The boiler can work fine even at a lowered one - it will just heat up worse, the dishwasher and washing machines may give errors or not start - they need a stabilizer, like a refrigerator. Sauna is also better directly (if there is no complex electronics for heating control). Then you will reduce the load on the stabilizer and the network will not sink so much.
The fact is that the stabilizer will take more current from the network than it will supply to the load, i.e. you may start knocking out the input machine at full load. And the culture of using electricity should be improved - why turn it on all at the same time, if you can take turns? Hence the drawdowns are so terrible for everyone. What do you heat with? The fact that neighbors load the network with a boiler of 10 or more kilowatts of the network cannot be a determining factor in drawdowns in the power network. Contact the energy sales and grid company with a complaint about undervoltage, perhaps there is a problem not in the network but in the supply transformer ...
And your stabilizer turns off not because of wear, but because it has maximum permissible input voltage parameters, apparently it does not designed for such a low voltage, if you still choose a new one, pay attention to this parameter “minimum voltage at the input (or in network) ".
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