Stainless steel railing: types, features, installation and maintenance

Examples of use in the interior handrail, stainless steel and glass

Examples of use in the interior handrail, stainless steel and glass

If you do give preference to a stainless steel railing, they must be easy to use, safe, beautiful, durable and fit the surrounding decor. Such a material, like stainless steel, allows to meet all of these conditions, and also has a number of characteristic advantages.

Advantages of stainless steel railing

The main advantage of protections of stainless steel - it is their stylish and modern appearance. Also, if you choose a railing of stainless steel, the price of accessories for handrails fences will not be too high, allowing you to save money. In addition, the following advantages can be identified:

  • resistance to corrosion, humidity, exposed to water and other adverse natural phenomena;
  • resistance to temperature;
  • low weight with high strength characteristics;
  • resistance to various kinds of mechanical damage, and to aggressive chemical environment;
  • ease of installation and operation, simplicity to the conditions of use.
Structural elements of stainless steel handrail 1 - tetivoderzhateli, 2 - handrail mounts, 3 - wall bracket 4 - gutter struts, 5 - in glass, 6 - plugs 7 - string turns, 8 - turns handrail 9 - rail 10 - bowstring 11 - rack

Structural elements of stainless steel handrail 1 - tetivoderzhateli, 2 - handrail mounts, 3 - wall bracket 4 - gutter struts, 5 - in glass, 6 - plugs 7 - string turns, 8 - turns handrail 9 - rail 10 - bowstring 11 - rack

It is thanks to these qualities, stainless steel railings were so widespread. Now they can be found almost everywhere, from industrial premises and parking lots to respectable office buildings and homes. Components for enclosures made of stainless steel can be purchased at any specialized shop.

Useful advice!With all the advantages and benefits of the material, stainless steel may still eventually fade and lose an attractive appearance. In order for this to happen as late as possible, railing made of stainless steel requires a certain care and periodic polishing.

stainless steel railings to order: the benefit of buying

Now, many buyers prefer not to buy ready-made railings and other metal products, and to order their production on an individual project. This allows you to create a unique design railing, which fit perfectly into the interior of your home or office. Price per square meter stainless steel handrail, made to order, will be higher than that of the template options, but it's worth it.

Custom-made banisters can be made of any shape and size

Custom-made banisters can be made of any shape and size

Before ordering the production of rails, you need to define the following parameters:

  1. The size of the fence and its length.
  2. The preferred style and design of the product.
  3. The availability and appearance of additional elements.
  4. The shape and appearance.
  5. Options, ie the number and type of accessories that are provided with a handrail.

If you have enough experience, and you can not decide for themselves with some of these options, it never hurts to consult an experienced specialist in the field of design. It is also relevant to a specialist for an invitation that he appreciated your house in terms of the appropriateness of a particular type of railing.

Stone bridge in the courtyard of a private house decorated with railings made of stainless steel

Stone bridge in the courtyard of a private house decorated with railings made of stainless steel

Types of stainless steel railing

Depending on the type of ladder is isolated from various types of stainless steel handrail. Each of them has its characteristic features in the manufacturing and in the assembly and operation:

  • handrails for staircases ridge - are characterized by a large number of bends, the individual segments are mounted by welding. When assembling this type of products is of great importance precision bending and cutting stainless steel tube for a handrail. The seams that are formed at welding sections are ground by means of special tools, thereby become virtually imperceptible;
  • railings for stairway - a characteristic feature of this type of structures is the presence of long straight sections. It provides a large number of fasteners to the floor or the walls. Advantages - a wide scope for the designer fantasies. If you look at a photo railing stainless steel stairway, you can see the most bizarre options and styles;
Handrails for spiral staircases more complicated to manufacture and therefore the cost of their higher

Handrails for spiral staircases more complicated to manufacture and therefore the cost of their higher

  • handrails for spiral staircases - one of the most difficult choices as to create a continuous rounded helix required bending radius of the metal, which can be carried out using only the special instruments. If the railing shall consist of a short, but straight sections, it is much easier, you just have to competently direct bond lengths between them.

The photo railing stainless steel of any type can be seen that the surface of the products may have different processing. It can be matte or glossy, is also on the willingness of the customer can be carried out knurling.

Useful advice! Choosing the type of surface handrail depends on two parameters: their purpose and interior style in which articles are mounted.

Scheme mounting handrails for staircases odnomarshevoy

Scheme mounting handrails for staircases odnomarshevoy

A particular type of handrails made of stainless steel - a fence designed to separate certain territory into zones. This can be in the park fence, fence in the parking lot, on velostoyanke and in many other places. Fundamentally different from those railing stair having more straight sections. Now it is increasingly used stainless steel for the manufacture of handrails, which are mounted on the outside, as it perfectly resists corrosion.

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Features installation of handrails

Installation of stainless steel handrails can be carried out with the help of qualified professionals, or their own. The latter option requires certain skills in the field of construction and special tools, and It can take a lot of time, but will allow you to save significant money facilities.
Installation of handrails made of stainless steel consists of several stages:

  • counting for installation support parts - according to the drawing should mark the floor or wall in those places where there are mounted fastening. Remember that the strength of the fasteners depends on the reliability of the entire structure, so it is best if they fall on a solid supporting frame made of steel or concrete;
For fencing ladders used stainless steel handrail with a square cross-section

For fencing ladders used stainless steel handrail with a square cross-section

  • mounting supports - occurs by means of the punch and anchor bolts. First, in the frame of the desired drilled hole diameter, and then the bolts are screwed into them;
  • installation fasteners - with anchor bolts are screwed to the wall railings;
  • connection parts into a whole - the most difficult and time-consuming step of mounting handrails. It requires a lot of attention, because it is not assembled structure can quickly be rendered useless.

Useful advice! Railings are assembled after completion of finishing works on the project, but for the fasteners recommended drill holes at its end, to avoid damaging the expensive materials.

Assembly and mounting of railing elements Stainless

Assembly and mounting of railing elements Stainless

Tips for taking care of a handrail

As already mentioned, stainless steel railings staunchly maintained a wide range of adverse natural and anthropogenic influences. But this does not mean that they do not need care. To all types of accessories for stainless steel railing and fencing itself, always glistening, clean and attractive, you need to remember a few simple tips:

  1. In any case can not be used bleach away the surface of stainless steel can become cloudy, it is better to use for this 1% solution of ammonia.
  2. Do not use cleaners that contain abrasive particles, they may scratch the surface.
  3. Wipe railing after cleaning must be a soft, dry cloth.
  4. Fingerprints from a steel surface to help remove alcohol and acetone.
  5. To remove the label or glue residue, add water to wash oil of eucalyptus.
  6. Stains from hard water, as well as traces of the cement or lime mortar removed using acetic acid solution.
stainless steel handrail can be used for the protection of street stairs

stainless steel handrail can be used for the protection of street stairs

Buy railings made of stainless steel and components for them, and other items necessary only in special stores that can provide a guarantee on the product and, for an additional fee, will help with the installation of fences. Beautiful railings adorn any interior, but will also serve as a guarantee of security.

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