Perhaps many people think that the sink can be disposed of absolutely all liquid and soluble. But this is not true, as some foods can eventually form a blockage. In this article you will learn which foods are in any case can not be washed off in the sink, so you do not call the plumber.
I think that every sin that poured the coffee grounds into the sink. But in fact, it is dangerous, because its particles accumulate in the pipe, stick together and may soon form a blockage. It is better to throw out the coffee grounds into the trash or used as fertilizer for indoor plants. Such a method will help to save on plant food. It is practical and useful!
Coffee grounds is not intended to sink
Fat and dissolves easily washed in the sink, but passing through the subsoil pipe may congeal once reaches the cold portion. Many plumbing in one voice say, that because of the carelessness of the owners, in the pipes fat appear congestion, which are then difficult to remove. The best way out - a paper towel wet oily surface of the tray, and then throw it in the trash.
Fat should be removed with a paper towel or napkin
Flour + water = dough. This happens when you wash off the remnants of flour in the bowl. Do it categorically impossible, as soon formed a kind of adhesive solution, which gradually makes the pipe still narrower and narrower. Because of this problem will have to manually clean the sink, ie to cause the expert.
Blockage in the pipe due to flour
These foods tend to swell on contact with water, so you should be careful when washing dishes, to the remnants of pasta, rice or potatoes do not fall into the sink pipe. And you'll have to deal with clogging! There is another way out of this situation - to put a shredder food residues, but I'm afraid that this is not cheap pleasure.
Chopper food residues
Perhaps you're thinking: "What is so, if to wash away the little sticker in the sink?" It is only at first glance it seems that nothing bad will happen. To label all food debris adhered to the same is made of such resistant materials that do not decompose for a long time in the water. It is necessary to throw out the label only in the trash.
Stickers on fruit
At first glance it seems that it is possible to wash off any liquid and absolutely all the leftover food in the sink. Today we found out that this is very misleading. Follow these recommendations and then your sink will be safe from the occurrence of clogging.
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