Topping for concrete floor reinforcement and impregnation for protection

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The concrete floor is the most popular option in the regeneration of residential and industrial buildings. Over time, the material loses its strength under the influence of regular exercise. On the surface deformation formed cracks and cavities. To protect the base from damage and prolong its period of operation is used for impregnation or topping concrete floor. On peculiarities, varieties and methods of applying the compositions can be found in the article.

Topping for concrete floor reinforcement and impregnation to protect surfaces

Increase the strength of the coating and make it invulnerable to hostile external factors will allow topping concrete floor


  • 1 What are the concrete floors with strengthened top layer
  • 2 Varieties of impregnation for concrete floors
  • 3 Characteristics of polymer impregnation for concrete floors
  • 4 Technology for application of impregnating concrete base
  • 5 Topping: it is a modern way to strengthen the concrete base
  • 6 Distinctive advantages of topping for concrete
  • 7 The use of sex toppingovogo
    • 7.1 Topping concrete floor: variety of reinforcers
  • 8 Technology applied to the topping floors
  • 9 Features everything topping on concrete floors
  • 10 How to make a concrete floor with hardener: the dry method of applying a composition

What are the concrete floors with strengthened top layer

Concrete floor screed is widely used in various objects. This is due to the high technical and performance characteristics covering which is characterized by simple installation technology, reliability, durability and cost affordable. However, the floor is constantly experiencing various loads, contributing to the destruction of concrete. Its structure penetrates not only the moisture, but also chemicals that leached coating.

Topping called special mixture which has reinforcing properties

Topping called special mixture which has reinforcing properties

To increase the strength of the floor and extend its use, there are special means as impregnation and toppings. These reinforcements penetrate the porous structure of concrete, blocking the pores. This protection improves endurance and wear-resistant coatings, which can carry more intense impact and load. At the same time ensured by sealing the concrete floor, allowing the moisture and chemicals can not penetrate into its thickness.

The gradual destruction of the concrete coating accompanied by the formation of small particles. Hardener promotes reliable dedusted surface. Salt in its structure are interconnected, sealing the path of formation and removal of dust. dedusting surface gives it a hygienic properties, which is especially important for children and medical institutions.

Concrete floors with hardened upper layer which is formed by impregnating or topping, have an aesthetic appearance. This is achieved by a flat and smooth surface, which can be toned in any color. You can use a concrete floor in a private house, the production shop or public place.

Important! In order to ensure the protection of concrete floors using impregnation and toppings, it is important to strictly adhere to the technology of applying hardener to the surface.

Topping penetrates the concrete and freezes in this state

Topping penetrates the concrete and freezes in this state

Varieties of impregnation for concrete floors

Impregnation of the concrete base is a liquid composition which is an organic or inorganic base. Mostly used the last option. Such mineral impregnation contain potassium and sodium compounds which penetrate deeply into the concrete structure, causing the upper layer of its chemical reaction. This contributes to the neutralization of free components to establish additional crystalline glassy insoluble bonds that provides hardening of the surface.

Modern mineral impregnation concrete floors for dedusting and strengthening carried out on the basis of lithium polysilicate. They penetrate into the smallest pores. Period chemical processes is 10-12 days. once sufficiently treat the surface without rubbing and washing the floor.

Organic reinforcing and dedusting impregnation for concrete floors are acrylic, polyurethane and epoxy. First Embodiment running on water-based, it is expedient to use bases which do not take high loads, and also for the screed designed for a floor covering. The composition can be applied to concrete, grade 200. Concrete surface with acrylic impregnation will be different hydrophobic properties. It is capable of withstanding high humidity, ensuring high hygiene.

In the mixture, there are many different components, among which there are plasticizers, fixers, colorants

In the mixture, there are many different components, among which there are plasticizers, fixers, colorants

Characteristics of polymer impregnation for concrete floors

Epoxy adhesives for concrete floors are the most reliable and durable. They are represented by two-component aqueous compositions based on epoxy resins. Such impregnation is recommended to be laid in the shops of food, refrigerators and freezers, in medicine facilities. The main drawback of the compositions is their high cost.

The most popular treatment for hardening of concrete "Epoksol" floors, which can be used for residential, public, industrial and warehouse space. The hardener composition includes organic solvents, a modified silicone resin and functional additives.

Polyurethane impregnation is the most widespread. It gives the basis of an additional water-repellent qualities, is more versatile and durable. This composition can be used for concrete low marks. After applying the floor turns in betonopolimer, which is characterized by impact resistance, resistance to moisture and dust-free. The main disadvantage is the strong odor that is volatilized after the polymerization process.

Important!Most justified the use of the garage for the impregnation of the concrete floor on the basis of polyurethane.

Impregnation "Protex" concrete can be used for both new and old floors

Impregnation "Protex" concrete can be used for both new and old floors

The most popular composition is the "Protex". Impregnation for concrete and concrete floors specially designed for industrial floor surfaces, who perceive serious transportation, mechanical loads and are influenced by aggressive environment. The composition may be applied to both new and old floors.

Technology for application of impregnating concrete base

In a first step before application of the polyurethane or epoxy adhesives for concrete floor base preparation is performed. The process takes place by means of a grinding machine which removes the top layer of loose, laitance, traces of oils and dirt. Procedure is necessary for the opening of the concrete pores and provide penetration deep into the structure of the material.

Depending on the type of impregnating composition penetrates the concrete thickness of 2-8 mm, increasing its branded strength several times.

Is used for applying the impregnation brush, roller or air sprayer. The composition is poured onto the prepared surface stripes and distributed with a brush, doctor blade or roller sinteponovye with long pile. Impregnation should be evenly occupy the entire surface area, preventing the formation of puddles and places, where the composition is quickly absorbed into the concrete.

Topping applied to the topsheet of the finished concrete, thus forming a protection for the surface

Topping applied to the topsheet of the finished concrete, thus forming a protection for the surface

The technology of organic coating compositions is somewhat different. Such treatment for concrete floors dust is applied in several layers. The first should be to stand for 40-60 minutes. Next a second layer is applied, after 20 minutes the excess formulation must be removed using the squeegee or cloth.

Topping: it modern way to strengthen the concrete base

Topping - what is it? The first step is to learn more about this protective coating. This hardener represented concrete durable outer surface, composed of cement, plasticizing agents, fixing agents and colorants. The first element acts as a bridge between the aggregates, preventing disbonding material.

The remaining coating ingredients impart wear resistance, impact resistance, fracture toughness, resistance to aggressive chemical environments, frost resistance, hygiene, reflective, anti-static and decorative quality.

Topping available in liquid and dry state. The structure of the first embodiment are inorganic compounds which are readily soluble in water. During the application mixture to the floor covering composition penetrates into the pores of the concrete, forming the resistant seals which are resistant to moisture. Dry topping a powdery state. In the form of fine crumb composition disintegrates on the surface, followed by grinding and rammer. This variant is characterized by a low cost.

Due to toppings surface wear resistance is increased by several times

Due to toppings surface wear resistance is increased by several times

Important! Using dry material involves the formation of seams on the surface.

Distinctive advantages of topping for concrete

This method of hardening the concrete base replaces the cement when the concrete floors in the device thin layer on top of the screed disintegrated with subsequent dry cement grout surface. Topping as a dry or liquid mixture is applied to the fresh or hardened screed further processing sanders. Due to the special additives has improved surface structure, and gives it a small fraction of textured filler.

This type of protective coating is moisture. Topping penetrates deep into the porous structure of concrete, sealing its pores. The surface does not need special care. Due to toppings extended operational period of the concrete floor. This hardener is also characterized by an acceptable cost. Besides the regeneration of the concrete floor can use low grade cement, offset by heavy-duty protective layer.

Toppingovoe coating exhibits an increased susceptibility to certain chemical components, thereby reducing performance of the surface. Such flooring can not be repaired. If necessary, the surface is performed dismantling and laying a new foundation. However, it should be borne in mind that the operation period of the floor is at least 15 years, during which he will retain its operational and decorative qualities.

Due to topping the pores of the concrete are obtained reliably sealed

Due to topping the pores of the concrete are obtained reliably sealed

The use of sex toppingovogo

This hardening of the concrete base technology used in warehouses, industrial and manufacturing plants. These floors, thanks to its hygiene, are essential in the food industry. Due to the frost-resistant concrete floor topping is the best solution for refrigerators and freezers. The presence of reflective qualities provide the demand on the reinforcer with high temperature objects.

High wear-resistant qualities make the protective coating is indispensable in areas of high vibration and mechanical stress, such as car parks, shopping malls, medical, educational and cultural institutions, pedestrian areas with high traffic. Such industrial floor screed widely used in motor, garages, sheds, garages, where the upper concrete coating in constant contact with the petrol and diesel, mineral and weakly alkaline liquids oils.

Important! Topping can not be used for areas where widely used acid and alkali, for which special impregnation acceptable.

Toppingovye floors because of its hygiene, indispensable in the dining room

Toppingovye floors because of its hygiene, indispensable in the dining room

Topping enhances operating period floors gyms, sports fields and swimming pools. The coating is now widely used on civilian objects, that is due to laxity in care, durable and decorative surfaces in the use of color formulations.

Topping concrete floor: variety of reinforcers

There are three types of concrete hardener: quartz, corundum and metallized. The first option is the most popular and in demand. He also has the most affordable cost. The main excipient mixture acts perlite, which can be coupled with color pigments. This feature has a positive effect on the technical and operational characteristics of the surface, changing its appearance.

Quartz topping is the best one for the reason that the load test medium intensity, which is typical for warehouses, entertainment and shopping centers, educational institutions. Such hardeners are also widely used in the regeneration of residential purposes.

Important! Quartz topping contributes to the strength characteristics of concrete in 1.5 times.

Corundum filler is selected for the objects in which the floor is experiencing severe stress

Corundum filler is selected for the objects in which the floor is experiencing severe stress

The corundum Topping filler acts corundum grit. Such mineral additive has a high strength, high wear resistance and resistance to abrasion. Hardener enhances the strength of concrete in 2 times.

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Corundum toppings are applied to facilities that set of oversized and heavy equipment, as well as in areas with heavy traffic of people and vehicles. This situation is typical for the premises of the warehouse-type sports halls, facilities and grounds for special purposes.

Important!Corundum topping imparts a pleasant matte surface finish.

Mostly filled metallic toppings, the price of which is the highest among peers, acts metal shavings. Such mixtures contain in their composition the concrete mortar. Due to its components, metallized topping is considered the most reliable floor hardener, which increases its strength indices by 2.5 times.

Topping with the addition of metal expensive, but very effective

Topping with the addition of metal expensive, but very effective

Such a topping is used for objects experiencing excessive loads where the equipment is installed massive daily moving heavy equipment, which are characterized by increased vibration.

During the construction of residential buildings such composition is impractical to use due to high costs and rather complicated application technology.

Technology applied to the topping floors

There are several technologies toppingovogo flooring. DTW method involves applying to dry wet concrete base hardener which can spill either manually or using special carts. Such arrangements provide a uniform coating high surface area powder. Concrete foundation dries up and grasped with topping, thus ensuring high adhesion.

After drying the mixture is overwritten surface soaked with a special grinding machine. Such a coating is reliable, durable, resistant to various unfavorable factors and durability.

After drying of the concrete made wet mixture was triturated using a special machine trowel

After drying of the concrete made wet mixture was triturated using a special machine trowel

WTW technique involves applying a topping liquid immediately after the laying of the concrete floor. Such stacking embodiment hardener used recently and not yet acknowledged enjoys popularity because deposition process is quite complex, time consuming and costly. However, this coating has a maximum strength and high decorativeness. The surface turns out perfectly flat, smooth, uniformly colored and beautiful.

WTD method involves the use of dry topping, which is placed on a wet or dry screed. The final stage of work is meticulous smoothing the surface.

There volumetric embodiment applying topping that provides hardening concrete surface over the entire thickness. In step pouring concrete floors in the working solution is admixed a special plasticizer, which increases the performance indicators surface.

Important! Volumetric method of applying topping involves the use of concrete for the concrete base of cement screed not lower than 350.

WTW method of applying a topping involves the use of liquid, which is applied to wet concrete

WTW method of applying a topping involves the use of liquid, which is applied to wet concrete

Features everything topping on concrete floors

It is mandatory to take into account the thickness of the poured screed. If it is placed on the old concrete base, its height should be up to 70 mm. If topping is applied to fresh base screed thickness reaches about 120 mm.

Important!Surface level differences must be within 4-5 cm.

Work on the arrangement of their hands topping performed at ambient temperatures not below +10 ° C. If the weather is cooler, it is necessary to arrange the additional heating of the room.

Topping processing technology is difficult concrete surface, so to obtain a good result the process must be performed in strict sequence. Strengtheners concrete are made in two states - liquid and dry. For each variant is characterized by the individual application technology staff.

The slurry can be applied both to the old base and the freshly laid on the screed. The effect is the same. The process is performed in the following sequence.

Liquid topping resembles filler, the liquid mixture

Liquid topping resembles filler, the liquid mixture

The first step is preparing a concrete base. Old surface thoroughly cleaned of dirt, debris and dust. If cracks or potholes they should fill the repair of cement mortar or concrete. Fresh screed must be sanded.

Liquid topping applied with roller or spray onto the prepared substrate. Carefully observe the necessary absorbent composition, which depends on the quality of the concrete surface. If the process is fast, topping is applied repeatedly. The coating thickness is 2-3 mm. Consumption mixture reaches 4-5 liters / m².

Liquid topping characterized by versatility and rapid solidification rate. However, such composition has a higher value in comparison with the dry mix.

How to make a concrete floor with hardener: dry method of coating composition

Dry formulations can be purchased in sacks weighing 25 and 50 kg. The mixture was applied to fresh concrete screed after 6-7 hours after its laying surface when clutched to a state where it remains at a shallow imprints.

Flooded area is overwritten using the grinder

Flooded area is overwritten using the grinder

Useful advice!To lay the topping over large areas is impractical and inefficient to use a manual method to apply this special grinders, equipped with a large work drive.

Work for laying a dry topping performed in the following sequence.

At the first stage smoothing industrial concrete floor using the grinder. The procedure is carried out with a view to leveling the surface prior to full setting. With carts topping on the concrete foundation is evenly distributed to 65% of the total mixture away from the window toward the exit. The powder immediately begins to absorb moisture. It happens composition crystallization reaction accompanied by the gradual darkening of the composition.

When the surface becomes uniformly dark, it is time to carry out the grout using a typewriter. The process required for leveling the base and fill topping industrial floor. After completion of the rubbing process, the mixture must wait until the surface of the grab. This would indicate imprint depth of 1 mm.

Uprochnitelnaya mixture was applied to fresh concrete screed after 6-7 hours after its laying

Uprochnitelnaya mixture was applied to fresh concrete screed after 6-7 hours after its laying

Further there is a uniform distribution over the surface of the remaining mixture. After 24-48 hours the frozen base necessary to clean by means of the rotary knives. The process is carried out in 2-3 hours until obtaining a mirror surface.

Important! Topping the average consumption of 4.5-5 kg ​​/ m².

The finished base is covered kyuringom - solution, forming a thin film which prevents evaporation of moisture from the concrete surface at the time of hydration. Kyuring may be applied by spraying or with a roller. At the end should be cut expansion joints. They will prevent the cracking of the concrete surface during solidification shrinkage and foundation that finally ends after 28 days. Seams to fill the sealant.

When concrete floors are used as a complete coating, it is expedient to perform a hardening base using impregnations or topping. Such formulations enhance the strength characteristics of the surface, providing impact resistance, wear resistance, resistance to stress, moisture and chemicals, durability floor.

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