How to plan a plot of 6 hectare

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The serious question about how to plan a plot of 6 hectare arises not only for beginner gardeners, truck farmers, but also for those owners of "hacienda" who decided to completely change the appearance of their possessions. This is explained simply - if you are lucky to have a place where you can escape from a noisy and stuffy city at least for a weekend, it is not necessary to use it exclusively for growing organic vegetables, berries and fruits. It will be quite good to equip one or even several zones for proper rest.

How to plan a plot of 6 hectare

How to plan a plot of 6 ares

Landscape design is the whole art of decorating some or other of the areas of the territory. There are several schemes for which professional designers prefer to work. If you are planning independently, you can also use one of the ready-made designs, taking it completely as a basis, or you can use only certain elements that fit for a particular site.

Whichever plan is chosen, the most important criterion for the tenants of the house will be the maximum convenience of using all the facilities provided for a comfortable rest and work.

Typical land planning projects for the

Site Contents of the article

  • 1 Typical land planning projects for the
  • 2 Site Criteria for determining the main purpose of the
  • 3 site What should be taken into account in the project?
    • 3.1 Plumbing and artificial ponds
    • 3.2 Sewerage
    • 3.3 Basic elements of the site arrangement and its landscape design
    • 3.4 Video: basic rules for placing objects on the out-of-town plot
  • 4 Procedure for drawing up the plan
    • 4.1 Video: several examples of successful planning of the countryside area

Landscape designers have developed six basic schemes for planning a suburban area, which are usually based on professionals in the work, enriching, unconditionallyClearly, these patterns are their own ideas.

  • Rectangular layout

This kind of planning of the territory can be called the most popular, as in the main all the suburban areas have a rectangular or square shape. And it should be noted that they are the most comfortable for the arrangement.

The most uncomplicated is a rectangular layout

The most straightforward is the rectangular layout of the

. It is convenient to draw the layout of objects on a sheet of paper( or on a "millimeter") that is lined in a cage, and when drawing it, it is necessary to preset and observe a certain scale, for example, 1: 100.

It is much easier to define different zones in a territory with right angles than to create complex intricate schemes that introduce a mess into the overall view of the site. Rectangular plot is easier to make more open, placing on it in the right order various residential and outbuildings, ponds, beds, flower beds, alpine hills, fruit trees and shrubs. In addition, with this approach it is easier to plan the conduct of various communications necessary to ensure a comfortable stay on the site.

  • Diagonal planning

Diagonal planning can be performed on a rectangular, square section, or in an irregularly shaped area. The defining elements of this zoning are the dividing sections of the track, which are laid diagonally, from corner to corner. Sometimes designers in the design of the scheme prefer to completely move away from horizontal and vertical lines, even planning the placement of the house along the diagonal of the plot.

Основными "опорными линиями" выступают проведенные по диагонали дорожки

The main "reference lines" are the diagonally tracked tracks

This way of placing objects visually expands the space and makes the territory more spacious. In addition, there is the possibility of an original distribution of zones. With this approach, they can be distinguished much more, since the tracks run will connect the corners of the territory, which quite often remain completely unoccupied.

Diagonal layout is usually used if you are planning to build a house and do all the design of the site in a certain style.

  • Irregular scheduling

Scheduling on an irregular pattern involves various ways of organizing zones. Elements of a rectangular, diagonal and curvilinear layout can be applied here, but they must be mutually positioned so that they harmonize with each other.

Irregular planning may seem chaotic, but it respects certain principles

Irregular planning may seem chaotic, but it respects certain principles of the

. In the submitted plan, which was drawn up for a specific site, it is possible to consider all conceived areas of the territory conceived by the designer:

1 - Entrance zone, naturally located in front of the site overlookingroad. Here for the car can be equipped with a covered parking or a full garage.

2 - The entrance area is the continuation of the entrance. It arranges a path leading to the house, and it is most often decorated with flower beds.

3 - The recreation area is almost always located in the depth of the plot, but not far from the apartment house. In this area, organize a children's playground, a swimming pool, an arbor, set up swings or garden benches for rest. Here, fruit or ornamental trees can be planted.

4 - The economic zone is most often located in the far corner of the plot. There are built the necessary outbuildings, and the sanitary zone is set up-a summer shower room and a toilet.

5 - The garden in this scheme is located in the corner part of the territory. If this zone is organized in this way, then the fencing of the site in this place should not be continuous, as usually garden crops need natural ventilation, otherwise the lack of sun and excess moisture can lead to decay of vegetables right on the beds.

6 - Alpine hill. Usually it also enters the recreation area, but is somewhat apart, as this can become a corner for privacy, sometimes so necessary for communicating with nature.

7 - Garden area. Here, ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs are planted, and this dacha area can also be used for recreation.

Irregular plotting of a plot can be applied to a territory having any geometric shape. Carrying out the distribution of zones, one does not have to adhere to any strict rules for the location of objects that are not connected by communications, so this type of planning is quite popular among land owners.

  • Curvilinear planning

Curvilinear planning can be called spontaneous, as the tracks on the site are laid along convenient traversed routes. Therefore, in landscape design this type of distribution of zones is called natural or natural.

The underlined smoothness of the lines is the basic principle of curvilinear planning

Underlined smoothness of lines - the main principle of curvilinear lay-out

In this variant of site arrangement there are no straight and sharp corners, and all the tracks have smooth, almost inconspicuous turns, therefore the territory looks aesthetically and elegantly. A variety of shrubs are planted along the pathway, flowerbeds are broken, which will need to be carefully monitored throughout the summer, otherwise they will imperceptibly start grabbing the track zone.

  • Tangent and arcs in the planning

The use of tangent and arc sections in the planning can be applied on a section of any shape. Such a distribution of the zones makes the territory more dynamic, where the shapes and rotations, replacing each other, have rounded corners, which is very comfortable for leisurely walks.

The combination of arcs and tangent lines

The combination of arcs and tangent lines

A similar layout of the site can be used for any architectural style of the house. In the presented scheme it is possible to consider well all the objects located on the site.

  • Radial layout of the

Radial or circular planning scheme differs in that all objects of the site are arranged in a circle or semicircle, which fit into a certain zone of the territory. In order to emphasize the unusual shape of the arrangement of elements in a rectangular area, planting of its corners by bushes or fruit trees.

In this case, when drawing up a project, in addition to a square grid, a compass is also used for drawing a circle inscribed in a square or rectangular shape of the section and divided in the form of rays. On these radially divergent rays and have decorative elements of the landscape and the main structures.

The house in such a layout can be in the central part of the circle or on one of the beams, but in order for the dynamics to be observed, the building will have to be harmoniously entered into this form. In the event that the residential building on the site is already erected, then the planning can be made around it or with one of its sides.

In radial planning, a circle with divergent rays predominates

The radial layout is dominated by a circle with divergent rays

The example project uses a radial layout inscribed in a square area:

1 - The dwelling house is located on an arc of the central circle.

2 - Bath. A path leads to it, which is part of the circle, located near the house.

3 - Garage. This building is located at the entrance to the territory, and around it is organized its own semicircle.

4 - A small secluded arbor.

5 - The greenhouse removed to the corner of the plot.

6 - The garden, located next to the greenhouse, has beds in the form of beams.

7 - Fruit trees are planted in this case along the edge of the plot.

8 - Children's playground, installed near the house, so it can be clearly seen from its window, and the children will be under the control of adults.

9 - Rockarium - a flower bed with various plants, well-chosen to each other, and additionally decorated with stones.

10 - Decorative trees or shrubs. They can be selected in such a way that flowering will continue from early spring to late autumn.

11 - Tracks that have a circumference.

12 - Entrance zone, which can be used as parking for a car.

Criteria for determining the main purpose of the site

In order to apply this or that basic planning scheme, it is necessary to determine in advance with what the area around the house will be designed for:

  • It will be only a resting place, a garden, a garden or a complex divided into different zones.
  • Will there be one of the varieties of artificial reservoirs - a pond, a decorative waterfall, a pool or a fountain.
  • Do you need a playground, and what will it be.
  • Will there be a barbecue area.
  • Which of the outbuildings is supposed to be erected on the site.
  • Number of flower beds and their varieties. Do I need a parking lot or garage for a car in the country?
  • Where the sanitary zone will be located - on the site or in the house itself.

After a clear answer to the above questions, the site owner will probably have the first outline of the plan.

What should be taken into account in the project?

To plan successfully, the plan for the drawing should be the plan of the site attached to the cadastral passport, which must be transferred to millimeter paper on a scale of 100: 1, that is 1 m of the plot per 1 cm of the scheme. In the case when the house is already erected, it is applied to the scheme at once, and already around it other buildings, objects and elements of landscape design start to "place".

Plumbing and artificial reservoirs

The layout of the piping of the plumbing must be made as rationally as possible, since the network to be created must cover all areas where water is required - first of all, a residential house, then a bath, pool, garage, barbecue area, garden andgarden.

  • It is desirable to deepen the pipes in the ground for 500 ÷ 700 mm. If the pipeline is planned to be light, which will pass through the ground, it will have to be dismantled every year for the winter period, and in spring it should be put in place.
Нередко имеет смысл ограничиться легким "летним" водопроводом

It often makes sense to limit the light "summer" water supply to

  • . If the country house is planned to be used only in the summer, you can use ordinary reinforced hoses, polyethylene or polypropylene pipes, which are installed only for this time and are brought to the right areas.

Water supply in the cottage How to install a water pipe in the country

In many respects it depends on the type of the main source of water. For more information on how can independently install a water pipe in the country house - read the separate publication of our portal.

  • Next, the water pipe is sent to the area where the sauna will be erected, as well as a shower and toilet. Even if a bathroom is planned to be made in the house, it is recommended to have a toilet and on site so that during the work in the garden they do not drag mud into the house. Install these objects best in the far corner of the site.

Toilet and shower are usually installed in the complex, and sometimes an economic block is attached to them. Thus, you can save not only on materials, but also on the organization of sewerage.

Complex solution - toilet, summer shower and utility room

Complete solution - toilet, summer shower and utility room

Usually this area is closed from prying eyes by high bushes or planted with evergreen plants such as pyramidal thuja, boxwood and others.

  • Naturally, it is necessary to provide quality watering vegetable patches, berry bushes and fruit trees. For this, it is recommended to connect the water pipe to the garden and garden area.
  • If a pool or pond is planned to be installed on site, it is also necessary to lay a pipeline for them, but not only for water supply, but also for sewerage. These ponds require periodic washing and water changes.

It should also be taken into account that a swimming pool or a pond is arranged in different places, but for one, that for another reservoir an important condition is the absence of high trees nearby.

The pool is usually located in an open sunny area, near the house. It is desirable that it can be easily viewed from the window, especially if the family has small children.

Children will be delighted with a small pool

Children will be delighted with the small pool

The pond is recommended to be located away from home among low bushes that can obscure the surface of water, as ultraviolet rays will promote its flowering, and it will have to be changed frequently or provide for a complex cleaning system.

Very nice to look a small pond

Very nice will look a small pond

Close to the house this pond is not worth having and because in the evening in the grass near the water there are a lot of different insects that will fly to the light of windows and into the house.

Pond in the country Artificial pond - decoration of the countryside

It is quite possible to build such an original element of landscape design and on its own. For more information on how to make a pond in the country house - read the special publication of the portal.


Without a sewage system or collection of domestic sewage in the suburban area can not do, especially if the house for living is used all year round. In order not to have problems with monitoring organizations, it is necessary, according to the existing sanitary norms, to properly locate and equip a septic tank or an isolated cesspool in the territory. At the same time, they adhere to certain rules established by the SNiP and SanPiN.

The location of the septic tank must meet certain requirements

The installation site must meet the specific requirements of

  • The sewage pipes should be located at a distance of at least 10 m from the water main. If possible, a purification or storage facility on the relief of the site should be located below the water intake so that in the event of a breakdown, sewage drains do not enter clean water.
  • The septic tank should be removed from the basement of the house by at least 5 m - this eliminates the risk of erosion of the building walls in case of emergency situations, and also removes the unpleasant smell in the house. However, it is necessary to know that too far to remove the septic tank from the house is also not worth it, as this will provoke internal blockages. If you still need to equip it at a more remote distance, then every 15 m you need to provide a revision well.
  • The septic tank must be at least 5 meters from the busy road.
  • From the fence between the sites, the septic tank is located at least 2 m away from the septicum.
  • The distance must be at least 3 m from fruit trees or bushes.
  • Distance from the river or stream is 10 m, from standing water is not less than 30 m.
  • Approach tothe inspection hatch septic tank should be free, as it periodically has to be cleaned of accumulated deposits with the help of sewage disposal equipment.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the sewer system and the location of the septic must be planned immediately when building a house before dividing the site into zones.

Septic at the cottage Sewerage in a country house is a serious issue of

In order not to have problems with monitoring organizations, with a sanitary and epidemiological or environmental service, and with the neighbors in the site, the issues at dacha will have to be given special attention - details are provided in the relevant portal article.

And another publication will help with the choice of a septicist , optimally suited to the specific living conditions in a country house.

The main elements of the site and its landscape design

  • When entering the site often provides parking for the car, with or without a canopy. If, on the other hand, not so much a dacha section is being settled, as a house for a long or permanent residence, it is more reasonable to think about a stationary garage.
Parking for a car at the entrance

Parking for a car at the entrance of the

Sometimes a garage is arranged under the house, but it is possible to provide for it only at the stage of drafting a residential building, even before the construction of the basement.

  • Recently, more often in the country areas, in their recreation areas, install a barbecue oven. Convenience of this zone is that it can serve as a summerhouse and a summer kitchen, which gives the opportunity to spend more time in the fresh air. Such zones are settled near the house, but at the same time - and not too close to it, so that during cooking, the smoke does not get into the open windows of living quarters.
A great place to relax - a barbecue area

A great place to relax - the barbecue zone

The oven itself can not be installed under the tree crowns, otherwise hot air coming from the pipe will dry the leaves on the branches, after which the tree may die, and the leaves can easily ignite from the spark.

  • If instead of a barbecue area it is decided to install an arbor, then it is usually located near the house. A pleasant shadow, which will be created in it thanks to the dense greenery, will give an opportunity in the hot days to relax in the cool and fresh. In addition, in such a place it is good to spend not only days, but also quiet evenings over a cup of tea and pleasant conversation.

The variety of gazebos is extremely large, so it is possible to choose a suitable one both in terms of area and design so that it harmoniously blends into the created landscape of the site.

Alcove Do not deny yourself the pleasure of having a cozy gazebo!

If it is decided to build gazebo with our own hands , then we recommend to look into the special publication of our portal. It is possible that among the examples presented in it there is a suitable option for your site.

  • If the family has children, then you can not do without the children's playground. It can be made stationary, but there is another solution. So, for example, in the modern assortment of specialized shops original inflatable complexes, including slides, trampolines, swimming pools, as well as other items interesting for the child are put.
A successful solution is a safe inflatable playground

A successful solution is the safe inflatable playground for children

The convenience of these towns is that they are stable, but light in weight, and they can be rearranged to a shady or, conversely, sunny place. In addition, during the winter period, they are easily collected, packaged and do not take up much space in the pantry.

  • If there is a plot of land, then very few people will stay away from planting at least a small amount of greenery or vegetables. And in fact, do not lead to your own dacha tomatoes or beetroot grown in Turkish greenhouses, when it is possible to get an environmentally friendly product from their own beds. To get a decent harvest, you need to choose the right place for the arrangement of beds. For this purpose, an open place on the south side of the house, where the sun most of the day, is optimal.
You can not do on a suburban site and without beds for berries, vegetables, greens

You can not do without the beds for berries, vegetables, greens

Fruit trees and shrubs are usually planted along the fence - so they will not cover the natural lighting of the beds. High trees are often planted near the walls of the house, to create a dense shadow and keep the rooms cool during hot days.

  • Many summer residents dream of receiving fresh vegetables for the first month of the summer, and for this it is necessary to install a greenhouse or a greenhouse. It is not necessary to erect a large structure - it is enough to allocate only two or three square meters of space for this. In early spring, seedlings grown on the windowsill are planted under the film.
Early crops will help get greenhouses or greenhouses

Early crops will help to get greenhouses or greenhouses

It is necessary to equip the greenhouse so that the film or transparent walls on it can be removed, periodically giving access to green fresh air and sunlight. With steady warm weather, such a hotbed can easily be turned into a regular bed, taking off the cover completely.

parnik4 Greenhouses and greenhouses can have very original designs for building a greenhouse or a greenhouse

Greenhouses and greenhouses can have very original designs, and for their construction, various, sometimes even unexpected materials are used. If there is a desire to get more information on building a greenhouse with your own hands - look at the publication of the portal dedicated to precisely these issues.

  • Quite often, if there is a plot of land, there is a desire to do breeding for a bird, and it should be noted that it is quite possible to implement even on six hundred square meters, installing a compact and quite aesthetic chicken coop.
Very many like to mess with poultry

Very many like to mess with poultry

This object is best to install at the end of the plot, away from the apartment house, so that an unpleasant smell does not get into the rooms through open windows in the summer.

Chicken coop111 Chicken coop can perfectly fit into the general style of the

site. How correctly build a chicken coop , and what sizes and proportions should be followed at the same time - all this can be learned from a special publication of our portal.

  • The Alpine hill became one of the favorite elements of landscape design for owners of private houses. It can be located on a large enough space or compactly occupy a small corner.
A very popular ornament of the landscape was the Alpine hills

Alpine hills

have become very popular decoration of the landscape. There are many different types of alpine slides, and it is not difficult to choose one of them for decorating a small corner. In fact, this decorative object is a kind of flower bed, raised above the main space of the site and decorated with plants that can grow on the slopes among the stones, as well as large and small boulders and goats.

To create an alpine slide you can use the soil left after digging a pit for one of the buildings. To raise the hill it is not necessary to use fertile soil - it will be enough to lay it only by the top layer, the thickness of which is determined by the depth of the root system of the plants chosen for planting. Around the evergreen bushes and ornamental perennial grass are stacked the stones to them. Alpine hill can be installed near the pond or in front of the house windows, so that you can admire the flowering of plants and their harmonious arrangement on the slope of this artificial elevation.

  • Upon completion of the site planning, all the objects on it are connected by paths that can be laid from various materials. Paving should be laid out in a place prepared for him in advance.
Can not do on the site and without paving or backfilling tracks

Do not do without and paving or backfilling of tracks

For the formation of tracks using crushed granite, slabs of different sizes and shapes, round logs, piled from tree trunks and other, sometimes completely unexpected materials.

Track location Tracks in the country house - a place for creativity

Creative owners should not have problems with the arrangement of convenient and beautiful paths on their territory. How to rationally arrange the tracks on the site, and from which you can cover them - all this is detailed in a separate publication of the portal.

  • After distribution on the territory of the tracks, you can think about their design. The most optimal option, which will emphasize the direction of the paths and become an excellent decoration of the entire site, is the arrangement of flower beds.

Flowerbeds can be of different shapes and sizes - specialists specializing in landscaping have special patterns for their arrangement. If there are no flower beds on the site, it looks boring and uninteresting, so do not give up this decorative element, although it will cause a lot of trouble, since it requires constant care. And it is best to make flower beds from different varieties of plants, which will replace each other with flowering, from warm spring months to late autumn.

In addition to the breakdown of flower gardens, the free zones of the plot are often decorated with various decorative objects, which can be made independently - you just need to include imagination and make some effort.

Video: basic rules for locating objects on the country side

Procedure for compiling the

plan Now, having information about all the main functional and decorative structures and elements that can be located on the territory of the countryside, in summing up, it is necessary to consider the general sequence of the plan:

Comprehensively thought out and accurately executed plan will be an excellent help in the work on the improvement of the site

Comprehensively thought outand a neatly executed plan will be an excellent help in the work on the improvement of the site

  • Always the first step is to choose a place for the erectiontions at home.
  • If you plan to install a bathroom in the house, then, determining the location of the building, immediately calculated the area where the septic tank will be installed, and the sewage pipes going from the house will be laid.
  • Next, it is planned to build a car park or a garage.
  • It is planned, if necessary, the location of the summer toilet and shower, which, in order to save space and funds for building materials, can be combined into a complex and installed in the far corner of the plot.
  • After this, you need to determine the place for the garden and garden plantings.
  • Are allocated places for recreation areas - children's playground, barbecue, arbor, etc.
  • When these objects requiring communication will be distributed, on the plan it is necessary to designate the layout of the pipes of the stationary or summer water supply. At the same time, the issue of laying power cables, if necessary, is being considered.
  • The next stage is the planning of specific objects of landscape design - a pond and an alpine slide.
  • After that you can think about the other elements of landscape design.
  • Now you can combine all the objects with paths along which you can place flower beds or flower borders.

It may be necessary to draw several site plans so that each of the stages of the arrangement( for example, the laying of communications) can be seen as clearly as possible. Therefore, separate schemes will be required, but all of them must be fully coordinated among themselves.

Drawing up a plan for placement in the garden area of ​​everything necessary is a creative process that requires imagination, the use of their own designs and ideas within the framework of existing standards related to fire and environmental safety. Of course, you can entrust the planning of the site to specialists who know their business and are professionally involved in it, but it will be quite expensive. And, frankly speaking, no one except the owners can better provide for all their own requests and wishes aimed at the maximum comfort of living in their possessions.

Video: several examples of successful planning of a country plot

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