Shutters we used to see in old art-tales movies, when the narrator opens them to meet with the public. Modern homes are rarely equipped with shutters. Some believe that the shutters - is a thing of the past, and today they are completely exhausted.
However, this is not quite true. FirstlyEven classical wooden shutters can be used to impart a corresponding home surroundings. SecondlyToday shutters do not only wood materials, but also of metal - steel or aluminum, as well as polymeric compositions, light and durable. Tasks have surfaces designed to close the window opening, a wide variety of:
- protection against house breaking and entering;
- minimization of solar insolation;
- Canned home for a period of departure hosts;
- creating a decorative effect.
However, to choose the shutters, you must first understand their varieties, which are today a very large number.
How to choose a shutter
One of the main criteria of modern shutters - this is the material from which they are made:
- wooden. This is - a time-tested option is still attractive, despite the alternatives. If the mention of wooden shutters you remember the house in the Russian style, then you know that today is much broader range of wooden shutters. Shutters, blinds from wooden frames and horizontal slats, which are mounted at an angle and do not allow sunlight "sweep" the room will fall to the court, even in a modern house in the Mediterranean style.
- metal. These shutters are much heavier than other types, even if they are made of aluminum. They are, as a rule, lies not only decorative but also a protective function. Considerable weight of the structure requires a powerful fastening, buried directly in the wall. High metal plasticity allows to decorate the iron shutters elements of artistic forging, which gives them a special charm of a medieval castle.
- plastic. Despite the low durability, plastic shutters up considerable competition remaining. They do not bear protection facilities function, but they successfully cope with the darkened room, and malleable plastic can take almost any kind.
A special kind, is only possible in plastic - it is transparent shutters slats. They are practically invisible from the street either, nor from the inside, do not let no light, no fresh air, but at the right time to protect against loss of a small child window.
Another important parameter of choice - it is opening and closing the shutter system. All products can be divided into the following groups:
- swing. Shutters open inward or outward, depending on the location of the loop. Mounting such an option is the simplest - using conventional rotary hinges. The heavier the shutters, the stronger must be the loop.
- folding. The basis of the design - the rotation about the axis of the sash. Leaflets usually more than two. The mechanism is a bit like a door-accordion in old buses. Fortress of shutters is not large, but they look good, do not take up much space, and yet they can be expanded by half, thereby adjusting the penetration into the room luminous flux.
- shutters. By the time they came last. Aluminum, less steel rails are connected to a web which, being flexible, coiled above the window, tucked away in a box. The ends of the rails are hidden in the drawers on the sides of the window. When closed, the shutters lock fixed. This design became widespread in public places - on the doors and windows of stores, shops, kiosks. Owners of private homes attracts a compact lightweight design and modern design.
- sliding. The top and bottom of the windows are installed in special slide boxes. Shutters are inserted into them on rollers, and can ride on rails to its stops. Sliding system - the most compact and at the same time is quite durable.
Installation of shutters - step by step guide
For example, take the shutters as the most modern version. Installation takes place in three stages:
Step 1. Decide on the location of the main parts - with the rod boxes, which will be wound up painting the shutters. In a private home is more convenient to choose a surface mount duct outward.
Step 2. The box is fastened on the window on the screws with plugs. To the shaft is attached an upper end of the shutters.
Step 3. On the sides of the windows are bolted rails cassette. After everything is closed decorative overlays.
That's all on the basis of the above tips and tricks, you will be able to choose and self-install shutters on the windows.
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