Create a home terrarium plants for their own hands without the hassle

Pets terrariums - it's a great alternative to the usual and boring flowerpots. If you like to experiment and create, then this plan to you by the shoulder. So, let's not procrastinate, let's go!

Home cage with his hands

Home cage with his hands

The first step - Select tank

This is the first and important point that will affect not only the appearance of the cage, but also its moisture. The only rule - is a transparent container, which is made of glass or plastic. They can be either closed or open.

If you approach this issue from the imagination, instead of a conventional glass container, you can use such unusual items as a teapot lamp or any pitcher.

Examples of containers for home vivarium

Examples of containers for home vivarium

The second step - the selection of suitable materials

What do you think, what materials you need to build a terrarium?

  • Plants. For a closed terrarium suitable plants such as various kinds of mosses, plants, bromeliads and ferns of the family, and to open the cage - cacti and succulents.
  • Fertile soil or soil.
  • Gravel, pebbles or broken bricks, that is the bottom of the drainage.
  • Pebbles.
  • Moss.
  • Decorative elements - colored sand, figures like animals, fish, and fairy-tale characters and people.
  • Tweezers, spoon, crochet hook.
Materials for creating a closed terrarium

Materials for creating a closed terrarium

The third step - filling florariuma

  1. Preparing the container. It is recommended to wash and disinfect the glass jar with vodka or alcohol.
  2. Fill the bottom of the container with activated carbon, but if not, then use any other drainage for potted plants in large numbers. Advantages of use of activated carbon: soil freshness, prevention of mold and mildew as well as the absorption of harmful substances.
  3. Next you need to put soil or fertile soil about 3-5 cm. The choice depends on the green people, if embodied in the life of the desert, the sand is needed; if the tropics, use the substrate.
  4. plant colonization. Their roots are cleaned and rooted in the pre-prepared soil. can then plant moss, but keep in mind that they love acidic soil, so before planting fertilize the soil a special substrate for mosses. If you do not want to bother, you can always use a decorative moss.
  5. Decorating. Here the most important thing - it is a fantasy. Someone just decorate with pebbles and colored sand, and someone creates a whole unique composition.
Florarium own hands

Florarium own hands

An example of creative design domestic terrarium

An example of creative design domestic terrarium

"Eternal" terrarium of bulbs

"Eternal" terrarium of bulbs

Care florariumom

As I mentioned earlier florariumy divided into two types: closed and open. Care and maintenance also varies.

  • Caring for closed terrariums practically required. The main thing - is to find a suitable container volume with sufficient air. Otherwise you'll have to open the lid and ventilate florarium.
  • Open terrariums require only spraying water 2-3 times a week. Single mandate - to avoid direct sunlight.
Care florariumom depends on its species

Care florariumom depends on its species

Create a home terrarium plants for very easy, and most importantly - fast. Thanks to him, your interior will be transformed easy on the eyes. Experiment and create, and then you create a work of art!

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