Naskuchali primitive wallpaper? Do you want to take the risk, but are afraid that you will not understand friends? With all your doubts will help to manage the amazing wall panels, which have long since become trendy in different styles of interior decoration. I can not wait to see them? Then we will not be late, let's go!
Walls panels in the bedroom. Photo:
1. Decorative concrete panels
This trim is found and used in different styles, not only in the loft. Designers invented panel in different variations concrete simulation, e.g., in the form of a rectangular concrete slab format or as a continuous seamless coverage.
Decorative panels in the interior of a country house. Photo:
2. Decorative panels wood
Do not underestimate the decorative panel under a tree, because there are a few original ideas in the world of design that will impress absolutely everyone. For example, a panel with a vintage imitation effect. It looks incredibly stylish and youth!
Decorative panels wood with an antique effect. Photo:
3. wave-like pattern
Tired of ordinary wall decor ideas? Do you want to give the interior a bit of dynamics and make the atmosphere more relaxed in the house? If yes, then you came to the right address, because these decorative panels with an ornament in the form of waves can satisfy your aesthetic desire!
Decorative panel with a wavy pattern. Photo:
4. parametrics
Perhaps few people know about this design, since he came to Russia recently. But I'm sure that the parametric design will blow the world of design and trends. The main feature - the creation of an ornament with a computer by special algorithms.
Decorative panels in the style of parametrics. Photo:
5. bubble design
These panels are popular among owners of country houses, as they perfectly fit into the design of lounges, the pool or the gym. By the way, bubble panels can still be used as partitions for zoning the living room.
Bubble panel in the interior of the bedroom. Photo:
6. Panel screens
Do you want to visually separate areas for relaxing in the room or used for decoration of the walls? The answer to this question is - panel screens, which are decorated with geometric designs in styles such as Art Deco and ethnic. It looks incredibly beautiful!
Using the panel screen as a partition for zoning premises. Photo:
7. Decorative panel with backlight
Such panels - a real godsend for the designer, because they can fit into the overall concept of the room lighting. Panel with backlight - is not only beautiful, but also practical!
Backlit panels in the interior of the apartment. Photo:
If you are going to update the design of the walls by means of panels, take these effective methods currently on the note. I assure you that only a few know about them. I hope that the article was useful to you!
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