How to connect IEK BAP200-1.0 to LED spotlight?

The question is answered: Alexander Myasoedov
Good afternoon. Judging by what I saw on the Internet from the pictures of your searchlight, I understand that it is not collapsible.

And in the instructions for the BAP in section 1.2. it says "BAP, if you have access to the driver, it is used in ..."

And also in the description on the manufacturer's website:
"BAP 200 units have the ability to power LED modules of various configurations, from discrete LEDs to LED strips and boards,"

How did you connect it? Parallel to the 220V line?
It connects directly to LEDs, i.e. in parallel with the driver. Its output voltage is set by a double DIP switch from 0-12 to 94-120V. To put it simply, it is designed to power LEDs or LED matrices, and not finished products. You will be able to connect to it only those lamps in which you can get to the insides and the driver.

Perhaps I did not quite correctly answer your question, if you can - clarify and paraphrase.

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