The design of the balcony: how to make extra room from the room

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Balcony is considered an integral part of the apartment. It should be used correctly and functionally. It is not always appropriate to a small apartment in the entire area reserved for the storage of unnecessary things - much better to make the balcony an extension of the apartment and to expand the usable space. To make a design of the balcony, you do not have to break down the walls and perform a full re-planning. Whatever the area, the room can be comfortable and beautiful.

The design of the balcony: how to make extra room from the room

Whatever the terrace area, it is always possible to make a comfortable and beautiful


  • 1 How competently approach to repair the balcony: a photo of ready examples
    • 1.1 The design of the balcony: how best to perform the finish wall
    • 1.2 How to perform a ceiling and a floor to pick up at the balcony design
  • 2 Variants of arrangement of the balconies of medium and large area
    • 2.1 Design loggias, combined with different facilities: a games area and an office
    • 2.2 Making kitchen and closet, combined with a loggia: Photo of interior design
  • 3 How to organize the design of a small balcony
  • 4 Furniture and accessories for the organization of the interior balcony
  • 5 Selection of interior design loft: photo design options in a classic style
    • 5.1 Modern styles in the design of the balcony design: Picture of ready examples

How competently approach to repair the balcony: a photo of ready examples

Before making repairs, you must first create a project of a balcony or loggia and decide which room or the room will be located here. In any case, you must be prepared to ensure that the repair - a time-consuming process, especially if you need redevelopment and demolition of the walls.

Materials for the repair of the balcony, have different resistance to fading and moisture

Materials for the repair of the balcony, have different resistance to fading and moisture

Important!If you plan to carry out major repairs, involving the transfer of the walls, then before starting work must obtain approval for this type of repair in ZhEKe, BTI, you may need permission from the sanitation center and Ministry of Emergency Situations. Otherwise there can be problems with the registration of real estate in the future.

If the balcony is not characterized by a large area and there are some skills in the field of construction, repair is quite possible to carry alone. If the planned large-scale work, it is best to seek help from professionals - this will save from buying unnecessary materials. Sometimes, before starting repairs, it is necessary to carry out the dismantling of old wooden windows and trim. However, in any case, when you make a loggia or balcony have to perform actions such as:

  • glazing when the balcony open;
  • Decorating the walls and ceiling;
  • Deck flooring may thus have to raise the floor height;
  • heating organization;
  • external and internal insulation of the room.
If you plan to work on large-scale redevelopment of the balcony, it is better to seek professional help

If you plan to work on large-scale redevelopment of the balcony, it is better to seek professional help

Materials to be used in the repair, must be sustainable to fading and moisture, especially in the finishing of the outer wall. If the balcony outside the insulated good foam plates and glazed glazed quality, the likelihood of temperature difference inside the room is reduced significantly. Besides foam used for insulation of walls and other materials, such as:

  • penoplex;
  • mineral wool;
  • penofol - material which consists of foamed polyethylene, coated foil.

The design of the balcony: how best to perform the finish wall

When selecting materials for the walls need to purchase such options, which allow you to quickly and easily do the installation, resistant to extreme temperatures. The most common design for walls preference is given to PVC panels, which are easy to fit and are easy to care for. Often pictured designs for balconies and loggias you can see the walls lined with clapboard MDF. The material is characterized by low price. You can choose options that mimic the texture of wood that will look beautiful in the interior balcony.

The most common design for walls preference is given to PVC panels, lining, decorative stone and plaster

The most common design for walls preference is given to PVC panels, lining, decorative stone and plaster

Most environmentally friendly, but expensive material is considered to be lining made of solid wood, which is characterized by the ability to retain heat well. It is especially important to use such material, if you are planning to make a sequel balcony child's room.

If a balcony or loggia is different cold uneven inner walls, for their alignment and additional insulation recommended plasterboard sheets that is required to be mounted on the aluminum profile. Then if desired the sheets may be either dye or covered with wallpaper. Such a finishing method should not be used on small balconies, because plasterboard profile take on the area at least 10 cm from each wall. In the photo you can see the loggia repair options when used for walls decorative stone or stucco.

How to perform a ceiling and a floor to pick up at the balcony design

If you plan to organize in a flat design open balcony, it is better to lay on the floor coating resistant to significant temperature extremes and high humidity. The most practical options include ceramic tiles, the better to choose the material for open-air, or put granite. Such a floor is easy to clean, it is considered easy to care for, is characterized by durability and resistance to various mechanical influences.

Run loggia can be beautiful by laying the floor panels of wood, laminate floorboard or carpet

Run loggia can be beautiful by laying the floor panels of wood, laminate floorboard or carpet

When do you plan to combine the room with balcony, interior design involves the use of a warm floor covering options. The cheapest material is considered to be linoleum, but in this case it is recommended to give preference to dense linoleum with a layer of insulation. Run beautiful balcony or loggia can by laying the floor panels of wood, but the floor in this case must be in harmony with the walls. Other flooring options include:

  • laminate;
  • parquet or floorboard;
  • carpet.

Useful advice!Having decided to combine the balcony with some of the rooms, it is better to think in advance the system electric and water underfloor heating, because the heat sink stand on a balcony is not always possible.

When decorating the ceiling on the balcony using several options. The easiest way is considered to be an ordinary painting. This requires carefully plastered surface or apply paint with a textured roller, which will close the majority of those present irregularities. If even the ceiling, and the balcony is made in a minimalist style, it can be a whitewash.

When decorating the ceiling in the loggia or balcony of the most commonly used drywall

When decorating the ceiling in the loggia or balcony of the most commonly used drywall

If desired, performed hinged or plasterboard ceiling, in which case it will be easier to devise a system built-in lighting. Other embodiments include finishing wooden boards, plastic panels and PVC sheets. Below you can view photos of balconies turnkey demonstrating complete repairs.

Variants of arrangement of the balconies of medium and large area

If loge area varies 4-6 , In this case in the presence of a sufficient amount of space to build a separate place to relax. For this purpose, you can make a sofa or chair on the balcony and install a small table with a glass top. If the walls additionally fixed shelves for books, you get a great library with a reading place. You can free up space in the room and bring in a roomy balcony corner shelf or cabinet.

Making design loggia 6 meters, can be arranged here for joinery work zone. This will require the tabletop and sliding shelves and drawers for storing small items that will be useful in their work.

The loggia of more than 6 meters can be arranged zone golf course

The loggia of more than 6 meters can be arranged zone golf course

To save the usable area of ​​the apartment, you can take out onto the balcony dryer, though, not to take place at the premises, better use of suspension structure of aluminum, which is fixed on the ceiling and does not interfere with the free movement. A good option is considered to install a retractable ironing board. In this case it is convenient to remove from the clothes dryer, and immediately add it to iron on the internal angle of the shelf in the cabinet.

On a large loggia (7 square meters) it is possible to establish not only a chair with a table, but also a chest of drawers, shelves, wall shelves. In this case, on the balcony, you can arrange a full bedroom, placing here a sofa-transformer or a chair-bed. On this loggia is appropriate to establish a large number of lighting elements, as well as recommended to decorate it with fresh flowers. A large area is easy to organize and other rooms, such as:

  • the gym;
  • office;
  • children's play area;
  • greenhouse;
  • kitchen.
On the large balconies it is possible to set not only a chair with a table, but also a chest of drawers, shelves, wall shelves

On the large balconies it is possible to set not only a chair with a table, but also a chest of drawers, shelves, wall shelves

Design loggias, combined with different facilities: a games area and an office

Interior balconies combined with one of the rooms, you need to think carefully. It is not always appropriate to leave the apartment 6-7, and even more square meters for the loggia, especially if a small living area. If the room is located next to the children, a good option is considered to be an organization where the playing area. It is not always necessary to remove the partition, since it can be used as an element of the interior.

Floor in the playing area is required to choose the most warm materials, such as carpet with a low pile, which is easily vacuumed. Here it is essential to place the wall bars or even a gaming complex with ladders and slides. Install shelves for toys will maximize free area of ​​the main room. If a child is interested in creativity or painting, on the balcony, you can make a creative workshop, especially since the large number of windows allows you to saturate the room with natural light.

Looking through photos of loggias, quite often you can see that it is used as an office, because to install the computer desk does not require much space. If loggia different irregular shape, it is better to book a table for individual manufacturing. In this case, the finished product will be taken into account all the niches and curves of the walls. Additionally, it is recommended to organize a table near shelves for folders and boxes for stationery items.

Loggias space is often used as an office

Loggias space is often used as an office

Making kitchen and closet, combined with a loggia: Photo of interior design

If the lodge is situated next to the kitchen, then this option is considered to be the most advantageous, because there is nothing better than having a large kitchen, with the design of which is not necessary to save the area. This will install all the necessary household appliances, as well as give an opportunity to organize a separate dining area with a large table.

The easiest way to use the balconies - the organization on its dining area. This will require only set there in sufficient lighting elements and think about the heating system that was not cold. For this purpose, actually hang electric radiator or heater Ufo, which is considered economically and quickly heats the air.

A more sophisticated version - is the removal of the loggia of the working area, because in this case it is necessary to conduct not only electricity, but also other forms of communication. It is important to correctly observe the slope water pipes, so as not to have problems with water-diverting. Shown below is a good selection of photos of balconies in the apartment design, illustrating a successful combination of them with kitchen.

The easiest way to use the balconies - the organization of her dining area

The easiest way to use the balconies - the organization of her dining area

Important!You should not plan the removal of the loggia gas hob, because gas services often do not allow such conversion cuisine.

In order to save valuable space in the rooms, you can use the loggia as a dressing room. To do this, probably have to change a little glazing option and make some blind windows. Shelving is recommended to place along the walls or in several rows. Important in this case to install cabinets, equipped with doors, and it is better that it was a sliding design. The presence of closed cabinets will protect clothing from the constant exposure to the sun and warns her fading.

Related article:

Interesting ideas trim balconies, photo and choice of material

Selection of the most suitable material for interior decoration Balcony closing them with heat insulation and glazing.

How to organize the design of a small balcony

To make a design in the balcony Khrushchev or a small apartment, it takes a very rational use of space. A better option is considered its combination with the adjacent room. The angle of a rectangular balcony is perfect for the installation of a large closet with shelves.

Small narrow balcony, you can not only make a part of the adjoining room, but also organize a small seating

Small narrow balcony, you can not only make a part of the adjoining room, but also organize a small seating

In terms of a small balcony should not consider the installation of conventional plastic windows to open which requires a large amount of free space, and a sliding system of the aluminum. Aluminum balcony provides a firm structure consisting of sliding panels, which move along special guides. When closed the windows are blocked by snap lock, providing security in the area. In some cases, we recommend installing sliding doors to the balcony, for opening of which does not require additional space.

Small narrow balcony, you can not only make a part of the adjoining room, but also organize a small seating area. To this end, we recommend the wall mount tilt table, and next to set the folding chairs that folded occupy a minimal amount of space. The photo in the balcony Khrushchev designs can often see the equipment a balcony in the French style, when used large panoramic windows in the floor, which from the outside of the decorated a small wrought fence.

Important!If the balcony is on the facade of the building, for its design may require a permit from the city's architectural bureau. This is especially true façade, located in the central parts of the city.

Narrow balcony is not recommended to finish drywall since sneaking up to 10 cm of space

Narrow balcony is not recommended to finish drywall since sneaking up to 10 cm of space

Furniture and accessories for the organization of the interior balcony

The choice of furniture for balconies and loggias is influenced by such factors as room size, shape, use case (the glazed balcony or outdoor version). If you will not glazed balcony, you should choose the interior, which are designed for use on the street - it can be woven rattan, plastic or metal furniture. If the area is small, it is better to give preference to a folding structure or buy furniture-transformer. It is considered good for this installation of reclining chairs or beach chairs.

If you view the photo gallery of interior balconies of modern design, you can see that in small areas important to place the built structures, especially tables and cabinets. On rectangular balcony or loggia is better to consider options for setting the angular furniture with built-in retractable fittings to make the most beneficial use of every centimeter of space.

When it comes to the balcony, kitchen, windows partition is removed, and the vacant space is used for setting the bar, which not only creates additional surface area, but also successfully separates the work area from the dining zone. Around the bar organically fit into the high bar stools and at the very desk can arrange special guides, which beautifully accommodate glasses and glasses.

Open onto balconies is recommended to install the furniture of rattan wicker, plastic or metal

Open onto balconies is recommended to install the furniture of rattan wicker, plastic or metal

In the event that a loggia or balcony are glazed, to fill the room comfort, is placed on the windows blinds or curtains. This is especially true when the glass in the floor or when the room is south-facing, which is well illuminated by the sun. It is advisable to fix the windows or fabric Roman shades. If the balcony is on the dark side, fit the installation of modern roller shutters "day-night".

Focusing on the type of finishing the balcony, you can also purchase blinds from fabric, wood or plastic. At the same time, depending on the size of windows choose vertical or horizontal blinds that will not only help to dose penetration of sunlight, but will hide the room from prying eyes. Reviewing the photos of curtains on the balcony, you can draw attention to the fact that you should not choose too dense options for window decoration. It is better to give preference to the lung tissue, the color of which matches the color of the walls.

Selection of interior design loft: photo design options in a classic style

When choosing the style of the balcony or loggia, should be guided not only by personal preference but also on general stylistic direction of the interior, because the premises are also considered integral parts apartment. When all the rooms are made in the same style, to create a complete picture of the space.

When choosing the style of the balcony or loggia, should focus on the general stylistic direction of the interior of the whole apartment

When choosing the style of the balcony or loggia, should focus on the general stylistic direction of the interior of the whole apartment

Balcony in a modern style is a fairly expensive option of registration, because there used natural materials in the decoration and in the selection of furniture. In this case, do not recommend installing classic white plastic windows - it is better to give preference to options under the tree, even though they cost a bit more expensive.

In the photo interior balconies in a modern style can be seen a large number of floral motifs, which are used in the decoration of the walls and the choice of accessories. Other integral elements considered forged items and stained-glass windows. Here the most relevant variants of colors considered purple, blue, yellow, olive and green colors.

The classic way arrangement room is more suitable for the organization of a large loggia. It also uses natural materials, especially appreciated design with fine wood. Welcomed the presence of live flowers, I prefer to geometrically correct shape when choosing furniture. pastels and bright colors should be used for the surface finishing. Good will look vintage furniture with a hint of antiques.

In the classic style will look good vintage furniture with a hint of antiques

In the classic style will look good vintage furniture with a hint of antiques

Modern styles in the design of the balcony design: Picture of ready examples

Features of modern styles are concise decoration, the use of soothing colors, simple shapes and minimal furniture. That is why their bowl used in small areas. The most popular destination is a modern style high-tech, which is characterized by a clear and clean lines, the use of the abundance of glass and metal surfaces.

A distinctive feature of the interior are sliding doors and windows, tables with glass top and chrome legs. Since style is considered to be a super-modern, well if they installed automatic blinds, and light on the balcony will be adjusted using the touch panel. It is important that there were many independent sources of light that illuminate the different niches and cupboards.

The color scheme preference is given to the white, gray and silver. Actual complement interior fangled accessories, as which hours can be used, which show not only time but also temperature, humidity indicators both on the street and in room.

Balcony in loft style implies the presence of the wall, lined with brick, or its imitation

Balcony in loft style implies the presence of the wall, lined with brick, or its imitation

Style loft especially organically fit into the design of a small balcony. The best option in this case is considered presence wall Laid of bricks, or imitation. On the walls it is recommended to hang open shelves on which to place the green grass in pots in the style of a small bucket. Complementary interior balcony homemade sofa made from pallets, which is covered with a bright rug and a table made in the same style.

Well-formed design of the balcony or loggia will make the space part of the apartment. The room can be a nook where you can work quietly or read a book. If you equip the loggia thoroughly, it will be quite separate rooms for children or adults. The main thing - rationally use the available space.

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