Cleanliness and order - is the key to a cozy interior. Of course, general cleaning should be carried out at least once a week, but due to the frantic pace of life is not always possible. From today's article you will learn about the 5 things that require wet cleaning much more often than others.
Cleaning - it is an essential attribute of a daily routine. Photo:
1. Cutting board
Many believe that cutting board do not require cleaning, but this is very misleading! Cutting board - a favorable environment for the development of fungi and microbes, so should be disinfected after cooking it in a solution of acetic water in a ratio of one to one. After this treatment, the cutting board is strongly recommended to rinse abundantly under running water.
The daily cleansing of need such as wood and plastic cutting boards. Photo:
2. Tiles in the bathroom
Tiles in the bathroom - a person the mistress, so it should be monitored for the round. If you later want to wash and clean the polluted tiles, it is necessary to wash the board after each trip to the shower or bath. By the way, one more fat plus a cleaning - a reduction in the risk of mold.
Cleansing the tiles in the bathroom. Photo:
3. Kitchen and small towels in the bathroom
The most dangerous object in the kitchen - a towel, as they accumulate a lot of bacteria. But also do not forget to wash the towels in the bathroom - is also a breeding ground for germs. They quickly become dirty due to repeated use. Therefore it is recommended to wash them every day or at least 3-4 times a week, especially if you have a large family.
It should be changed frequently and washed as kitchen and towels for washing. Photo:
4. Coffee maker
Coffee - it is an essential kitchen appliance for the coffee lover. But somehow they forget the daily cleaning of the coffee machine, although it can be a source of a variety of bacteria and mold. Make it a habit to clean the coffee machine after every coffee. This will help you extend the life and reduce the risk of breakage.
Tea - a necessary and useful kitchen gadget that requires daily cleansing from the remnants of coffee and oil. Photo:
5. Dirty dishes
Dirty dishes showing the hostess attitude to his house and household. Take the time to wash the dishes after a meal, because if you do not, then in the morning it will exacerbate the cleaning process. Incidentally, this neglect dishwashing may further attract insect pests, such as ants or cockroaches.
Crockery needs daily cleaning, regardless of the time of day. Photo: xn - 7sblrbejkkdaeg5b2g.xn - p1ai
Cleaning - a daily routine each family, from that, unfortunately, we can not escape. Today you get to know five things which should not be neglected cleaning. I hope that the article was useful to you, and you will not make these banal mistakes!
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