Already in winter, all gardeners are thinking about purchasing seeds, which today are offered in a huge assortment, that when you enter the store, your eyes run up.
The choice of seeds is strongly influenced by what crops will be grown. Indeed, many breeders do not give preference to a large number of crops. For example, some people care to get a rich harvest of watermelons, the seeds of which can be purchased here.
How to choose the right seeds
Fundamentally, seed selection is fun. However, it is necessary to take into account several rules so that later the seeds do not fail, but give good strong shoots and, as a result, a rich harvest. Therefore, first of all, you need to pay attention to the following criteria when choosing seeds:
- Carefully consider all varieties of culture and choose exactly the one that is most suitable for a given growing area.
- Seed packets always have their characteristics indicated on them. One of the indicators is the yield. However, this parameter depends not only on the variety of planting material, but also on the correct care for the crop. You also need to pay attention to this, and not blame the bad variety or low-quality seeds.
- It is imperative to take into account the parameter of endurance, i.e., the resistance of seeds to various diseases, pests, unfavorable natural factors.
- If the seeds are selected for long-term storage, then there is such an indicator as keeping quality. It also needs to be considered.
An equally important indicator of the choice of seeds is the moment when the planting of seeds is planned. At first glance, this may seem strange, but just this moment will allow you to avoid unnecessary cash costs. Along with this, seeds must be selected depending on the growing region, since today you can purchase zoned planting materials. This will facilitate the acquisition task.
In addition, at the present time, you can often find processed seeds that steadily tolerate all negative factors throughout the entire time from germination, growth, development. Therefore, you can see pelleted, inlaid seeds, seeds in a gel shell, etc. Given the intricacies of the choice of seeds, you can purchase high-quality planting material.
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