Houses in the style of Half-timbered houses: a reflection of the Middle Ages to modern times

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The first houses in the style of Half-timbered houses appeared in Germany in the XV century. The buildings have a singularity, thus are warm and durable. In Western Europe, you can find houses built over 100 years ago, which have retained their original appearance. For the construction of the building in half-timbered style requires knowledge of the construction of rigid frames, braces and beams that will hold the load of the structure. Interior decoration home should match the style.

Half-timbered houses in the style - a reflection of the Middle Ages in the modern world

Buildings in the half-timbered style look quite bright and still presentable


  • 1 What is the half-timbered history origin and evolution of style
    • 1.1 The characteristics and features of half-timbered houses projects
  • 2 Main elements and rules of construction of half-timbered houses: photo
    • 2.1 Features of the construction of buildings and the creation of half-timbered houses projects
  • 3 How to carry out the decoration of facades in the style of Half-timbered houses: photo successful examples
  • 4 Houses in the style of Half-timbered houses: advantages and disadvantages
  • 5 Subtleties of interior design at home in the German half-timbered style
  • 6 How to decorate the building in the style of Half-timbered houses with their own hands

What is the half-timbered history origin and evolution of style

Frame construction technology began to be used in Europe since V centuries ago. Then the base materials were only wood and stone. Methods of construction of half-timbered originated in Germany. This word is translated from German means "frame structure". Externally, the facade in the style of Half-timbered houses are easily recognizable by the characteristic feature - projecting from the walls of the beams, which, thanks to the intersections to form different shapes.

Framework - the technology is the construction of houses carcass way

Framework - the technology is the construction of houses carcass way

Interesting!Over time, exposed beams darken that adds a distinctive flavor home.

Wood construction started to use more in ancient Egypt and China. Due to the fact that the tree was long only building material, this type of construction was common, especially in wooded areas. The first buildings of half-timbering techniques were built based on the beams under the ground or clay soil. Ground floor served basis. The walls are usually filled with a mixture based on clay and sand stacked roof of straw. Of course, dug the support could not last for long, because they are in constant humidity conditions. They eventually rot and fall.

After a while under the beam began to lay a pillow of stone, recessed into the ground, the main purpose of which - removal of excess moisture from the wood elements. Clay solution strengthened through the straw and branches. With the development of shipbuilding perfected the construction of houses. We began to use new features such as beams, struts and rectangular stand. We began to use the sloping beams holding up the house from the outside.

Prefab wooden houses began to be built in China and ancient Egypt

Prefab wooden houses began to be built in China and ancient Egypt

Building half-timbered houses were popular in the Scandinavian countries: the Netherlands, Switzerland and France. Each country has added their own elements. Apply a foundation of stone and steel lags only at the beginning of the XVI century. Modern fachwerk started to develop since 1970, it is the time trend is gaining momentum the use of environmentally friendly materials.

The characteristics and features of half-timbered houses projects

Direct translation of the word "fachwerk" - "the construction of the sections" that captures the essence of style. Half-timbered house built on the technology can be distinguished by such features:

  1. The frame structure of the beams and rafters forming diverse shapes on a facade.
  2. Combinations of colors, where the main principle - the contrast. Often combine different colors of individual elements of the facade.
  3. A large number of windows. This ensures that the penetration of sunlight in all rooms.
  4. Compulsory attendance of a home.
Using girders and trusses form a variety of shapes on the facade

Using girders and trusses form a variety of shapes on the facade

It is recommended to finish the house in half-timbered style of conduct on the facade of a large area, because to reveal the essence and dignity of design by applying it on a small house, it is practically impossible. Now construction technology are at a higher level than at the time of occurrence of the first of such houses. To accelerate the process of building construction by using prefabricated panels, plates made of polypropylene.

Important!All materials to be used in construction, must undergo processing by a fungus, soak and opened fire with a mixture of lacquer.

Main elements and rules of construction of half-timbered houses: photo

To prevent rotting beams base, you need to consider waterproofing. For this purpose the foundation is laid over a layer of protective material. During the erection of the binder is required to apply a crown, whose cross section is 5 × 20 cm. The main construction material - solid or laminated veneer lumber softwood. Frame insulated polypropylene plates or mineral wool. This not only protects the building against the ingress of moisture and cold, but also increases the structural strength. Below are the main elements of timbered projects.

Frame houses in half-timbered style is made of polished and laminated veneer lumber

Frame houses in half-timbered style is made of polished and laminated veneer lumber

Foundation. For the reason that the frame house half-timbered style is light and rigid, often form finely recessed foundation. Before the construction should be carried out geological and engineering work to evaluate the properties and characteristics of the soil at the site of erection. The base is required and the insulated waterproofing sheets using polystyrene and mineral wool. For compounds of the foundation and lower portion of the frame used rock bolts.

Frame. Previously, the construction of half-timbered houses was carried out of logs and poles, now they are replaced by glued or polished bar. Fragments of walls, roofs and terraces are connected by wooden elements. The main method of attachment - poluman, "St. Andrew's cross," vilderman and Mann. All connections should consider during the creation of the project at home.

Load-bearing walls. German style half-timbered houses implies that the filling between the beams does not play the role of a base support of the building. The main task of the walls - zoning area. For this reason, you can make any alterations.

For facing half-timbered buildings, you can use any materials

For facing half-timbered buildings, you can use any materials

Filling the cells in the walls. For this purpose, any material used. The most common internal partition plate is used, characterized by high steam and insulating properties. Lining the walls and the decoration are performed on request.

Features of the construction of buildings and the creation of half-timbered houses projects

A distinctive feature of the German half-timbered houses is that the frame bears the main load-bearing function, only the walls separating the space from each other. Using the basis of frame-Framework technology makes it possible not only to save money on building materials, but also reduce the overall mass of the building. For this reason, it is often performed a lightweight version of the foundation. Frame erection method ensures the stability and rigidity of the whole structure, as well as reduces the time of construction.

The roof and the remaining bearing elements recommended to be made of laminated board, and to select pictures are conifers. Horizontal beams and posts - this is the frame of the wall. Braces made diagonally, form the frame stiffness and serve as additional protection in the event of an earthquake. For sill beam home more often used, which is attached to the foundation with anchor bolts. Base Housing (German technology timbered) separately coated waterproofing layer, used for this purpose polystyrene plates.

The project is two-storey house in the style of Half-timbered houses with panoramic windows

The project is two-storey house in the style of Half-timbered houses with panoramic windows

The partitions inside the building skeleton structure are also made of timber and which is fastened to the supporting frame anchor elements. The empty space is filled with soundproofing material. Supporting structures assembled by such compounds as vrubka "dovetail" and "countersunk spike". Recently, hidden fastening are doing with the help of metal parts, the plates and brackets.

How to carry out the decoration of facades in the style of Half-timbered houses: photo successful examples

By cladding the facade begin only after complete installation of windows and doors. For finishing half-timbered houses are suitable such materials:

  • pine wood held antiseptic treatment;
  • Polymer panel - a popular option, wherein a low cost;
  • cement-bonded plate;
  • wall paneling;
  • plywood with waterproof properties;
  • slabs gipsovolokna.
Facing the house, you can do all post installation of doors and windows

Facing the house, you can do all post installation of doors and windows

Half-timbered houses of finishes a lot. It can be severe and elegant designs of the facades to create a workpiece which are painted in the color you want, and then mounted on the base structure. Thermal insulation of a building is carried out using a mineral wool of basalt or silica fibers. Below you can see the original photo finishing outside the house in half-timbered style.

It is interesting! The first houses built by German technology, the corners of the building were decorated with charms. It was assumed that the letter S house protected from lightning; outlet, which is the symbol of the Sun, considered a good sign for attracting wealth in the home; image of a mask, according to the residents, to protect them from evil spirits.

If you view a photo of modern buildings, it is easy to notice that the very common decoration in the form of panoramic glazing. It is performed with the use of low-emission heat-insulating glass. options based on argon fillers are typically selected. The use of such insulating glass reduces heat loss, thus saving on heating costs during the cold season. Mainly used deaf panoramic windows with a rare installation opening frames. Sometimes this type of glazing and affects a certain part of the roof. To emphasize style facade, use:

At the moment, an unusually popular half-timbered house with panoramic windows

At the moment, an unusually popular half-timbered house with panoramic windows

  1. Decorative and facing stone, which is used for finishing the base. For these purposes fit face brick or other contemporary material.
  2. Window arches. Arched windows and decorated shutters are an excellent complement to the external design of the building in the old style. The windows are inserted directly into the framework base.
  3. Using contrasting colors. In the photo of the German half-timbered houses built necessarily stand out red tiled roof and a massive door, which is painted a contrasting (relative to the facade) color.
  4. Beautiful pitched roof. Traditionally performed twice or hipped roof with roof system which differs broad overhangs performing a protective function. Basic coating materials - metal, soft roof or ondulin not advisable to make heavier construction, using natural slate or tile.
For the decoration of the facade can be used facing stone or brick

For the decoration of the facade can be used facing stone or brick

It is interesting!Most often, projects of houses in the style of Half-timbered houses involves the construction of buildings without the attic and attic.

Engineering communications, water and electrical wiring are placed in corrugated hoses under the floor surface. To lay the pipeline, experts recommend to use polyethylene pipes of high quality. Electrical wiring to sockets and switches are placed inside the walls. Sometimes you need a forced ventilation equipment.

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Houses in the style of Half-timbered houses: advantages and disadvantages

Germans to any business approach with extreme thoroughness, that applies to the construction of houses. With the construction of buildings used by the rational approach and practicality. In Germany, you can see the house over 200-300 years, which still retained an attractive appearance. This is because in the construction of well-thought out designs and selected quality materials, which prolong the service life of the structure. In addition, the builders did not skimp on the processing of component parts. Further advantages created by a German-style houses:

To construct buildings in the style of Half-timbered houses and financial benefits at the same time quickly

To construct buildings in the style of Half-timbered houses and financial benefits at the same time quickly

  1. Visual appeal. As in real life, and in the photo, timbered houses stand out among the other buildings: they are unusual and aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Short construction period. Usually, half-timbered house erected turnkey for 3-4 months.
  3. Economy. Cheaper construction is due to savings in the construction of the foundation.
  4. Little shrinkage. Frame base and wooden facade houses made of glued beamThey do not differ much weight and gives minimal shrinkage. This allows the interior decoration of the house immediately after the construction of the base.
  5. Plenty of sunlight indoors. The characteristic design features allow you to place large panoramic windows, so that all the rooms are illuminated by solar rays.
  6. Comfortable seating communications. Features of the construction makes it easy to hide electrical cables and water hoses in the niches formed by the construction of the house.

In addition, there is the possibility of any plan. Due to the fact that the frame carries the main load-bearing function, plan the layout of the rooms can be used in all versions. Projects may involve half-timbered houses on the large floor space - 65-75 sqm, it is not necessary to think of additional support. Construction features allow to maintain the house in any climatic conditions.

For a frame house may require additional insulation and waterproofing

For a frame house may require additional insulation and waterproofing

The main drawback of the house in half-timbered style - its high cost. Develop and implement timbered building design will be more expensive than simply build a frame house of the same area. Price finished house varies depending on the external decoration of the facade, the quantity and quality of windows, as well as from selected materials. Other disadvantages of German houses:

  1. The need for ongoing treatment of wooden structures. Should constantly disinfect the wood from parasites, fungus house to last longer and impregnate it with refractory mixtures.
  2. If the house is built in difficult climatic conditions (humidity or low average temperature) required additional insulation and waterproofing. In such buildings, especially on the ground floor, it is recommended to consider the availability of a warm floor.
  3. A large glass area. To ensure high strength building, it is better to apply security windows or triplex.
In frame houses can be organized any layout, t. To. There are no load-bearing walls

In frame houses can be organized any layout, t. To. There are no load-bearing walls

Subtleties of interior design at home in the German half-timbered style

Due to lack of load-bearing walls inside the walls of the building can be placed on the request of the residents, which makes it possible to create a unique layout. The second plus projects half-timbered houses - high ceilings, allowing us to make the room with two levels and freely set the desired amount of furniture.

The interior decoration design is necessary to consider that the beams that make up the frame of the building will be additional elements Interior that it is not necessary to hide, because they are also the hallmark of half-timbered houses in the style (photo is clearly show).

If you paint the beams in white, they are visually increase the space. The black color adds elegance of the house. To keep the natural look of wooden beams, it is better to handle the special solutions without the use of nail polish. If the design house in the style of hi-tech or loft, metal beams left in view in an unaltered state.

Interior of the house in half-timbered style implies the obligatory presence of a fireplace

Interior of the house in half-timbered style implies the obligatory presence of a fireplace

Important!The main feature of the houses built by German technology - an open plan design with a large area of ​​rooms.

Typically, the interior of the premises should be in harmony with the exterior of the building. In the photo of houses in half-timbered style, you can see that the design of the room there are a large number of items made of wood, and used a combination of stone and wood finishes. Wood usually make flooring, wall framing beams, stairs and a fireplace decorated with stone masonry.

Often used in the interior of the glass from which stops on the stairs or the kitchen table can be performed. In general, there is no need to adhere to no single style to any interior can be harmoniously fit into the space inside the half-timbered houses. The main requirements - is to perform large panoramic windows and build a fireplace.

Room half-timbered houses and spacious with high ceilings

Room half-timbered houses and spacious with high ceilings

How to decorate the building in the style of Half-timbered houses with their own hands

The basis of half-timbered houses in the style - frame construction. Therefore, before the start of construction of the building should be familiar with the construction of this technology. In this case, you need to clearly calculate the load on the foundation, so that the house stood for longer. On the basis necessarily put waterproofing layer that protects from moisture wooden structural elements. You also need to cover the anti-fungal agents and fire beams that will constantly interact with the environment.

Before starting the registration of the house with his own hands to create a working drawing of the facade. As a basis we can take any suitable project of similar structure. When the layout simulation of beams should not forget about the main principles of the construction of a German-style. Panel, filling the frame must be attached to the house structure. Before you begin, you should check the availability of tools such as:

  • drill and screwdriver;
  • measuring tape and building level;
  • black marker to perform layout;
  • hacksaw;
  • end and circular drill;
  • anchors made of metal;
  • Master OK.
The beams of the building can be painted in any color - bright or simply contrasting with respect to the facade

The beams of the building can be painted in any color - bright or simply contrasting with respect to the facade

The first plate is bonded to the facade insulation, foamed polymer is used more frequently. The thickness of the boards should consider in advance that it will fit under the polymer - this will help to avoid cold bridges. On top of the insulation of fiberglass mesh is attached, protruding reinforcing layer of plaster. Raised beams fixed on the wall through the insulation layer. First mount racks and beams, and then braces. The width of the beam should be less than 15 cm, and the distance between the posts should not be done more than 60 cm. If there were gaps between the board and the polymer used sealant. After the plaster hardens well and grab, chip elements in the desired color.

Houses made in half-timbered style, not only look beautiful, but also to retain the medieval mystery and look unusual. The facades are decorated with various embodiments weave beams and struts. Emphasize the original style of large panoramic windows, saturating the space with natural lighting and home comfort. Free placement of interior walls to create a unique and spacious layout.

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