How to make a pass-through switch with your own hands

Perhaps you may be interested in this topic, in which we will analyze in detail how to make a pass-through switch with your own hands. The goal of the project is to assemble the entire scheme by yourself and at the same time not costly for the family budget. The first thing that can be found on the Internet on a topic of interest is an alteration of the usual two-key model in the checkpoint. By interfering with the design of the mechanism and turning the closing rocker arm 180 degrees, as well as replacing the clamping contacts. The advantage of this method is the opportunity to save well, since pass-through switches on sale is much more expensive than usual and not all manufacturers have this unit in their catalog of offers. However, if we talk about the disadvantages of this method - not many design options lend themselves to such alteration, however, there is no guarantee that after the change the device will work correctly and will not fail prematurely. Therefore, further we will consider several schemes for assembling a pass-through switch at home.


  • Alteration of the two-button switch
  • Using pushbutton switches
  • We take an intermediate relay as a basis

Alteration of the two-button switch

To begin with, carefully disassemble the device, remove the overlays, pry on the cover of the mechanism and remove it. Then be sure to make sure that the design allows you to move the contact with the clamp, and the rocker will also work well inverted 180 degrees. This moment is the main drawback of this design. The fact is that there are a lot of electrical manufacturers, and everyone makes the design in their own way, therefore, before rather than buying a batch of switches at once, it is better to practice and check the stability of work on one copy.

It is necessary to perform some actions on the factory product: cut off some of the contacts, rearrange them, and unfold the rocker to get it, as in the photo below:

Now we carefully assemble the resulting mechanism and check its performance. Two keys must be combined into one large so that the contacts switch synchronously. This can be done with the help of superglue, if everything is done carefully, then the junction of the two halves will not be visible. For better adhesion, you can lightly sand the surfaces to be bonded with fine sandpaper.

The video below clearly shows one of the rework options:

Using pushbutton switches

The second idea is to use, instead of pass-through structures, push-button switches for two positions, the contacts of which are not designed for a heavy load, which should be taken into account when designing a circuit. You need to purchase two-position ON-ON switches that work as follows:

  • one group is included, the other is not;
  • the second group is on, the first is de-energized.

With the help of this pair of buttons, you can organize a pass-through light control scheme. But the fact is that this design does not have some of the properties of the standard scheme. You can turn off the lighting at one end, but you can turn it back on only with the same button. However, this is a great option for a corridor. You can turn on the light with switch KP1, walk along the corridor, turn it off using KP2, and vice versa. But when KP2 is switched to a position where there is no light, it will not work to turn it on with KP1.

It should also be remembered that such buttons are usually not designed for high currents, so carefully study their characteristics before purchasing.

Also, instead of push-button switches, it is possible to use toggle switches, then the connection diagram does not differ from the above.

We take an intermediate relay as a basis

The last option we proposed is the use of conventional one-button switches in conjunction with intermediate relays. However, there may be some nuances here. The fact is that this method of assembling the pass-through switch implies the constant operation of one of the relays, and this is an additional power consumption and a weak point of the system. In addition, the relay has a limited resource, and it is necessary to place them in easily accessible and fireproof places so that it can be easily replaced with a new one in case of failure.

The contacts of the through relay NC 1-9, NO 5-9 are used as a key. To turn on and off the relay coil, ordinary one-button switches P1-P2 are connected to contacts A1-13, A2-14, they have a scanty load - relay coils.

We hope this article has inspired you to build your own lighting control system and it became clear to you how to make a pass-through light switch from an ordinary one, and what nuances you may encounter in the process work.

We also recommend reading:

  • DIY dimmer assembly
  • How to make a thermostat
  • Remote lighting control systems

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