Thatched roof: laying rules

False characteristic of the thatched roof

Many consider straw to be an impractical and poor-quality material. This is a deceptive opinion. Straw flawlessly applies to any construction bases:

  • Clay
  • Brick
  • Wood
  • Concrete stone

Straw is universal to the truss foundation

There are a number of opinions that can deceive the builder:

  1. There is an opinion on the fire hazard of thatched roof. Reed, thatch roof is not prone to inflammation. Before the roofing material is treated with flame retardants.
  2. The thatched roof is not prone to the appearance of mice and other pests. The method of laying straw material is too dense. It is harvested in bundles, rigidly fixed to the pole with a thick wire. In this design, moisture and mice do not penetrate.
  3. They speak of the unaesthetic nature of this structure. To many it resembles the design of an old hut. However, today the country style is becoming fashionable. Designers of exteriors are increasingly resorting to the structures of roofs made from straw.

The thatched roof has an attractive appearance

Pros of the structure of thatched roof

How to make a roof of straw so that it shows its positive qualities? Let's briefly consider the advantages:

  • Ecology, naturalness, absolute naturalness of the material. Under the influence of external factors, it does not release harmful elements
  • Lightweight material, no pressure on the truss system and load-bearing walls of the house
    Lightweight straw
  • Low cost and prevalence of the materials used. As sources of roof cover are used reeds and straw with long stems
  • Excellent heat resistance and coolness preservation in hot weather. Additional heat insulation is not required.

Thatched roof has many advantages. This is one of the few materials that can protect the space of rooms from strong sunshine and frosty frost. Straw has a small weight and can have an impressive thickness of the roofing layer.

The thickness of the straw flooring

See the video in the next tab for details.

Straw material can be covered by large-scale roof areas. It can be assembled independently.
Consider other advantages:

  1. Fire safety;
  2. Long-term operation;
  3. Possibility of self-assembly;
  4. No need to equip ventilation and water, heat insulation;
  5. The economy of the material. The prevalence of straw

Thatched roof of out-of-town buildings

The properties of the laying of thatched roof

The straw cover is used for huts and for luxurious buildings of country houses.
Roofing cake consists of the elements:

  • Wooden rafters;
  • OSP-lathing of a continuous surface;
  • Fixing strap at the ridge board;
  • Stiffness edges under the OSB crate;
  • Straws of straw;
  • Mesh made of metal covering the ridge element;
  • Covering the ridge with tile or straw.

Straw sheaves

Principles of laying thatched roof with their own hands

Simplicity of assembling straw is its main quality. It is important to reliably install the truss structure, make the flooring of the battens and build the supporting laths. You need to choose fresh straw, gather it in sheaves.
The straw harnesses should be laid exactly using a shovel-bits.

Roof of reeds

Recommend to remember some nuances when decking:

  1. Whole straw will create a solid construction. Material is chosen strong, fresh
  2. The function of the clamping piece can be made with galvanized wire
  3. . The fixing wire must have a steel section of 1 millimeter.
  4. The density and thickness of the straw cover is determined by the slope angle of the ramp. When the ramp is tilted to 50 degrees, the length of the straw is up to 7 meters, the thickness of the straw bundles should be 25 centimeters.
  5. The straw harness is tied with screws and wire.

. Visual information is contained in the video on the arrangement of thatched roof in the adjacent tab:

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