it is decided not to remove the towel heater, then the input and output of this pipe must be connected by a jumper in order not to interrupt the normal circulation in the hot water supply system and leave all the neighbors in the riser in the entrance without towel rails.

Unselected part of the partition can be used as an interior element

Unselected part of the partition can be used as an interior element of the

  • Here it is worth considering whether you need to clean the wall completely, or it can become a part( wall) of the box to mask communication lines. Very often, leaving part of the wall, it is used as a zone separator in a bathroom combined with a bathroom.

Floor waterproofing

After dismantling the partition, cleaning the walls and removing all debris, the first thing to do is to check the waterproofing of the floor. Most often in old houses, it is almost completely absent, which leads at best to the spread of dampness across all surfaces of premises, and at worst to unpleasant situations with neighbors from the lower floors. Therefore, it is recommended to make a thorough waterproofing of the entire floor surface. If the doorway is transferred to another wall, it is necessary to set the threshold in it, and it is best to mount it on a layer of silicone that will create a tightness of the rim and prevent water from leaking out of the bathroom when leaking.

Waterproofing Floor waterproofing in the bathroom - required!

A great mistake is made by those owners of apartments who neglect such a technological operation. Questions waterproofing floor in the bathroom on our portal dedicated to a special article.

According to the existing rules, after carrying out independent works on waterproofing, representatives of the DES are invited to draw up an "Act on Hidden Work" about their high-quality execution. The document must be certified by the signature of the chief engineer and the seal of the organization.


Public utility communication stairways passing through the bathroom should not be touched until the first tap-off valve. If a sink or bath change is planned, the pipe layout can only be changed after the shut-off valves, previously shutting off the water supply.

At the same time, it must be remembered that it is necessary to plan the installation of all necessary accessories for the bathroom so that the communal services are available for servicing and control of the communal service employees. For this same, large enough doors are installed in the masking tubes in the places where the shut-off valves and water consumption meters are installed.

The inspection door of the communication box must provide easy access to the valves and flow meters

The inspection door of the communication box should provide free access to the valves and flow meters

If you do not foresee possible situations in advance, in case of emergency you will have to break the box to get to the pipes, which means that the repair and subsequent finishing onthis site will need to be done anew.

In addition, do not make a masking box or door in it is too small, as plumbing services may have a complaint about this. The inspectors will not have comfortable access to the central communication highways, and therefore the owner of the apartment may be fined.

Warm floor

Today, many prefer to equip the floor in the bathroom with a heating system. Having decided to install a warm floor, it must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to use the central system of hot water supply and heating for this purpose. It is allowed to lay one of the electrical floor types under the decorative lining - this can be cable resistive heating or infrared heating - using special films or core mats.

Snapshot The warm floor can be mounted independently, without the invitation of the specialist

. Of course, this task can not be called simple. But if you delve into the subtleties of editing and follow technological recommendations - everything should turn out! About that, how to mount electric warm floors of different types - in a separate portal publication.

Final stages of re-planning of

After all the preparatory work, it is necessary to invite representatives of the SEC to inspect the redevelopment, which must be formalized by the act, which is subsequently approved by the housing inspection and transferred to the BTI for registration.

Next, you will need to call up a BTI technician who will measure and produce new documents for the apartment with a modified plan and size of the useful area.

It is recommended after all the changes and new documents received, legalize them in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and receive a new certificate of ownership.

Consequences of non-compliance with

rules Perhaps, many will say that these preparatory and coordinating measures are not relevant to interior design. However, if they are not provided for and properly designed, this can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

The alteration made on its own will be considered illegal, even if it was carried out by the previous owner of the apartment. It is the poet who, when buying a secondary home, should check the real placement of the apartment's premises with the legal plan available to her.

Responsibility for the actions carried out is established by the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation and provides for the imposition of a fine, restoration of the original appearance of the apartment in accordance with the existing plan, or urgent reconciliation of the redevelopment. If you ignore the warning and do not pay the fine, then according to Article 29 of the RF Housing Code, the punishment will be more substantial, up to the withdrawal of the apartment and its sale from the auction.

To legalize the self-made redevelopment, it is necessary to go through all the mentioned instances and invite the relevant specialists for verification. And they have to test the correctness of the waterproofing will have to make an opening of the decorative coating, which means that all repairs will go wrong.

Therefore, before you begin to implement your design ideas, it is worth checking whether the combined bathroom corresponds to the apartment plan, and if only this process of merging two rooms into one is planned, then it is recommended to preliminary legalize it.

plane Any redevelopment of housing is a matter of responsibility

Illiterate actions to dismantle partitions in an apartment or transfer of communications can lead to very serious consequences. You should not take this responsibility on your own - it can be very sad for the initiator. Tips for carrying out re-planning of the apartment - in a special article of our portal.

Preparatory work for

Design for the design of the bathroom

When all the preliminary work is done, and the documents are decorated and received in hand, you can proceed with peace of mind to the planning process for the design finishes of the future interior.

Any practical work precedes the drawing up of a sketch of the created interior

Any practical work precedes the sketch of the created interior

In order to visually assess the conceived appearance of the created space, it is necessary to make a sketch of the room in color, including all the accessories that will be installed in the bathroom, including the communication box. In addition, on the sketch you need to determine what and where will be installed electrical appliances, as the next stage of work will be the laying of electrical cables to sockets and lamps.

Drawing on the previously compiled plan and sketch, it will be easier to determine both the choice of material and its quantity for design.

Laying of pipes and cables

Next, if you plan to change the location of the bathroom, toilet, sink, and install a washing machine, the wiring of electrical cables, water pipes and sewer pipes, which will ensure a high quality discharge of used water. Doing stroganov for drainage, you need to take into account the slope towards the central riser pipe.

Laying the necessary cabling. ..

Laying the necessary cabling. ..

The electrical cables are best embedded in the wall, beforehand passing them into special insulating boxes - plastic corrugated tubes.

... and water pipes

. .. and water pipes

Preparing walls and ceilings for finishing

Next, you need to fix the surface of the walls, otherwise the tile or other finishing material will have poor adhesion to the surfaces. If the walls are covered with plastic panels, then between the finish and the surface a gap is formed, in which mold can appear from increased humidity. Therefore, all the surfaces to be coated must necessarily be treated with antiseptic solutions.

But, first of all, all shtroby should be sealed with plaster solutions. This process should be done very carefully, especially if the wall is prepared for shpaklevku.

Shtroby plastered with plaster mortar

Shtroby plastered with plaster mortar

If the surfaces are tiled, then they should be aligned as much as possible. It may be necessary to apply a plaster leveling layer, but usually in panel houses, the walls are fairly level and it is enough to put them in order with a layer of putty.

Wall plastering2 Align the walls themselves

The process is not easy, but after a certain training and analysis of errors, such work becomes quite feasible. How is used to fill the walls with your own hands - read the separate portal publication.

Interior design of a combined bathroom

To choose the best bathroom finish, it is worth considering several types of materials, most often used in this room.


If you want to save on lighting the bathroom, it is recommended to use light colors. This is especially true of the ceiling, as the properly selected color and material for this surface can enhance the illumination and create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness in the bathroom.

To decorate the bathroom ceiling, various materials are used, the good that today in the construction market you can find a wide range of different systems and finishing compounds - there is the opportunity to choose the option that fits the chosen style, and the cost.

In the bathroom for finishing the ceiling are used:

  • Paint. Most often, water-based paint is used - water-based or water-dispersive compounds that do not have sharp odors and are perfectly applied to any surface. This traditional and affordable method can be applied in the presence of a perfectly flat ceiling.
The simplest option - the ceiling is painted with waterproof paint

The simplest version - the ceiling is painted with waterproof paint

  • PVC panels or slats from various materials. The variety of this material makes it possible to make the ceiling as monophonic and perfectly even, and multi-colored with relief longitudinal lines. Mounting the panel ceiling is quite simple, and it can be done on its own. Plastic panels are affordable and have a long service life. The only condition when installing them in the bathroom is the tightness of the joints between the panels themselves and between them and the walls.
The PVC panels justify themselves, like the finishing of the ceiling in the bathroom

PVC panels, like the ceiling finish in the bathroom

  • Foam polystyrene panels, justify themselves. This type of decoration is familiar to many - it is used for any room, including a bathroom. The material should be glued to a smooth primed surface - at first it looks beautiful on it. However, this finish is short-lived and difficult to clean.
Sealing the ceiling with expanded polystyrene relief tiles is an inexpensive and cheap option, but in a bathroom environment it is extremely impractical

Ceiling of the ceiling with expanded polystyrene relief tiles - a cheap and uncomplicated option, but in the bathroom - extremely impractical

  • Ceiling made of plasterboard. For the bathroom is used a special moisture-resistant plasterboard - it is mounted on a ceiling-mounted frame. The advantage of this material is that it allows you to make not only single-tier, but multi-tiered structures. However, the ceiling, decorated with plasterboard, requires additional finishing - priming, puttying, painting, wallpapering or combination with stretch ceiling.
Drywall - it is quite applicable, both independently and in combination with other materials

Drywall - it is quite applicable, both independently and in combination with other materials

  • Cassette suspended structure from panels. This type of ceiling has many options, as the panels( plates) are made from various materials. The design is quite popular and installed in different rooms. It is especially convenient because under it it is possible to hide various communications, and also it is easy to mount in it dot or block( panel) fixtures. The downside of all suspended structures is that the ceiling is lowered by at least 100 ÷ 120 mm.
Cassette suspended structure

Cassette suspended structure

  • Stretch ceiling. This option is considered the most suitable for the ceiling of the bathroom, as it can create a sealed surface that, in case of leaks from the upper floors, will easily contain a "flood".Material for stretch ceilings is elastic and able to stretch, collecting the inside of the surface of leaked water. The only disadvantage of this option is that it is assembled using a special equipment by a master who has experience with it. Self-assembly - very difficult.
Stretch ceiling of elastic waterproof material, perhaps the most profitable solution

Stretch ceiling made of elastic waterproof material, perhaps the most profitable solution

Rectangular ceiling How to decorate the ceiling in the bathroom?

There are other types of ceiling materials available on the market, which can also be installed in the bathroom. Read more about the choice of the ceiling for the bathroom can be found in the article devoted to these issues.


The material for wall finishing in any bathroom is most often ceramic tiles, but in addition, it uses a plastic lining, paint or wallpaper.

Most often for finishing walls is used ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles

are most often used for wall finishing. Surface preparation for some of the materials as well as on the ceiling should be quite thorough. So that the tile was laid qualitatively, a layer of paint or wallpaper looked perfect, under them it is necessary to create not only an even, but a smooth surface. The exception is a plastic lining, which itself can help level the wall, since it is attached to the lath. Well, in those cases where the wall is flat, it can also be glued to the wall with a special glue or "liquid nails".

If the walls in the bathroom do not have significant curvatures, the PVC panels can be fixed to the glue

If the walls in the bathroom do not have significant curvatures, the PVC panels can be fixed on the

as well. Most often, for the decoration of walls in the bathroom, however, ceramic is chosen, because it is better than all materials for wet rooms. It is durable, easy to clean and retains its original appearance for the entire period of operation.


Ceramic tiles are also often used for the floor, but sometimes the moisture-resistant laminate is also laid( if the special laying technology is observed) - the choice depends mainly on financial capacity and desire, as well as on the overall interior decoration of the room.

Облицовка пола и стен керамической плиткой составила единый "ансамбль"

Floor and wall tiling with ceramic tiles formed a single "ensemble"

An electric floor can be laid under the tile, which will add extra comfort to the bathroom room at any time of the year. Tiles can be laid only on the leveled, most often - concrete surface. Today, the alignment process will not be difficult - you can find self-leveling compounds on the market, which are easily bred, poured onto a waterproof surface and distributed over it, giving an ideal horizontal plane.

For the bathroom is suitable and properly selected type of laminate

For a bathroom, a properly selected laminate type

is also suitable. Laminate is a warmer type of floor covering than ceramic tiles. Under it often additionally stack the insulation material or mount the infrared heating.

Under the laminated coating it is possible to mount infrared film heating

Under the laminate coating, infrared film heating

can be mounted. In order to maintain the laminate floor in the bathroom for a long time, it is necessary to seal all the joints of its plates with the walls in addition. Do not let the moisture get under the cover, otherwise the floor can begin to separate and swell.

Another option, yet rarely used for flooring in small combined bathrooms is the epoxy-filler 3D floor. It will help solve three problems at once: waterproofing, decorative design and smooth durable surface.

Completely exclusive version - bulk epoxy floor with a volume effect

Completely exclusive version - bulk epoxy floor with a volume effect

The disadvantages of this floor can be attributed to the fact that making it yourself - it is quite difficult, so you have to invite a master, and it will cost not cheap.

3d Modern direction in the design of premises - 3 D floors.

The combined bathtub is just the place where the polymeric filler floor will be most appropriate. Is it possible for the to fill the 3D floor of the independently, and what is needed for this - with all the details in a separate portal publication.

Lighting in the bathroom

Lighting is one of the main moments in the decorative design of the bathroom interior, as this room does not have natural light. Therefore, you need to think carefully about how best to distribute light sources.

One of the decorative solutions to make lighting in the bathroom can be a false window, which is highlighted with the help of LED tapes located behind the glass inside a special box, which has a thickness of only 30 ÷ 50 mm. On the glass can be applied any picture - exotic or Russian landscapes, mosaics and much more. The box is framed on the perimeter by a frame, and it is already impossible to distinguish this lamp from a real window, behind which the sun always shines.

False-window in the bathroom

False-window in the bathroom

Still, more often than other types of lighting in recent years in the bathroom using spotlights. A large assortment of these elements allows you to choose a model that necessarily fits the interior of the bathroom.

Spot lights on the bathroom ceiling

Spotlights on the bathroom ceiling

In addition to these, in this room the area near the mirror is often illuminated by traditional sconces. The variety of models and prices for these fixtures makes it possible to make quite an acceptable choice.

waterproof2 Not all fixtures are suitable for the bathroom!

Whichever type of fixture is purchased, it must have a special marking, which indicates the possibility of its use in humid premises. Detailed information on the classes of waterproof luminaires for the bathroom can be found by following the recommended link to the special portal publication.

Video: rational placement of furniture, plumbing and utilities in the bathroom

Examples of interiors of the combined WC

Any landlord who decides to combine a bathroom and a bathroom in a single room, of course, in his own way, represents how it should look like in the end. To make it easier to draw a sketch and implement it, it is recommended that you turn to already developed interiors. Perhaps someone will find for themselves that option or a certain detail of the design, which was missing in his own drawing.

The first version of

In this case, you can make sure that the combined bathroom can easily be placed on the area reserved for the bathroom only. For this it is only necessary to replace the standard bathtub with its angular modern version, which has a more stylish and compact shape. In reality, this room is no more than 1500 ÷ 1700 mm in width, but the installation site of each of the elements is designed with such accuracy that the room does not at all seem cramped. In addition, the visual expansion of space is achieved by using a white color with dark impregnations.

A very good option for using a very limited space

Very good option for using the extremely limited space of the

Despite the small area, the designer did not abandon the installation of the sink, which is often excluded from the interior in order to increase the usable space. From this we can conclude that even in a small room, with the correct calculation, you can accurately and compactly install all the necessary accessories.

This interior design uses floor ceramic tiles in a rectangular shape, which visually increases the length of the room. And for the walls a mosaic version of the tile is used, ideally matched to the color scheme. Thanks to this restrained combination, the interior looks calm, not annoying look.

bathtubs Maybe I should change the bath?

If the old steel or cast-iron bath does not fit into the planned interior, it probably makes sense to find a replacement for them. So, you can purchase acrylic asymmetric corner bath .How to choose it correctly - read in a separate portal publication.

The second version of

This interior is designed in such a way that the master did not have to rearrange the main elements of the bathroom to other places, and hence the layout of the pipes remained in its original state. The only thing that could have been changed is the location of the sink.

Option using a not completely demolished partition

Option using incompletely demolished partition

In the exemplary case, the entire partition, previously installed between the rooms, was not carefully dismantled. Its left part was adapted to perform several functions at once:

  • division of the room into two zones - a bathroom and a toilet;
  • support stand for securing the sink and towel rack;
  • convenient shelf for hygienic accessories;
  • wall for installing the spacer bracket for the bath curtain.

When combining two rooms, in this way, both doors can be sealed, and the entrance to the bathroom is transferred to another wall. In this case, the resulting whole wall will allow to expand the corridor or kitchen, depending on the layout of the apartment.

To finish the bathroom used ceramic tiles are yellow, which, with the correct lighting, will make the room sunny-light. Since the ceiling of the combined room is unnecessarily high, it can be visually lowered slightly, which was done by the designer, decorating this interior, having planned laying the tiles not up to the ceiling, but 300-400 mm below its level.

Room lighting is also thought out reasonably rationally, by zones. The lighting goes separately for the toilet and bathroom area, but they are united by a common lamp installed above the low part of the partition.

If in the layout of the apartment toilet and bathroom have a similar location, then the best option for their association, probably not found.

The third variant of

Another variant of redevelopment, when it is possible to place the entire bathroom in a small space of the bathroom, expanding the kitchen or corridor at the expense of the toilet room.

Compact acrylic asymmetric bath allowed to save space in a cramped area

Compact acrylic asymmetric bath allows to save space on tight area

In this interior, it was possible to save space by replacing the standard large bathtub with a corner option by setting it not in the length, but in the width of the room. It fits perfectly into the interior design, resulting in a free space, sufficient for mounting the sink and toilet bowl.

Visual expansion of the room gave a color design solution, where an excellent combination was found in a pleasant green and white color, and an orange rug added an extra flavor to the interior. For the finishing of walls and floors in this bathroom traditionally used ceramic tiles, which is considered the most suitable for the bathroom material for hygiene. However, in this case it was quite possible to use plastic panels for decoration of walls, and for flooring - laminate, or even natural wood, treated with special water-repellent impregnations.

The fourth version of

A dramatically altered bathroom interior

The fundamentally changed bathroom interior

To create such a spacious interior of the integrated bathroom it will be necessary to seriously work and carry out the following activities:

  • Completely dismantle the partition.
  • Extend and conceal the sewer pipe.
  • Re-install the toilet bowl, and to avoid blockage of the elongated pipe, it is recommended to fix it closer to the central sewer pipe. In the case under consideration, the bidet installed next to the toilet is connected to the same pipe.
  • Make additional wiring for hot and cold water pipes, which must be connected to the toilet and bidet. All the wiring is also recommended to hide in the wall under the decorative trim;
  • Install a new corner bath.
  • If desired, fix a heated towel rail through the wall, through which hot water supply must also pass.

If a dark colored tile is used for the interior of the bathroom, then the lighting will have to be well worked, since it will require much more than with the surface finishing with light materials.

For wall decoration, a rectangular ceramic tile is used, which is installed in length, which contributes to the effect of visual expansion of the room, and linear lighting installed on the ceiling plays to lengthen the room. Correctly calculated arrangement of all accessories, thoughtful quality finishes and lighting devices make the room visually more spacious than it is in reality.

The fifth version of

The design of this bathroom involuntarily lifts the mood. The combination of juicy, but unobtrusive colors, makes the interior invigorating. When working on the merger of two rooms, in this case, it was not necessary to extend the communication pipes, since all the accessories remained in their places, only they were replaced with new ones having a more modern design.

Combined bathroom, finished in sunny shades

Combined bathroom, finished in sunny shades

In this interior, instead of a standard bath, a semicircular version of a larger size is installed, to the detriment of the free area, which prevented the installation of a sink. This fact can be called a minus of the area distribution, as it is not very comfortable to wash over the bathroom, and this daily "ritual" is unlikely to benefit the surface itself.

It is worthwhile to note the color solution, which includes harmoniously chosen shades, as well as the location of ceramic tiles, which support not only the style of decoration, but also the spatial volume of the room.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the above design developments, of course, are not the only options for redevelopment of bathrooms. Much in this process will depend on the location of the original premises in the apartment and the goal that I would like to achieve.

If one of the presented interiors was to taste, then it can be implemented, and not only from the materials shown in the photo, but also from other, more like the owners.

At the end of the publication - another video showing the diversity of solutions for the design of a bathroom with a toilet:

Video: examples of design of a bath combined with a toilet

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