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you can learn from this article that this is a cutting element, as the cutters on wood for the hand router. The text is presented a detailed classification of products: basic varieties and features of parts, their technical characteristics and practical use. This article contains useful recommendations, which will help determine the choice of cutters for hand tools.
Cutters for the hand router presented on the market in a wide variety, which makes it possible to choose the right tool for the implementation of specific process steps
1 What is the mill, what is the purpose of the cutting element
- 1.1 Types of cutters for the hand router Wood: types of designs
- 1.2 Types of cutters on wood: classification of products according to the type of blade
2 Classification of mills: a review of the main types of products
- 2.1 Features of end mills for wood for hand tools
- 2.2 Classification edge cutters on wood for manual router
- 2.3 Classification of grooving cutters on wood for manual router
3 Cutter wood router manual: selection of the optimal set for
- 3.1 Which is better to buy wood cutter manual router
- 3.2 An overview of the directory cutters Anchor for manual router
- 3.3 Overview catalog of cutters on wood for manual CMT router
- 3.4 Buying hand cutters on wood: the price of the popular types of products
What is a mill, What is the purpose of the cutting element
Hand router is a convenient and effective tool for the treatment of lumber, including fittings, as well as flat surfaces. In addition, this device is suitable for the formation of various technological recesses, e.g., grooves, ridges, recesses for the installation of the hinges. It's enough to buy a cutter appropriate configuration. Each element has individual structural characteristics and is used to perform certain functions.
Today there is no problem to buy himself hand-mill, and operating tips that turn the device into a multifunctional equipment
Assigning a manual cutter for wood:
- The edge processing - is supposed to use the cutter to splice wood router for hand, when it is required to interconnect the various preform by connecting tenon / mortise.
- Inset hinges and other hardware.
- Decorating - in this case the milling cutter used to form on the surface of flat articles volumetric forms, as well as for the manufacture of wooden workpieces with complex configuration.
Professionals know dozens uses of cutters on hand router. However, to correctly determine the choice of cutting parts for the instrument, it is advisable to study the official classification of existing products. Figure out what are the cutter and features of their use, a choice will be much easier.
The first thing to pay attention to the unit of measurement of the shank diameter. This may be used inches or millimeters. Unit depends on the type collets are included in packaging router. These components are designed for clamping shank. If the size is calculated in millimeters, the most common embodiments will product a diameter of 6, 12 and 8 mm. If the unit of measurement taken inches, in this case it will be possible to buy a hand router cutters for only two sizes - ½ and ¼.
Before choosing a cutter, we must first decide on the manner of its attachment, or rather, the units measured shank diameter - inches or millimeters
Note! You can not combine the millimeter and inch shank collet and vice versa. This may lead to breakage of the tool.
Types of cutters for the hand router on the wood types designs
The market offers dozens of options for products with a different purpose and value. If we consider the design features of the cutting elements, the following types of cutters on wood for hand mill:
- National - have the form billets with welded cutting edges. These cutters are very easy to manufacture, so the majority of products on the market, have a similar structure.
- With replaceable edges - products are equipped with replaceable cutting edges, having a two-way sharpening. When the knife with one hand blunt, the cutter can be reversed and used further.
- Monolithic - milling, in the basis of which the cutting edges are ground. They rarely break, but after a few sharpening detail will have to change.
Using the hand router can create all kinds of profiles, recesses or slots, using a wide assortment of nozzles
Types of cutters on wood: Classification of products according to the type of blade
Mills may be vertical, oblique or spiral arrangement of blades. Products with straight edges to be cut down to pieces of timber blanks, which increases the likelihood that during slicing will be chipped. As a result, this significantly reduces the quality of milling. this does not happen with inclined blades.
Consumers can buy wood cutter with two types of blades:
- Hogger (HM) - used on surfaces made of softwood.
- Carbide (HSS) - used to treat hard surfaces.
Products with carbide blades have a high temperature coefficient and have improved characteristics, which affects their value.
Milling cutters for wood from the carbide inserts are used primarily for the treatment of solid wood
classification of mills: Overview of the main types of products
Mills are rotary parts dotted tines. These elements are produced in various configurations. Cutters can be used for the treatment of metals and plastics, but more often they are used to working with wood.
The following types of products:
- end;
- end;
- cylindrical groove or straight;
- shaped elements which are both grooved and with edge;
- disc, etc.
Useful advice! If periodically lubricated thrust bearing, it is possible to increase the service life of parts.
Formation of edges, slots and grooves of varying depths and shapes - each operation has its own kinds of cutters on wood for manual router
Features of end mills for wood for hand tools
End mills for wood for manual mill have cutting edges on the front face of the working part. Thus they work not only through the application of axial load. These mills are used and side edges, whereby it becomes possible to move the rotary member at the reference plane at the site of the mill. As a result, it is possible to get different samples and grooves in the wood. These items may have a different number of cutting edges, which affects the purity of the processing.
In most cases, end mills have a monolithic structure, but can sometimes be found and components, such as crown used as cutters for drilling in wood. This option is used in cases when there is no manual router at hand.
This product category includes the following types of cutters:
- end;
- spiral;
- Rotary burrs;
End mills spiral cut grooves, performed openings and treated contours
- profile;
- cone;
- spherical.
End mills for wood used for forming grooves of various shapes and sizes. They are suitable not only for the production of wood products, but also to create a tenon / mortise joints. So often referred to as end mills grooving product category.
Profile cutters constitute a large group of components to perform such tasks:
- processing an end portion;
- forming grooves of complex configuration;
- decoration ornaments surface.
End mills, which are among the most common tools used to work the hand router
At Rotary burrs on wood has another name - cutters. They are intended for the production of holes with a specific configuration. Such mills are used at an intermediate stage of processing. In addition, they can be used to produce the final fine-tuning the configuration of some of the details.
Classification edge cutters on wood for manual router
Edge cutter - the most common group, as hand tools most commonly used is for the production of the edges on the products made of wood. Even in a large set of the bulk of the parts are the edge cutter. This option is preferred for home craftsmen. Simply buy a set of cutters on wood for manual router than to pick up these items one by one.
This group includes:
- profile - to make the intricate form edges of the product;
- Shaped molding machine or - to round the edge, thus obtaining a convex shape at ¼ circle;
- Cone - designed for chamfering angle, the most popular option - 45 °;
- disc cutters on wood - for the formation of grooves in the edge portion of the article;
- seamed - designed for rebate in an edge portion of the article;
The edge cutter is also often referred to as copying thanks to the thrust bearing
- Burnished - used to perform in the edge grooves to ¼ circle;
- figireynye - are intended for the manufacture of panels edges.
In most cases, the edge cutter equipped with a thrust bearing. This limits the movement of the tool element, preventing its penetration into the wood. In this case the cutting part of the workpiece can be positioned above or below the bearing. Installing the tool support surface in a certain position, it is possible to adjust the milling depth of departure.
Useful advice! If the mill is making big cuts, product processing, it is desirable to carry out in several stages, each time it is recessed into the material until the work support bearing.
In some cases, bearing in cutter design available. For operation with such detail need template and copying sleeve or rip fence. Size moulders cutters depends on the height of the cutting part. If a profile has several recesses, then the manufacturer specifies the size of the largest diameter, which can be obtained using such detail. The distance between the cutting parts can be adjusted to your liking.
Figireynye horizontal mills with a large working diameter intended for decorative processing of panels edge
Figireynye horizontal type mills have a large diameter and weight. These elements require a great effort of cutting, for this reason, they are made exclusively with 12-mm shank. These cutters are designed for the router to a fixed structure.
Related article:
Hand milling cutter for wood, especially the tool and its scope
TOomplektuyuschie details, instructions for use. Recommendations on the choice of designs and review the best models.
Classification of grooving cutters on wood for manual router
The main purpose of the slot milling cutter on a tree is to produce depressions in the wood - slots.
There are several types of hobs:
- fillet - these details are intended for the manufacture of semi-circular grooves;
- conical - the elements used for the application of the thread on the flat surface;
- spiral cutter wood for hand router - in many ways similar to the end members. However, they have a more pronounced cutting edge located on the outer side. In fact, the design of the spiral cutter wood resembles a drill;
Slot cutters with helical shank
- T-shaped cutters for forming grooves corresponding shape;
- elements of type "Dovetail";
- fittings;
- Slot straight cutters on wood - cylindrical parts, forming a groove with a rectangular cross-section;
- Combined - cutters are used to connect the wooden boards of a large size.
Combined elements include milling tenon / mortise. In most cases, such elements have a monolithic structure, but there are also embodiments staffed carbide cutting edges. They are used to splice pieces.
Copying cutter or straight - the smallest group of components for the hand router. Between these parts differ in the number of cutting edges, dimensions and placement of the character of hard surfaces and bearings, which may be located both above and below. There are variants with bilateral placement with respect to the cutting portion. During operation, the bearing moves in a pattern so that it is possible to obtain from a blank piece of a necessary configuration.
Dimensions and symbols slot milling cutter
Fillet cutter head has a rounded shape. Resulting from its use in the context of the groove looks like the letter «U». The walls of the recesses may be rounded immediately at the surface or some time at right angles. It depends on the depth of cut.
Note!Despite the fact that "quirk" is considered a semi-circular recess in this category included milling, forming a groove V-shaped. If during operation required to produce the grooves with different angles of inclination of the walls it is desirable to have a matching set of cutters on wood for manual mill, where there are different cutting elements configuration.
Cutter wood for manual router: Selection of the optimal set for
Buying a suitable tool for the treatment of wood does not guarantee excellent results. In order to treat the material was accurate, high-quality, it is advisable to purchase good equipment. For these purposes, are sets of cutters on wood for hand mill, which include a set of cutting elements, suitable to carry out certain works.
Choosing a router cutters for wood, it is necessary to pay attention to their shape, it depends on the type of bore holes and, accordingly, the scope of
Which is better to buy wood cutter manual router
When choosing equipment for the hand router, you need to pay attention to basic criteria:
- Workmanship.
- The level of thermal stability.
- Connection type cutting part with a shank.
- solder material.
Before you buy a set of cutters on wood, should pay attention to the quality of the soldering. It must be designed so that in the course of long-term operation tool has not lost its longitudinal stability. This is especially true in cases where the used products made from hardwood, e.g., pear, hornbeam, oak, etc.
Quality solders are considered the following brands: AKP 37.5 PS and p40. They are characterized by an increased content of copper and silver. If soldering of plates used and the shank material other brand, likely in its composition is present nickel, which does not provide the necessary level of strength of the compounds. Do not use elements in sets of cutters for manual router, in which the working cutting portion is connected to the shank welded manner. This inventory is not the best option.
Choosing solid cutters must first evaluate the grade of steel
Monolithic mills also need to check the hardness of fabrication material. This operation can be performed at home. It is enough to go through the working of the cutter calibrated file. If on the surface there are no visible marks, it means that the element is made of high quality material. The optimum hardness of 58-62 HRC.
Note! The quality of work also depends on the options selected. Therefore, it is desirable to buy a set of templates and stops.
An overview of the directory cutters Anchor for manual router
Very often, manufacturers offer masters buy ready-made kit for performing the same type of work. For example, some cutters Anchor wood for manual router combined in kits that allow you to get a certain result. Such kits are used to make similar compounds, or wooden products. In which case the cutter allows a complete processing cycle.
In the catalog there are cutters Anchor sets with different number of elements. For example, a set consisting of two combined framework cutter shank 12 mm may be used to create a framework products. These elements are designed not only to form the inner edge. They can be used as a cutter for a corner splice manual mill.
Mills "Anchor" made of high quality materials and are characterized precisely calculated geometry of the cutting edge
With this set you can create not only a framework products, such as thin covers the windows, but also spliced wooden board in large shields.
Of course, each of the cutters this set may act as an independent element, by which to perform other operations on wooden products processing.
Consumers can buy a set of cutters on wood Anchor for making lining. With these elements may be formed edge of wooden products, which subsequently can be used for interior finishing work. Additionally manufacturer offers decorative sets of mills, which can include from 4 to 12 elements with different configurations. The average price set in the range from 1370 to 8300 rubles.
Overview catalog of cutters on wood for manual CMT router
Production of the Italian manufacturer of SMT is in high demand among consumers. In trade shows the individual cutting elements and integer sets for performing various works.
CMT (Italy) - a premium brand is known worldwide as a manufacturer of high-quality woodworking cutting tools
The catalog contains the following types of cutters on wood CMT manual router:
- grooving and end;
- overrunning;
- for furniture strapping and splicing;
- disc;
- T-shaped and "Dovetail";
- paneled;
- edge molding machine;
- profile;
- planing and chamfer.
Kits offered by the manufacturer, are designed to perform certain types of work or for the formation of specific compounds. The buyer can purchase ready-made kit, designed for the manufacture of doors, furniture facades, lining, piping and various bindings. sets the cost varies between 5610-63000 rubles.
The cutter CMT brand of cylindrical wood, for cutting spikes (best known for the modification - "dovetail")
Buying hand cutters on wood: the price of the popular types of products
Milling cutters for wood are not only suitable for the manufacture of products from a single array. These elements can be used for treatment of lumber such as plywood, particle board, veneers, chipboard, etc.
Average prices for milling Anchor:
View cutters | Type of | price, rub. |
grooving | V-shaped fillet | from 185 |
direct | from 189 | |
shaped | from 190 | |
Structural T- | from 202 | |
construction | from 206 | |
Burnished | from 212 | |
edge | direct | 220 |
molding machine | from 287 | |
cone | from 352 | |
seamed | from 405 | |
Polusterzhnevye | from 519 | |
Burnished | 550 | |
curly | from 615 | |
adjustable molding machine | 1500 | |
multiprofile | from 1570 | |
combined | Universal | from 1130 |
Framework | from 2160 |
The existing range of accessories for manual router has several options classifications. These products differ in terms of design, the structure of the teeth, as well as the manufacture of the material. Picking up the cutter with the desired characteristics can be created in a wooden workpiece edge grooves, ledges, grooves and other elements of the desired size and configuration. In addition, the cutting parts are used to set various functions and features. For example, hinges, locks, latches.