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Each cat needs a specially equipped for her where she could lie down, play or sharpen claws. Many people buy a simple couch where the pet will go to sleep, but more and more owners are trying to install the original design. Some people prefer to buy ready-made option, but more and more owners want to make a home for cats with his own hands, to fill it with the necessary details and create a design appropriate interior.
Cats are family members, so they need personal space
1 The main purpose of the houses for cats: what functions they perform
- 1.1 Other parameters that must be considered when creating a cat house
- 1.2 As consider house structure for a cat, depending on the characteristics of the animal
- 1.3 Recommendations for choosing a design house for seals
2 House cat with his own hands: the main types of constructions
- 2.1 Other common options for cats homes
- 2.2 What else can you do with your hands at home for cats: photos of interesting structures
- 2.3 What is the advantage of the toilet-house for the cat, which design to choose and where to place
3 What materials to favor the production of the house for the cat with his own hands
- 3.1 From which the individual details of the house are made for cats with their own hands
- 3.2 What to choose attachment to the house was safe
4 How to make a house for the cat with his own hands: step by step instructions, tips and tricks
- 4.1 How to make their own hands a house for the cat out of the box and cardboard more complex configuration
- 4.2 How to make a house for the cat with his own hands made of cardboard: instructions and drawings
- 5 Step by step instructions for building a house and ideas for decorating
- 6 Simple and clear instructions, which allows to make a house for the cat's out of the box and T-shirts
7 Tiered house for the cat out of plywood with their own hands: it will take and how to do
- 7.1 Useful tips on how to make a cat house made of several tiers
- 8 How to make a home for a kitten or an adult cat with kittens
- 9 How to make a house for the cat with his own hands: the easiest way
The main purpose of the houses for cats: what functions they perform
Everyone is used to the cats as a pet, but still they left a lot of the habits of the predators. For example, they need to hide and hunt, even in a production role are the master's feet, but it was so evident past wild feline. Houses cats primarily serve as a refuge, that is the place where the pet can retreat and hide from the rest of the building's residents. In addition, the structure and perform other functions:
Cats are very fond of secluded and cozy place to sleep enough
- Overview. Most domestic cats love to occupy the highest place in the room, where they can monitor the situation in the flat.
- Protective. House serves as a comfortable, private place where the animal feels safe.
- Game. If equipped with kittens design, ribbons, tunnels or other gaming accessories, the pet does not become stale, and will strive for continuous movement.
Useful advice!Well thought-out house, chipped pleasant materials will be cozy and warm place where the kitten will be the opportunity to lie and sleep, it does not need to constantly be used for these purposes, sofas, chairs, or bed.
Before you make a cat's house with his own hands, it is required to take into account some of the recommendations:
House becomes a private place where you can see everything going on in the house
- Its parameters must match the size of the pet. It is necessary for the animal to pass freely into the hole and thus had the opportunity, which is located inside the structure. But do not make too large a refuge.
- Opt for natural materials need to finish. Most often, playhouses for cats are made of wood, cardboard, felt or wool. Artificial materials such as plastic, wool electrify excessively, which causes some discomfort in the animal.
- Select a convenient location. If the animal to settle near the "high-profile" technology objects: TV, stereo, etc. - he or will not use a design, or will be under constant stress.
- Give preference to a warm place, where there are no drafts. Do not choose a place in the radiator, window or on a windowsill. To accommodate the animal is recommended to equip the place, the most distant from the door or passage.
If you follow the advice of a veterinarian, the best place to install the booth for a cat is a corner located diagonally across from the entrance to the room, or the opposite entrance wall. It is important to take into account the performance of air in the room where the animal lives: first, the air must be sufficiently moist, and secondly, in the room should not be too hot.
Cats are very self-sufficient being, so personal a house they just need
Other parameters that must be considered when creating a cat house
If you want to get the perfect result, before a house cat with his hands, it should be possible to study the habits of the animal and its character. For example, if the cat likes to play, that much attention should be paid to the hanging devices for games. The animal, which prefers a lot of time lying or sleeping more will like soft bed with high sides.
Important!Regardless of breed, character or habits, every cat will sharpen claws, even if they are regularly cut. Therefore, in most cases, it requires organization and house, and scratching posts for cats. Thus, able to maintain the integrity of the furniture, the corners, as well as save your own nerves, because no one likes to watch how things spoil a favorite after repair.
After manage to deal with the habits and the mood of the animal, you can begin to think and basic design elements. The first self-made houses for cats accessorize that promote physical activity.
First of all, the house should match the size of the animal
Playful pets need to have been a place that allows you to throw out the energy to run, tumble, and is not to be punished owner. For this purpose, next to the main indoor housing advised to fix different height pillars entwined with twine, the tops of which is decorated with small worktops for jumping. It is possible to make playgrounds for cats with their own hands or buy ready-made structure in the pet store. However, keep in mind that the price of complex structures may reach several tens of thousands of rubles.
The cat will be much safer in the house, equipped with a back door. Apartment dwellers, as well as wild cats like to hunt. For the animal it is important to be able to change the place where it is hiding. For example, if it is a cat with kittens, she may feel some danger, therefore begins to withdraw offspring through extra turn, it is connected with the instincts of self-preservation.
The size of the house for a cat should be selected not in the eyes, and on the basis of animal data. If made design for a kitten, you need to understand that within 6-8 months, it will be a great adult cat. In general, with regard to the choice of the size of a small house cat, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:
For the manufacture of the house is necessary to choose only natural materials
- animal body suitable medium inlet diameter of 15-20 cm;
- sleeper is recommended to do in the form of a cube, the edge of which is equal to 40 cm;
- couches, countertops and other utensils should match the size of the animal;
- the height of the drop-bed shelves should equal the growth of pet, which stands on its hind legs.
Much attention should also be paid to the creation of scratching posts, which should be equipped with any type of design. The first thing to choose for the production of durable material that can withstand the onslaught of good exerted by the animals. Establish the design should be such that the pet can get to the product from any angle. The minimum height for house cat with scratching, depending on the animal's growth, must not be less than 60 cm.
As consider house structure for a cat, depending on the characteristics of the animal
Veterinarians recommend when choosing a design type for Cat house created with their own hands to pay attention to the following parameters:
If the animal is sick or elderly, a house must be located at the bottom to the cat comfortably climb into
- sexual identity;
- character;
- the weight;
- habits;
- physical abilities;
- age.
Male or female, who like to hide in the closet to sleep, to wrap up in a blanket on the couch or hiding in the cushions more to be happy as much as possible with the roof closed lodge. For the pet who prefers to sleep warm battery, laptop keyboard, or another heat technique is better to choose a house-pipe hanging over the battery, or the couch upholstered in wool. For an animal who likes to sleep on the couch, bed or chair, it is advised to build a towering small couch or sofa small cat.
Cats with a playful nature occur at any age, because it is not only the kittens love to play a lot. If the animal is different playful nature, most of all, it likes to hunt. In this case, the cat house should differ significantly in height that the animal had a good view.
When choosing the design takes into account age, weight and nature of the cat
When a cat is often acquire offspring, it is better to give preference to a multi-level structures. Thus, the upper floors of the mother can be used as a viewing platform, and the lower house for the kittens will become a reliable cover. Later, from the height of mother cat can safely watch the cubs games and in case of danger to attack a potential enemy. Also it is better if the house-cat mother with cubs will not be on a large open space, where they will always feel uncomfortable.
Before you make a house for the cat with his own hands, you need to take into account the condition of the animal. When a cat is an elderly or injured, you should prefer designs with removable top and enlarged stove bench. Sometimes a sick animal may require additional heating, which often serves as a heater. Poor walking cat should be able to eat or go to the toilet near the main shelter. In this case, the couch lay a better disposable diapers or put a cloth diaper flannel oilcloth.
Important! If a street cat has brought to the house of any communicable disease should be mandatory to disinfect. Textile items required to wash at a maximum temperature and iron, and the remaining surfaces of process steam or clean with special solutions.
For an animal that loves comfort, the house should be as closed
Recommendations for choosing a design house for seals
Before proceeding to the production house, it is worth to get acquainted with the recommendations allow us to determine its structure.
- Often, blind cats or pets with visual impairments are afraid of enclosed cat houses and prefer to spend time on the well-lit surface like the windowsill or balcony. They need to sleep in the most lit area.
- Lovers of climbing on tops, it is better to choose a design consisting of hanging shelves, or to construct a booth with high location of the upper platform.
- Neutered cats are often characterized by a large awkward and overweight, they will not get on a high and unstable structure, so it is best to design the outdoor version of the cottage, which is set in corner. It is possible in this case to supplement the structure of a wide and sturdy ladder.
Cat's house to do the maximum sustainable
Cat house with their own hands better be made of natural, but sustainable materials that will not harm any animals or other residents of the house. Cats often like to try the game in the surrounding tooth surface to tear their claws, which are then licks. In this case, the fine particles are often caught in the digestive tract of an animal, why should not make couches of hazardous man-made materials.
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Its features and function. Types of home designs for pets, their benefits, tips on choosing and production of their own hands.
If soft house for a cat is made of foam, it must necessarily be placed inside a removable cover, which from time to time should be washed in the machine at high temperatures. It is important here that inside the house there were no unpleasant pungent smell, because they often say the presence in the composition of materials harmful coloring agents that can cause exacerbation of allergic reactions.
If the apartment or house live once two cats of all ages, especially when the older exhibits aggression towards younger the animal, it is better to do with their own hands for the cat house with high platform. Then the kitten will be able to hide from the less mobile older cat.
House cat with his own hands: the main types of constructions
If you walk into any pet store, you can draw attention to a wide variety of houses for cats: wicker, hard, soft, rigid and collapsible, floor and hanging. Some models have a sophisticated design that is not immediately understandable, it is home for a pet, because the design is an integral part of the interior. Many of the products on the shelves can be designed independently of the available tools, which often gather dust in any apartment. The most common materials for the manufacture of the cat house with their own hands:
- carton boxes;
- tissue segments;
- remnants of carpet;
- vine or rattan;
- wood;
- plywood;
- Styrofoam.
Houses for cats with their own hands can be hard or soft
If we consider the photo houses for cats, you can draw attention to the fact that the great popularity use simple hammocks, couches, which are fixed in any convenient place and, if necessary, move. Fixing occurs mainly due to buttons, Velcro, loops, ties or shotgun, holding structure with four corners. Thus it is possible to perform the product in two ways:
- hard;
- soft.
For the manufacture of their soft hands for house cats do not need to perform a solid foundation. The design is a classic hammock, which is stretched between the supports. The product is allowed to consolidate between the table legs, chair or corner of the room. A significant advantage of the suspension design is space-saving, because it does not require to use the useful area of the room.
Hammock to the solid support is typically fastened a little higher, but the principle remains the same. Before you make a house for a cat of such a plan, keep in mind that a weakened, sick or too fat animal will be difficult to climb inside.
The easiest way to organize the cat's place in the house is considered to be the production of outdoor couches, representing a square, rectangular or oval structure with a soft, low bumpers. In general, in order to make a house for the cat with his own hands, only require foam and fabric used as a cover. In addition to the standard forms, you can consider the couch in the form of baskets, heart or flower, which will be an excellent complement the surrounding interior.
Interesting and convenient option is considered to be the cat's box, suitable for placement at the same time a few animals. It is appropriate to place a small house for the cat outside or indoors. Depending on the installation location should be changed only to the material used, but the design is done on a similar principle. The roof is flat or with a slight slope. If the house is designed for home use, the top usually attached plush or other soft tissues.
Cat houses may have a different shape and configuration
Street house for the cat's best to cover with the help of material impervious to moisture and rainfall. If the top of the housing intended for other animals, for the convenience of the design should be supplemented by means of stairs. One side of the house is possible to equip a home scratching posts, and inside put a soft rug or mattress. In addition to the standard rectangular embodiment are often manufactured triangular houses designed for installation in angular space.
Other common options for cats homes
A variety of photo cat houses are given to understand that it is not always to create a secluded space for the animal you want to think of something, design or construct. Sometimes this approach is already installed or old furniture.
For example, an excellent example is the old table, in which the side wall of the hole is performed a desired shape. On the sides you can fix some of gaming accessories or scratching. If several cats, extra bench mounted on the top rung. Thus, you can quickly and easily make a home for the kittens with their hands.
Useful advice! Paying attention to the photo of the cat houses, you can see that as a basis, in addition to the old cabinets used chairs, stools, frames of old CRT TVs, which are cut inlets and small windows for a better ventilation.
Some craftsmen prefer to decorate the interior with the help of mini-furniture cat-like in appearance toy sofas, beds, ottomans and chairs. The only thing that distinguishes them, - the increased size of the latter. A lover of cats often set in their room beds for animals, made in the same style as the mistress of the bed, or even decorated with a canopy. In this case, the removable cover is important to make a solid, which is easy to put in order.
What else can you do with your hands at home for cats: photos of interesting structures
Very interesting and beautiful look made with their own hands houses for cats made of cardboard. You do not need to purchase expensive materials or fastening systems. Due to the compliance of the material, the design is easy to impart a desired appearance, but most often prefer such forms as:
Beautiful and original house can be made from scrap items
- wigwam;
- Mansion;
- skyscraper;
- tent;
- tunnel;
- hemisphere.
Important advantages of the cardboard houses for cats are considered to be low cost structure, high speed manufacturing, as well as the fact that cardboard is a material that keeps well heat. A significant disadvantage of products is very short lifetime, and it is the shorter, the more active the animal behaves.
To save space in a small room, many owners prefer the wall mounted housing for pets, especially if we take into account the fact that all cats love to occupy high places in apartment. The design with a solid basis is usually fixed to the wall surface and between two beams is a shelf. For greater comfort, upholstered surface textile or other pleasant to the touch material. To the cat it was easy to get into the house, it should be positioned on the wall a number of convenient and wide steps or perform corner house with several floors.
Real entertainment for one or more pets will be a multilevel gaming complex where the cats have the ability to sleep, and play. Such an embodiment requires installation of several sites on the racks provided in the form kogtetochek between which are tensioned hammocks, rope ladders or other devices. It is appropriate to decorate the floors on the ropes dangling toys.
What is the advantage of the toilet-house for the cat, which design to choose and where to place
Indoor koshechy toilet is a small structure with a roof. In this house the result of animal waste is hidden from others, and around the toilet will not be dispersed filler. And most pet easier to cope their needs, if it is hidden from prying eyes. Aesthetically, the design looks presentable and can have various shapes and designs that already depend on the mood of the owner.
-Dwelling animal toilet can be equipped with a movable door, and the tray itself, where the filler is filled, is inside. The lid on the toilet is removable, making it easy to carry out cleaning.
House-toilet for cats can be arranged in an old cabinet unnecessary
The main advantages of manufacturing toilet at home for the cat with his own hands:
- Due to the closed design of the unpleasant odor does not extend far beyond.
- The filler is not scattered around the room. If at the entrance to put a rug, it is further will protect the rest of the area is from contamination with paws.
- Many cats prefer to defecate in a closed from all sides of the structure.
- Completely excluded version of what a pet "miss" by the tray.
Useful advice! Is especially important to establish this type of construction in the apartment, where small children live, that They love to take things in their mouths, and poking around in containers with bulk materials that resemble sandbox.
Before you do for a cat-house toilet, you need to familiarize yourself with some shortcomings design. For example, the size of the toilet will be much larger than a normal tray, you need to consider when choosing a location.
Also, not all cats have to similar design to their liking. To avoid unnecessary labor costs, it is recommended to make a test, a simplified version, which will be a simple cardboard box. If the cat is interested in this invention, it is possible to start the design of a thorough home. Furthermore, among the disadvantages can allocate more complex cleaning and limited visibility animal waste, because it is not immediately clear when the cat to use the toilet.
Before you think through the size of the toilet-house, should be defined in advance with the installation location, taking into account the fact that the design takes up considerable space. If floor space is very limited, it is better to pay attention to the angle options. When the installation of the tray is planned in a small space, it is better to use charcoal filters as a filler that best absorb unpleasant "odors."
Many cats are more comfortable to celebrate their needs in a confined space
With regard to the installation of self-manufactured toilet house, then there is not really a great choice. In any case, you should rely on the habits and behavior of the animal. Do a similar design house is appropriate for both adults and for young animals.
What materials to favor the production of the house for the cat with his own hands
In most cases the manufacture of cabins Pet unnecessary building materials used, remaining after repair. Such a step is justified, because eventually all surfaces would still be covered by an additional textile or other soft furnishings. Before you make a home for cats with their own hands, should take into account some of the requirements put forward with respect to the materials.
The absence of sharp odor. When this is not acceptable, even easy, unpleasant odor to humans. In the cat a heightened sense of smell, and even if it seems insignificant man smell, a pet can be due to him refuse to use design. If you acquired the material from the bad smells, you should leave it for a few days on the street and use only after an unpleasant smell will disappear.
Lack of electrification. Static discharges emanating from materials unpleasant both animals and humans. For this reason, cats do not like plastic surface. It should not be for the upholstery and interior fittings to use silk or polyester fabrics, although they are very nice touch.
The cat began to quickly and actively explore the new home, before installing the structure is necessary for some time to hold the inside of the house. During the short period of house cat familiar absorb odors. Animals are more willing to settle in a house made of a material, which for a long time, were with him.
Materials for the house must be of high quality and natural
Useful advice!Sometimes in a situation where the cat does not want to try hard to get into the house, it is recommended to use special sprays, eye-catching animals that are available in special pet. Sprays are also suitable for cats to accustom kittens.
From which the individual details of the house are made for cats with their own hands
If you look at a photo and a video explaining how to make a house for the cat with his own hands at home conditions, it can be seen that most of the shelter is constructed of several parts design:
- Vertical and inclined portions often made of plywood, chipboard, thin boards, as well as from a variety of tangles, or tissue.
- To create circular shapes suitable plastic sewer or drain pipes, thick cardboard tube from the wound films, wooden beams, coiled pipe in linoleum or carpeting.
- Hammocks mainly made of fabric, rod, or rope.
- Flat pad made of wood, fiberboard or plywood. At the same houses for wood cats can not bind. Board fairly well polished, then coated with varnish, water-based or a special oil. If you are using plywood or particle board, it is better to use an additional textile covering.
When an accommodation for pet made of wood, it is required simply to take the appropriate trunk. The bark is recommended to take only if it crumbles. When the bark is well secured, it is better to leave as an additional decoration. Beautiful in a makeshift design will look thick branches that serve as supports for the placement sites, or other elements.
For the manufacture and decoration of cat house a variety of items and materials can be used
As for cladding materials, then to perform the scratching posts best twisted rope made of natural fibers. The most popular are:
- jute;
- linen;
- hemp;
- sisal.
Better to buy the material directly with a certain margin in order to be able to replace if necessary twist. Recommend wrap all pipes that are not made of wood.
Houses themselves and various advise shelves stud dense material with short pile. For these purposes the perfect carpet. Do not select include the long material. Firstly, for the shelf, upholstered with a short nap, the animal will be easier to cling to. Secondly, in the upholstery will not be trapped dust, wool, various debris that are often cause symptoms of allergic reactions in animals and humans.
The color design of specific recommendations do not exist. By and large animal fits any color, even black. Therefore, the choice should be given preference for shades that are well in tune with the surrounding decor. Better to choose a practical and tend to accumulate grease color, contrasting with respect to the coloring of a pet.
What to choose attachment to the house was safe
To make a house for the cat as possible stronger and safer, you need to think in advance quality fasteners. When you create a self-made place for a cat is not advised to use self-tapping screws, because they often cling to the coat. It is recommended to give up the brackets, which often become a trap for the claws. Self-tapping screws and staples may be used only if they are completely closed by means of the outer skin.
For fastening wooden parts used cluster and screws, which subsequently are covered with upholstery
The best option for securing considered PVA glue, which after drying it does not emit any odors and normally carries cats. The glue is allowed to use to secure the rope and upholstery. Shelves and other elements of the house beat with the help of ordinary nails.
If, in addition to self-tapping screws, no other options, you should install them safely. Therefore cap prepared hole whose diameter is greater than the cap. After this screw is screwed, and a hat smeared putty. A similar method is used in the manufacture of furniture. This technique is considered necessary to ensure the safety of your pet.
Useful advice! If the result of the work became too high design, better after making a house cat, in addition to fix it either to the floor or the wall. Otherwise, a high probability that the animal Jumping overturn the entire structure.
For the house of cardboard ideal option attachment is considered PVA glue
Before you get started, you want to accurately determine the question of what kind of construction is planned to produce. It is recommended to create a house with their hands drawing for cats, which makes all the necessary measurements, the dimensions of parts and other nuances. In this case, will be transferred to the paper all the necessary elements and calculate how much will need to purchase material and available tools. You can bring to the development process, and children, whose ideas are usually more creative than adults. In addition, the creation of asylum bring the child a lot of fun.
How to make a house for the cat with his own hands: step by step instructions, tips and tricks
The simplest (in terms of manufacturing and material selection) is considered to be a home for the cat out of the box. Optimal variant in this case - the container size 35h50h50 cm. Before you make a house for the cat out of the box, you should check for such items:
The easiest way to make an animal with his own hands a house made of cardboard
- scissors;
- glue;
- fine sandpaper;
- stationery knife;
- adhesive tape;
- colored paper;
- upholstery material.
As the litter on the floor suitable foam. If not, you can use an old sweater or jacket. The advantage of using your own clothes is the one fact that will be present in the familiar smell of the host. Still, the animal will be softer to sleep on more dense material, for example, on a piece of old rug.
For exterior trim fit colored cardboard, but because of the low stability of the material to an external impact, this design does not last for long. That is why this goal is more appropriate buklirovannaya fabric and fur. Before you begin to work on the production house for a cat with his hands out of the box, you should prepare the surface. For this removed all the unnecessary stickers pasted some defects (tears or cracks) using thick tape, all of barbs are cut and polished surface roughness by grit paper.
Then, in front of the box you want to draw a hole extending from the entrance. To this end, pre-planned location saucer diameter is applied not less than 20 cm, which is encircled around the edges neatly. After that, using the stationery of the knife cut is performed. The edges are polished with sandpaper glued joints and junctions tape or glue. Thus, a small house for the cat out of the box will be more durable and reliable.
Before starting exterior trim, well-dried product is required, then it is possible to proceed to the consolidation of textiles, paper or other upholstery material. If the box is decorated with a cloth, as an adhesive composition can be used quick-drying silicone adhesive, and on the application of staples furniture should be abandoned. To Kitten was convenient, comfortable and soft to sleep on the floor should be placed a small pad of foam or other soft material.
If the cardboard houses for cats are meant for the street, floor and walls should be further strengthen and insulate foam, to warm air is better kept inside the home and did not chill from the earth. At the end of the main works can consider the installation of accessories, such as toys, ribbons, filaments, Sequin et al.
If you have the desire and skills, you can make a house out of wood
How to make their own hands a house for the cat out of the box and cardboard more complex configuration
To perform more complex to house the cats out of the box, you need a suitable sized container, which you need to cut the bottom and the ceiling. Upon completion of the preparatory work should remain only the walls on each side. Do not be in a hurry to get rid of scraps, because they then will need to use to build the roof.
To perform the doors and windows are taken saucer or any other object, wherein a suitable round shape, which is applied to the places where the future is planned to create the opening, and then encircled by using pencil. However, on the site of the proposed door is not necessary to trace the full circle, only the top draw a rounded edge enough, then using straight lines should outline the borders in the form of an arch. According to the draw the outline and cut out the opening.
Out of the box or carton can be made as a simple house, as well as more complex
In order to make the roof, you need to connect the box with tape, which remained after cutting the ceiling and floor. Using adhesive tape, cut portions are attached to the frame of the house. After fixing the upper part you can begin decorating the house for the cat out of the box with their hands, which fasten to the roof of colored paper or cardboard, imitating a tiled masonry. This version of the decor will look original and attractive, and the box itself will fill any room mood.
Another decorative element is a chimney, which is also glued cardboard residues. In order to firmly secure the construction of the roof, at the bottom of the triangular opening should be cut. By the roof improvised chimney is attached via double sided tape. Once the house for the cat out of the box is made, it is necessary to lay on the floor a cushion or soft cloth, design is considered to be ready for settlement in her animal.
There are very simple solutions to the question of how to make a house out of the box for the kitten and cat. To do this takes is usually low cardboard box, which is completely cut off the top portion to the bottom of spreading foam. The whole structure is fitted by cloth for a more comfortable location within the family. The height of the flanges does not allow kids accidentally fall or roll out of the asylum. When the kittens are older, low bumpers will not be an obstacle to the self-penetration.
Interesting information!Due to the fact that for the manufacture of cardboard products do not need to spend large amounts of time and money, if you wish, you can replace the worn-out boxes and make new products.
How to make a house for the cat with his own hands made of cardboard: instructions and drawings
To carry out house for cardboard cats do not require much effort. For subjects who need to prepare for the work include:
- Pressed cardboard;
- scissors or a stationery knife;
- compass;
- pencil;
- glue.
house drawing for pets made of cardboard
Preparations for operation consists in cutting a certain number of cardboard circles of different diameters - from 18 to 22 cm, with 5 mm increments. The result should 4-5 discs of the same size, the amount will depend on the desired height of the future structure. The width of one floor, consisting of circles of the same size should be no less than four centimeters. Step by step instructions that specifies how to make a house out of cardboard, is as follows:
- to place the bottom, you need to take one or 2 whole disk with a maximum radius;
- glued on top of them following the same diameter, but not solid, but with equally spaced holes of 4 cm width (they are necessary for registration of input);
- going further tower by overlaying on each other discs fastened PVA glue.
After completion of the manufacturing cardboard tower should define the shape and size of the entrance, and also cause boundary for the finished product, and then using the knife to cut the desired stationery opening of prearranged lines. Once the product is completely dry and evaporate odor adhesive spreads into a soft cushion and seal invited to house warming.
There are also more elaborate options for houses made of cardboard, for example, two-storey building for several animals. But in this case you need to have to spend a little more time, because you need to prepare templates for the implementation of door and window openings. For the manufacture of such houses for the cats out of the box with their hands will need two of the same capacity, the size of which will depend on the size of the largest animal. Also handy ruler, pencil, knife and hot glue.
Step by step instructions for building a house and ideas for decorating
The progress of work will look something like this:
After drawing materials prepared can start building the house
- First, we should define the scope of the future building, the size of which is better to move to a house drawing for cats.
- Pre-prepared and templates for the implementation of windows and doors. They should be attached to the boxes, constituting the first and second floor, and circle contour using a pencil. With the help of stationery knife on coated lines are cut ready openings.
- At the bottom of the box cut off the top flaps located nearby. Flaps that are opposite to each other, do not touch it.
- At the top of the box are cut same shutters, but placed at the bottom, after the installation of one box to the other leaf must be arranged in such a way as to obtain an integral bottom.
- To carry out the roof on two small wings top boxes, which are opposite each other, are drawn and cut the triangles, and so that the remaining part can be bent forward and form roof.
- Two long, parallel-arranged leaf connected to each other, and to them on the sides of the triangular stick leftovers from the side.
In some cases it is possible to deviate from the proposed statement, but should still comply with the order. After performing the actions listed major works for the production house is completed. You can then move on to the decoration, to make not only a cozy nest, but also a beautiful interior elements. In most cases, you do not have to buy any further details, because everything you need can be found at home. At the same time again to find the necessary parts can attract children and transform the mission in real adventure.
As for the decoration of the finished house, there are several interesting ideas:
- Using thick needle and thread, cloth sheathing house, without necessarily cover the entire area - only enough to perform plating in or on certain areas.
- Tape the cardboard white paper on the perimeter, and then decorate it with beautiful images.
- Used for decorating decoupage technique, when used for the decoration of the beautiful serving napkins.
- Tape the cardboard variety of stickers, wallpaper remnants. However, in this case, care should be taken not to get too lurid a product that does not match the surrounding decor.
- Mounted on the external and internal walls of the house are small stuffed animals that adorn the structure and used as accessories for cat play.
- On the perimeter of the house paste laces or knitted from yarn rope, supplemented rustling elements, which are so fond of fun pets.
Decorate the house, you can tell how a fantasy, as long as all the details are safe for animal
Interesting information! After Koshkin house is made, it is possible to decorate any elements that are sewn or glued to the side walls.
Simple and clear instructions, which allows to make a house for the cat's out of the box and T-shirts
Everyone in the house you can find old clothes that no longer suitable to wear, but still can not bring rid of it. Therefore makeshift housing for domestic animals will be a great way to give clothes a new life. seekers dimensions are selected based on the size of the animal, there can be any rigid restrictions. The main thing that your pet was not in closely to the design did not occupy the lion's share of the room and not interfere with the free movement on it.
Due to the fact that this house is different stiffness, which secures the wire, it is easy to be rearranged or moved to any convenient place or even take with you to the cottage.
House can be made of an unnecessary T-shirt, or the finished cardboard box
So, the bottom of the lodge-tents made of pieces of plywood, cardboard or boxes. If you use a cardboard or cardboard box, it would be better to strengthen the foundation with the help of several additional sheets of material. To make a frame, you need to take two pieces of thick wire, which is required to give a pre-arc shape. A connecting member between the top central portion so that the ends located in a single plane. To be safe, you must place the connection is good wrap with tape. Next, perform the following operation:
- At the corners of cardboard or plywood doing a four holes, keeping a space from the edge of 3.5 cm. It is here and will be inserted into the frame of the arc.
- The ready opening and pushed to the edges of the wire are bent on the back side of the base, then further fixed with adhesive tape.
- Since the inlet into the house will serve as a neck T-shirt, the lower portion can be stapled, and tuck the sleeves and fix.
If desired, sew a simple T-shirt to the ground, but in this case, will not work when necessary it is easy to remove and wash. For this reason, the Council simply fasten clothes under house bottom with double-sided adhesive tape or pins. In addition to shirts, to create such an uncomplicated house will suit any other tissue that needs to be cut out by applying the material on the wire frame. Only in this case we should not forget to leave the reserve for the creation of allowances.
House of t-shirt is made very quickly and does not require additional costs
Tiered house for the cat out of plywood with their own hands: it will take and how to do
If you allow the size of the apartment or house, as well as in the case of the playful nature of the animal and create their own complex structure, if desired, can be consider the manufacture of the whole gaming complex equipped with shelves, ladders, labyrinths, and other kogtetochkami interesting to beast accessories. This cat house will be able to play even in the absence of the owner, may cease to climb in the cupboards and throw out clothes from there.
To make a house for the cat out of plywood, in addition to the basic material need these items:
- seating area;
- sandpaper for the treatment of the cuts;
- glue;
- fasteners - screws or nails.
Before start up inside pet should upholster foam wall fringed practical and non-marking fabric. Fitting together the combination foam + fabric easy to fix in the right places is durable and dense carpet, which, despite constant exposure to sharp claws, capable of a long time to serve. To avoid difficulties during the manufacture of the house for a cat with his own hands, sizes, designs are advised to prepare and paint the detail.
Tiered house will appeal to active playful fur seals
Helpful information!To finally get a strong house, instead of particle board, plywood or fiberboard better to sacrifice a few for the manufacture of boards. Natural wood in its characteristics will always exceed glued counterparts.
At the initial stage of creating the complex is performed next design diagram where painted detail dimensions of each part. This step is necessary that there was no training after the main parts, they are not joined together.
The advantage of using plywood considered high elasticity material, whereby the sheet can buckle and give details of various forms. Sometimes through-cuts are used to increase the flexibility of particleboard and MDF, which after bending are filled with an adhesive solution.
If the decor assumed a variety of curved parts, you can use a jig saw. Often designs are conceived in a way that requires the use of wooden bars, which is quite difficult to adjust to the desired size. If the hand is not the right bars, elements can be replaced by PVC pipes. If necessary to connect multiple parts used fittings, are fixed to the adhesive.
Useful tips on how to make a cat house made of several tiers
To make the house from plywood, consisting of 4 walls, floor and roof, need to prepare in advance 6 square and rectangular pieces. Ready house often becomes the highest point of the entire structure to the animal to lie down to watch everything happening in the room. Another advantage of installing high-asylum is considered to be the fact that the ceiling is usually warmer than the bottom, and there is no draft.
To the cat was comfortable climb to the shelter, you should consider a few of the side entrances, and at the bottom you can make a few holes through which can get through the cat's paw. In this case, be sure to follow the polishing sections to pet does not hurt his paw. The number of parts constituting the complex will depend on personal wishes and features of behavior of the host animal.
To secure the vertical elements in the wooden pillars necessary to drill small holes that will be screwed to the element of the shelves. Among the useful tips on how to make their own hands for the cat a cozy space are the following:
Drawing of a multi-storey house for cats size 360h660h940 mm
- Carpet, foam or paste must not only sidewalls, but also the internal surface of the structure. Thus, you get to create not only beautiful, but also a warm house for the cat.
- To give the article a greater strength, metallic elements for connecting corners are used together.
- Before winding the vertical elements jute and hemp twine, they should be liberally applied PVA glue, and after an additional winding surface to tap a rubber mallet.
- As a game element to the house is possible to attach a small ramp, made of wood or textile. In this case the cat will have an additional structure, by means of which he can climb up.
It is especially important to think carefully about a complex fastening system to the wall: if the animal at least once topple him over, he may stop playing with it. It should also be run in an animal house ready too early, because if not completely erode the smell sawn boards or plywood, pet can ignore the assembled structure as a result of all the work will nothing.
How to make a home for a kitten or an adult cat with kittens
It is pointless to scold the cat because it sharpens its claws as pets, in contrast to the wild, are not able to grind too regrown nails on rocks or trees. Pets that reside in the apartment may not be time to get rid of a very long claws, so they quickly begin to interfere with the normal movement of cats. If the owner does not podstrizhet claws, the animal will have to do it yourself, honing them on surfaces that seem appropriate to him.
Important! Made with his own hands a house-cat scratching posts to help protect furniture, corners, doors and other surfaces from damage.
The most convenient design choice for producing self-considered bar or rectangle, whose height is 9-10 cm, width - 8-10 cm. You can consider a variant with increased parameters, but not reduce their costs. To make the design of functionality and an attractive appearance can be installed on top of a comfortable lounger.
Attach scratching better with the help of furniture parts, and to install more suitable rectangular or cross-shaped stand, having a sufficient width for stability. If necessary, some prefer to fix the product to the floor covering. A significant drawback of such a fixture is considered to damage the floor as well as the inability to reinstall and transfer house. As used in the plating generally such materials:
- Jute twine;
- carpet;
- sackcloth.
Most often scratching posts using twine, carpet or burlap
Not recommended for this purpose to acquire synthetic rope tight, because if the cat catch hold of her claw, it can damage or even pull it out. Twine same as in the previous embodiment, be applied to pre-treated surface of the adhesive.
Those who do not want to bother with too complex structures, like a simplified way to create scratching posts, which is mounted on a wall carpet, a well-polished pieces of wood or logs. If you use natural wood, you should first remove all the small twigs and sand the surface thoroughly. To attract attention just above the kittens need to hang your favorite toy pet.
How to make a house for the cat with his own hands: the easiest way
Often sleeping tailed prefer to use soft pillows, backs of chairs or sofas, which, in their view, are considered to be the most comfortable. A significant drawback of such a course of events can be considered constant accumulation of hair on the furniture. To get rid of this problem, you can make a house for the cat, using for this purpose natural fabrics: linen, cotton, wool. As soft foundations perfect batting or padding polyester.
To create a cushion-loungers need to cut out sides and carrying handles, which are then stuffed selected pad. On one of the sides is recommended to make a recess through which the fluffy will be easy to enter and exit. To give the product form and strength before you make a house for the cat to the bottom of the need to secure a tight piece of cardboard. Due to the soft handles not only can carry the product, but also to hang it in any convenient location.
Some use a wire frame shaped to give the couch. Case for filler stitched from two pieces of fabric while it is not necessary to use the pattern. You can freely sew two pieces of fabric from the wrong side, leaving a small opening, it was convenient to stuff filler, and then pushing it repaired.
Any cat, as a full member of the family needs a private space, which is perfect as a house stands. By and large, to create a separate house for the animal often does not need to purchase expensive materials or tools. Following simple instructions, easy to create not only comfortable for the animal, but also eye-catching interior design.