Rating refrigerators: a review of the best models and tips for choosing the

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Refrigerator used for food storage, is an indispensable part of any kitchen. If you choose this device a number of factors must be considered: Specifications, design, cost, and so forth. This article will discuss the main criteria that need to pay attention to the purchase of this unit, as well as the rating of refrigerators, depending on various characteristics.

Rating refrigerators: a review of the best models and tips for choosing the

Before the purchase the refrigerator you need to carefully examine its characteristics


  • 1 Which fridge to buy: Dimensions of the device
    • 1.1 Which is better to buy a refrigerator: the volume of devices
    • 1.2 The location and volume of the freezer and defrost system
    • 1.3 What the fridge is better to choose: additional functions
  • 2 What is the climate of the refrigerator class
  • 3 Rating the cheapest refrigerators: Models and Specifications
    • 3.1 LG GA-B379 SVCA
    • 3.2 BEKO CN 327120
    • 3.3 ATLANT XM 6025-031
  • 4 Ranking of the best price-quality refrigerators
    • 4.1 LG GA-B489 YEQZ
    • 4.2 BOSCH KGN39SB10
    • 4.3 LIEBHERR CNEF 3915
  • 5 Rating refrigerators for quality and reliability
  • 6 Rating Kitchen built-in refrigerators
    • 6.1 Built-In Refrigerator LG GR-N309 LLB
    • 6.2 Built-In Refrigerator Atlant XM 4307-000
    • 6.3 Built-In Refrigerator GORENGE RKI 5181 KW
  • 7 Rating refrigerators side by side: the model and specifications
    • 7.1 SAMSUNG RS-552 NRUASL
    • 7.2 LIEBHERR SBS 7212
  • 8 Rating the quietest coolers for home
  • 9 Tips for choosing a refrigerator from experts

Which fridge to buy: Dimensions of the device

Before buying a reliable refrigeration device, you must first define its dimensions. It's wise to spend metering places where the unit will be. This will avoid mistakes when buying art.

Depending on the size, volume of the refrigerator can be from 50 to 800 l

Depending on the size, volume of the refrigerator can be from 50 to 800 l

Models which differ large size, are not the best one for small kitchens. In turn, small appliances do not always meet the needs of tenants, as it has a very small volume. In order to answer the question as to which brand is better to choose a refrigerator, consider the desired volume of the device and its dimensions.

All modern refrigerators are divided into three types, depending on their size:

  • small;
  • standard;
  • two-door (side buy side).

The height of the small patterns range from 100 to 150 cm. The most suitable operating conditions for such devices - installation in the country or in the office. Also, compact models often buy for rented apartments and hotel rooms.

Helpful information! Optionally purchase smaller-sized cooling chamber (50 to 100 cm). Such devices are often directed to perform a single function, for example, they can store drinks.

Brand Smeg fridges have a modern design

Brand Smeg fridges have a modern design

Standard devices are the most common and are very popular with customers. They are ideal for installation in the kitchen in an apartment or in a private home. The height of this technique ranges from 170 to 185 cm. Their width is typically 60 cm. Such a device - the best refrigerator for a family of 2-4 people.

Devices side by side have a high capacity. This is achieved by increasing the size refrigerator wide. Freezer in this case located laterally. The height of these units ranges from 170 to 220 cm. The minimum width of two-door display apparatus is 60 cm, and the maximum - 90 cm.

Which is better to buy a refrigerator: the volume of devices

Before purchasing a refrigerator, after determining the required dimensions, it is recommended to calculate the required volume of the device. This indicator has a direct impact on the capacity of the device. And it is important to remember that the total amount of which is indicated in the specifications, often does not coincide with the useful capacity of the refrigerator compartment. This is due to the fact that the interior of the unit is occupied by different shelves and containers that take up much space.

Two-door refrigerator side by side is perfect for a spacious kitchen

two-door side by side refrigerator perfect for a spacious kitchen

volume calculation allows you to answer the question of what is best to buy a refrigerator. Reviews of the different brands, their spaciousness and quality can be found in the relevant forums on the Internet. For the calculation of the volume is taken into account the following parameters: 120 liters for 1 person, then to the original figure, you must add 60 liters for each additional family member.

Thus, for a person who lives alone is sufficient refrigerator having a volume of 120 l. If the number of occupants is 2 people, then the figure is increased to 180 l and t. D. Experts suggest adding to a desired amount of another 60 liters. Consider the variety of devices on this indicator.

For small-sized devices include refrigerators volume of 50 liters, the height of which is approximately 80-90 cm. During operation, these devices emit a lot of noise, as well as their often need to be thawed. Such a device is not suitable for installation in an apartment.

Standard models of refrigerators to be installed in the apartment have a volume of 380 liters. Devices such spaciousness are quite common in the ranking of the best refrigerators. We should also say that they include two cameras, refrigerating and freezing.

The smallest models of refrigerators can be used in studio apartments or hotels

The smallest models of refrigerators can be used in studio apartments or hotels

Helpful information! Displacement freezers in standard models ranges from 50 to 160 liters. As a rule, it is enough to meet the needs of small or average family.

Overall structure of refrigerators have a volume of 400 l and consist of three chambers. In some cases, equipped with drawers at the bottom. Devices with such volume may differ in its technical characteristics.

Models of two-door structures (side buy side) have a capacity of 500-800 liters. Due to their size are often equipped with additional functions. The cost of such refrigerators on the order above conventional devices.

The location and volume of the freezer and defrost system

Not only the volume of the freezer is a decisive factor in the selection. Their location is also reflected in the spaciousness. For example, the reservoirs in the lower portion of the refrigerator, often exceed this indicator cameras that are on top.

Most often the freezer is at the bottom of the refrigerator

Most often the freezer is at the bottom of the refrigerator

Thinking about what brand is better to buy a refrigerator, it is recommended to take into account the location of these compartments. The maximum volume of the lower chamber is 300 liters, and upper - total 200 liters. Some cameras are not full capacity, because they include a plurality of retractable elements. This solution allows you to store separate frozen foods of different types (for example, fish and vegetables).

In the two-door refrigerating devices freezers arranged on the side. Because of this it is not necessary to lean or reach for food. The list freezers such reservoirs certainly are in the first place. Displacement devices included in the two-door structure may be up to 800 liters.

Another important criterion for choosing a refrigeration unit - defrosting system. Depending on this feature modern home appliances market offers three types of devices:

  • drip;
  • No Frost;
  • Full no Frost.
Partially embedded in the furniture refrigerator in modern kitchen interior

Partially embedded in the furniture refrigerator in modern kitchen interior

The first type of defrosting is the most common. Devices with such a system are not the most reliable refrigerators. Trickle defrost system contributes to the accumulation of frost on the freezing compartment rear wall. To eliminate it is necessary to periodically stop the compressor and release the refrigerator products.

Note! When buying embeddable refrigerator, range of defrosting system plays a crucial role. The drip type in this case may cause leakage, which spoil the kitchen furniture. Therefore, experts recommend to choose a device with No Frost system.

Defrost System No Frost is more technologically advanced as it excludes deposition of frost on the inside walls. Chill in this case is distributed uniformly throughout the chamber. Full no Frost is a variation of the previous system. Its main feature - separate defrosting of the evaporator.

Current models are equipped with a refrigerator Fresh Zone - a compartment for storage of fruits and vegetables

Current models are equipped with a refrigerator Fresh Zone - a compartment for storage of fruits and vegetables

What the fridge is better to choose: additional functions

Many modern refrigerators are equipped with various additional features. When a device is recommended to pay attention to this point, since there is a possibility to pay for a completely unnecessary features. On the contrary, some properties can be very useful. Consider what additional features can have modern refrigeration apparatus.

super cooling. This feature allows to perform cooling to a temperature of food products and 2 ° C in a few minutes. It is very useful in the summer. Rapid cooling drinks makes it easier to transfer heat.

super freeze. Using this function helps to freeze fruits and vegetables, as well as semi-finished products without losing taste. The temperature in the freezer during operation of this mode is lowered to -24 ° C.

The presence of additional functions affects the value of the unit

The presence of additional functions affects the value of the unit

"Vacation" mode. The devices, which include its functionality, this mode often occur in various rankings of reliability. Refrigerator, able to control their own work during the absence of hosts - the perfect solution. The use of such a device makes it possible to save resources spent on frozen products.

electronic control. Today we can meet the design, equipped with standard thermostats, and models with electronic control systems. Experts advise to pay attention to the latter. Electronic control enables more precise temperature setting.

antibacterial protection. There are two options, allowing the refrigerator to secure internal chamber from microbes: special protective layer or the silver ion generator. The second method is more efficient and reliable.

Using an electronic control panel can adjust the temperature of the storage chambers and frozen to the degree

Using an electronic control panel can adjust the temperature of the storage chambers and frozen to the degree

What is the climate of the refrigerator class

Climate class - a measure that determines the temperature range in which can operate appliances. Weather in some regions can vary greatly depending on the time of year. To the refrigerator is not broken by temperature changes, it is necessary to choose the right unit category. Consider what climate classes exist.

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Normal (N). A technique that relates to this category of climate may be operated at a temperature of from 16 to 32 ° C. Given the weather especially in Russia, it is the most popular. And also need to mention the high energy efficiency of refrigerators belonging to category N.

In the southern part of the country the installation of such units is recommended only if the kitchen have air conditioning. In winter heating in an apartment should maintain a temperature above 16 ° C. Otherwise refrigerator simply turns on. Most buy a device that belongs to a class of N, are units of LG companies.

Climatic class indicates the thermal conditions valid for the machine

Climatic class indicates the thermal conditions valid for the machine

Prior to the acquisition of a unit it is recommended to study the reviews about it on the profile display. Selection of the refrigerator in this case is much simplified.

Subnormal (SN). To this climatic class include the technique that is functional in the range of from 10 to 32 ° C. Refrigerators of this type is most often installed in plohootaplivaemyh areas (basements, balconies, etc.). The most popular brands, producing class SN device are Liebherr, Bosch, and Samsung.

Subtropical (ST). Refrigerators with such a class are designed for operation at elevated temperatures. They are ideal for use in the southern regions. Can operate in the range of from 18 to 38 ° C. It should also be noted that such devices are well tolerated in high humidity. The most high-quality equipment, belonging to the class ST, manufactured by Samsung.

Tropical (T). This category refers to a technique that is used in a very hot climate regions and almost never used in Russia. Comfortable temperature for refrigerators of this type ranges from 18 to 43 ° C. Class T units are manufactured by different companies, but the highest quality are the refrigerators from Whirlpool and Samsung.

Popular with manufacturers of refrigerators climatic class are mixed and Indesit Liebherr

Popular with manufacturers of refrigerators climatic class are mixed and Indesit Liebherr

Helpful information! If desired, the refrigerator can be purchased mixed class (e.g., N-ST). This technique is capable of operating over a wider temperature range, which is undoubtedly a great advantage.

What brand to choose a refrigerator with a wide range of temperatures? Characteristics of devices that belong to a mixed type, are achieved by a double shell plating. Experts recommend to pay attention to two popular brand producing multiclass appliances - Indesit and Liebherr.

Rating the cheapest refrigerators: Models and Specifications

Fiscal equipment is always in high demand, as it allows you to save money when buying. However, it is important to remember that some of the devices in this price range are not the most effective and of high quality. Today in the ranking of the best refrigerators that have cost up to 3000 rubles., Includes brands discussed below.

The cost of refrigerators with the function No Frost higher than the devices with drip system ramorazhivaniya

The cost of refrigerators with the function No Frost higher than the devices with drip system ramorazhivaniya


The unit of the South Korean company. This model allows us to answer the question about what brand of refrigerators among the most reliable low cost devices.

It has good technical equipment that meets modern criteria of selection. This model is equipped with the system No Frost Defrosting. Another advantage of the refrigerator - exact setting temperature in the chambers, which is due to the electronic management.

This model is rightly ranked first in the list of the best brands of refrigerators to 30 thousand. rub. Such a device has the vast majority of positive feedback on the forums technology for the home. We should also say that the refrigerator has a contemporary design and a convenient location with cameras and shelves. cost of the device is about 29 thousand. rub.

Refrigerator LG GA-B379 SVCA equipped with defrost system No Frost

Refrigerator LG GA-B379 SVCA equipped with defrost system No Frost

BEKO CN 327120

If you are wondering about what kind of company to buy a refrigerator to save finances, then this model is the best option. Cost of the device from the Turkish Beko brand is 19,000 rubles.

The unit has good capacity (265 liters). Such a device is suitable for a family that consists of 3 people. During operation, this model saves energy, as evidenced by labeled A +. Another advantage of such a device - the modern system of defrosting No Frost. In sum, all of these characteristics determine the high popularity of this model in the market of household appliances.

With regard to the climate class, such unit relates to a mixed type, and may operate in a temperature range of from 10 to 43 ° C. It is also worth mentioning that this model is equipped with an antibacterial coating, which prevents the formation of mold and unpleasant odors.

The disadvantages of this series of marks may include projecting Beco grating disposed on the back wall of the structure. Questions can also cause quite mediocre quality of the plastic housing.

Among the Beko range can be selected as a budget option, and the more expensive model

Among the Beko range can be selected as a budget option, and the more expensive model

ATLANT XM 6025-031

This model has the best record among the spaciousness of cheap devices. Atlant refrigerators produced the Belarusian company. The device of this series is ranked third in the top of a refrigerator having a democratic cost.

Note! When buying inexpensive refrigerator must take into account the quality of its assembly and manufacturing materials.

Such refrigerator has a high-tech stuffing, but is quite reliable. The temperature regime is controlled by electromechanical controls. Defrost the freezer compartment is done manually, which is not very convenient.

However, due to its spaciousness and the budgetary cost of such units have gained popularity among customers. The volume of the ATLANT refrigerators of this series is 384 liters, which is 1.5 times higher than competing brands. This model is very common in the ranking of Atlant refrigerators.

Refrigerator ATLANT XM 6025-031 has a volume of inner chamber 384 l

Refrigerator ATLANT XM 6025-031 has a volume of inner chamber 384 l

Despite the fact that this device does not have a modern system No Frost defrost, the procedure can be carried out separately for different cameras. This is achieved by having two compressors. Freezer such unit is able to freeze up to 15 kg of food per day. Thus this device is strong and capacious. Its cost is 24 thousand. rub.

Ranking of the best price-quality refrigerators

More expensive models of refrigeration devices are different from the cheapest is not only size, capacity and design, but also technical equipment. They have a more modern and functional are made of durable wear-resistant materials. Consider refrigerators rating in quality corresponding to the declared value.


The list includes many brands of refrigerator products, but technology from South Korean LG brand is the most popular and common nowadays. The best model in terms of value for money.

Refrigerator LG GA-B489 YEQZ has integrated additional functions, such as protection of children, "vacation" and modern defrosting system

Refrigerator LG GA-B489 YEQZ has integrated additional functions, such as protection of children, "vacation" and modern defrosting system

Such a device is classified as dual chamber and has a low energy consumption ratio (A ++). Operational life of this model is 10 years old. The volume of the inner chambers of the unit is able to meet the need of families 4-5 (360 liters).

This model includes a modern defrost system No Frost. Among the additional features of this device is worth noting the following: display with temperature indicator, child lock mode and "holiday".

Moreover, the refrigerator has a presentable appearance and convenient location of internal elements, shelves and containers. The main disadvantage of the unit - high noise. The cost of this model is about 47 thousand. rub.


Household appliances produced by this German company are of high quality and covers a fairly extensive segment of the market. Such a model has a presentable appearance. The unit is characterized by a non-standard design and original colors.

Refrigerator BOSCH KGN39SB10 different high functionality and reliability

Refrigerator BOSCH KGN39SB10 different high functionality and reliability

We should also say that the refrigerator from the company Bosch has a few extra features. Among them: superzamorozka, Supercooling and the presence of a temperature indicator.

defrost system in this device operates on the principle No Frost. This device can operate in standalone mode, which is a very useful property. The cost of such a model fully meets its specifications and is about 68 thousand. rub.


Model of the popular German brand, which is famous for the quality of its products. The advantages of this machine include very low power consumption (class A ++), high capacity cells and long service life.

Helpful information! The total volume in the inner chambers of the model is 340 liters.

brand model LIEBHERR CNEF 3915 is an economical power consumption class A ++

brand model LIEBHERR CNEF 3915 is an economical power consumption class A ++

Refrigerator this series during operation does not produce a lot of noise, which is also a major plus. Presentable design and simple parameter control also apply to benefits LIEBHERR refrigerator. Feedback on this unit can be viewed on the relevant forums.

The main disadvantage of this model is considered to be a mixed system of defrosting. So, in the freezer, this process made by No Frost technology, and in the cold - drop by. The cost of such a unit is about 45 thousand. rub.

Rating refrigerators for quality and reliability

Many people wonder what refrigerators are the most high-quality and reliable. After examining the review of the most well-known manufacturers and popular brands in the world can make a comparative analysis and draw conclusions. For example, a company to choose a refrigerator that he served for a long time without a break?

Different manufacturers offer different warranty periods for their products - from 3 to 10 years

Different manufacturers offer different warranty periods for their products - from 3 to 10 years

Modern household type refrigerators can be characterized as a sealed chamber, which is provided with reliable heat insulating housing. When selecting these devices need to be very careful. Consider what units are included in the reliability rating of refrigerators.

SAMSUNG RL-59 GYBIN. This model is equipped with a two-chamber system and No Frost and "fresh" zone. Its volume is 374 liters, and power saving class - A +.

Note! The device of this series may be interested buyers for its distinctive design and extraordinary shelf-transformer.

INDESIT BIA 16. Another refrigerator, whose volume is 278 liters. In addition, it has good energy saving property. Characterized by low noise and dropping defrosting system.

Atlant XM 4214-000. Is a very compact two-chamber model, which is ideal for the small size of the kitchen. Such a refrigerator is quiet and has a dropping defrosting.

Refrigerator ATLANT XM 4214-000 equipped with several shelves for convenient storage of various types of products

Refrigerator ATLANT XM 4214-000 equipped with several shelves for convenient storage of various types of products

POZIS RK-102. Characterized class A + and total energy consumption of 285 l. Warranty period from the manufacturer - 5 years. The developers of this model point out its high reliability.

The reliability of the refrigeration units of data of producers proved by time. Seen online profile will also help to answer the question about what kind of refrigerator is better in quality. Reviews real buyers often contribute to the selection of the device.

Rating Kitchen built-in refrigerators

We should also consider the built-in refrigerators for the kitchen. Devices that can be integrated in the headset, characterized by two criteria from conventional units: design and installation option. In order to answer the question of which company is best refrigerator of this type, it is necessary to consider the properties of these models in more detail.

Models built in refrigerators sheathed pictures similar kitchen units facade

Models built in refrigerators sheathed pictures similar kitchen units facade

In embedded devices there is no external housing. Typically, the integrated design of the unit corresponds to the overall style of cuisine. As well as the model of this type emit less noise during operation, as established in a special cabinet. He serves as a sound dampening case.

Refrigerators are installed in a particular pre-select, place. Changing the original position of the device - a problematic task. In the ranking of manufacturers of refrigerators of this type there are three brand:

  • LG;
  • Atlant;

Each of these brands produces a huge variety of models both conventional and embedded units. Refrigerators firms represented in the rankings, are distinguished by their high quality and superior performance.

Built-in refrigerator generates less noise during operation

Built-in refrigerator generates less noise during operation

Built-In Refrigerator LG GR-N309 LLB

Without a doubt, the best manufacturer of refrigerators is a South Korean company LG. The device of the series on the right is headed many ratings embedded models. This unit has a relatively high cost, however, it is fully consistent quality and reliability. Buy this model can be for 58 thousand. rub.

Defrosting system in this refrigerator is produced by No Frost technology. device management, which refers to the series, produced electronically. Purchase a two-door refrigerator LG this model - a perfect solution not only in terms of functionality, but also with respect to design. Dimensions of the unit is fully suitable for integration into the kitchen furniture.

Note! Also worth noting is that this refrigerator has a high freezing capacity. This model includes a few extra features such as: superzamorozka and Supercooling.

The unit of the brand makes a little noise during operation, it also offers the convenience of internal arrangement of elements. Among the few drawbacks of such a device can be noted only a fairly high cost.

An embedded refrigerator LG GR-N309 LLB is equipped with Defrost No Frost

An embedded refrigerator LG GR-N309 LLB is equipped with Defrost No Frost

Built-In Refrigerator Atlant XM 4307-000

When it comes to domestic brands, the answer to the question of what brand of refrigerator is better and more reliable, easier to find everything. Apparatus from the company Atlanta is the most suitable one in this case. The main advantage of the embedded unit - affordable price. Refrigerator of this type can be purchased for 24 thousand. rub. It has a very comfortable latching elements that contribute to the installation of the device.

XM 4307-000 includes a freezing chamber which is located below. Defrosting tank in this case is made by hand. This dual-chamber unit is regulated by a mechanical control. The total volume of the inner space is 248 liters. Thus, this device is perfect for a small family (no more than 2-3 people).

The service life of this machine is about 10 years when used correctly, which also contributes to the high position in the ranking of the best built-in refrigerators. Also worth noting is that the ATLANT XM 4307-000 presentable different design and made of high quality resin material.

Refrigerator Atlant XM 4307-000, built-in kitchen

Refrigerator Atlant XM 4307-000, built-in kitchen

Built-In Refrigerator GORENGE RKI 5181 KW

Integrated devices have traditionally distinguished by its compactness. Refrigerators are available on the company GORENJE in Slovenia and, despite its small size, have the best capacity among embedded devices. The internal volume of the model is 282 liters. This figure is enough to meet the needs of the family consisting of 3-4 people.

Helpful information! Devices of this type have electronic controls and some useful additional features. Of them can be identified and superzamorozku Supercooling.

Also, this model is a power-saving built-in refrigerators. Reviews of this device mainly positive. The shelves that are provided by the design of the unit are made of heavy-duty glass.

As for the defrost system, it is done by dropping technology. This is a minor drawback of this device. Otherwise such an integrated refrigerator is an excellent one for installation in a kitchen headset. Its cost is 47 thousand. rub.

Displacement embeddable refrigerator GORENGE RKI 5181 KW is 282 l

volume embedded refrigerator GORENGE RKI 5181 KW is 282 l

Rating refrigerators side by side: the model and specifications

Models that belong to the category of bilateral, are relatively new in the domestic market of home appliances. However, they have already gained great popularity among customers. The distinctive feature of these devices is a non-standard location freezer (side view).

Spaciousness bilateral units ranges from 500 to 800 liters. Such indicators affect their function. Most often, these devices are purchased for large families.

Optionally buy recessed refrigerator side by side, for which you want to prepare a marker in a kitchen cabinet headset. Very popular are various models of refrigerators side by side LG. Units from this manufacturer have a fairly high cost, but they all have a high build quality and long service life.

Refrigerators side by side are different capacious volume of the freezing and refrigerating compartment

Refrigerators side by side are different capacious volume of the freezing and refrigerating compartment

The main drawback of such devices is their high cost. Consider the most popular members of this group.


The main advantage of this roomy two-way device is its affordable price. The price of this unit is about 75 thousand. rub. Refrigerator in this series, the South Korean manufacturer has a volume of 538 liters.

Additional features that are installed on this unit allow you to superzamorozku products in the freezer compartment. It is also worth noting that, if necessary, it can operate in "vacation" mode.

Refrigerator side buy side SAMSUNG this series is defrosted by means of modern No Frost technology. Another advantage of this device is the low energy consumption level.

Power freezing refrigerator SAMSUNG RS-552 NRUASL is 12 kg of food for 24 hours

Power freezing refrigerator SAMSUNG RS-552 NRUASL is 12 kg of food for 24 hours

Among the few drawbacks, many users have reported insufficient freezing capacity, which is 12 kg / day. The rest of the two-door refrigerator SAMSUNG is one of the best units, belonging to this class.


Reversible refrigerator from German brand which has excellent capacity (651 liters) and capacity. This device provides separate defrosting system. Defrosting the freezer compartment is made of No Frost technology, and from the cold - drop by.

The price of two-door refrigerators of this series is about 115 thousand. rub. It is able to freeze about 20 kg of food per day. Also, the device includes various additional functions, among which the supercooling mode.

Two-door refrigerator LIEBHERR SBS 7212 has a chamber for storing product, totaling 651 l

Two-door refrigerator LIEBHERR SBS 7212 has a chamber for storing product, totaling 651 l

Rating the quietest coolers for home

noise figure, which publishes the refrigerator during operation, is one of the defining criteria for its acquisition. Before you buy such equipment, be sure to check out how it functions.

Note! noise figure depends not only on the product model and build quality. A big role in this case plays the extent exactly he stands, as well as the correct placement of dishes and products within the chambers.

Consider rated refrigerators in 2018, which are the most silent.

BOSCH KGS39XW20. Unit from the German company, wherein high quality of assembly and reliability. The apparatus is relatively soft (less than 40 dB). The price of this model is about 40 thousand. rub.

BOSCH company's refrigerators deservedly recognized as the most silent operating units

BOSCH company's refrigerators deservedly recognized as the most silent operating units

ATLANT XM 6024-031. The design of such a device includes the compressor 2, which contributes to noiseless operation. In addition, this model has good capacity and stylish design. Noise figure in this case, as in the preceding, is only 40 dB. The price of such a device - 21 thousand. rub.

LG GA-B489 YVQZ. Such unit is equipped with a compressor, which relates to linear species. The maximum noise level of the device is 40 dB. Appliances from LG, mostly headed tops best refrigerators in 2018. Rate this model is very high, and it costs about 40 thousand. rub.

SAMSUNG RL-59 GYBMG. An apparatus including in its structure 1 of the compressor. The noise level during its operation is only 38 dB. Therefore, this model is considered as one of the most quiet. Cost Samsung RL-59 GYBMG is about 21 thousand. rub.

LIEBHERR CT 3306. Refrigerator from the popular German brand, which is in great demand among buyers of household appliances. Besides quiet operation (40 dB), this device also has a high assembly quality and long operational life. The price of the unit in this series is 24 thousand. rub.

Noise during operation of the refrigerator LIEBHERR CT 3306 does not exceed 40 dB

Noise during operation of the refrigerator LIEBHERR CT 3306 does not exceed 40 dB

On the Internet there are a lot of platforms, designed to express an opinion with regards to the quality of a product. The study estimates that give buyers technology, will help answer the question of what to buy a refrigerator. Forum reviews can be found on the Internet easily.

Tips for choosing a refrigerator from experts

Experts recommend to be guided in the selection of the device for a few fundamental factors. The first step is to choose the best for a particular food place where the refrigerator will be located. This is done according to the safety guidelines and recommendations, the proposed instructions to the selected model.

Also, it should not become an obstacle to the movement or a hindrance in the kitchen. It is therefore necessary to determine the dimensions of the model according to the area and invested in a specific type of kitchen facilities.

Modern refrigerators design allows the device to fit any kitchen

Modern refrigerators design allows the device to fit any kitchen

As for devices and equipment of the refrigerator, the experts recommend to pay attention to the units that are equipped with glass shelves. This is due to the fact that the glass is stronger and more durable than plastic, but also easier to clean. Besides it being transparent, for easy overview of the contents of the upper shelves of the unit. Knowing the answer to the question about what kind of refrigerator the most reliable, is not difficult to choose the right model.

Helpful information! When purchasing be sure to pay attention to verifying the quality of the seals refrigerators must be opened and closed without any extra effort. This indicates a good elasticity of the gasket.

Currently, the best models are equipped with No Frost, which allows you to make care easier fridge.

Which company is best refrigerators? To date, there are several companies producing high quality devices (Bosch, LG, Liebherr). If this factor is decisive for you, then it is recommended to choose from these brands.

Compact refrigerator without a freezer compartment

Compact refrigerator without a freezer compartment

When choosing a particular model is recommended to perform its inspection. It is able to recognize the poor quality of plastic from which the cooler parts can be made. It is worth to remember that the low-grade material is characterized by a sharp unpleasant odor. In this case it is better to pay attention to another machine.

If it is assumed that the use of the refrigerator will not be more than 5 people, then give preference to units with capacity not exceeding 300 liters. Your goal will be to give one-compartment model. For an apartment or private home is better to choose a model with two or three compartments. If you have a small kitchen, you save space on the device to help her with the handle, recessed in the housing.

Look closely at the narrow model designed to save space in the room for other items. The level of noise of the refrigerator, on the recommendations, should not exceed 40 dB. Also worth noting is that the options on wheels will be more practical to use than devices on the legs.

Manufacturers tend to produce a line of refrigerators same model in different colors

Manufacturers tend to produce a line of refrigerators same model in different colors

Experts also recommend that before buying a particular product, visit specialized forums, where you can explore the amateur reviews. Refrigerators, which are predominantly positive marks, - great for acquisition. you can take advantage of expert advice in case of need, which will help you choose a reliable and durable model.

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