Electricity consumption rate per person in 2020

In order to preserve natural resources, a decision was made at the state level to establish a social norm for the consumption of electricity. The government is of the opinion that this step will stimulate the population to use energy efficiently. In this regard, the Russian regions were given the right to independently determine by July 1, 2020 whether or not they need to introduce a standard on their territory. Within the framework of this article, we will tell you how there are electricity consumption rates for 2020.


  • What is a social norm
  • What is the indicator for?
  • Social norms size
  • Calculation procedure
  • How to save money?
  • For non-residential buildings
  • Conclusion

What is a social norm

Social norms are the amount of electricity consumed per person, approved at the legislative level.

Payment for electricity within the standard is carried out at a reduced rate. For spending more, the consumer pays more.

The authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are given the right to independently determine the rate of energy consumption, in accordance with local conditions. But the deviation in the direction of increase should not exceed 40% of the established baseline.

Issues related to the calculation of standards and electricity consumption by the population are regulated by a Government decree No. 614, federal laws No. 35-ФЗ dated February 21, 2003 and No. 261-ФЗ dated November 23, 2009, and resolutions of local authorities.

What is the indicator for?

The goal of the state is to urge consumers to economical consumption of electricity. Those who do not intend to reduce volumes must be made to pay for the service at a higher price. As a result, a private trader buys electricity for little money due to the fact that the business pays for the resource at an inflated rate.

At present, citizens pay for energy consumption one and a half to two times less than enterprises. For households that do not exceed the limits of the social norm, the tariff reduction can be 3-10%.

Social norms size

What should be the standard for electricity consumption in 2020? The average rate cannot be set the same everywhere. The volume of consumption is influenced by many factors.

Where natural gas is available, less electricity is spent. In the northern cold regions, more is needed. The equipment of houses with electric boilers, elevators, electric furnaces is taken into account. The norm for an apartment with a gas stove is less than for an apartment with an electric stove. It matters whether the household is located in a city or a village.

Social norm size

For apartment buildings, consumption rates depend on:

  • square meters of a residential apartment;
  • power consumption of devices;
  • the number of apartments;
  • the number of rooms in the apartment;
  • the number of registered tenants in each apartment.

If for a single person the rate of electricity consumption is 96 kW * hour, then for a family of two - 156 kW * hour, and in a household of 3 people, the rate will be 206 kW * hour.

Additional terms accepted:

  • for residents of rural areas, an additional 90 kW * hour is provided per month;
  • if no one is registered in the country house or only one person is registered, only one social norm will be highlighted;
  • when a gas stove is installed in a household, the consumption standard will decrease by 43 kW * hour per person;
  • when installing an electricity meter during the heating season, a surcharge is provided to the norm in the amount of 3000 kW * h.
Social norms and tariffs in different regions

So, in 2020, the rate of electricity consumption per person (when using a gas stove) was:

  • in Moscow (Moscow region) - 80 kW * hour;
  • St. Petersburg - 78 kW * hour;
  • Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir regions - 50 kW * hour;
  • Trans-Baikal Territory - 65 kW * hour;
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory - 75 kW * hour;
  • Rostov region - 96 kW * hour;
  • Oryol region - 190 kW * hour.

If the social norm is exceeded, the tariff increases by an average of one and a half times. For example, in the Vladimir region, instead of 2.81 rubles per 1 kW * hour, you will need to pay 3.55 rubles, in Transbaikalia - 3.38 instead of 2.04 rubles.

Since January 2020, there has been an increase in electricity consumption rates compared to last year by 10% for citizens who have their own housing. Thus, the government decided to push people to buy and install meters in their houses, apartments, cottages.

It is planned to increase the social norm by a factor of 1.5 for:

  • beneficiaries;
  • large families;
  • families with people with disabilities.

Calculation procedure

If there is no meter, payment for consumed electricity is calculated using the formula:

P = L * N * T, where:

  • P - the final amount of the payment;
  • L - the number of people living in the apartment;
  • N - the standard for one person established in the region;
  • Т - the cost of 1 kW * hour according to the tariff plan.

In addition, in the absence of a metering device, a multiplying factor is used.

The coefficient is not used if the installation of the meter is not possible due to dilapidated housing, or if the networks are unsuitable for the installation of the control device.

Payment according to the standards can be calculated for consumption objects with an installed electric meter, if:

  • the electric meter is defective;
  • there is no timely transmission of meter readings to the electricity supplier;
  • control representatives are not provided with access to the meter;
  • the appliance is deliberately damaged.

According to current legislation, if within 3 months the consumer does not provide data on consumed electricity, the amount of payments is calculated according to the average indicators of the previous half a year period. From the fourth month, an invoice is offered for payment that corresponds to the tariffs and standards approved in the region.

Standard for ODN

In apartment buildings, payment for electricity is provided for ONE (common house needs). At the same time, a common meter is installed in the building, the readings from which, according to a certain form of calculation, are scattered to each apartment, taking into account the area of ​​the dwelling. If an individual meter is not installed, the amount will be charged according to the standards of the local administration.

How to save money?

If no one is registered in the household, but there is a metering device, you need to pay according to its testimony. If there is no counter, the calculation is carried out according to the standards. But in this case, you will have to pay for a much larger amount of electricity than actually consumed.

Therefore, the first thing to do in order to save money is to install a metering device.

The purchase of energy-efficient household appliances will help reduce costs. The international classification provides for the letter designation from A to G, where the marking with the letter A means the most economical devices, there are additional even more economical classes A +, A ++.

Energy class

To further reduce energy consumption, you can:

  • ensuring the tightness of rooms with air conditioners or electric heaters turned on;
  • regularly removing scale from electric kettles, water heaters or using alternative sources of heating (boiling) water;
  • following the rules for operating devices, for example, refrigerators and computers must be placed away from heating devices;
  • using energy-efficient lighting sources;
  • by installing a two-tariff meter, including powerful electrical appliances at night, when the electricity bill is much lower.

The electricity meter and the measures listed above will reduce the cost of electricity consumption.

For non-residential buildings

Electricity consumers in non-residential premises of apartment buildings pay for services in the same way as owners of residential premises.

The amount of payment depends on the group to which the user can be assigned:

  • If this is the population and categories equated to it that use the resource for communal household needs, payment is made at regulated prices and tariffs.
  • In other cases, consumers pay for electricity at free, unregulated prices, which are higher than tariffs for the population.

Appendix 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1178 dated December 29, 2011 contains a list of consumers belonging to the “population” group. This term refers to:

  • utility service providers and landlords providing housing to citizens (social and other housing);
  • SNT, summer cottages and garden plots of non-profit associations;
  • legal entities purchasing electricity for the maintenance of convicts;
  • consumers who consume electricity for communal and household needs of military settlements;
  • religious organizations supported by donations from parishioners;
  • energy sales companies purchasing a resource for the population for household needs;
  • non-profit associations of citizens purchasing electricity for the maintenance of non-residential premises not related to commercial activities (sheds, garages, cellars, boiler rooms).

If non-residential premises or territory is used for commercial activities and additional income is expected to be generated, free prices for groups of the "other consumers" category apply.

This category includes contractors engaged in the construction of construction sites and the connection of power electrical equipment, without which the organization of work is impossible.


The consumer does not have the opportunity to choose the energy supplying organization, because in our country there is only one supplier of the resource. But by going through the rational use of electricity, significant savings can be achieved, regardless of the electricity price set in 2020.

Posted by: Updated: 14.07.2020 no comments yet

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