Range of parts in the regulatory documents, GOST

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Steel angles are the most popular product of metal. These products are regulated by state standards - GOST 8509-93 and 8510-86. Range corners includes several varieties, each of which has its own characteristics and purpose. The standard documentation shall include all the necessary geometric and physical parameters of the product. This allows the appropriate calculations during construction.

Range of parts in standard documentation: State Standards, Product Features

The regulatory documentation, which regulates the steel angles, you can find all the useful information about them


  • 1 What are the state standards equal angles, and other varieties of products
  • 2 Key Features corners: Guests and the parameters specified therein
  • 3 Varieties of steel angles: GOST 8509-93, 8510-93, 19771-93 and 19772-93
    • 3.1 Full assortment of parts: the forms as directed in the steel grade
  • 4 Accuracy rate over the GOST 8509-93, 8510-93 and other
  • 5 Assortment equal angles: types and characteristics
    • 5.1 Hot rolled steel equal angles: GOST 8509-93
    • 5.2 Bent equal angles: assortment, their characteristics
    • 5.3 Assortment unequal parts (GOST 8510-93) hot
    • 5.4 Gauge bent unequal parts (GOST 19772-93)
  • 6 The dimensions of the metal parts: the most popular products
  • 7 Corner metal 50x50: operational characteristics and scope
  • 8 How to determine the weight of equal angles

What are the state standards equal angles, and other varieties of products

Standardization sheet metal products It allows you to control the quality and dimensional characteristics. GOST helps to determine the necessary geometric figures, which are a very important component of building settlements. For example, a gauge equal angles (GOST 8509-93) includes a full list of dimensions and specifications of these products. Let us more detail on the functions that perform the guests.

Metal corners are available in a wide size range

metal corners available in a wide size range

Quality control. In the event of certain standards may be a problem due to the change of operational characteristics. Therefore, the first and most important task of the state is the standardization quality control, which involves fixing the parameters of parts data.

Note! The entire assortment of metal parts is carried out taking into account the state standards and maximum permissible deviations prescribed in them.

Simplify notation. Metal components of this type are available in a wide size range. Without regulatory documents all the information about the quality characteristics would have to indicate on the product label.

A quick search of the necessary details. Table mix equal angles, and other varieties of these products are specified for a visit and allow you to quickly find the desired item. Classification on the basic parameters greatly simplifies finding corners introduces their properties.

The entire assortment of metal parts is carried out in accordance with relevant state standards

The entire assortment of metal parts is carried out in accordance with relevant state standards

It should be noted that the documentation contains over 10 different characteristics, arranged in tables having respective designations. In turn, in order to find the applied markings, a special drawing. cross-sectional scheme also simplifies the search for the desired characteristics.

Key Features corners: Guests and the parameters specified therein

The regulatory documentation, which regulates the steel angles, you can find all the useful information about them. Using the appropriate guest, will not be difficult to calculate the material needed in the construction of frame structures of varying difficulty. Consider the main characteristics that can be found in the regulations or calculated using them.

For construction calculations require the calculation of the mass over. calculation of the weight of one meter to determine the load factor acting on the structure. This figure depends on the variety of products and sizes. Size parts - an important parameter since it determines the operational affiliation of these products. Length, width, and wall thickness - all these data are taken into account during the construction. It is also necessary to take into account the shape of the product.

Change in the thickness influences the performance of the corner

Change in the thickness influences the performance of the corner

Another option that is worth paying attention to - the cross-sectional area. This component contributes to the definition of load factor. Standard on the corners contains specific tables that make it easy to find the necessary information.

Experts recommend to pay attention to the radius of curvature of the metal product. As a rule, this information is contained in the drawings. This value is not controlled, but it is necessary for calibration details.

All steel corners are divided in the form of shelves in two varieties: equal and unequal. In the tables that meet the standards, it is about the thickness of the corners. GOST 8509-93, which regulates equal- assortment of products, as well as document 8510-93 (containing information about the unequal parts) can be easily found on the Internet.

It should be noted that the change in the thickness influences the performance parts. In this case, a definite pattern is traced. The higher the thickness of the shelves, the stronger the corners themselves, and thus their higher resistance to stresses.

Using the appropriate guest, will not be difficult to calculate the material needed in the construction of frame structures

Using the appropriate guest, will not be difficult to calculate the material needed in the construction of frame structures

Varieties of steel angles: GOST 8509-93, 8510-93, 19771-93 and 19772-93

sectional shape is determined by a variety of rolled steel this type. Corners can be rolled and bent (depending on the manufacturing method). The shape of the shelves are two types of products: equal and unequal. Shelf - one of the sides of the steel part. It may have a different width, which affects the strength and endurance of the details.

Helpful information!Equal- products have two equal length sides. Accordingly, the unequal side parts have different magnitudes. These products have a limited range of products and often are made to order.

Width of steel side brackets can be different. This index ranges from 20 to 200 mm. In turn, the thickness does not exceed 16 mm. Mass of product calculated in kilograms per meter (kg / m). The length of such parts varies from 6 to 12 m (standard). The dimensions of parts needed for the calculation of the number of parts.

Another parameter that differentiate these products, - the accuracy class. The two types of steel parts can be distinguished according to this criterion. The group A are ranked as the details that have the highest accuracy. Less precise corners belong to the class B.

Corners can be rolled and bent, depending on the method of manufacture

Corners can be rolled and bent, depending on the method of manufacture

Normative documents regulating all kinds of steel angles, you can easily find on the Internet. Various types of these products regulate reviews:

  • 8509-93 - hot-rolled equilateral;
  • 8510-93 - Hot-rolled unequal;
  • 19771-93 - bent, equilateral;
  • 19772-93 - bent unequally.

The above standards allow you to control all types of local specialized steel parts. Taking advantage of such documentation, you can easily determine the geometrical and physical characteristics of standard products of metal. The visitors also specified tolerances from the traditional figures.

In addition to differentiation by size, all the steel angles are classified as intended. Operational accessories of these products may vary. Of these frame structures are formed and they are used in the automotive industry, the furniture industry, and so on. D. Composition steel angle differs depending on whether the alloy has been used for its manufacture, which also determines the type of product.

Unequal angles used for the manufacture and assembly of building frames, supporting structures reinforcement, manufacturing bearings

Unequal angles used for the manufacture and assembly of building frames, supporting structures reinforcement, manufacturing bearings

Full assortment of parts: the forms as directed in the steel grade

Each variety has its own corner of the operational mission. For any of the types of products there is a separate Standard, which contains information about the production process, as well as technical and physical characteristics of the product. The regulations can also find the following information:

  • on the steel grade;
  • on the requirements for the product;
  • the scope of application.

Hot-rolled and bent corners of the steel as mentioned above may be equal- (GOST corner - 8509-93) and unequal (8510-93). Absolutely all products of this type, regulated by various State standards, made according to current standards and is subdivided into species as intended. Consider what kinds of corners exist depending on the operational facilities.

Building corners. Products of this type are used in construction for the construction of various steel structures. They correspond to the characteristics of the installation, which is most often performed using welding equipment. Construction GOST steel angle - 27772-2015.

Corners are made of high strength low alloy steel

Corners are made of high strength low alloy steel

Corners increased strength. These products are made by special technology. As a production material in this case is the low alloy steel (non-alloy or high quality). Compound individual components is performed by welding, rivets and bolts. Normative documents regulating these products, has the following number -19281-2014.

Note! Corners which possess high strength, steel structures used for mounting (often carriers).

Standard (Hot-group) products. Carbon steel is used for their production. This material has the standard specifications. Standard metal parts special purpose - 535-2005.

Shipbuilding products. Used in the construction of ship structures. Performed corners of steel alloys, most often having excellent characteristics and, accordingly, a higher quality. These products are regulated by the normative document GOST 5521-93.

Building corners are used for the construction of various steel structures

Building corners are used for the construction of various steel structures

Corners for bridges. They are used in the construction of transitional structures. For their production, common to use low-alloy steel alloys. It should be noted that products of this kind are highly resistant to adverse weather conditions. This makes it possible to use them in the construction of bridges in the northern regions. These elements regulates GOST 6713-91. They have a special marking and labeling. Corners bridges have a high coefficient of resistance.

We should also mention the products that operate in the most adverse weather conditions (for example, in the construction of facilities in the Arctic). They are highly durable and can withstand a lot of pressure. Another variety of steel parts - doped. These parts are used in the construction of pedestrian bridges. They tolerate extreme conditions perfectly.

List of steel gauge, which is used for the manufacture of parts, not the end of the alloys, regulated by normative documents. Many manufacturers engaged in production of non-standard products on the basis of individual orders of customers. Thus, the range of steel angles is incredibly broad.

Each type and size of the corner has its operational purpose

Each type and size of the corner has its operational purpose

Accuracy rate over the GOST 8509-93, 8510-93 and other

Another parameter that is classified steel corners, - accuracy. This is an indicator that determines the amount of deviation from the fixed rules. Depending on this criterion can be divided into two main groups of steel products:

  • single-precision (B);

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Main characteristics and dimensions of the running Grades - 10, 12, 14, 16 and 20. Pricing for the product.

  • increased accuracy (A).

Note! When installing industrial-type structures tend to use places that belong to the first class. In turn, the product is referred to the group A, are used in cases when it is necessary to ensure maximum reliability. This can be explained quite simply: they are distinguished by higher strength characteristics.

Dimensions of steel Class B parts may be deviations that are specified in the GOST. There are the following possible differences of the variety of products:

  • 1.5 mm and a width of 90 mm sides;
For angles 50h50h5 allowed error in thickness ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 mm

For angles 50h50h5 allowed error in thickness ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 mm

  • not more than 1 mm and a width of 45 mm sides;
  • no more than 3 mm at the corners of the size 250 mm;
  • 2 mm at a width of 150 mm sides.

Separately, it must be said about the details of which have dimensions 50h50h5. Standard parts of this type takes account of the permissible error in thickness ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 mm. These products are popular and widely used.

The curvature of the prefabricated elements can also have an acceptable deviation, which is 0.45 mm (entire length). The discrepancies identified by the regulations must be unconditionally respected producers of the variety of metal.

An important parameter by which classified steel angles - precision

An important parameter by which classified steel angles - precision

Assortment equal angles: Types and characteristics

Equal- details are divided into several varieties. This is due to differences of the production process, as well as take into account what kind of material was taken for the manufacture of parts. Equal- products are controlled by two basic documents. The first is the GOST 8509-93, which regulates the parts made with the use of hot rolling. The second document - GOST 19771-93, it contains all the necessary information about the parts obtained by bending.

As already mentioned above, equilateral metal is so called because it has the equivalent of hand sizes. Products made by hot rolling are very popular. The manufacturing process in this case is divided into several stages. Before the advent of modern standardization of these products are regulated by GOST 8509-86.

Primarily preform undergoes heating. This is necessary in order to achieve the possibility of shaping the product. Molten metal is better amenable to treatment. In the next step a preheated metal workpiece passed through a special shafts which exert the necessary pressure on it. The result is an area with the right dimensions.

Equal angles are called so because they have the equivalent of hand sizes

Equal angles are called so because they have the equivalent of hand sizes

Thus the angular part is formed equilateral. Steel for the production of such products can be of different composition. This will determine what characteristics will have a future product.

Manufacture of steel bent corners with equal sides is different. To perform such a rolled metal species must first prepare a sheet metal of appropriate thickness. Further, sheets are processed on machine tools. Bending provides a pretty solid details, but on this indicator are still inferior hot-rolled counterparts. Products obtained by bending, have the following advantages:

  • high accuracy;
  • low weight;
  • a variety of sizes.
Manufacture of steel bent corners with equal sides is different

Manufacture of steel bent corners with equal sides is different

Helpful information! Importantly, the range of these products includes the parts made of heat resistant, carbon, alloyed and high-alloy steel. GOST equilateral angle pieces allow to control their production and contribute to compliance with the necessary requirements, which are the key to safe construction.

Hot rolled steel equal angles: GOST 8509-93

These products are carried out by rolling. A distinctive feature of this process is that it is performed continuously. This can significantly increase productivity. Rolling has one major drawback -complexity when migrating hardware. Thus, in order to release the corner of another type, it will take quite some time. Such details are regulated by GOST 8509-93. In the USSR, they were controlled by other normative document - GOST 8509-72.

Features of equipment that is used for hot rolling of steel products allow to perform without limitation in length. In this case, an important role is played by plant size, in which work, as it depends on them, which can have a length of steel hot-rolled unequal angles. Of course, certain standards (from 6 to 12 m) specified by the regulations. However, when you receive a custom order manufacturer can perform a product which is different from the traditional counterparts.

Hot rolled steel corners are made by rolling

Hot rolled steel corners are made by rolling

Before the start of the molding made of metal heating to a desired temperature. Because of this it becomes possible to manufacture products having thicker walls. Today it is possible to meet the corners, the thickness of which exceeds 16 mm. They have high strength and are used to build a variety of structures.

According to GOST, hot corners should not be crooked. Indicator curvature not exceed 0.4% of the entire length of the equilateral detail. Otherwise, the product is considered to be marriage.

The peculiarity of manufacturing this type of steel products is reflected in their appearance, which is not presentable. Also worth noting that during hot rolling changes occur in the structure of steel, making it more durable, but at the same time, it becomes prone to cracking. Based on the above, these products are used in the construction of frame structures that act as a support.

Bent equal angles: assortment, their characteristics

Regulatory documents defining the standard of this type of metal, as well as the permissible deviations from them, can be found on the Internet easily. Equilateral products manufactured by bending, is regulated by GOST 19771-93.

Curved corners, due to the attractive appearance, are very popular in the organization of skin bearing structures

Curved corners, due to the attractive appearance, are very popular in the organization of skin bearing structures

Bending of steel billets produced by application of high pressure, whereby the forming takes place on standard machines. It is important to remember that this process takes place at normal temperature, that is ruled out pre-heating parts.

Regulatory records to determine the standard dimensions of such articles, and learn their physical characteristics, such as weight ratio equal angles and strength. As in the previous case, the type of production has an impact on the technical and physical properties of the product.

Note! The disadvantage is the low bending performance. Final metal of length in this case is lower (about 6 times).

In addition, bending difficult to obtain metal parts with a large wall thickness. During flexion high pressure on steel. As a result, the bending point occurs sprawling steel, which affects the strength characteristics of the product. The zone corresponding to the bending, is a weak spot products.

Scope equilateral bent over quite extensive

Scope equilateral bent over quite extensive

Gauge steel angles (GOST 8509-93) is more diverse, because the data items, unlike bent, have no restrictions on length. Despite all its shortcomings, this product is in demand. Bent equilateral parts are characterized by such advantages:

  • versatility;
  • compact equipment for the production;
  • presentable appearance.

The operational scope of the bent parts equilateral quite extensive. Due to the attractive appearance, they are very popular in the organization of skin bearing structures. And they are used in manufacturing plants producing household appliances and lighting equipment. These corners are indispensable in the case where the necessary parts of small length.

Assortment unequal parts (GOST 8510-93) hot

The form of these products resembles the letter "G". They are a continuous metal profile, which is produced by rolling. two varieties are used for the manufacture of such products are: low-alloy and carbon. In the first case the articles have increased strength, which is reflected in their operational designation.

Unequal metal corners used in the construction of arched structures and to strengthen the walls

Unequal metal corners used in the construction of arched structures and to strengthen the walls

This kind of rolled metal used in the construction of frame structures, which have a bend. As an example, an arched structure. Range unequal parts, manufactured by rolling, has certain limitations in length. Standard length indicators are in the range of from 4 to 12 m.

Deviation in length, according to GOST should not be more than 30 mm when the product length is 4 m When the length of corners of 4 to 6 m. - not more than 50 mm. If the length of the products exceeds 6 m, then allowed deviation of not more than 60 mm.

From the corner equal- steel (GOST 8509-93) elements, these products differ in purpose. They are often used in the construction of arched structures and to strengthen the walls.

Experts recommend taking into account the operating conditions when selecting these products. This is due to the fact that not all varieties of corner of rolled metal products suitable for use in the harsh climate.

Assortment unequal parts is determined by the length limitations

Assortment unequal parts is determined by the length limitations

Helpful information!For the construction of frame structures in corrosive conditions used products, equipped with a protective layer of zinc (galvanized). They have a high resistance to temperature changes and are resistant to moisture.

Gauge bent unequal parts (GOST 19772-93)

Bent unequally products also have their own characteristics, which are caused by their production. For their production used two kinds of steel. Both steel alloy variants are carbonaceous category (semikilled and boiling). Another parameter that classifies product data - profiling accuracy. The products according to this indicator are:

  • precision (A);
  • increased accuracy (B);
  • standard (B).
For bent unequal parts used two varieties of steel

For bent unequal parts used two varieties of steel

Before you purchase the desired product is recommended to explore the full assortment of unequal parts. GOST 8509-93 characterizing equilateral hot-rolled metal species, it emphasizes that the curvature of the articles should not exceed 0.4% of the total length. In turn, parts manufactured on the bending equipment may have a tolerance within 0.1%. This is very important because buyers are often confused variety of steel parts.

Corners of steel, which is used for the production of roll forming equipment, used in the construction of various steel structures. These benefits include flexibility, light weight and a wide range of products.

The dimensions of the metal parts: The most popular items

These products may have different dimensions. From this figure depends on their operational accessories. As mentioned above, a shorter variety of metal produced on bending equipment is used as the core elements for machine tools and furniture. Regulatory documentation contains tables that specify the necessary geometrical characteristics steel angles (including its length).

The most popular are bent corners, which belong to the class B

The most popular are bent corners, which belong to the class B

Gauge steel angles equal and unequal includes a plurality of species. Some products are very popular among customers.

The most popular today are bent corners, which belong to a class B. This is primarily driven by their attractive price, especially if you compare them to the cost components included in the group A. It is worth noting that, in spite of its low cost, such details differ quite good strength. Therefore, they are often used for mounting various housing designs.

Among a plurality of articles of different sizes can be used to allocate the best options. These include corners 30h30h3, 50h50h5 mm, as well as details of the size of 40x40, 70x70 and 100x100 mm. Metal product having a width of 40 mm shelves are popular, since they are used during installation of benches and tables street. they can also be used in the construction of pergolas and canopies. Details 50x50 mm are the most popular, as part of fences and other barriers.

Corners 50h5 and 50h6 mm have sufficient strength, they can be used in the assembly of frame structures. However, they are unable to resist the heavy wear, so they are only recommended in lightweight structures.

Steel angles having a width of 40 mm shelves are most vostreovannymi, since they are used during installation of benches and tables street

Steel angles having a width of 40 mm shelves are most vostreovannymi, since they are used during installation of benches and tables street

Corner metal 50x50: Specifications and operational sphere

Steel parts having dimensions of 50x50 mm, the most popular variety of corners. They are a group of equilateral products and manufactured by rolling. The thickness of the shelves, which are part of such rolling can be different. This indicator determines the operational affiliation steel parts.

Note! The thicker the area, the higher its value. This is easily explained, since this value determines the amount of material expended in the production of the product.

The thickness also affects the weight of the items. For example, a product whose active component is 4 mm, weighs 3.05 kg (1 meter 50x50 details). Weight 1 meter bracket 5 mm in width will be greater at 720 g and was 3.77 kg. The length of the articles relating to hot-rolled band, up to 12 m., You can issue the individual order, giving the executive organization of their own size in case of need.

The maximum thickness of the shelves in these products is only 5 mm. Despite this fact, they have a good density and high strength. The most common use of parts - in the furniture industry. Due to the low weight of these products can be designed frames of cabinets and other interior items. The use of parts caused by the fact that they contribute to getting the ideal angles that are so necessary in the assembly of furniture.

50x50 thickness angle steel shelves may be different

50x50 thickness angle steel shelves may be different

Products having similar dimensions, governed by the relevant state standard. Assortment equal angles allows you to pick up the necessary parts for a variety of purposes. Corner with shelves 50 mm is used in the construction of various fences playgrounds.

How to determine the weight of equal angles

Many people are interested in the question of how to determine the mass of equilateral and scalene corners. This parameter is required when the amount of material planning (pre-construction), as well as using it and made other calculations. Knowing the weight of metal, it is possible to determine the load that will be provided for the future construction. In any event, the weight per meter of the corner is a necessary characteristic.

To date, there are several methods to calculate this parameter. The simplest of these is a tabular method. The normative documents regulating the equal and unequal products, you can easily find the right table. It contains not only the dimensional data, but also the physical characteristics, which include the weight of 1 meter corner.

However, the table method has some drawbacks. It is not always possible to find the relevant documentation on the Internet. In addition, you must be aware that some tables have rounded values, the use of which will result in the emergence of error.

Knowing the weight of metal, it is possible to determine the load that will be provided for the future construction

Knowing the weight of metal, it is possible to determine the load that will be provided for the future construction

Note! Of course, when calculating the weight of one item or small batches of parts of such error is not fatal. If a large number of products, then it is recommended to calculate their weight on their own.

For determining the weight of 1 meter bracket can use the manual calculation method. This method involves finding part-sectional area. To determine this value, you need to measure the length of one side (the shelves). After this it is necessary to perform a multiplication length shelf thickness. Further it is necessary to measure the length of the second side and subtracted therefrom thickness. The resulting figure is multiplied by the thickness. Both values ​​(1 and 2 shelves) are added together to find the square corner section.

In the last step required area ratio multiplied by the density and 1 m. The density can be found in the table. Thus, as a result of a simple calculation can receive weight 1m details.

In addition, there are special online calculators that allow you to quickly and accurately calculate the weight of the product, as well as to compute other values. All you need to do - to enter the initial data in the corresponding columns to them. Such a program can be found on the Internet at specialized sites. After determining the weight meter corner there is a possibility of further calculations.

For determining the weight of 1 meter bracket can use the manual calculation method

For determining the weight of 1 meter bracket can use the manual calculation method

Range of steel angles are very wide. To date, identify several varieties of these products, each of which is widely used in construction and manufacturing. To determine the geometrical and physical characteristics have a special regulatory documents. GOST greatly simplify the selection and calculation of the amount of steel parts.

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