For some reason, it is customary to imagine stairs to the attic as something wrapped in dust and cobwebs, withered, unstable, and creaking under your foot, whereas in reality they can very well be strong, noiseless and comfortable. After all, the main thing is to choose their design correctly and install them correctly.
What is meant by the right design choice? First of all, the choice of a suitable type of the ladder
.In total there are two - the ladder can be:
a) Stationary;B) Folding in different versions:
- Two-piece folding,
- Three-four-section sliding,
- And also ladders, illuminated by the electric drive.
Choosing the right type of staircase requires the following factors to be taken into account:
- Available space. If there is enough of it, stationary staircases will fit, which, in their essence, do not differ from all other staircases of the house: having the same material, the same style of execution, the same size. They will not break the harmony of design and interior of the house, to the delight of its owner and, in particular, the owner. If there is not enough of it, a more democratic variant is suitable: folding ladders. In comparison with stationary, they are not distinguished by external firmness and monumentality, but this does not mean that they have less reliability and safety;
- The nature of the potential owner. If you go up and down the attic ladder, mainly elderly people, you need to pay extra attention to its convenience and safety. If there are children in the house, it is necessary to limit unauthorized access to the attic for them, and in this case, the unstable ladders will be the best option. On the last it is necessary to stay in more detail.
Features of non-stationary attic stairs
Unsteady folding attic stairs can easily be made with their own hands, with certain building and engineering skills. However, such designs are actively offered by many manufacturers at quite reasonable prices.
If such ladders are retractable, they, of course, will not serve as decoration of the room, but they will perfectly disappear in the attic after use and absolutely do not disturb the interior of the house.
If they are sliding, they can be used where there is not enough space even for a compact folding. So, in usual sliding ladders there are 3 - 4 sections, sliding consists only of two, thus its quality, durability and reliability from it does not suffer. They are ideal for holiday homes, especially in cases where permanent access to the attic is not required. In addition, their design allows you to remove or add sections depending on the height of the room.
There are times when the owner decides to install the ladder on his own. What do you need to remember about this?
First of all, the correct calculation of the attic stairs, requiring:
- account:
· the distance between the steps: if it is too large, it will make it difficult to lift, if too little - not only makes it difficult, but also makes it dangerous;
· Strength of lateral and vertical beams that determine the maximum load that a ladder can withstand;
· the angle at which the ladder will be installed( the optimum angle is 60 - 700).The increase in the angle of inclination threatens the convenience and safety of the staircase, a decrease - does not allow it to fit into the space allocated for it).
- tools and materials:
· special mounting foam,
· good tested goniometer,
· set of spanners,
· hacksaw,
· set of screws,
· screwdrivers.
During work, it is necessary to remember the standards imposed on the stairs to the attic, as they determine the safety of its further operation. Here they are:
- strength and safety. More than that, there will be additional handrails, railings and anti-slip lining on the steps;
- convenience and ease of use. It should be accessible to all who need to go up to the attic( except children who have nothing to do there without adults);
- ergonomics and compactness. Otherwise, it will be sufficient to have a stationary ladder;
- fire safety, especially if the ladder is wooden.
And in order to provide absolute and unconditional comfort it is best to install an electric staircase and operate it using a remote control or a special button on the switch. Their material, as a rule, is metal, which increases its fire resistance.