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This article describes all the details of the process, during which the beds are high in the country with their own hands: photos and detailed description of the technology, types of structures, their functions and features, advantages and limitations. Specificity vertical products intended for the cultivation of strawberries, cucumbers and other crops, and recommendations for their production.
Tall garden greatly facilitates the care of the suburban areas
1 High beds in the country with their own hands: photo and design features
- 1.1 Features high beds: the pros and cons of structures
2 How to make a bed high in the country with their own hands: common technology
- 2.1 Production of high beds: photo and choice of material
- 2.2 Features high beds Igor Liadov: design beds, photos and settings
- 2.3 High bed with his hands: how to make a wooden structure
- 2.4 The filling made with his hands high in the bed of boards
3 Production of vertical beds with their own hands: Photo & Technology
- 3.1 Why create a vertical or buy a bed for strawberries
- 3.2 Making beds for strawberry pyramid with his hands: the size and technology
- 3.3 The technology of manufacturing vertical beds of strawberries for plastic pipes
- 3.4 Construction of vertical beds with their hands out of the building grid
- 3.5 Technology of manufacturing vertical beds for strawberries with their hands from the pots
- 3.6 Manufacturing technology and photo vertical beds of strawberries with their hands out of the tires
- 3.7 Making his arms high beds for strawberries from scrap materials
- 3.8 Recommendations for creating vertical beds for strawberries
- 3.9 Production of vertical beds for cucumbers own hands: photos of interesting structures
High beds in the country with their own hands: photo and design features
The construction of high beds opens up new possibilities for the cultivation of crops in the garden. Such an approach to landing at the site allows you to create interesting designs, effectively grow berries, fruits and vegetables. It becomes possible to get a great harvest from the area where the soil is not very fertile.
Raised beds - ideal for areas with marshy or dry soil
Warming high structures is much faster than conventional beds. The process of taking care of plants is simplified because a person does not have to bend down too low.
Note!As a filler, organic substances are used for high beds. Due to the fact that the roots of the plants are placed in a culture medium, culture grow faster and yield a rich harvest.
Features high beds: the pros and cons of structures
The construction of such structures is accompanied by minimal cost, so gardeners prefer to make high beds for strawberry and vegetable crops.
Raised beds require only double digging - during landing and during harvest
The advantages of raised structures:
- the presence of a crop does not depend on the quality and composition of the soil at the site. Due to the summer residents and gardeners can grow plants in areas with rocky cover or heavy clay soils;
- beds simplify the process of cultivation, do not require intensive care. It will take only two to dig the ground. For the first time in the spring, when there is a planting, the second time the procedure is done in the autumn after the harvest;
- It is not required for processing the ground to dig deeply enough to stir the soil via garden fork;
The enclosure for the high ridges of wooden beams
- Production of high beds the most simple, as well as the procedure for their removal. Placing designs can easily be changed, if you want to create a new design on the site;
- space inside the product is limited, so do not remove the weeds difficult;
- accelerated maturation of vegetables on high beds promote good drainage system, which is organized within the structure;
- soil at high beds protected from freezing, which often happens in spring when frosts return. During the early autumn frosts sufficient to cover the landing canvas or polythene, lest they perish;
- construction of high beds for strawberry lets save berries from the erosion of rains, which often destroy crops.
High beds with boards greatly simplify care for garden
Deficiencies in structures a bit. They consist in the need for enhanced mineral dressing and frequent watering. Also need to watch out for Medvedko. This pest likes to settle on high beds.
How to make a flower bed in the high country house with their hands: Common technology
The most popular among owners of summer cottages following types of beds:
- bulk gardens triangular shape;
- stacked structure;
- bulk beds trapezoidal shape;
- ornamental gardens.
Fencing is better to take the wood - the most affordable, easy to install and environmentally friendly material
Note! Everything for high beds are not costly required. Many gardeners use for these purposes the materials at hand. In most cases it is sufficient to create a high beds to buy boards and bricks, as well as a mixture, improves soil quality and drainage.
For the construction of high bulk garden triangular shape only need a shovel. The dimensions of the beds are selected based on what plants will be grown. The size of this calculation is taken root crops system. The maximum allowable height of transfer backyard is 0.3 m, width - about 0.7 m In the process of how the bed is filled with soil not need to seal the ground..
The ground for the high beds should be light, loose and "fluffy"
A similar scheme is used to create the beds of trapezoidal shape. The upper part of the bulk garden thus should not exceed 0.3 m in width. To hide the upper slopes, you can use the board. It allowed the use of mulch, which is a positive effect on soil condition.
For the manufacture of a multi-tiered strawberry beds to suit their own hands profiled pipe or fittings. Metal construction elements are fastened by welding or by bolting. On the basis of the carcass ready to put on the containers or boxes filled with soil.
Enclosures for high beds of galvanized metal
Production of high beds: photo and choice of material
Fences on high beds are needed in order to prevent the soil from the plant is inside the structure. Most often used for the construction of beams or boards. Also popular technology of manufacturing high beds of slate with his own hands.
Wood is a traditional material, which allows to create a practical and robust design high beds. Slate is also popular, but less environmentally friendly. In addition, it has one major drawback - the fragile structure. During the construction of the garden you may damage the material, if we neglect these instructions to him.
Reinforced slab of concrete can be used for arrangement of raised beds
The most durable and rugged ridges obtained from brick or stone. Large elements are connected by means of concrete mortar. Often used and the concrete itself, during which the form should be considered carefully, and dimensioning place garden accommodation, bed because in this case it will be fixed, and move it over time, not out. In the manufacture of structures from concrete, stone or brick it is important not to go too far to the thickness and width of the frame. The massive earth products will not be able to warm up quickly.
Vacationers enjoying the budgetary and other materials:
- empty bottles;
- old plastic boxes;
- ready designs in the form of fences made of plastic.
As fencing for high beds can be used metal profile
Note!The construction of high beds from plastic panels - the most amazing way to get a garden. The range of individual shops can be found even plastic slate.
Features high beds Igor Liadov: design beds, photos and settings
The basis of the beds Igor Liadov put technology invented in the late twentieth century by Jacob Mittlaydera. Americans worked to develop optimum designs for the cultivation of strawberries. From conventional beds, boxes, these products are characterized by their reduced width - just 45 cm. any material, but is most often used planks can be used for the manufacture of the boards.
Used as filler fertile soil and a layer of sawdust. On track between constructs led Mittlayder width of 0.9 m. In order to prevent the growth of weeds in the area spread agrovoloknom grower.
any material can be used for the manufacture of the boards of the raised vegetable garden, but most of the boards are used
Unlike American counterpart Igor Liadov offers not use mineral supplements, and organic matter. He was the author of several formulations which include such traditional fertilizer like bird droppings and manure, as well as herbs. Several different looks in the photo design beds. High Lyadova ridges have a width of 0.6-1 m.
Between structures remain passages width of 0.6-0.8 m. This zone can be covered with roofing felt, sand or sawdust tiles, make it easier to move along the landings and not think about the weeds. Space paths between the beds often is planted lawn grass. But in this case it is necessary periodically to mow down vegetation to look neat passes and did not go beyond its borders.
If the soil at the site is not very good quality beds for better use of the purchase soil
Note! Igor Liadov strictly designated accommodation beds. Landings should be located on the north side to the south. Only the required level of illumination will be provided by the sun because the plants.
High bed with his hands: how to make wooden structure
Technology envisages the construction of the beds, the width of which is 180 cm, length - 3 m, height - 40 cm. However, dimensional design parameters can be changed to reflect the area suburban area. In the first stage of construction is selected the optimum location for the garden. It is better if the selected zone will be illuminated during the day the sun for at least 5 hours. For this purpose, suitable even unfit for growing crops, for example, a wasteland.
Related article:
Beautiful beds in the country with their own hands: photo examples and unusual solutions
Recommendations for their creation. Tips for designing unusual landscape design at the site.
After that, developed design beds at their summer cottage, photo interesting accommodation options can be found online or in gardening magazines. Before the construction site cleared of debris, stones and roots of perennial weeds. Annual weeds can not be removed as the need for this procedure eliminated during the initial digging area.
Raised flower bed can be arranged in any part of the lawn
First prepared fences. This will require the cut material so as to obtain 4 boards of length 1.8 m and 4 boards 3 m long. In addition, it is necessary to prepare a wooden bars, each 40 cm high. At the ends of the boards intended for the carcass, it should make a cut at an angle of 45 °.
Before proceeding with the assembly of the carcass to be processed wood elements impregnated or antiseptic to stop the processes of rot and prevent the rapid deterioration of the material, which can be caused by exposure to moisture. On the outside of the board can be painted or varnished cover composition. In decorative purposes on the surface patterns can be applied. Waiting for the complete drying, you can begin to assemble the box. If the design of the beds, two level provides each of the tiers is sealed using the boards.
High bed must be in the sun for at least 5 hours a day
Useful advice!To protect the landing of moles and rodents are advised to arrive at the bottom of the net.
The filling made with his hands high in the bed of boards
Filling the high ridges in the following order:
- the first layer is laid drainage system for its organization uses tree bark, to be crushed, fallen leaves, twigs and wood shavings;
- the second layer is formed from fertilizer, for the organization of this layer manure fit well, it is better if it is decomposed;
- as a third layer of permeable material is used, it is performed similarly to the first layer;
- the basis for the fourth layer is organic, this layer can be supplemented with a complex mineral fertilizer use;
- the fifth layer is laid fertile land, soil composition depends on the plant to be cultivated on a bed, the minimum thickness of topsoil - 10 cm.
At high density planting a bed in two times higher than normal
Once the bed is filled, it should be abundantly watered, and let stand for 2-3 days so that all interlayers could settle. It is not recommended immediately start sowing or transplanting. Better withstand a bed for some time, that she had a good warm up. To do this, cover the design with the help of black material. Suitable polyethylene.
Useful advice! If the construction of the beds is carried out in late summer or autumn, the design should be left to the covered until spring.
Production of vertical beds with their own hands: Photo & Technology
The vertical arrangement of the beds used for growing spices and berries. The advantages of such structures are related to the decorative appearance, space-saving and protected crops from birds and various pests.
Warm beds high speed cultivation of plants as the soil warms up better and the seedlings can be planted earlier
Construction of vertical beds will be an excellent solution for planting crops that require a lot of space on the site. These designs are ideal for the cultivation of herbs, strawberries, flowers and strawberries. And the owners of suburban areas can not only build on their own, but also buy the vertical beds in finished form in one of the specialized shops.
Why create a vertical or buy a bed for strawberries
There are many design options of vertical beds, but their main advantage is the compact size. And this advantage products will be beneficial not only to the owners of small suburban areas, but also for people who want to grow herbs or berries in their balcony. Easy bed made of plastic bottles, is suitable for this purpose best.
High garden conveniently dig, weed, fertilize and harvest to gather with him
Vertically mounted beds do not require complex care. Landings are high enough to be able to comfortable conditions to carry out weeding or harvesting. You do not need to bend down low and suffer back pain. In this case, the plants and their roots are raised high above the ground, which did not reach small rodents and pests. The beds with a pyramidal structure or a cylinder does not allow the birds to land convenient to eat berries.
Prices for ready-made design:
product name | price, rub. |
The bed of Agrotextile | 150 |
The bed of plastic mesh | 490 |
Tube with holes | 1500 |
Tube with holes | 3200 |
vertical ladder | 4700 |
Making beds for strawberry pyramid with his hands: the size and technology
For work you need the following tools and materials:
- hacksaw or jigsaw;
- Eaves size of 40 × 20 × 5 cm (11 pcs.);
Vertical bed - perfect for a small infield
- screwdriver and set of screws;
- pencil and tape measure;
- seedlings and soil.
To set the stage 4 is used backboard. For the manufacture of the board can be cut to 2 m in length. The incisions are recommended at an acute angle, so that later it was convenient to connect the pieces.
Useful advice! To increase the rigidity in the central part of the pyramid should be put extra beds pillar performing a support function.
The vertical design saves space and is suitable for the cultivation of flowers, strawberries, herbs, vegetables
After that, the pair of boards 2 m long, having a corner cut along the edges, is placed on a horizontal plane and connected with each other. The base is mounted rail for the future organization of the beds and secured from both sides. Dimensions of this element - see 5h40h5. The resulting pyramid side to be set upright and attaching the second and third sides. They are manufactured in a similar manner.
When the skeleton of the pyramid is prepared with a tape length vymeryat strips intended for the manufacture of the beds. They should be placed in increments of 25-30 cm. To fix the rails need to cut off the ends at an angle of 30 °, so that the regiment was raised. Upon completion of construction of the assembly is filled with soil, which should be compacted. The products can be successfully used for the cultivation of vegetables, greens.
In strawberry shallow roots, so it is very easy to grow in pots
The technology of manufacturing vertical beds of strawberries for plastic pipes
This embodiment is excellent not only for the cultivation of strawberries, but also for the green.
List of necessary tools and materials:
- tube of plastic to length with a larger diameter;
- steel cable (can be replaced by a thick fishing line);
- Construction knife for cutting pipes.
Strawberries can be grown in plastic tubes intended for the arrangement of sewerage and drainage system
The major diameter of the tubes is necessary in order to cut in half pipe able to accommodate the desired number of the cultivating soil. An incision is made along the product. For fixing the beds in a vertical position on both sides of each of the halves of the openings should be made. Passed therethrough thick steel wire or monofilament. The halves are placed one above the other on the basis of the stairs. The amount of such halves levels may be unlimited.
Note!Since the construction is suspended, it may be shaken, it is recommended to install a bed in places protected from the wind.
Excellent vertical bed with original irrigation system obtained from conventional plastic pipes
Construction of vertical beds with their hands out of the building grid
Small gardens that are based on the construction grid, suitable for the cultivation of strawberries, flowers, vegetables or potatoes. To work required:
- construction wire mesh;
- the soil;
- straw;
- tools for cutting metal wire.
Vertical bed for cucumbers erected with the help of the grid
To create the beds need to bend a rectangular piece of mesh in the form of a pipe, the size of which the diameter is 0.9m. Using a wire segment or other devices need to edge seal the position. Straw is laid laterally inside the structure. Due to this the soil will not fall out. Space filled compost.
If you plan to grow potatoes, the first level of the plant must be located at a height of 50 cm from the ground. Between cultures should be left about 10 cm. Thereafter, the first layer is poured out, is placed over 50 cm of soil and planting of plants is performed. The bed in the form of a tower may be of any height. To give a bed a vertical attractive appearance black film may be used instead of straw.
The fruits were large need to defuse the strawberries, leaving up to 40 centimeters between rows
Technology of manufacturing vertical beds for strawberries with their hands from the pots
Flower pots can be successfully used for growing strawberries. Such designs have a decorative appearance. To work suitable clay or plastic products. The resulting layered structure is obtained. The number of levels is limited only by personal wishes. Pots are chosen so that each subsequent had a smaller diameter than the previous one. Desirably, the difference in size between each pair was approximately equal in pots.
The largest pot installed in the selected location, and filled with soil. Thereafter, it is put in a smaller pot and t. D. When the design is ready, the soil and planted the plants are watered.
Strawberries, grown in pots need to fertilize every two weeks
A further embodiment is performed based on the same diameter pots. Only one of them has to be large. It will be installed in the base of the structure. Inside a large pot should be placed a metal rod or wooden stick.
Note!rod size must be chosen such that its diameter is slightly less than the diameter of the hole located in the bottom of the pot.
Garden high the beds may look beautiful, comfortable and generously reward the harvest
Pot filled with soil. The remaining products are alternately strung on the rod through the hole at the bottom. The result is a multi-layered structure with pots that seemed to balance each other. They are filled with soil, which then are planted plants.
If the site has a high stump or pole, the pots can be mounted on it. In any case it is impossible to do this on a live tree. Products are fixed in the circumferential direction, in any order. Nice looks from the spiral. You can also use the technique of placing the pots in a checkerboard pattern. The only negative of the beds - uncomfortable irrigation system.
Manufacturing technology and photo vertical beds of strawberries with their hands out of the tires
The tower of tires manufactured in the same way as the design of the pots. For the construction of selected different diameter tires. This material has a significant drawback. Old tires are no different environmental friendliness. Therefore it is recommended to create such a bed for single use, and a year to build new ones from other tires.
If there are old tires, you can use them for a vertical growing strawberries
Before you begin, you need to prepare tires:
- thoroughly clean them from dirt and stones;
- dry;
- if necessary, to paint.
After that, the largest tire to be put to one side. On the other hand, is cut from the side of the hole for the disc. Ready element is filled with soil and planted with plants. Similarly, should be done with other tires and install them on one another so that the size of each of the following, was less than the previous size.
To make the tire more appealing, simply cover them with paint
Useful advice! Tires can beautifully decorate, as is usually done with flower beds made of this material. For these purposes, you can use bright colors, patterns, or perform fine incisions.
Making his arms high beds for strawberries from scrap materials
On a bed made out of the bag, the plants will look great. This design can be conveniently located on fences, walls gazebos, home, shed or any other fixed structures. To work need a bag made of plastic or natural fabric. Burlap in an operational sense, much better. It is environmentally friendly and, unlike plastic, suitable for multiple use. The fact that the man-made materials subject to rapid degradation by exposure to the sun.
Vertical ridges do not take up much space, and if you put the structure on wheels, allow it to move
On the other hand, sacking has good capacity to provide air access to the plants. To the bottom and side of the bag is not penetrated with time under the influence of gravity, it is recommended to stitch them several times. In the upper part of the product is a loop for hanging. On the one hand carried bag holes for planting the plants. After that, a flower bed can be filled with earth and to board.
Multilevel structures can be made of wood or plastic boxes of different sizes. They are stacked on one another, with a gradual decrease in the size parameters. This ladder of the drawers can be painted in bright colors and put around the tree or pole.
The original vertical bed of the old table
Useful advice!To create a bed, you can use an old dresser, pulling ahead of his boxes and filled them with earth. For this purpose, suitable, and other unnecessary furniture.
Recommendations for creating vertical beds for strawberries
Before proceeding to the manufacture of garden it is useful to take into account some tips for the optimal building designs:
- if the bed has a high resolution, the assembly should be implemented directly on the installation site, otherwise you may have problems with transportation, in the course of which can damage the product;
Strawberries are grown in a barrel according to the method of vertical beds
- Decorative garden with berries must be placed strictly in the sun. If the vertical bed is used for the cultivation of greenery, its structure can be placed near the kitchen;
- soil for filling the beds should be prepared in advance. For berries suitable sandy loam soil with a mixture of peat moss, fertilizer and hydrogel. Remade as compost optimal recharge;
- in advance you need to consider a system that will protect the beds from frost in winter. Will the construction of shelter or entered into the room;
- the garden is recommended to have close to a water source, the better to carry out regular watering plants.
Excellent compact vertical beds from old pallets and burlap
Note!Construction of vertical beds for cucumbers also welcomed by many vacationers. Most of the designs are made by analogy with products for strawberries. Because cucumbers are classified as curly crop, a bed should be supplemented with supports, for which will cling plants.
Production of vertical beds for cucumbers own hands: photos of interesting structures
Vertical bed for cucumbers can be presented by various embodiments of designs. Most often, for the cultivation of these crops are used bags or items made of plastic. Surface to secure the beds can serve as building walls, nets or boards, as well as various partitions. Vertical bed of cucumbers for their own hands, you can equip the inside of the plastic pipe. Such a product is closed at one end and hung vertically on the crossbar.
High beds accelerate ripening, thereby increasing productivity
The grid, made of plastic, is considered to be the simplest option for the organization of the decorative garden of cucumbers. The product is positioned vertically and plants as they grow up the grid. A similar version of the beds can be purchased ready-made or make yourself. This will require a thick fishing line and direct the branches of trees that will serve as supports. They are arranged in a circle at regular intervals at the top and are connected at one point so as to obtain a kind of semblance of shelter.
With thick fishing line you need to go around the circumference, forming the basis for the vertical fixing of the plants as they grow. If you intend to build a bed in the form of a network for cucumbers, it is strictly forbidden to use metal products for these purposes. Similar designs are cool on hot summer days, and injure the plant, leaving them burns. Safest option for growing cucumbers are bags or canvas bags.
High wood construction is considered the most convenient one for the cultivation of cucumbers
For the construction of vertical structures permitted to use unusual materials, such as pallets, old furniture, tree stumps, and so empty. N. An unusual approach to the decor will create on the territory of the garden is not easy, and beautiful decorative composition that optimally fit into the space of the suburban area.