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Unavoidable companion garden plot is vegetable debris in the form of grass and branches. Thrown away or incinerated waste are impractical because of it you can get a natural fertilizer. Suffice it to state chop the chips. This task can easily cope garden shredder. However, if its acquisition is not financially possible, we can make garden shredder with their hands. How to do it - describe in detail in this article.
Shredder allows you to grind branches and grass in the summer cottage
1 Garden shredder with your hands: the basic structural elements
- 1.1 shredding mechanism
- 1.2 The type and power of the engine
2 The steps of creating a garden shredder with their hands
- 2.1 Creating a chopper drawing
- 2.2 Materials needed for the manufacture of the chopper
- 2.3 Assembling the shredder
- 3 Creating a shredder with typesetting package saws
- 4 Creating a shredder with a cutting disc
- 5 Assembly instructions twin roll shredder
6 How to make a chopper from scrap materials
- 6.1 Schroeder of grinders and vacuum
- 6.2 Schroeder from washing machine
- 6.3 Schroeder of drills
- 7 Subtleties in choosing the engine for shredder
- 8 The main advantages of home-made garden shredders
Garden shredder with your hands: the basic structural elements
garden shredderHe chipper or shredder same, greatly facilitates the process of care suburban area. With it you can easily clean the area from the twigs and grass. Processed raw material can be put in the compost pit to produce natural fertilizer. The resulting fine wood is expedient to use as firewood house. Shredded wood chips from fruit trees, ideal for smoked meat.
Shredder for grass and branches to help cope with plant debris at the site
Design garden shredder It is quite simple. It consists of the following major components:
- hopper;
- drive;
- grinding mechanism;
- a metal frame with a protective casing.
Some models can be equipped with additional elements:
- hopper for crushed organic waste;
- pusher;
- sieve fraction for controlling chips.
The principle of operation of any grinder is the same as in a meat grinder, and is as follows. When the shredder starts to run in the job engine which actuates the actuating shaft, equipped with a cutting mechanism. At this time the garden waste falls into the hopper and with a cutting device pulverized into fine chips.
Useful advice! When carrying out work associated with the processing of garden waste, you should use personal protective equipment - goggles, gloves and so on.
Chips of crushed twigs can be used as compost plant
shredding mechanism
Before you begin to build a home-made shredder, you need to clearly define the type of waste, which it will process. It depends on its design features and performance. Garden shredders are classified according to three main parameters: type and engine capacity and type of grinding mechanism.
The following options are grinding mechanism:
- milling, for processing solid wood;
- Universal knife;
- roll for grinding thin branches of trees and shrubs;
- rotating turbines for crushing thick branches;
- Hammer, for recycling thin branches;
- Trimmer, based on the use of line, for soft debris.
With self-assembly of the chopper blade system preference or typesetting of circular saws. You can perform a two-roll structure in which two or three blades mounted on a massive drive and rotate toward each other.
Various types of grinding mechanisms: 1 - hammer, 2 - milling, 3 - milling cutter turbine, 4 - disc cutter
The type and power of the engine
Schroeder can be equipped with an electric or a petrol engine. Each of them has important advantages and some disadvantages. Flowing garden, running on gasoline, more mobile. Its operation is independent of the power supply. He is able to process thicker large branches. However, such chippers more bulky and heavy. In addition, they emit into the atmosphere of harmful substances in the normal course of business.
Shredders with an electric lighter and more comfortable to use. However, they are inferior in terms of capacity and depend on the energy source.
The ability to recycle a certain kind of garden waste is dependent on the engine power. For small volumes of waste, where the diameter branches less than 20 mm, sufficient motor power of 1.5 kW. If you want to grind branches 20-40 mm, then it is advisable to use the engine capacity of at least 3,5-4 kW. To cope with a large timber of 100-150 mm in diameter can shredders equipped with an engine capacity of 6 kW.
high performance shredder capable to mill threads in diameter to 100 mm
Another feature of the design is the type of shredders actuator. This function can perform the chain or belt itself motor shaft on which is carried the blade fixing mechanism.
The steps of creating a garden shredder with their hands
Creating a shredder with their hands very laborious process that requires the master of technical knowledge and a high level of practical skills. The whole work consists of two stages. First, preparation is to create the drawing garden shredder with their own hands and acquire the necessary materials. The second step is to immediately build a shredder.
Creating a chopper drawing
The drawing can be done by hand or use a special design software on the computer. The basic structure consists of shredder hopper frame, the engine, shaft and blade guard mechanism.
Plans Shredders for grass and branches
Examples shredder drawings Your hand clearly show that different crushing mechanisms may be used for the cutting system.
In the case of typesetting package circular saw, grinder drawing will be fairly simple. On a metal frame is set with the fixed shaft circular saw in an amount of 15-30 pcs., Which is driven by a motor via belt transmission. For this purpose at the ends of the shaft and motor pulleys are located. As the drawings chopper with his own hands, branches for heating homes are crushed thanks to a cutting system.
Useful advice!For more efficient operation of the chopper between the circular saws to be set thin spacers made of plastic or metal.
Drawing the operating shaft shredder
To create a shredder with a cutter disk grinding system in the figure indicates the diameter of the blade, the number of blades and their location. The disc itself can be placed vertically or at an angle. Number of knives affects the degree of grinding. There may be from 1 to 3 pieces.
There is the option to create Chipper with two shafts. Acquainted with the grinding system are available on video. shredder with their hands drawings with a two-roll cutting system distinguished by the presence of two shafts with blades, which are located between the metal plates. Each shaft is equipped with 3-4 knives. Sami knives are fixed by means of bolts and displaced towards the shaft center.
The holes are four metal plates bearing fixed, are responsible for the free rotation of the shaft. And two gears driven by the engine, ensure their synchronous rotation. Torque from the engine is transmitted to the drive via a chain or belt transmission. The distance between the rollers is selected based on the width knives and the thickness of the branches.
Shredder device: 1 - frame sheathing, 2 - frame 3 - gear housing, 4 - working shaft 5 - drive shaft 6 - the V-belt, 7 - the electric motor 8 - turntable
Useful advice! To chop small branches and grasses require motors with a large number of turns. But for chopping larger branches essential strength. It is necessary to reduce the number of turns for powerful engines.
Materials needed for the manufacture of the chopper
To make the garden chipper, where grinding system performs a set of circular saws, it is necessary to acquire such components:
- circular saw blades in the amount of 15-20 units. diameter 18 cm;
- engine;
- Pulley 2;
- 2 with the bearing mount;
- metal washers in an amount of 17-22 pieces 5 mm thick circular saws for separation;
Apparatus worker (driven) shaft 1 - bushing, 2 - a shaft 3 - cutting member 4 - M12 x 35mm with internal screw Allen, 5 - spring washer A12 6 - circlip 40 x 2.5 mm, 7 - gear MSGA4-50, 8 - bearing №6210
- tube to create the profile frame;
- metal sheet about 2 mm thick for the hopper and the casing.
For shredder with cutting discs will need:
- engine;
- the metal sheet 2 mm thick;
- metal sheet and blades for the disc.
To create a shredder with two shafts must purchase the following materials:
- gasoline or electric motor;
- two metal plates of 10 mm thickness:
- a pair of gear to ensure synchronous movement of shafts;
- gear or a pulley for torque transmission from the engine to the shafts;
- pulley of the engine shaft;
capstan device: 1 - circlip 30 x 2 mm, 2 - gear MSGV4-15, 3 - sleeve 4 - shaft 5 - the bearing №6207, 6 - a pulley driven
- 5 with bearing mounts;
- shredding blades;
- tube to create the profile frame;
- sheet metal thickness of at least 2 mm for creating the hopper and the guard.
Related article:
Electric garden shredder and herbs: a review of popular models
Selection of technical parameters of the device. How to make a shredder from scrap materials on their own.
As can be seen from the presented list, the chopper design with a disk mechanism is the most simple and accessible. However, such a shredder may shred threads with a diameter of 20 mm. But chipper with two shafts can easily cope with a large timber with a diameter up to 80 mm.
The frame and components shredder constructions
Assembling the shredder
With all the necessary elements, you can safely proceed to the creation of the design garden grinders of branches with their hands on the basis of performance of drawings. Garden shredder assembly regardless of mechanism design consists of several successive stages:
- Mounting frame.
- Creating a bunker.
- Assembling the grinding mechanism.
- Engine installation and grinding device the frame.
Creating a shredder with typesetting package saws
Shredding mechanism of shredders consist of circular saw blades, which turn with the separating washers must be mounted on the shaft. Each disk has a plurality of teeth, which are able to cope even with solid wood. Therefore, the soft grass, the tops and leaves it will process in a matter of minutes. When the teeth of the saw dull, they can be easily replaced.
crusher drawing typesetting package saws
Shaft shredder can carve a lathe, or use ready-made from a box of old car transmission. The distance between adjacent saw blades should be about 10 mm. If the gap is smaller, it will reduce the workspace shredder. If you run a larger gap, it will contribute to jam small branches.
Useful advice!should not have the teeth of the saws on one line, fixing them to the shaft. It is better to install them randomly. So reducing the load on the motor shaft and the shredder.
It is better to use an electric motor, which in operation is almost noiseless and does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. For crushing coarse material can be used walk-behind tractorWhich has a large capacity. The engine should be placed on a movable support to be able to adjust the tension of the drive.
Frame can be welded under the shredder via channels, or parts of the profiled pipe of metal. To the base structure can be welded resistant timber from metal sheets, which will become a support for the stems and branches at splitting. When creating pedestals bearing it is important not to make the bias. and motor shaft axis must be in parallel planes.
Package of 15 DIN rail saws heels M20
Special attention deserves the bunker design. It can be made of sheet metal. Capacity should get strong enough to withstand the impact of flying splinters from branches. With the movable support plate in the body of the hopper can create the possibility of regulating the size of chips. So, for fertilizer suitable smaller fragments, and is suitable for lighting up larger chips.
Size of the receive socket must be greater than the length of the arms in order to protect them from damage. This also contributes to the possibility of direct branches in the chopper at a comfortable angle.
This garden grinders of branches and grass with his hands is able to cope both with soft waste, and with a solid thick wood. However, his main problem is a blockage of the space between saws, which needs regular cleaning.
Creating a shredder with a cutting disc
Create a chopper grass with their hands out of scrap materials can be. Since it is designed for the grinding of soft debris, its design is very simple, however, and will not have a high strength. You can cook the hopper of sheet metal, but you can take an ordinary metal bucket. housing from the old fan is also suitable.
Drawing assembly shredder with cutting discs 1 - 4 pcs knives, 2 - disc cutter, 3 - bearings №307
To create a system for cutting a metal disk is inserted in special slots knives which can be pre-fabricated from a sheet spring of the vehicle. The disc is mounted on the shaft. Next, the receiving box. For such a shredder suitable low-power engine 1 kW. All the details of the creation of a garden shredder electric grass with your hands, you can see in the video offered on the Internet.
Assembly instructions twin roll shredder
Work begins with the creation of the frame. To do this via the corner sander of profiled pipes are cut two pieces of 80 cm length and four 40 cm long items. Further, between two long workpieces are welded at right angles shorter lengths. Two internal components must be placed at such a distance relative to each other to ensure reliable installation milling drum.
Useful advice!That the device is mobile, the design must have wheels for mobility. To this end, the frame welded on two legs, which are attached to the wheel axle.
Plans to build a twin-roll crusher shaft
The next step is the creation of shafts for grinding drum. If you plan to install on one shaft four knife, then we use a square metal piece. Making the both ends of a circular shape, so that they could enter the bearings. For three knives need round billet, wherein the honed central part. It is made of three flat cut for the subsequent installation of the blades.
To create the knives can take a small section of the sheet springs Kamaz. The knives are made holes for the bolts. Followed by a run knife sharpener using a grinder, where the cutting edge angle is chosen with a value of 35-45 degrees. Further sharpened blades are attached to the shaft, and marked their mounting places, in which openings are created, and the thread is cut.
Then we proceed to the creation of grinding mechanism. The two metal walls using the welding machine made round holes for the bearings. With the help of special overlays and bolts set bearings inside the metal walls. The bearing shaft is inserted securely fixing them. They should be located far enough away to avoid the possibility of contact. Next connect the drum wall by means of metal studs with threaded nuts.
Drawing shaft arrangement on the frame twin-roll shredder
Now we proceed to the creation of the hopper. For this purpose of thin sheet metal is cut four parallelepiped. Further, each edge is bent by 4 cm. A short section of a one-way, long - in the opposite direction. With self locking rivets or welding connect all parts. On the bent edges at the bottom of the box to make the holes for fastening.
Now worn gear shafts to synchronize movement, and the whole structure is mounted on the frame and is secured by means of bolts. Then set the engine, which is connected to a shaft or belt drive chain. The engine is better to take the high power, but with a small number of turns. At the end of the set and fixed the receiving hopper. Then, all rotating parts of the shredder is put on the protective cover in order to avoid falling into the shredder foreign objects.
The main advantages of this unit is a high capacity and technical ability to grind thick branches in diameter from 20 to 80 mm. This will depend on the number of knives and the number of revolutions. On countless websites on the Internet provides detailed recommendations on how to make your own hands shredder. Video examples will more clearly display the entire assembly process and installing improvised device.
Two-roll grinder, made with his own hands
How to make a chopper from scrap materials
Many frugal and thrifty owners are in no hurry to throw out the old tools and household appliances. They find them a new use. It should show a little imagination, to include the logic and wit, and improvised tools and old parts, you can create this helper in the household. Here are some simple options for the manufacture of home-made shredder and herbs from the simple and affordable materials.
Schroeder of grinders and vacuum
One such self-made designs is made with his own hands from the garden shredder grinder, old vacuum cleaner and lawn mower blades from. One famous inventor Vladimir Belyaev offered the shredder with their own hands, creating a video which inspired many to upgrade the idea and offer their vision to create a holiday assistant. Next, consider one of the most interesting and popular options.
To create a simple but productive structures require old operating vacuum cleaner, Bulgarian Makita power of 3.2 kW, knives from lawn mowers, stable wooden base, the receiving hopper and a metal table with a vertically welded sheet metal.
Drawing shredder for making your hands: 1 - rack 2 - base, 3 - rolling bearing, 4 - milling disk 5 - blade fan 6 - hammermill bits 7 - calibrating mesh, 8 - driving motor 9 - feed hopper 10 - pre-press, 11 - chopper folding cover, 12 - stationary shredder housing 13 - belt drive, 14 - Pulley, 15 - belt tensioning mechanism
Reception funnel horizontally mounted on a vertical sheet of metal that is welded to the table. This sheet should be thick, to hold on themselves attached with bolts grinders and mounted on her knives. If the seat trilobal knives from lawn mowers is not compatible with a corner sander, then they need to be to undermine the blades securely boarded. To shredded mass is stuck between the blades, is attached to the metal sheet of the old pipe cleaner, which supplies air. It is desirable that the Bulgarian and the vacuum cleaner is switched simultaneously.
The metal table is stationary on a wooden base. You should also install the protective cover, which prevents the reverse movement of crushed twigs.
This simple version of a garden shredder with their hands, video visual confirmation, you can easily create in their country, without complex phases of work and the acquisition of additional materials.
For the manufacture of the chopper can use parts of the old elektroinmtrumentov and household appliances
Schroeder from washing machine
Garden shredder can be created from an old washing machine. This will require hull and engine from the machinery, the old saw, bucket and other items, and tools for the support structure.
In case the old washing machine is a lateral outlet for the processed material. At the bottom of the container using a special sleeve mounted knives which can be made from pieces of old saws. As the engine uses an existing, built-in old washing machine. Receiving container for the shredded garbage is set near the side openings.
Schroeder of drills
Another basic invention is homemade shredder with an electric drill. The principle of operation of such a mechanism reminiscent of vegetable slicers.
Drawing hammer shredder: 1 - hopper (metal 1 mm), 2 - edging the hopper neck (area 25x25 mm) 3 - damper / valve (metal 1 mm) 4 - bolts M6 screed (8 pieces), 5 - framing the feed opening in the housing (unequal angles 25 mm), 6 - M8 stud (8 pieces), 7 - an outer drum housing (270h6 mm tube) 8 - with stator grooves (258h6 mm tube), 9 - hammers (metal 3 mm, hardened to a hardness of HRC 45-47, 72 pieces), 10 - bolt 3 mm diameter (4 pieces), 11 - a spring nut M20 washer 12 - the hammer axis (circle 22 mm in diameter x 4), 13 and 14 - piping nozzles (unequal angles 25 mm), 15 and 19 - rubber gasket, 3 mm thick, 16 - M8 nuts fastening the flange (8 pieces), 17 - the hammer rotor, 18 - a flange (metal 5 mm 2 pieces) 20 - spacers (metal 3 mm, hardened to a hardness of HRC 45-47, 70 pcs) 21 - retainer, 22 - drive shaft
To create a design you must take the old stool. Drilling a hole therein with a diameter of 12 mm. On the reverse side of stool is attached to the bearing housing. At stool installed and fixed with screws bucket with a hole of the same diameter. The bearing is inserted into the hole, which is mounted on the shaft with the attached to it of high speed steel knives. By the end of the shaft from the bottom of the stool is connected through a dual-mode drill keyless chuck.
The bucket is thrown soft raw materials and runs a power drill. After a thorough grinding to the desired state mulch is removed. This construction is designed for a small amount of processed waste.
It deserves special attention the process of manufacturing and sharpening knives. It is necessary to perform a one-way sharpening. Sharpened the plane is at the bottom. For grinding of freshly cut grass is ideal diamond shape of the knife, which can be rounded blade. This will allow the grass to slide freely on the cutting edge of the milling cutter, not reeling at the same time on it.
Drawing manual grinder for which the drive can be used on electric drills 1 - shroud 2 - bearing 3 - drum 4 - Crossings 5 - handle for rotation 6 - housing end wall, 7 - shield 8 - sloped board tray 9 - holder 10 - sidewall housing
Of the proposed options it can be concluded that the garden shredder to create your own hands can be of any material at hand. Just having a motor adapted to network 220, any circular sufficient capacity size, steel sheet, a hacksaw on a tree or a blade of an old mower to create cutting mechanism.
Subtleties in choosing the engine for shredder
Determine the engine power it provides the necessary performance shredder. Picking up the engine, should be guided by some important rules:
- For small branches to be selected engine power not less than 2 kW. The higher the power, the greater the productivity and technical capability shredder.
- For grinding of soft waste in the form of grass and leaves will be enough engine power of 1.5 kW.
- The power of the petrol engine must be at least 6 hp
- Do not apply too powerful engines of more than 3.5 kW. They consume a lot of electricity, but it has not reached the maximum capacity of the unit.
- Engine speed at large shredder performance is not affected. Here, important is the turnover frequency knife, which is provided by a V-belt transmission.
- To reliably shredding branches should inform the knife shaft speed is less than 1500 rev / min. This is due to the proper selection of the diameters of the drive and driven pulleys.
When working with the shredder must wear personal protective equipment - goggles and gloves
Useful advice!Pulleys for belt drive to do better by 3-4 stream. This will allow to change the speed on it by the strap permutation shaft, which is necessary for a variety of conditions shredder operation.
The main advantages of home-made garden shredders
Homemade shredder does not require himself too solicitous attitude. It can be used not only for grinding herbs, leaves and twigs. It is ideally revise any household garbage. It can be used to grind the fruits of fruit trees for later puree, jam or homemade wine.
Homemade shredders cope with branches up to 100 mm, while the factory units just will not let such size plant. there is also no need to monitor the moisture content of raw materials for processing. A factory for shredders such negligence is unacceptable. Since most models the engine is located at the bottom of the design, shall not be possible moisture on it, it will inevitably lead to failure.
As a container for collecting chips can be used an ordinary bucket
An important argument in favor of a self-made device is the cost of the entire structure, which will be much lower than the price of the finished shredder. This also applies to withdrawn from the life of a part is replaced, that will not be costly.
In addition, a homemade garden chipper different degrees of performance. All garden waste, which fall in the shredding mechanism instantly processed into small chips.
As can be seen from the foregoing, reliable and loyal assistant for shredding garden waste can create with their hands out of scrap materials. It is enough to have some abilities and skills of plumbing work, to have in his garage parts of old machinery, the necessary tools and materials. Next, choose the most appropriate way, to sketch a drawing shredder with their hands. Video various options homemade shredder performance can be viewed on the Internet. On the basis of the drawing to prepare all the necessary elements and begin collecting the chopper.
For easy moving shredders can be equipped with wheels
If you do not believe in their own abilities, now you can buy homemade shredder of the proposed options that will meet all requirements, and satisfy your needs at an affordable cost.