As far as you are aware in the appointment and classification of mineral binders? Test

Property mineral binders (to form a plastic mass, followed by solidification) is used to produce mortars. Moreover, the ability of the state to stone some mineral binding is observed only in the air, while others - and in the air and in the water. Depending on this, they are divided into air and hydraulic. Can you explain what kind of technology is used in the production of Portland cement, and what concrete workability depends? Under what works using plaster or lime? Answer the test questions in order to verify the extent of their knowledge.

As far as you are aware in the appointment and classification of mineral binders? Test

As far as you are aware in the appointment and classification of mineral binders? Test

1/Hydraulic binders may harden and increase the strength
Only in air
Only in the aquatic environment
in air and water
2/The primary rock for portland cement is
3/The workability of concrete and mortar will be better when using
hydrophobic additives
blast-furnace cement
4/Which of the factors do not affect the strength of cement
fineness of grinding
mineralogical composition
mode of production
5/Which building material is NOT a mineral binder
air building lime
crushed stone
portland slag cement
6/The basic formula of gypsum
CaSO4 * H2O
CaCO3 * H2O
3CaO * SiO2
7/What type of work is most prevalent use of gypsum
in the construction of foundations
the construction of walls
in the production of finishing works
8/Building lime used to prepare
roofing materials
9/The amount of water required for mixing depends on lime
activity and the composition of lime
All the above factors
10/Air vyazhushie substances can harden
Only in air
Only in the aquatic environment
in air and aqueous environments
11/Hardening plaster occurs
volume increase
volume reduction
remains unchanged
12/When mixed with water chemical process gypsum occurs
13/For portladtsementa applied
shaft furnace
rotary kiln
14/When clinker grinding to accelerate cement setting added
to 3% gypsum
up to 10% gypsum
up to 15% gypsum
15/In the preparation of mineral binders basic processes are
roasting and grinding

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