Style minimalism in the interior of apartments. Consider two real examples.34 pictures

Externally simple minimalism style in the interior requires a limited number of items from the designer. Therefore, the space of the apartment must be organized so that it does not seem empty and emasculated, but it was functional and comfortable. At the same time, the design project should take into account the person's physical needs and his social activity, give him the opportunity to create, work, relax and reflect.

The layout of the first apartment in the style of minimalism. A photo

The layout of the first apartment in the style of minimalism. Photo

The presented apartment is designed for a family of energetic and active people who are not afraid of experiments. The main colors of the interior are white, beige and many shades of gray. In order to make the furnishing of the apartment cozy and warm, it was customary to use wooden elements in decoration. This is the covering of walls in the living room and study, the facades of furniture in the kitchen, the flooring.

The style of minimalism in the interior is noteworthy in that it implies strict lines and colors. The wall covering in the living room is made of wood panels with clear horizontal lines. Strictly along straight lines there are spotlights, the facades of furniture in the kitchen are "poured" into strict rectangles. In the bathroom there is the same "straightness" - all plumbing has the correct geometric shapes. The design of the bathroom is also made in the style of minimalism. Rounded forms in an apartment are inherent only to original coffee tables and chairs. But they do not create disharmony, but only bring diversity to the situation.

Photo of the living room and kitchen in the minimalist style

Style minimalism in the interior of the apartment. A photo

Style minimalism in the interior of the apartment. Photo

Living room in minimalist style. A photo

Living room in the style of minimalism. Photo

A large canvas with an image in the style of nude. A photo

A large canvas with an image in the nude style. Photo

Kitchen area light beige. A photo

Kitchen area of ​​light shades of beige. Photo

Dining area in the style of minimalism. A photo

Dining area in the style of minimalism. Photo

Style minimalism in the hallway. A photo

Style minimalism in the hallway. Photo

Style minimalism in the interior of the bedroom is subject primarily to the desire for silence. There is nothing superfluous here, white color predominates in the design. But the sterile whiteness of the walls does not seem lifeless, thanks to the complex play of light on the corrugated texture of the wall at the head of the bed. Soothingly soft simple bed shapes, fluffy carpet, large pillows, luxurious blanket have rest and relaxation. Small decorative tables-decks are meant for small items, books.

Photo of bedroom and cabinet in minimalist style

Style minimalism in the interior of the bedroom. White walls and black textiles. A photo

Style minimalism in the interior of the bedroom. White walls and black textiles. Photo of

White walls in the bedroom and black bed linen. A photo

White walls in the bedroom and black bed linen. Photo

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Style minimalism in the interior of the cabinet. A photo

Style minimalism in the interior of the cabinet. Photo

Dark gray walls and a white door in the room. A photo

Dark gray walls and white door in the room. Photo

Sand color sofa for rest. A photo

Sofa sand color for relaxation. Photo

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Greatly maintains the minimalism style in the interior of the apartment lighting. It is everywhere almost invisible, but its role is obvious - it effectively emphasizes the advantages of the design solution. Spot lights in the bedroom are complemented by wall sconces;in the room - a floor lamp and a ceiling lamp above the sofa;in the office - a table lamp and sconce.

Photo of a bathroom in apartment

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Choose a style of minimalism in the interior of self-sufficient, purposeful and thinking people. This is evidenced by an adage on the wall in the office - "You know more than you think."They are able to occupy themselves, they are interested in many things. They limit themselves in excess furniture and decor elements. Transparent curtains, gray monophonic carpet, low-key pictures in the cabinet harmoniously fit into the interior design conceived by the designer. And even a huge art poster in the living room does not violate it, but revitalizes the provocative image of the girl.

Second apartment 63 square meters.m. in the style of minimalism

The layout of the second apartment. A photo

The layout of the second apartment. Photo

Style minimalism in the interior of the apartment. A photo

Style minimalism in the interior of the apartment. Photos of

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