Floor screed with expanded clay: the secrets of creating a warm base

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Expanded clay for its numerous positive characteristics is a versatile material. Due to the high degree of sound insulation and heat-saving, it is used for thermal insulation of floors, walls and even the ceiling. Most often it is used as a component for covering, when you want to create a warm and strong base. On what the advantages and disadvantages of the material, how to use it and how is the floor screed with expanded clay, this article will tell.

floor screed with expanded clay: the secrets of creating a warm and lasting foundation

The use of expanded clay makes it possible to provide reliable heat and sound insulation premises


  • 1 Screed in the apartment: features of the process and its necessity
    • 1.1 Production technology of expanded clay
    • 1.2 floor screed with expanded clay: pros and cons
    • 1.3 Ceramic or mineral wool: it is better to choose a heater
    • 1.4 Types of expanded clay backfill floor
  • 2 What determines the price of expanded clay for floor screed
    • 2.1 Cost of 1 m3 of expanded clay or bag what profitable
    • 2.2 Price of expanded clay for floor screed dry and liquid bulk method: what is the difference
    • 2.3 Selection of expanded clay for floor screed: fraction, type and volume
    • 2.4 Calculation of expanded clay for floor screed: online-calculator
  • 3 Thermal insulation of expanded clay floor, ceiling and walls: the versatility of the material
    • 3.1 Thermal insulation of expanded clay frame house
    • 3.2 Insulation of partition walls keramzit: keramzitobloki in construction
    • 3.3 Thermal insulation of expanded clay ceiling: features technology
  • 4 Expanded clay as a heater floor: various uses
    • 4.1 Thermal insulation of expanded clay floor in a wooden house
    • 4.2 Warming of the floor expanded clay on the balcony
    • 4.3 Features expanded clay floor warming in the bath
  • 5 Types of ties with expanded clay and their features
    • 5.1 Screed on concrete block: select Tools
    • 5.2 Screed of expanded clay: calculation of sand and concrete mix
    • 5.3 Screed on beacons: Technology And Features
  • 6 Fill the floor expanded clay: the use of expanded clay
  • 7 Dry floor screed with expanded clay with their hands
    • 7.1 The advantages of dry backfill claydite floor
    • 7.2 Features expanded clay of choice for dry screed and masters for work
  • 8 How to perform a screed floor with their hands in the apartment: full technology
    • 8.1 Alternative methods of filling of expanded clay on the floor: Knauf technology
  • 9 Warming of the floor expanded clay: user reviews and expert
  • 10 floor screed with expanded clay: tips

Screed in the apartment: features of the process and its necessity

Replacing old floor or laying new in a newly built house - a very important and time-consuming phase of renovations. After all, how will look flooring, it depends largely on the general type of accommodation, comfort and convenience. It is important that the surface was smooth. Therefore, before any kind of flooring of flooring it is advisable to make a tie.

Floor screed with expanded clay gives a reliable and smooth base for paving

Floor screed with expanded clay gives a reliable and smooth base for paving

There are two types of traditional screed - wet and dry. The first option involves a relatively large amount of work. The process lengthy, time-consuming and messy. In this regard, in recent years the builders prefer dry screed with expanded clay technology. Such stacking is relatively simple and consists in sifting to joists or between overlapping walls of a special granular material. Further, special sheets trail.

Selecting ties to consider the state of the surface and the specific features of the room. Self installation requires precision compliance technology to make the floor as much as possible strong and durable. One of the most effective and common ways of leveling the surface - floor screed with expanded clay. The technology is not easy, even in the case of pre-mixes.

Production technology of expanded clay

Expanded clay - material, wherein ease, practicality and environmental friendliness. The positive qualities should include a high level of thermal and acoustic insulation. It is made by baking clay at very high temperatures, so the Greek word "concrete block" sounds like baked clay.

To get the most durable screed must be taken with expanded clay pellets of regular shape

To get the most durable screed must be taken with expanded clay pellets of regular shape

The technology of production involves subjecting the prepared clay exposed to intense heat. As a result, the raw material swells and becomes porous. In this case the outer part of the shell is melted, leading to sealing and high strength material.

The raw material most often used clay sedimentary rocks, at least - metamorphic. They are characterized by a complex composition, which includes hydromica or kaolin, and feldspar, carbonate and other impurities. The most suitable for expanded clay clay contains no more than one third of quartz. The raw domeshivayut special additives that provide a better swelling of expanded clay. For this purpose, diesel fuel, fuel oil, glandular substance, perlite and the like materials.

Useful advice!Choosing a concrete block, preference should be given certified products. Special GOST 9759-76 includes parameters granules, the weight and durability requirements of expanded clay. That strength - the main index on the basis of which the material is allowed to operate.

Raw pellets of a certain size is subjected to special treatment, including drying, firing and cooling. Next, expanded clay sorted and, if necessary, crushed into smaller fractions. Thereafter, the material is packed and ready for transport.

LECA is prepared from clay by firing it in a furnace, whereby the material becomes easy and porous structure

LECA is prepared from clay by firing it in a furnace, whereby the material becomes easy and porous structure

floor screed with expanded clay: pros and cons

Expanded clay floor screed different resistance to high temperatures and frost at the same time. This feature allows for its use in different temperature conditions. In addition, it is resistant to fire, it does not develop putrefaction bacteria and mold. One of the main advantages - low specific weight. Lightness of the material facilitates its delivery. In addition, the floor leveling expanded clay helps to eliminate any flaws, which can not handle other materials (or their use is unprofitable).

The material has the following favorable characteristics:

  • high degree of insulation;
  • a good level of sound insulation;
  • sufficient strength;
  • low cost compared with other materials;
  • it is durable;
  • easy to transport.

Among the shortcomings should be noted a weak moisture resistance in the case of applying the method of dry screed, so in some cases it is better not to use concrete block. Directly to the material does not suffer, but the moisture is delayed under the concrete. Subsequently, this will lead to increased humidity. This factor is favorable for the development of fungi and mold. By cons of the material should also include the fact that you will need to make a thick screed for thermal insulation. A layer of less than 10 cm will be ineffective.

Expanded clay is a very light material and therefore do not increase the weight of the screed and prevents additional load on the foundation

Expanded clay is a very light material and therefore do not increase the weight of the screed and prevents additional load on the foundation

Lightweight aggregate screed in many moments outperforms other carriers. In addition to the maximum level of heat and sound insulation, it has good air permeability, it is durable. Material suitable for any floor covering. The maximum effect of all these positive qualities can be achieved only if all the requirements of laying the technology of expanded clay.

Ceramic or mineral wool: it is better to choose a heater

For thermal insulation of floors, walls and ceilings of buildings using different materials. In addition to the expanded clay, one of the most popular materials also belong to polystyrene, foam and mineral wool. They are characterized by qualities such as lightness, high thermal insulation and low price. However, due to their versatility, most commonly used mineral wool or expanded clay. Floor Warming these materials more efficiently.

Concrete block, as the eco-friendly material does not pose a threat to health, and serves several decades. It is inexpensive, versatile and resistant to fire, moisture and rodents. However, its use is necessary to conduct a series of preparatory work, so it is not appropriate to create a "warm floor".

Expanded clay has high thermal insulation properties and other cheaper materials

Expanded clay has high thermal insulation properties and other cheaper materials

Useful advice!Mineral wool is more efficient as a thermal insulation material, but it is not as durable and strong as concrete block. Therefore, it should be used for insulation of walls. While the expanded clay is more suitable for the floor.

Expanded clay wall insulation outside the house - the process is time consuming and inconvenient. It is in this concrete block gives the mineral wool, which is suitable for thermal insulation of facades, roofs and pipes in hard to reach places. From it is easy to cut out the desired shape using a knife.

Definitely say which material is best, can not, and even more to make a categorical choice in favor of one of them. Choose the heater should be based on the specific conditions of construction and material possibilities. Most often experienced builders of mineral wool combined with expanded clay, which has a positive effect on the cost of the work and increases the degree of thermal insulation. Both insulation are simple installation process and low cost, giving an excellent result at the output.

Expanded clay wall insulation gives excellent results for the life of the building

Expanded clay wall insulation gives excellent results for the life of the building

Types of expanded clay backfill floor

For screed of expanded clay, various types of fractions. On today's construction market a material with different levels of density. Weight cube expanded clay ranges from 260 to 600 kg / m³. The specific weight of expanded clay - is the weight of the material of the cube. It depends on the grain size: the larger the grain - the smaller the specific gravity. That mass of 1 cubic meters of expanded clay and density are the basis of the classification of the material below:

  1. Expanded clay crushed stone has a size of 10-14 mm. This material is taken for concrete manufacture.
  2. Gravel, expanded clay is used in installation floors varying degrees of strength. It is most often used for thin, but durable flooring. This expanded clay fraction 5-10 mm, 10-20 mm and 20-40 mm.
  3. Expanded clay sand - very fine material. Maximum expanded clay fraction - 0.5 mm, it is used in the making of thin ties.

Demonstrate specific and volumetric weight of expanded clay, depending on the species and factions, will table:

View Fraction, mm Specific gravity (g / cm³) By weight expanded clay of 1 m3 (kg)
expanded clay sand 0-5 0,5-0,6 500-600
expanded clay gravel 5-10 0,4-0,45 400-450
expanded clay gravel 10-20 0,3-0,4 300-400
expanded clay gravel 20-40 0,2-0,35 200-350

In accordance with Table 1 m3 approximate weight expanded clay fraction amounts to 10-20 350-400 kg.

Specific gravity is also dependent on the density of the brand. According to the existing STATE, the higher the density of expanded clay, the greater the weight of the material.

Accurately determine the proportion of expanded clay is not possible, but the average value of the set is quite simple. The average value is equal to 400 kg / m³ (0.4 g / cc). Wherein each fraction has a certain figure. For example, concrete block 10-20 in the bags weighs approximately 16,8 kg.

What determines the price of expanded clay for floor screed

It should be noted that free-flowing granules of clay is widely used not only in construction but also in the municipal and agriculture. Therefore, the price range for this material is quite wide and ranges from 1000 to 2000 rubles per cubic meter.

Useful advice!In order to cash cost savings can buy claydite, second-hand. This material is almost never lost his positive qualities, but it is necessary in this case two, and sometimes three times cheaper.

Expanded clay granules are porous, so they are good for use in dry screeds

Expanded clay granules are porous, so they are good for use in dry screeds

Pricing policy on the market and dictate the manufacturers of expanded clay. In setting prices, they are guided by these criteria:

  • indicators of the state of the raw clay;
  • technology features;
  • volumes and production capacity;
  • storage characteristics;
  • energy consumption;
  • turnover rate.

Companies that sell concrete block, in the formation of prices and other factors into account. For example, packaging, size granules and porosity. The first criterion includes a list of additional costs for the acquisition of additional equipment and the hiring of workers for dosing, weighing and packing material.

The size and porosity of the material is determined such qualities expanded clay as insulation, strength, water absorption. All these criteria are, respectively, affect the formation of prices. For example, the quantity of pellets forms the price in inverse proportion: the finer the grain, the higher the cost. Price small clay pellets in bags is much higher, because the material itself is much heavier in comparison with the weight of expanded clay large fractions of the same volume.

Expanded clay fractions produced in different sizes, suitable for any type of work

Expanded clay fractions produced in different sizes, suitable for any type of work

Cost of 1 m3 of expanded clay or bag what profitable

Sales agents in the construction market offer purchase keramzita wholesale and retail, packaged or in bulk. Buy material in bulk or per cubic meter is much cheaper, since the packaging on the formation of prices affect labor costs and the cost of packaging. If the question is about the acquisition of expanded clay to insulate the floor, not to backfill the site as a decorative element in landscape design, it is enough to buy a couple of cubic meters of material.

Packaged expanded clay has a higher quality since undergoes special treatment. In addition, the packaging is more convenient to carry and protect the material from moisture, while maintaining its quality characteristics.

Buying concrete block, should consider another important factor - seasonality. Normally, after the season of construction works price of the material drops to about a quarter. Thus, a granular building material in the winter can be bought much cheaper.

If it is important to purchase high-quality, clean, solid and certified material should be preferred expanded clay in the package. Since it has been certified, there will be no impurities, debris and foreign matter. Check granules can fortress simple compression, and the porosity is determined during the breaking of grains.

If necessary, the purified acquire high-quality material, should be preferred expanded clay bagged

If necessary, the purified acquire high-quality material, should be preferred expanded clay bagged

Price of expanded clay for floor screed dry and liquid bulk method: what is the difference

Floor screed, carried out by a dry method is more advantageous in comparison with other technologies. First of all, the cost savings is the absence of the need to attract professionals, because most of the dry screed can be made with your own hands.

Useful advice!If the quality is more important than price, it is worth to buy a concrete block for dry floor screed in the form of a special blend of "Kompevit" - is filling used in the Knauf technology. It was developed as a heater, but in combination with gipsum-fiber sheets excellent horizontal surface was noted. The structure of "Kompevita" includes various beads (5 mm) of high quality. The only drawback of this material - its high cost.

When it comes to concrete block, then the total cost is also affected by the method of its use. For dry screed taken different material fractions - and its price can be high. While for the filling method requires fine-grained concrete block, which is worth much more expensive.

Related article:

What screed floor is better: wet, dry, semi-dry or self-leveling

Varieties floor screeds. What screed to give priority to a particular case. Construction of various types of cable ties to the floor.

The best price on products you can find the direct producers of material. Mediators usually set margin from 15 to 30%, which includes the cost of shipping and storage. Therefore, to purchase large volumes is better to spend time on the road and bring concrete block from the manufacturing plant independently.

For filling screed best keramzit fines

For filling screed best keramzit fines

If we are talking about small batches of goods from the ex should be abandoned and buy materials in specialized shops with delivery. Seller guarantees timely transportation, safety and quality of products. In any case, in order to avoid unnecessary costs, must correctly calculate the required amount of material.

Selection of expanded clay for floor screed: fraction, type and volume

When choosing which faction keramzita need for floor screed, are guided by the fact in which the premises is planned to use the material. It also depends on the technology, on which will produce backfill. According to the conventional technique, which involves subsequent concrete casting solution, the size does not really matter material. But anyone, including expanded clay fines.

Useful advice!Sand fines perfectly useful for leveling the floor with a large tier difference. Such a material should be used in areas with considerable surface damage and for installation of parquet.

For better ties take concrete block different factions, as it provides the necessary bulk density

For better ties take concrete block different factions, as it provides the necessary bulk density

At the same time, the view on the choice for the base of expanded clay fraction 0.5 mm with minimum weight is erroneous. Indeed, such a filler has a high density, so it fills the space, thereby making heavier layer of screed.

Experienced builders recommend taking keramzit screed different fractions - from 5 mm to 20 mm in appropriate proportions. This recommendation is based on the fact that during laying of the layer of expanded clay grains of different sizes are aligned with each other well. This feature has a positive effect on the further operation of the floor, which will not give shrinkage and no deformation.

Calculation of expanded clay for floor screed: online-calculator

Expanded clay is very ergonomic and economical material. Its use reduces the financial costs, minimizes the load on the concrete slab and increases the level of thermal conductivity. The result to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to accurately calculate the right amount of expanded clay to work with.

To obtain high-quality screeds must be observed proportions and styling technology

To obtain high-quality screeds must be observed proportions and styling technology

Builders in calculating how much you need of expanded clay for floor screed, use the traditional method. If the layer thickness is 1 cm, the need to 1m² 0.01 m³ material. Weight cube mainly expanded clay is not considered, since quantifiable in kg / m3 density expanded clay varies for different types of material. Therefore, for convenience of sale is carried out in liters, based on the calculations: 1 m² screed thickness of 1 cm will need a 10 liters.

To accurately calculate the consumption expanded clay, measure the thickness of insulating layer. The gates arranged on the lower floors above or unheated areas, the thickness of the ties of the material should be at least 10 cm. In order to maximize thermal insulation in residential premises keramzit laid layer, averaging 4 cm.

Based on the calculation above, we conclude that the screed assembly in standard apartment will need at least 0.04 m³ (or 40 liters per m²) of the material. The result of multiplying that figure by the size of the floor area will total volume of expanded clay, needed to tie.

The required amount of material you need to count before the start of construction work

The required amount of material you need to count before the start of construction work

For example, it is necessary to calculate how much to LECA for warming a floor layer thickness of 4 cm in a room area of ​​15 m². The calculation looks like this:

15 m² * 0.04 m³ = 0.6 m³ (in cubic meters)
or 15 m² * 40 l = 600 l (liters).

The equivalent is 16 bags of 50 liters. That is, one bag of expanded clay consumption per 1 m² screed. Calculate exactly how much it is necessary to insulate the floor of expanded clay, you can use a special online calculator.

Thermal insulation of expanded clay floor, ceiling and walls: the versatility of the material

As a reliable insulation, this material is used for a long time. The heat insulating effect of expanded granules provided their porous structure.

Important!Process insulating walls keramzit more laborious and requires more time, because the construction provides for special high frame or assembly material in the portable container.

The scheme of ceiling insulation keramzit

The scheme of ceiling insulation keramzit

Expanded clay grains are similar in structure with polystyrene foam. But there is a significant difference: made of polystyrene polymers, and are mainly used for walls. Expanded clay - a natural material, which serves as raw material for organic clay.

Due to the high degree of thermal insulation for thermal insulation applications expanded clay floor, walls, ceiling and supporting structures very efficiently. A material often used for insulation of attic because of its increased fire resistance (as compared to polystyrene). This advantage allows the material its use in fire objects: in the bath, a roof and wooden floors.

However, use of expanded clay on the horizontal base is more convenient than on flat or vertical surfaces, since this particulate material. For leveling and insulation of expanded clay under the floor screed just enough to fill and smooth the material, and the insulation of walls and ceiling will require more time and effort.

Scheme floor screed with expanded clay and waterproofing the layers

Scheme floor screed with expanded clay and waterproofing the layers

Thermal insulation of expanded clay frame house

For warming the floor, ceiling and walls of wooden houses are usually used concrete block. Its use in the brick and concrete buildings is very appropriate. Most commonly used insulation technology expanded clay floor frame house. This is due to the fact that the construction market is one of the most affordable, convenient and efficient materials.

Wall insulation frame house expanded clay - the process time-consuming and rather problematic, so the use of this material is less suitable for this task. Although its good thermal insulation characteristics of expanded clay will protect any wall - both brick and block. But the main condition for the application - it is a three-layer structure, which will provide the opportunity of filling material between the rows.

The aerated concrete blocks from the distance from the inner to the facing layer should be at least 10 cm. Material is filled as masonry building. His carefully tamped and poured cement milk. Flow rate 1 m3 expanded clay binder M 300 will be 260-300 kg. It should be noted that in this case the water will need about three times more than cement.

Expanded clay for insulation between joists fall asleep and then spend the rest of the work

Expanded clay for insulation between joists fall asleep and then spend the rest of the work

Insulation of partition walls keramzit: keramzitobloki in construction

Provided properly chosen thickness of the side surfaces of the sandwich panels may further insulation of expanded clay even frame walls, because during the compaction pressure on them is much increases. To insulate the walls of a wooden house, it is necessary to prepare the insulating layer at least 20 cm. For this purpose, will have to build special shelters for backfill.

Useful advice!Expanded clay wall insulation for thermal efficiency is not worse than the use of modern materials. The main condition of success - the choice of high-quality materials and careful ramming it.

Necessary insulating properties have special blocks of expanded clay, used for walls. This hollow structure, which include expanded clay, sand and cement. In these buildings warm in winter and cool in summer. This material is characterized by low strength, so it is suitable for the construction of single-storey buildings, and partitions between rooms.

Keramzitobloki - a versatile material that is used for the construction of insulated houses

Keramzitobloki - a versatile material that is used for the construction of insulated houses

Slotted blocks have good ductility, which allows you to create different shapes. These voids are laid down on the sand-cement grout with the purpose of heat savings. Structurally-insulating blocks - a hollow material used for insulation in the construction of walls. Depending on their expanded clay sized blocks divided by the wall, partition and facing.

Thermal insulation of expanded clay ceiling: features technology

Due to poor insulation from the ceiling it takes about 15% of the heat, so the construction must take into account this factor and take care of the insulation of the ceiling or the floor in the attic. For this purpose, often used mineral wool and foam, but the most popular material is deservedly considered the concrete block.

Insulation works begin with the laying of layers of steam and water proofing. At the finished ceiling is attached isolating film layer. You can use the self-adhesive roofing material and foil, but the shortage of funds is fine and simple plastic film. The technology is simple: roll the chosen material is rolled on the floor, doing the layout and cutting. The strips should be wider than the distance between the beams approximately 10 cm.

To ensure a sufficiently reliable insulation layer 10 cm

To ensure a sufficiently reliable insulation layer 10 cm

When a large area of ​​the ceiling desirably laid webs overlapping 8-10 cm.
Seams glued spetslentoy or construction tape. If the ceiling insulation bath expanded clay should provide a vapor barrier beams and chimney. Blades are fixed above keramzite layer masking tape or staple gun.

Above the waterproofing layer it is recommended to put mashed clay. We can now proceed to laying of the main insulation - the material layer by 10 to 16 cm.

For expanded clay roof insulation is best to use a combined method, ie taking large and small granules. This will increase the density of the coating, and the level of drawdown pellets decrease, which will facilitate falling asleep uniform material across the surface to be warmed.

Expanded clay as a heater floor: various uses

The most common concrete block is used for thermal insulation of floors in different rooms. If you adhere strictly to the use of the technology of the material, it is possible to achieve a positive effect even in a house with very cold floor. It should also be noted that it is on the floor accounted for the largest load, so a lot depends on what kind of a layer of expanded clay is needed to insulate the floor.

Dry filling with expanded clay floor is widely used for laying any type of flooring

Dry filling with expanded clay floor is widely used for laying any type of flooring

Useful advice!By choosing expanded clay floor, it is advisable to take the mixture of the three fractions of the material. Using exclusively keramzite rubble may eventually lead to subsidence floor and heavier particulate material the entire warming layer.

The correct calculation of the insulation thicknesses helps to avoid future subsidence and deformation of the surface. It is also important to consider what concrete block used for floor screed. The most effective is the use of pellets of different fractions. Then, in the space formed by the coarse grains, will get smaller, uniformly filling the entire surface.

A very important role is played by the screed with expanded clay. Technology of its application, there are several. Screed provides fixation material and serves as the upper layer of waterproofing. Typically used method of applying a two-level solution. First layer of material is poured to fill the empty spaces and air displacement. Expanded clay under the screed is protected against moisture and physical activity. The final tie made for the final floor leveling, which is an ideal base for mounting any kind of floor covering.

Despite the fact that the warming of expanded clay (it does not matter - floor or ceiling of the house) is performed several times easier than with the use of the same foam or mineral wool, the technology has a number of features. Observe them is important, otherwise a layer of insulation can be fed with moisture.

For high-quality thermal insulation of expanded clay to be observed filling technology

For high-quality thermal insulation of expanded clay to be observed filling technology

Thermal insulation of expanded clay floor in a wooden house

There are many technologies of warming of the wooden house with the help of this material. We've already figured out how to insulate the ceiling and walls, but the most common use of expanded clay - insulation of floors in a private house. Technologies and methods, there are many. This simple filling and pouring keramzite layer and the coating material is a concrete tie.

In any case, the surface is first prepared. To this old coating dismantled, cleaned surface from dirt, debris and dust. Next proceed to the process. The most popular method of warming the wood floor expanded clay - filling directly on the ground, between the stacked logs. The most common kind of technology used in the construction of cottages, but also in the development of residential houses it is also acceptable.

The sequence of such work involves several steps:

  1. Compacted soil, if necessary.
  2. Stacked logs.
  3. Directly on the ground between the lags veiled waterproofing material. This may be a common roofing material, preferably packed in several layers of overlapping and sunset on the walls.
  4. Falling asleep expanded clay - take the mixture of the three fractions.
  5. Coanda vapor barrier. Here permissible use of polyethylene film.
  6. Laying plank floor and finishing work.
Expanded clay is excellent for insulation of wooden houses

Expanded clay is excellent for insulation of wooden houses

This is the easiest way of warming the floor in a wooden house from the bottom expanded clay. This method is also used for ceiling insulation from the attic.

Useful advice!The optimum thickness of expanded clay for warming a floor on the ground floor is from 10 to 16 cm. The lower rate does not guarantee the complete insulation, and a thicker layer would be redundant.

Warming of the floor expanded clay on the balcony

Often in high-rise buildings the original project presupposes an open balcony or loggia, but most the owner of the self-construction insulation by installing a reliable thermal insulation double-glazed windows. Then there is the need of warming the floor in this room. There are a number of ways, such as with the use of expanded clay ties.

Considering how much weight concrete block, it is suitable as the insulation material for the floor on the balcony and loggia. The process itself is quite simple. First kneaded cement-sand mortar, and then the entire surface of the concrete foundation is filled evenly expanded clay thickness of 3-5 cm. Thereafter mounted beacons and, guided by them, poured concrete, expanded clay layer solution.

Before warming balcony expanded clay is absolutely necessary to waterproof

Before warming balcony expanded clay is absolutely necessary to waterproof

It is important that the cement mixture was thick in order to prevent floating lungs clay granules, thereby breaking the thermal insulation effect. In addition, a tie will be quite difficult to align.

It is also important to take into account the fact that the usual balcony slabs installed with a slight slope toward the outside. This is done to ensure that rain and melt water flowed freely from the balcony. So before you insulate the floor expanded clay, you need to take care of the alignment of the surface. The easiest way - with the help of the concrete screed.

Features expanded clay floor warming in the bath

Quite often, expanded clay is used as a reliable material for thermal insulation of the floor in the bath. The desired layer thickness was calculated in view of the anticipated loads. Here apply the technology to fill on the beacon. A simple way to sleep in the logs is not suitable, since in a bath there is an increased level of humidity.

For sealing the insulation layer can be used a polyethylene film

For sealing the insulation layer can be used a polyethylene film

At warming the floor in the bath should be taken into account a number of features:

  • to avoid deviations and irregularities on the floor, otherwise the insulation loses meaning;
  • to maximize heat-insulating seal layer keramzit poured dense grout;
  • mesh reinforced help stabilize the structure;
  • the maximum strength of the floor becomes a month, so the earlier operation of the bath is not recommended.

Warming of the floor with the use of expanded clay in the buildings on stilts significantly prolongs the life of the premises and make a bath of warm, secure and comfortable. The main condition - the observance of all technological requirements during repair. For more details about each type of screed with expanded clay describe below.

Useful advice!Buying expanded clay, it is better to buy a little more material than planned, as during transporting and filling the individual granules may crumble.

The use of expanded clay considerably prolongs service ties

The use of expanded clay considerably prolongs service ties

Types of ties with expanded clay and their features

The versatility of the material allows use it in different ways. The main criteria for selection of stacking technology - of the premises and the relevant circumstances. At the moment, there are three main installation keramzit ties:

  1. The filler technology (or expanded clay) includes the use of mixtures of different filler types. This method is used to achieve maximum alignment layer of small thickness. This method is practiced in apartment buildings.
  2. The dry method is used for the communications device at floor level when deadlines draw in readiness ties (in this case, permissible application of the topcoat after only a day), or if necessary screed with a minimum weight (of the thin ceilings). In addition, this method is the most pure, and it is suitable for achieving a high level of thermal insulation of the floor.
  3. Dialing technology is a coating layer of expanded clay concrete. It is distinguished by a thick layer of leveling. This option is ideal for areas subject to heavy wear. In addition, this method does not require large material costs.
Lightweight aggregate mixture commonly used for various construction works

Lightweight aggregate mixture commonly used for various construction works

Regardless of the type of technology application covering, should prepare the base beforehand. This is a separate stage, which requires special attention.

Useful advice!To prevent damage to the layer of expanded clay, top, apply a cement-sand screed.

Screed on concrete block: select Tools

The choice of the type of ties depends on a list of required tools. It should be noted that in any case will need:

  • expanded clay or respective different fractions;
  • volumetric capacity for mixing a solution;
  • polyethylene film for waterproofing;
  • any level (may be water, but better laser);
  • Aluminum generally a minimum length of two meters to align mixture beacons;
  • assembling mixer or cement mixer;
  • grid;
  • beacons;
  • Master OK;
  • ordinary shovel;
  • Scotch;
  • high roller with needles;
  • cement and sand or special blend for pouring;
  • plaster or plaster solution.
Required list of tools needed for floor screed

Required list of tools needed for floor screed

You should also provide a sufficient amount of water, especially for the implementation of the filler and typesetting technology. You may need screws to be placed beacons and, accordingly, a screwdriver or a screwdriver. To smooth the joints fit ordinary mastic. We should not forget that there is a construction of the roulette for material calculations and marking beacons.

This construction work is quite time-consuming and messy. Therefore it is necessary in advance to take care of appropriate clothing, footwear and personal protective equipment.

Screed of expanded clay: calculation of sand and concrete mix

Since insulation works floor expanded clay should calculate not only the mass of material required, but also the estimated load on the screed. To make this calculation of the height of expanded clay layer and the thickness of the cement-sand floor screeds. For example, effective insulation of the floor to the first floor layer thickness should be not less than 10 cm.

Scheme floor screed with expanded clay on clay

Scheme floor screed with expanded clay on clay

To prepare the solution is better to take the finished sand concrete mixture where the calculated proportions clearly. It comprises plasticizers impeding spreadable ties and making more ductile solution. The amount of material to sand and concrete screed is calculated by the formula:

AhBhS / D = K


  • A - area of ​​the room;
  • B - amount of solution (in kilograms) that is required for 1 m²;
  • C - floor screed width in mm;
  • D - weight in kg of the mixture of the bag;
  • K - the number of bags.

For example, the estimated area is 20 m² screed must be 2 kg of finished solution per 1 m². The thickness of the screed - 10 cm, and the weight of the bag - 25 kg.

As a result, we obtain the following calculation of material 20 × 2 × 100/25 = 80 sacks of the dry mixture. Accordingly, at a lower layer of concrete in a small room and it requires much less material.

Important!Screed of keramsit in comparison with a coupler made of cement and gravel, has a high insulation quality.

Scheme dry floor screed beacons under GOLS

Scheme dry floor screed beacons under GOLS

Screed on beacons: Technology And Features

Before starting work on the floor laid reinforcing mesh or masonry. Next, at a distance of half a meter installed beacons, fixing them on the level of alabaster. You can indent less, but it will cause difficulties in dealing with the rule. floor marking is carried out with a spirit level. Better to take a water or laser. First, make marks at the desired height on the perimeter, and then from them, measure the desired distance.

The base screed must first prepare the aligning surface, and then execute waterproofing. To do this, fit an ordinary polyethylene film. Her feature with overlapping at least 10 cm if placed strips. Allowances on the walls should be slightly above the height of the screed. It should be taken into account such factors as the film thickness, and the strips overlap should be 50 cm.

Can ensure waterproofing using hydrosol or bitumen-polymer liquid mastic. The material is applied with a brush to the floor and lower part of the wall just above the boundary screed. Mastic coated surface twice with a three-hour interval.

As part of the preparatory work, you may need reinforcement. It simplifies the installation of multi-layer fill. Installation is performed prior to application of the alignment layer.

Filling with expanded clay on the floor beacons can guarantee a flat surface

Filling with expanded clay on the floor beacons can guarantee a flat surface

Next, fill the levels set beacons. They are made from any available material, e.g., of straight profiles for plasterboard. beacons on the basis of the installation is carried out in solution. The most rapid and effective solution is gypsum. The rule is also easy to make your own piece of the board.

The perimeter wall is fixed an edge damping strip which compensates for temperature variations. Better to take the product with a self-adhesive side. Simple tape fastened in any other way. Reliable fixation is not necessary - the tape will only need to fill the time.

Fill the floor expanded clay: the use of expanded clay

To prepare the solution keramzit take appropriate fractions. For this purpose, these proportions are used:

  • one part cement (Brand 400);
  • three parts of sand;
  • four pieces of expanded clay.

Before preparing expanded clay is soaked in water solution. Dry and badly soaked pellets can just float on the surface of the mixture. Next, fill and produce aligned solution of beacons.

Scheme casting surface using keramsit

Scheme casting surface using keramsit

If the floor to fill the multilayer expanded clay, in order to obtain a uniform screed leveling layer need to fill immediately after the first formation. Thus, the process of laying the screed keramsit identical to the process of laying the conventional coupler. The differences are only in the preparation of the mixture.

Of great importance is the thickness of the screed itself. If it is more than 6 cm, it is poured into two layers. Here, the first of which is about 4 cm, the second - a more subtle. It is applied to the desired floor level. Self topcoat solution thicker, it is poured in small batches. If the insulation of expanded clay under the floor is supposed to ceramic tile, then this method is most suitable.

Note!Align big differences in the bottom layer of expanded clay is difficult, so you need to be warned beforehand of the flat surface. Before starting work check the surface level. In the presence of pits and troughs align them with concrete.

Laying screed on uneven ground sectional

Laying screed on uneven ground sectional

Dry floor screed with expanded clay with their hands

Dry screed technology is relatively simple, and therefore it is very popular. Its essence lies in the fact that the polyethylene film is filled expanded clay, surface level, and the top stack boards or gypsum sheets. However, the procedure itself involves a lot of nuances. To make things right, you must adhere to the instructions and the work carried out in stages. The process of executing the screed comprises the following steps:

  1. Waterproofing. It is carried by the deck of a polyethylene film. Material taken with a margin on either side of 20 cm overlap, and another 10 cm - on the sides. The joints connect with tape construction.
  2. Mounting the damper tape carried on the perimeter.
  3. Installing beacons. For this purpose the best suited building laser level. His mount in the center of the room, and guided by the screw, screwed at a distance of half a centimeter from the corner opposite the door. To this end, the rules and fix the intersection of the level. Stepping 20 cm, a second screw is screwed so as to pass clear by sketched line. Such actions are carried out around the perimeter of the room. Parallel lines should be placed at a distance not exceeding the length of the rules.
  4. In the cement mixture is applied to the screws, then - profile. grout clean spatula.
  5. After drying the mixture under beacons poured part expanded clay. Carefully align the surface. Profiles check rule. Troughs should not be.
  6. For better compaction of the material in the filling added polyurethane foam grater. After aligning the first portion can proceed to laying GVL-plates. They are best placed in two layers fastened together with glue and screws.
  7. Sealing putty joints.
  8. Circumcision residues film and tape.
For laying GVL-ready plates using a mixture keramzite

For laying GVL-ready plates using a mixture keramzite

The advantages of dry backfill claydite floor

A dry method for applying expanded clay coupler has its advantages in comparison with other methods, in particular:

  • possible to obtain perfectly smooth subfloor capable of withstanding a load of 500 kg per 1 m²;
  • hypoallergenic insulation without harmful impurities in the air of volatile substances;
  • No cracking, fracture and chips that often form at ordinary screed;
  • the surface does not require prolonged drying, and is immediately ready for operation;
  • there is good sound insulation under screed floor expanded clay dry method;
  • no additional ways of warming. Such a floor already has the maximum thermal insulation;
  • dry screed - the fastest in comparison with other methods. In order to completely fill the room of 20 squares, you will need about 3 hours;
  • mounted on the foundation can be laid any coating from the parquet and linoleum finishing. It is also possible coating ceramic tiles provided that a thin screed on the basis of MDF.

The value of such ties is that it has almost no pressure on the slab, since no expanded clay concrete weight solution.

Scheme level markup dry floor screed haydite

Scheme level markup dry floor screed haydite

Features expanded clay of choice for dry screed and masters for work

As for any other type of covering, the dry method is better to take expanded clay of different fractions in different proportions. The main drawback of the dry screed is that it is likely only install electric floor heating or film. Mount a water heating system for a tie impossible.

Useful advice!In areas with a large area floor filling recommended to dividing a room into several separate parts, and the need to consistently produce a screed frames.

Do not rely on the implementation of inexperienced masters tie, because the slightest violation of technology can lead to irreversible consequences. In the best case, the floor will simply vocalize when walking, at worst - lead to subsidence and deformation of the coating. Unscrupulous workers have resorted to a number of tricks, such as shredded expanded clay is used, and the other plate is used instead of gypsum sheets unsuitable for such operation.

Also owners should be alerted if the wall between the sheets and noticed a significant gap or at the touch position is not trimmed seams. Sheets were combined and fixed with a foam rather than using an adhesive.

Packaged keramzit much higher quality sold vrossyp

Packaged keramzit much higher quality sold vrossyp

There are also cases where the unprofessional use of even very high-quality materials leads to rapid deformation of the floor, and he bends under the weight of people. Such actions amateurs discredit the method of dry screed itself, making the leaders of the semi-dry method or a fill. In fact, a successful result depends on the correct approach to work and experience in the field of construction.

How to perform a screed floor with their hands in the apartment: full technology

Charging or dial-up method - a middle option between dry technology and filling keramsit. Based on the intended purpose, use different material fractions, and combinations thereof. For maximum effect, the heat-insulating expanded clay layer must be at least 10 cm, granules fraction - 20 mm. To prepare the potting using more fine-grained material with a grain size of 5-10 mm.

Typesetting technology is not suitable for areas where water is not excluded from entering. Therefore, on the first and ground floors Waterproofing necessarily required to hold the event.

Inlaid floor screed with expanded clay better method to use in areas where high humidity is not expected

Inlaid floor screed with expanded clay better method to use in areas where high humidity is not expected

The technology is an expanded clay backfill under the floor screed and includes the following stages:

  • tiered floor layout;
  • preparatory work, consisting of leveling the base substrate;
  • fixing lighthouses on the fill level;
  • backfilling and leveling of expanded clay. In order to increase the heat-insulating effect can be further laying a waterproofing layer between the expanded clay and the solution. Suitable conventional film made of polyethylene. It will also prevent the granules from floating up when pouring a liquid solution;
  • armature assembly. This step is not mandatory, but desirable in areas with a large area;
  • fill expanded clay on top of the concrete screed. To prevent floating of the first layer solution including fine grains of expanded clay, must have the highest level of density, so you need to prepare it in small quantities.

Useful advice!If you are under the tie wires, they must wrap with plastic wrap and secure with tape.

Dry floor of filling any suitable expanded clay fraction, the main thing that the pellets were correct form

Dry floor of filling any suitable expanded clay fraction, the main thing that the pellets were correct form

This "average" technology between the dry and wet laying expanded clay makes it versatile to use as a self-tie, and as part of the "pie" of several layers.

Alternative methods of filling of expanded clay on the floor: Knauf technology

Lately, especially popular is a new kind of dry filling "Kompevit". This material is used during the installation of the screed Knauf dry method. Initially, the material is designed as a floor heater, but its continued use has shown that it is perfectly suited for surfacing.

Mixture "Kompevit" - is very small expanded clay grains (to 5 mm) that are easily distributed on any surface. The main requirements for such granules: they must be melkodroblenymi and round. If they do not meet these requirements, then they should not be used. Otherwise, after laying the foundation GVL-crumb slabs of expanded clay will shrink, and the flooring itself is deformed.
The oval and asymmetric form granules also adversely affects the degree of shrinkage of the material.

Kompoevit filling can be used to create warm floors

Kompoevit filling can be used to create warm floors

Knauf method using Kompevita has a number of advantages, namely:

  • thanks to its ease of expanded clay pellets do not have an extra load on the floor, which is important for insulation of floors in high-rise buildings;
  • low price of the material allows use it in large quantities and, accordingly, be used in large areas;
  • Kompevit can be used for the installation of underfloor heating, as when heated, it does not lose its quality and size.

The main advantage of this floor is the ability to withstand higher loading without deformation - to 900 kg per 1 m². Thus, an acceptable price combined with high quality and ease of packing provide long-term sex life.

Warming of the floor expanded clay: user reviews and expert

The scope of the use of expanded clay is quite broad. But the main direction - use as a heater. In this case, most of the positive reviews it comes to consumer applications such as floor screed. If during the insulation of ceilings and walls in people certain difficulties arise, they practically do not happen by pouring floors.

Expanded clay is widely used for insulation and construction work of all kinds

Expanded clay is widely used for insulation and construction work of all kinds

A special place is given to filling this method attics, as well as the floor between the joists during construction of private houses and cottages. In addition, it indicates a positive quality of the material, as it is low cost. In practice, the warming of the floor expanded clay costs about 4 times cheaper than using other materials, but the result will not be worse.

Important!Expanded clay at relatively low price has a number of positive qualities, which make it a popular material in the construction industry. It is used not only as a heater, but also for leveling of bases and sound insulation of walls and floors.

Negative reviews keramzit receives mainly due to the fact that for the work a large amount of material is required. For maximum effect, insulation is necessary to use a fairly thick layer of expanded clay, which occupies a large portion of the space.

Experts advise to use the material in accordance with the technology in private homes, outbuildings and garages. For high-rise concrete block is not suitable because of the large weight. The exception is the first and ground floors.

Before embarking on the screed with expanded clay is necessary to prepare the premises

Before embarking on the screed with expanded clay is necessary to prepare the premises

floor screed with expanded clay: tips

Experts and experienced masters recommend to use a number of tricks:

  • before you begin any of the screed, it is desirable to take care of waterproofing. This layer will not be superfluous, but execute it will be impossible after pouring the floor. May be used for waterproofing paste liquid, solid polyethylene or waterproofing;
  • as used beacons ordinary metal profile or thin reechki;
  • finished screed made wet method, you need to allow time to dry. Use the premises can be a month later;
  • that during filling cracks were not formed, the surface is desirable to constantly wet with water;
  • cracks prevents special plasticizer. It is recommended to add a finishing solution;
  • buying a GOLS is better to take the sheets, which have water-repellent treatment;
  • the price of expanded clay does not necessarily indicate the quality. Trust worth of products well-known manufacturers;
Scheme combined insulation floor using expanded clay

Scheme combined insulation floor using expanded clay

  • granules of very large dimensions are subject to more rapid destruction and threaten emergency deformation of the base;
  • for fixing gypsum fiber-boards is better to take screws with a "recessed" caps.

Subject to all rules and technologies is quite possible to make a floor screed with expanded clay with his hands. Video materials, which are many on the internet, will help facilitate the process. The result can be a long time to forget about the repair of floors at home, while ensuring maximum thermal and acoustic insulation. In addition, you can easily remove any unevenness in the floor by means of expanded clay. Photos demonstrate how the process of laying and produced a positive result.

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