Dimensions refrigerators: standard and non-standard models

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Refrigerator - not a luxury but a mandatory life element that makes our stay in the home more comfortable. The level of modern industry allowed to endow each unit of this type of home appliances interesting design, so you can choose the model to your taste. The dimensions of the refrigerator is not less important, as it provides the practical side of their application. On them will be discussed in this article.

Dimensions refrigerators: standard and non-standard models, methods of placement

A variety of models allows you to choose a refrigerator for any needs


  • 1 The main dimensions of refrigerators: width, depth, height
  • 2 Conventional standard size refrigerators
    • 2.1 The height of the refrigerator with a priority indicator marker
    • 2.2 The standard width of various types of refrigerators
    • 2.3 How to choose the right refrigerator depth
  • 3 Properties operation of refrigerators 50 cm wide, Side-by-Side
  • 4 Mini-refrigerators: the size and methods of use
  • 5 What must be interested in weight of the refrigerator
  • 6 A variety of overall sizes of refrigerators LG
  • 7 Refrigerator "Biryusa": the size, the model with and without the freezer
  • 8 Model number and size of "Indesit" refrigerators
  • 9 Household Appliances "Atlas": the size of refrigerators and freezers
  • 10 Dimensions refrigerator "Bosch" with two compressors
  • 11 The variety of the range and size of refrigerators "Samsung"
  • 12 Dimensions refrigerators: Select the size and placement rules

The main dimensions of refrigerators: width, depth, height

It is no exaggeration to say that this type of home appliances such as a refrigerator, is in every house. They are installed in offices, offices and so on. E., That is, in any organization where people stay a certain amount of time. High demand for aggregates is due to the saturation of the market different models. Choose a refrigerator today is very difficult. There are different types of freezing, automatic and manual control, the upper and lower location of the cameras, the presence or absence of the display and so on. D.

The first thing you need to pay attention to buying a refrigerator - it is the height, width and depth

The first thing you need to pay attention to buying a refrigerator - it is the height, width and depth

One of the main criteria when choosing a domestic refrigerator is its size. The approach may be different: to reduce the size of the kitchen work surface and place a large model; purchase unit of modest size, preferring economical power consumption; buy a small refrigerator, removing it under the kitchen surface.

Main dimensions of the refrigerator - the width, depth, height. Based on the existing diversity of overall performance, refrigerators can be divided into three categories:

  1. Full Size. These should include the dual-chamber models with separate doors.
  2. Average. Basically it is two-chamber units, but with one common door, but there are options and with two doors.
  3. Mini refrigerators. Single-door, can have either one or two cameras.

There is also a classification according to which the units are divided into European, American and Asian. In this article in more detail the size of refrigerators will be considered, regardless of the types of housing and ways of placing doors.

By the size of refrigerators can be divided into the following categories: Full Size, medium and mini-refrigerators

By the size of refrigerators can be divided into the following categories: Full Size, medium and mini-refrigerators

Conventional standard size refrigerators

There are certain standard size refrigerators. Equipment for shops and showrooms presented on the Internet model placed on a specific principle - the uniformity of size. The main indicator is the height. Classification of refrigerators Full Size, medium and mini also performed as a whole on the basis of these values.

Standard sizes of domestic refrigerators define upper and lower altitude indicators aggregates in the corresponding segment. Models that go beyond established for a particular type of equipment sizes are considered non-standard.

As for refrigerators, can not be trivial to think that the parameters are selected in accordance with the size of the room where you plan to install. Most of all, the choice depends on the following components:

  1. From lifestyle. Preference for home cooking, or family members often use the catering services: how traditionally prepared dishes, in what quantity, and so on..
  2. On the characteristics of the supplies caterer: how much and for how long the family decided to store products, including frozen.
  3. The number of family members.
Choosing the size of the refrigerator depends on lifestyle and the number of residents in the house

Choosing the size of the refrigerator depends on lifestyle and the number of residents in the house

If it is impossible to establish a large fridge in the kitchen, often find him in the entrance hall, dining room and even the pantry, if it has a common wall (which dismantled) with a room where food is prepared or trapeznichayut.

Useful advice! When choosing a refrigerator, keep in mind that the dimensions must not only allows you to place the unit in the desired location, but also to ensure a comfortable use of them.

The height of the refrigerator with a priority indicator marker

As noted above, a first characteristic that is estimated when selecting a refrigerator is height. High - which means it has a large volume. Yes, and provide good capacity units, which are often located in the kitchen, t. E. in the small area premises can only be achieved by increasing this parameter.

The height of the cooler will depend on its volume, and therefore the capacity

The height of the cooler will depend on its volume, and therefore the capacity

Standard Full height refrigerator models is 180-210 cm. In the above range can find variants differing literally several centimeters:. 182, 185, 188, 190 cm etc.. Traditionally, this two-chamber units with bottom location of the freezer and two doors.

Standard sizes of refrigerators, relating to the mean embodiment, characterized 130-155 cm height. There is no reason to talk about a wide variety of species: 130, 145, 150, 155 cm - the traditional height indicators. Such refrigerators may have one or two doors, an upper and lower location of the cameras. And the single-chamber models are quite a few among these units. Separate freezer medium size most in demand.

For mini-refrigerators are units of height of 40-90 cm. It can be as small bars (height 40-50 cm) and two-chamber model, where the freezer considerably less cooling chamber. These refrigerators are generally single-door.

Useful advice! When choosing a refrigerator should be borne in mind that the height of it should be available to all adult members of the family.

Full Size refrigerators have a size from 180 to 210 cm

Full Size refrigerators have a size from 180 to 210 cm

The standard width of various types of refrigerators

Width - the most important indicator for the placement. If the upper space is almost always enough (determined by the height of choice and rationality reach), then on the sides of the refrigerator often has limitations walls or other objects furniture.

Save on this indicator should not be. This will lead to a reduction in the internal volume, and therefore does not allow to satisfy all the necessary requirements.

Standard Full Width refrigerators - 60 cm (may vary by 0.5-1 cm). In such a refrigerator in a horizontal line can be set to two pots of 25 cm in diameter or larger three banks. Available placed a large number of bulk containers.

Particularly popular non-standard sizes of refrigerators width of 80 cm (an indicator medium, since it is often 79.8; 79.9 cm). Such width also have many refrigerators-GEL.

The width of the cooler should be chosen depending on the space allotted for it in the kitchen

The width of the cooler should be chosen depending on the space allotted for it in the kitchen

Width refrigerators medium can vary from 50 to 60 cm. Some models with the top location of the freezer have considerable width - 80 cm. Mini-refrigerators have a width of 40-50 cm, which makes it possible to place them in the office, bedroom, living room for cool drinks and store certain types of products.

Useful advice! When deciding where to install the refrigerator should consider the need to provide space for the smooth opening of the door.

How to choose the right refrigerator depth

Depth - the distance between the extreme points of the front speakers and the opposite side of the refrigerator. Full size of the standard model is considered to be 60-70 cm. Refrigerators depth of 60 cm - the most common variant. Such a marker component to be easily installed in the kitchen unit, since it is virtually identical to the same parameter of the working surface.

Standard refrigerators Full depth is 60-70 cm

Standard refrigerators Full depth is 60-70 cm

Deep refrigerators (from 70 cm and more) not buy those who are not able to place a unit due to lack of space. Increased depth due gives the opportunity to place the required number of products and do not reduce the performance art.

Depth refrigerators 50 cm and 60 cm is the standard for medium sized units. Such models often have the same width and depth. Inner square allows you to conveniently place the products.

In small refrigerators depth varies from 37 to 50 cm. Compressor in these models is positioned so that it largely occupies the internal volume. Keep in mind this fact when evaluating the spaciousness mini-refrigerators.

Useful advice!If the area is not limited to the installation of the refrigerator, it is better to buy a wide, rather than deep fridge. The last is more difficult to load the products and removing them from the refrigerator compartment.

From 50 to 60 cm - standard depth of a medium-sized refrigerator

From 50 to 60 cm - standard depth of a medium-sized refrigerator

Properties operation of refrigerators 50 cm wide, Side-by-Side

Particularly noteworthy refrigerators width of 50 cm. They are referred to as narrow models, but at a high altitude (180 cm), it has all the performance of the Full units. This two-chamber refrigerators with bottom location of the freezer and two doors. The decrease in height is usually carried out by reducing the size of the freezer, which allows you to keep a sufficient volume of the refrigeration compartment. The advantages of such refrigerators include:

  • possibility of installation in a small space;
  • capacity of the cooling chamber;
  • comfort of use, to ensure the optimal size.

Such width (50 cm) of a small refrigerator whose dimensions do not exceed the height of 150 cm, significantly changes the operational characteristics. Such freezer models do not have a separate door, and its volume is much smaller.

Refrigerators Side-by-Side - is a wide model with two chambers arranged vertically

Refrigerators Side-by-Side - is a wide model with two chambers arranged vertically

The special place among this type of household appliances occupy refrigerators Side-by-Side. This American model, in which the freezer compartment has a vertical position parallel to the cooling chamber, at times their width is 120 cm. Refrigerators have a large volume. Is set such variations in rooms with a large area.

Mini-refrigerators: the size and methods of use

Each person tends to make his life more comfortable. And a small refrigerator in it will be a good helper. You can install it in the office, not to go into the kitchen for cold drinks, or in the gazebo in the territory of a country house, where the perfectly preserved fruits and vegetables, ice cream or lemonade.

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Dimensions of such units may be different. The smallest bar fridge has a height of 40 cm, width - 40 cm depth - 37 cm. This technique is conveniently set on the bedside table, shelf or rack. Raised above floor level unit is much more comfortable to use. Such refrigerators used mainly for cooling drinks.

Mini fridge is a good option for accommodation in the country

Mini fridge is a good option for accommodation in the country

There are specially designed models for wine, the so-called wine racks. Most often they are placed in cafes, bars and restaurants. Some connoisseurs of the drink become such refrigeration systems and for the house. They can be either very small dimensions (height - 52 cm width - 35 cm, depth - 50 cm) or larger (height - 90 cm width - 60 cm, depth - 37 cm).

Useful advice! By purchasing a mini-fridge for the living room, you should pay attention to how the model will fit into your home decor.

What must be interested in weight of the refrigerator

Getting acquainted with the technical and operational characteristics of refrigerators, few people interested in the question of weight. Require such information can only in two cases:

  • if the loading and installation is carried out by the buyer;
  • in situations where the flooring has a limited mechanical load.
Medium sized refrigerators are of weight from 40 to 50 kilograms

Medium sized refrigerators are of weight from 40 to 50 kilograms

The basis weight of the refrigerator compressor, and constitute the housing. The remaining parts are made of plastic - pretty light material, so their overall negligible mass.

Find out how much weight the refrigerator, can be from the description of the goods: where such information is necessarily there. Wherein the value of y units having the same dimensions may vary by 10-15 kg.

The average weight of the component model Full single compressor refrigerator is 60-70 kg. Units with two compressors weigh 8-10 kg more. Refrigerator average size weighs 40-50 kg.

Big surprise even be more for small refrigerators buyers. Looking at the size 80h50h49,5 see, the buyer decides to purchase their own place in the trunk of his own car. However, the weight of 35 kg does not allow to do without assistance in transport.

Weight refrigerators have the same dimensions may vary by 10-15 kg

Weight refrigerators have the same dimensions may vary by 10-15 kg

A variety of overall sizes of refrigerators LG

Country-founder of the company for the production of LG refrigerators - South Korea. It has about 100 plants worldwide, engaged in the assembly of household appliances of this type. In the domestic market sold models made in Russia, Poland and Turkey. The units are well proven. The low price is due to the fact that the company itself produces compressors.

Lineup of products varied. This large-sized units, including Side-by-Side, and average options with top and bottom location of the freezer, and small models.

Dimensions of refrigerators (large size) with bottom location of the freezer have the following characteristics:

  • height - 200, 190, 189 and 186 cm;
  • width - 59.5 cm;
  • depth - 66-69 cm.

A distinctive feature of most models is their average width, it is equal to 78 cm.

Korean company LG offers customers an extensive range of

Korean company LG offers customers an extensive range of

The company also offers interesting models Side-by-Side. The size of large refrigerators American type:

  • height - 180 and 189 cm;
  • Width - 91 cm and 120;
  • depth - 74 and 77 cm.

Small refrigerators are in the form of cabinets, chests and feature a wide variety of sizes.

Useful advice!When choosing a refrigerator, it should be borne in mind that the small units do not have the freshness of the zone.

Refrigerator "Biryusa": the size, the model with and without the freezer

Refrigerators "Biryusa" - products of domestic manufacturers. Their releases Krasnoyarsk plant. The devices are of high quality, cost and democratic convenient size.

Mark "Biryusa" specializes in the production of narrow refrigerators

Mark "Biryusa" specializes in the production of narrow refrigerators

Today, many people prefer to have a separate refrigerators and freezers. Even different installation location is selected. Refrigerator located in the kitchen and freezer may be imposed in the pantry or another room. Since there is no need for daily use, distance is not a problem. Convenient options for refrigeration chambers produces the factory.

brand model "Biryusa" refers to a narrow refrigerator. The smallest figure width - 48 cm. The depth of such units is 60 cm, which ensures good capacity chambers. This dimensional performance model with a height of 145 cm.

It produces plant and several kinds of refrigerators of the same height but with a width of 58-60 cm. It should be noted that the 145 cm - the maximum amount of height refrigerators of the manufacturer. Freezers are always located in the upper part of the aggregates. Door refrigerators from "Biryusa" traditionally one.

Height of a mini refrigerator ranges from 60 to 122 cm. Models available with the presence of the freezer, and without it. The width of most of these units - 50 cm.

"Biryusa" The company manufactures small refrigerators 60-122 cm tall

"Biryusa" The company manufactures small refrigerators 60-122 cm tall

Model number and size of "Indesit" refrigerators

Lineup Fridge Indesit often presented Full two-chamber devices with two doors. Externally, the units appear compact, light touch. Manufacturer rarely uses the overhead handle (only in some medium and small models), which gives the accuracy and presentable appearance art.

Different refrigerators Indesit and different volumes of refrigerating and freezing chambers. It produces not only the model with small freezer, but also options where the volume of the chamber vary slightly.

Useful advice!When buying a refrigerator with a freezer large volume is better to choose a model with the ability to separate its management.

The standard height of large aggregates of the producer is 180-200 cm, width - 60 cm.

The standard width is large-sized models Indesit - 60 cm

The standard width is large-sized models Indesit - 60 cm

Indesit manufactures refrigerators and a width of 70 cm average height. Such models for which the top position of the characteristic rather large freezer, usually two-door or constitute a separate freezer.

Small refrigerators characterized by the firm sufficiently large width of 60 cm, and the presence of a roomy freezer, making comfortable and functional units.

Household Appliances "Atlas": the size of refrigerators and freezers

"Atlant" - Belarusian company, which manufactures two-chamber refrigerators, freezers, refrigerators without freezers. Home appliances of this manufacturer are of good quality and reasonable price. Full refrigerator can be purchased for 18,500 rubles.

Especially popular are the models of refrigerators in width 55 cm. This aggregates, whose height is 180 cm, i.e. ensures sufficient with a relatively narrow chassis. Freezer has a lower location, characterized by large dimensions.

The most popular model of the brand "Atlas" has a width - 55 cm, height - 180 cm

The most popular model of the brand "Atlas" has a width - 55 cm, height - 180 cm

Also of interest are embodiments medium size refrigerators, which does not exceed the height of 150 cm and a width of 60 cm. Freezer has a lower location and a separate door. Such models can be easily accommodated in small kitchens differ interesting appearance and good functionality. "Atlas" also produces a separate refrigerators and freezers are medium in size.

Assortment of small refrigerators small. Most of these units is a small-sized refrigerators without freezer. The smallest has a height of 40 cm, width - 48.5 cm, depth - 47 cm.

Dimensions refrigerator "Bosch" with two compressors

The German company Bosch produces a range of refrigerators, which are equipped with two compressors. This dual-chamber models, freezer who occupies the lowest position. As for dimensions, the large variety of such models do not differ. Height has two indicators - 185 and 200 cm.

Width of most units is 60 cm, depth - 65 cm. Only two types of refrigerators with two compressors have a depth of 63 cm. Given the power and the technical features of these models, it is useful to pay attention to their discreet and comfortable size.

Bosch offers many types of refrigerators in a variety of sizes

Bosch offers many types of refrigerators in a variety of sizes

It should be noted that the ratio of the volume of the refrigerating and freezing chambers standard unit. Refrigerator compartment at a height of 185 cm has a volume of 228 l at 200 cm - 257 liters. Capacity of freezer in both embodiments - 97 liters.

It has given the manufacturer's model, which is characterized by non-standard dimensions: width refrigerator - 90 cm depth - 80 cm with a height of 186 cm. Refrigerator big and roomy, has a bottom freezer and two wide doors. The volume of the refrigerating compartment is 476 liters, the freezing - 140 l.

Useful advice! When installing the appliance, this size is necessary to consider that there is sufficient space to open the door wider.

The variety of the range and size of refrigerators "Samsung"

Samsung - the Korean company, whose products are long and firmly established itself on the world market. Among refrigerators produced by it have a single-chamber model with manual control, dual-chamber electronic assemblies, Side-by-Side, mini-refrigerators. The buyer can choose the option to suit every taste.

Refrigerators Side-by-Side from Samsung have a height of between 170 and 215 cm

Refrigerators Side-by-Side from Samsung have a height of between 170 and 215 cm

The special pride of the company are large two-door refrigerators Side-by-Side. This is a model for the lucky owners of spacious kitchens. Such refrigerators can have the following dimensions:

  • height - from 170 to 215 cm;
  • Width - 90 cm on average;
  • Depth - 72 cm.

Samsung is offering a wide selection of standard models - refrigerators depth of 55 cm, width 60 cm and height 180 cm.

Features a small refrigerator of this manufacturer are easy operation and low weight at standard size. The most original models are mnogodvernye refrigerators, the height of which is 170-180 cm, width - 90 cm, depth - 79 cm. The doors of the refrigerating chamber are hung vertically, the freezing - horizontally.

The brand Samsung models are very popular in height - 180 cm, depth - 55 cm, width - 60 cm

The brand Samsung models are very popular in height - 180 cm, depth - 55 cm, width - 60 cm

Useful advice! When buying a very high or wide refrigerator is necessary to consider a way of transportation, availability and use of a lift flotation in doorways.

Dimensions refrigerators: Select the size and placement rules

They are often situations when the refrigerator is selected only for an interesting design. In the course of using manifest non-compliance of its technical and operational characteristics of the desired parameters. Therefore, in choosing this type of home appliances should be carefully and thoughtfully:

refrigerator dimensions must visually match the size of the room

refrigerator dimensions must visually match the size of the room

  1. If the kitchen space allows you to place the unit of any size, not necessarily choose bulky device only because of solidity. Internal volume has to be sought, or the acquisition of the refrigerator will be impractical.
  2. Do not buy a refrigerator with freezer volume, unless you plan to make significant and long-term stocks. Appropriate to give preference to models with a large refrigerator.
  3. It is better if the overall size of the refrigerator will fit the scale of the room. Large unit and joined him lonely kitchen table does not give a sense of comfort.
  4. Do not place the model Side-by-Side in the corner of the room - incomplete opening a door will cause an inconvenience of use and the feeling that the refrigerator is installed temporarily.
  5. When installing a small refrigerator under the countertop should be possible to remove it from the washing machine.

Refrigerator - one of the most essential items of household appliances. He must serve for many years, saving time, simplifying life and giving pleasant moments enjoying the taste of your favorite dishes and drinks. By selecting the appropriate one desires and needs of the model, it is possible to provide themselves comfort for a long time.

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