Curtains on the grommet: functional way to decorate windows

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Fastening curtains is considered the final step in creating the interior. Thanks to modern technology offers a wide range of designs and prints that allows you to choose curtains for the particular style easily. Curtains on the grommet has long gained popularity due to the original appearance, ease of mounting and convenient operation. Curtain easy to remove for washing and returned to a place just stringing rings on the ledge without using small hooks.

Curtains on the grommet: a functional and practical way to decorate windows

Curtains on the grommet suitable for virtually any design registration premises


  • 1 What are grommets: the basic parameters of the elements
    • 1.1 Curtains on the grommet: the main benefits of using
  • 2 How to choose a cornice for curtains with eyelets
    • 2.1 Especially the choice of the cornice, depending on the type of eyelets, size and design of curtains
    • 2.2 Particulars of the curtains on the eyelets: photo ready examples
  • 3 Especially the choice of material for curtains on rings
  • 4 How to choose the color for curtains
  • 5 Selection of the optimal size of the curtains on rings: Photo of different options
  • 6 Tulle on the eyelets and other models of curtains for the rooms
  • 7 Choosing curtains design on the grommet in accordance with different interior styles
  • 8 How to sew curtains on the grommet alone: ​​the calculation of the number of rings and the fabric
  • 9 How to install grommets to: registration edge curtains

What are Eyelets: The basic parameters of elements

The process of selection of beautiful curtain for any room requires creativity. Curtains eyelets are considered universal option, which is suitable for decorating any room. Products look beautiful on the windows and easy to drape. Eyelets themselves are rounded elements which are made of metal, plastic or wood and are inserted into preformed slots in the curtains. It is the presence of eyelets on curtains allows you to quickly and easily fix the product on the ledge. Despite this simplicity, once installed on the curtains are nice and smooth, vertical folds, but the eyelets themselves are practically invisible.

Eyelets allow you to quickly open and close the curtain with one hand movement

Eyelets allow you to quickly open and close the curtain with one hand movement

It is interesting! First eyelets have been designed by European sailors. The first ring was used to set the sails.

There are a number of eyelets that are characterized by the following parameters:

  1. Form. Most often pictured with eyelet curtains can be found in the form of mounting square, triangle, oval or classic round variants.
  2. Size. The most popular grommet diameter ranging from 1.5 to 6 cm.
  3. Material. Used for the production of wood, metal or plastic.
  4. Additional finishing. To make eyelets elements that attract attention, manufacturers are using decorative finishes: synthetic leather, rhinestones and artificial stones. Beautifully looks like a matte or glossy surface.

curtains model is determined depending on personal preference, but it is more practical to use curtains on the round grommet, which in color and texture combined with the furniture fronts of the room.

The curtains can be made of various materials, and the eyelets themselves may be metal or plastic

The curtains can be made of various materials, and the eyelets themselves may be metal or plastic

To select the correct internal diameter of the ring, keep in mind that its value should be at least 1.5 cm greater than the diameter of the curtain rod. By properly selected diameter of the grommet will depend on the ease of movement of the curtains on the ledge if he will is too large, the blade will move even under a draft, and if small - eyelets will stuck.

When selecting material eyelets need to pay attention to practicality. Metal overcame beautiful, but the metal rings can leave after washing the canvas rust stains. Plastic and metal cheaper and more practical: firstly, the shutter will move on almost noiselessly cornice and will not damage it, and secondly, you can safely wash cloth and not to be afraid of visiting spots.

Another advantage of the plastic ring is considered to be easy to use, so how to set eyelets on curtains can be yourself at home, you do not need any additional adaptations. Plastic eyelets Price varies from 30 to 60 rubles. a piece.

Eyelets convert the beautiful and smooth waves on the curtains

Eyelets convert the beautiful and smooth waves on the curtains

Curtains on the grommet: The main benefits of using

Curtains on the grommet-rings can be found in many interiors, that due to the large amount of positive feedback. The main advantage - it is easy to use, because even the most dense and heavy curtains parted and easily returned to its original position. Between the eaves and the curtain there is no need to install additional elements that complicate the process of fixing the curtains.

Other advantages of using curtains on rings:

  • reliable and robust installation on the ledge. Whatever action carried out with curtains, they are, as opposed to simple hooks hardly soskochat from the eaves;
  • practical attachment. The curtains in the room, windows facing the busy road, as well as in the kitchen, you want to permanently erase. Remove the curtains on loops or hooks, old-fashioned - not an easy task, it takes a lot of time and effort. Curtains on the grommet removed in seconds, and the rings in a cloth attached very securely;
  • easy care. The curtains are typically different simple rectangular shape without folds, ruffles or ruff, which ensures a quick ironing;
  • the possibility of self-production. With simple tailoring to perform curtains Eyelets their own hands the power of even a person with no experience, but would be at the disposal of the sewing machine;
Eyelets not spoil the fabric, unlike other fastenings for curtains

Eyelets not spoil the fabric, unlike other fastenings for curtains

  • versatility. The curtains may be used to create any interior style, as well as for decorating any room, be it a kitchen, bathroom, nursery, living room or bedroom. At the same time the curtain is easy to fit into the design - from classical to ultra-modern style;
  • opportunity to select additional decorations. Eyelets can be as simple and concise round, and unusual, decorated with patterns or bright details that attract attention.

In the application of eyelets note and some negative points. Therefore, before you put on the curtain eyelets, you need to get acquainted with the opposite opinion on their use:

  1. It is impossible by use of a multilayered structure perform cornice. To create a bulk curtains will need to install a few bars, which can look too bulky.
  2. Not every type of fabric is suitable for installation of eyelets. Fabrics that are highly sit at washing may be deformed, and even fastening tape eyelets in this case does not always help. Therefore, you should choose a suitable cloth or to use composite materials.
The selection of the ideal material for curtains and eyelets on suitable fixtures can spend a lot of time and effort

The selection of the ideal material for curtains and eyelets on suitable fixtures can spend a lot of time and effort

How to choose a cornice for curtains with eyelets

Eyelets dress up directly onto the ledge, and thus ensures sliding curtains. Optionally choose perfectly smooth ledge permissible to use variants or forged helical rods square shape, but it should be noted that when moving additional noise will be present on the uneven ribbed eaves. The main condition for the choice of the cornice eyelets - lightweight construction that ensures free removal tube for removing or hanging curtains.

Round moldings are considered the most versatile and suitable for permanent use. Basically pipe for curtain differ in manufacturing material.

Plastic. It characterized by light weight and low cost. Modern technologies allow you to attach any plastic eaves texture: they can mimic metal, wood, or even have the appearance of natural stone. The only negative plastic cornices on eyelets - inability to keep the heavy canvas without losing shape. Plastic products are recommended for light tulle curtains of taffeta or organza, but heavy jacquard fabric can deform it.

Metal. It has a significant margin of safety, and has a large number of variants. So, you can pick up the ledge under the color of gold, copper, silver, brass or bronze, which is especially important to set the curtains on the grommet in the interior in a classical style.

Curtain to eyelets is possible to pick rods in the color of gold, silver, brass, anodized metal, bronze patinated

Curtain to eyelets is possible to pick rods in the color of gold, silver, brass, anodized metal, bronze patinated

Metal ledges fitting complement decorative wrought iron tips that will become part of the original eye-catching. Disadvantages of metal - a large weight of the structure and the high cost of the finished product. Advantages - long life and the ability to hold even the heaviest Tapestry fabric.

When purchasing or sewing curtains to the eyelets keep in mind that if you choose a metal cornice for eyelets of metal, moving curtains will be accompanied by additional noise, which is in the bedroom or children's absolutely nothing to what.

Wood. It considered a universal intermediate option between the plastic and the metal. Thanks to the natural origin of the material cornice will feeling of comfort in the room. Wooden products appropriate to decorate with decorative carving tips. Original tree will look, complemented by metal-tipped wrought. The advantage of the tree - the optimal weight. The disadvantages include the complexity of the color selection for the eyelets, so I recommend you buy a set of elements.

Important! Apart from the material, rods vary in size, such as length and diameter of the carrier pipe. The parameters are selected based on the inner diameter of the eyelets, which must be free to move along the eaves. Too much difference between the diameters of the grommet and the eaves will not look attractive.

Curtains slide on plastic ledges virtually silent

Curtains slide on plastic ledges virtually silent

Especially the choice of the cornice, depending on the type of eyelets, size and design of curtains

Ready-made curtains in the grommet will look beautiful and attractive, if you choose the correct length of the cornice. Designers are advised to take into account that the length of the eave-pipe must at least 15 cm greater than the width of the window, which will completely cover the area of ​​the window opening, including the piers. Choosing a ledge with a tip providing additional decorations, do not forget to add it to the size of the total length of the product. Color photo of the cornice on most curtains on the eyelets for the hall, living room, kitchen or other room is the same with color rings, but it is generally not considered to be decisive, so this issue is allowed to manifest fantasy.

For example, considered a good example of selection of eyelets in accordance with the color patterns on the curtains and cornice in this case chosen in curtains tone. Especially recommended to use such a device in the event that the curtains are fixed in neutral colors:

  • beige curtain will look attractive on a wooden ledge light wood;
  • golden shade classical complement metal ledge with gold-plated;
  • under the shade of color silver suit sleek chrome ledge.
Eyelets are easily mounted as blackout curtains, and the thin tulle

Eyelets are easily mounted as blackout curtains, and the thin tulle

Metal eyelets will be much quieter ride on the wooden ledge. A good complement to this tandem will original forged tips, color matching ring. In some cases, appropriate to select more than one ledge, a few, especially when you want to hang curtains or double-layered curtains. For this chosen stronger rod large-diameter thick fabric, and it is installed behind the cornice smaller-diameter, calculated on the light curtain.

Sometimes curtains with rings beautifully complement roller or Roman curtains, installed directly in the window plane. Well in this case, choose products made from the same type of fabric.

Particulars of the curtains on the eyelets: photo ready examples

Before setting up a curtain eyelets with his own hands, it should be noted that the greater the weight of the textile, the more reliable the need to choose a cornice. Easy cornice of thin plastic is designed only to hold vualevoj tulle or fabric, but it is not suitable for heavy curtains on the metal eyelets.

Useful advice! Attach to the ceiling cornice can be bracket or directly onto the wall. Most often found in the interior of the second option, which is for the curtains in the grommet is considered more appropriate. Curtains, eaves, eyelets simultaneously acquire important that all elements harmoniously combined with each other.

Thin and lightweight plastic ledge intended only for holding vualevoj tulle or fabric, but not heavy material

Thin and lightweight plastic ledge intended only for holding vualevoj tulle or fabric, but not heavy material

By choosing the place of installation of the cornice also need to be taken carefully. It is important to stick to this rule: the distance from the upper edge of the curtains to the ceiling coatings must exceed distance from the eyelets to the top of the curtain, otherwise protruding portion curtains will not fit in the remaining space.

If you have installed plastic eyelets on curtains with tulle and under the eaves of their chosen tree, before you fix the curtains, the bar is recommended to wax or paraffin candles. Due to this plastic ring will be easily and silently glide over the surface of the wood. Waxing should be repeated each time the curtains. Metal cornice before installation to wipe cleaning agent for metal, and then polished dry with a dry cloth. This product will give shine, attractive appearance and provide easy movement of the rings.

Related article:

Curtains design: beautiful design of the window, set the tone the entire interior

Especially the choice of curtains in the kitchen, living room and bedroom. The main types of products by color and size. Material and style originality.

Especially the choice of material for curtains on rings

Before you sew curtains with eyelets or purchase ready-made products, you need to take into account that not every type of fabric is suitable for this purpose. If you want to make a window and leave the air in the room a lot of light, thin fabrics are selected. The main options are:

  1. Veil. The fabric is not considered a completely transparent and has no gloss, but is characterized by soft texture. The main disadvantages are the veil is that it attracts dust and is difficult to give the required satisfaction.
  2. Muslin. Lightweight synthetic curtain, consisting of a thin thread, provides good protection from prying eyes and does not overload the interior. However, it is easily confused when exposed to drafts.
  3. Organza. Transparent material, characterized strength and concise luster.
  4. Grid. Fabric consisting of cells of different size, which are often supplemented via braided patterns or ornaments.
Despite its pretty simple design, the curtains on the grommet will look great in any material in any room

Despite its pretty simple design, the curtains on the grommet will look great in any material in any room

When it comes to choosing a stronger curtains on the eyelets in the room, the bedroom or living room, it is necessary to give preference to dense tissues, among which are:

  1. Jacquard. Natural fabric, characterized by an attractive texture may vary in color and density. Curtains jacquard long time retain their color, even when installed on the south side.
  2. Atlas. Beautiful and elegant fabric that drape with shimmers in the sun. Curtains are highly hygroscopic, do not accumulate dust and are considered to be hypoallergenic, which allows them to be used even in the nursery.
  3. Satine. The fabric is not only pleasant to the touch, but also has an attractive appearance. Satin curtains have high density and withstand a great number of washings without loss of appearance.
  4. Taffeta. It is a combined fabric, which is made of silk and polyester. It looks very attractive and at the same time is not as fanciful as natural silk. Give more attractive play of unusual fabrics.
Not all fabric is suitable for installation of eyelets

Not all fabric is suitable for installation of eyelets

How to choose the color for curtains

Previously, the choice of curtains design on Eyelets preferred discreet colors - more often it was a white, beige or cream color. Recently, when the design of the room began to use a variety of styles, the choice of curtains of color is significantly expanded. Often pictured stylish interiors can be found on the curtains Eyelets deep black or deep blue, which provide good light shielding function. Particularly important are fabrics used to create the interior of the room or the bedroom, playing the role of a home theater.

It is becoming increasingly popular two-color curtains on the eyelets, which are created by combining cloths of different colors that are similar in color gradient. For example, chosen more dense purple curtains, behind which is mounted a light tulle pale lavender.

In general, double curtains contrasting colors often used to complete the interior of the spacious rooms, where both colors can be advantageous to select. The most popular combinations include:

  • black, blue, red or burgundy color with white;
Cool and fresh tone curtains work well in sunny rooms coping with excess glare

Cool and fresh tone curtains work well in sunny rooms coping with excess glare

  • blue and beige;
  • rich purple, and yellow;
  • purple and red;
  • orange with cream.

When choosing the color of curtains are advised to focus not only on the type of room, but the location of the premises in relation to the cardinal points.

  1. Room with windows on the north should not be further obfuscate by using dark thick curtains. It is better to give preference to a more transparent fabrics in warm colors.
  2. The bright, filled with natural light the room can set the curtains of dark colors, which will be good to shade the room.

Selection of the optimal size of the curtains on rings: Photo of different options

The photo of curtains, tulle on the grommet can see models of different sizes - both shorter and long curtains to the floor. When choosing the length, should be primarily guided by the purpose, features room shape and size of the window.

Kitchen is better to buy shortening curtains on Eyelets

Kitchen is better to buy shortening curtains on Eyelets

Useful advice! In addition to the major factors in the selection of curtains length affected by the presence in the apartment of children and animals, which can disrupt the long curtain on eyelets or spoil its appearance.

Before you sew the curtains on the eyelets with their hands or choose ready-made options in the stores, it is necessary to take into account these recommendations:

  1. Kitchen not advise to buy the curtains to the floor, which will be constantly flying in the wind and stop moving around. In addition, the long curtains in the kitchen on the eyelets quickly get dirty, especially in the lower part. Most relevant here look shorter models that reach the windowsill or fall a little lower.
  2. In the children's bedroom, which is often used as a game, long curtains can be used when the child is a little older and not to be missed for the curtains to get up or stand still. During the game, the child can become entangled in the long curtains, so it is best to choose products of medium length or short.
  3. Curtains and blinds in the eyelets in the bedroom or living room should be an element to attract attention, create a pleasant atmosphere in the room. Where you can hang elongated curtains that are a little lie on the floor or on a 1-2 cm do not reach the surface.
  4. Look beautiful in the photo on the grommet curtains for the kitchen or the living room, which cover the area of ​​the sill and fall slightly below the battery, which allows to divert attention from the radiator.
The combination of properly selected eaves and stylish curtains to make the interior of the grommet is not only stylish, but also original and unique

The combination of properly selected eaves and stylish curtains to make the interior of the grommet is not only stylish, but also original and unique

In order to calculate the correct size on the grommet curtains, you first need to choose the length of the eaves, depending on which is selected and curtains. That design parameters and the type of installation of the cornice determine the final length of the curtains. To the salon or online store to buy curtains on the grommet or the right to make them at home, you must first equip a tape measure and measure the length of the window opening. At the same time we should not forget to add the edges of 15-20 cm to close the piers. Other necessary measurements:

  • distance from the floor to the eaves;
  • height from the eaves to the window sill;
  • distance from the cornice to ceiling.

All calculations are recommended to record and always have on hand. If the order individual tailoring of curtains on the eyelets, calculations are carried out directly designer who is engaged in manufacturing, which reduces the likelihood of errors.

Tulle on Eyelets curtains and other models for rooms

Curtains on the grommet differ in configuration, which depends on the destination of products. Consider the main types of such blinds.

Tulle on grommets - is a popular version of window decorations

Tulle on grommets - is a popular version of window decorations

Pelmet. It is believed decorative element, which is used as a supplement to the main curtain. Pelmet is a short shutter, which applies primarily to hide the cornice. Better, the decor is different in color from main curtain to the web is not merged. Basically pelmet comes complete with curtain - together they form a complete ensemble. However, it should be noted that the use of swags gradually disappearing.

Curtains. They are thick curtains, which are often supplemented by a light tulle on the eyelets. Curtains is advantageous to use for decorating large window openings in a spacious room, when the edges of the window additionally captured wall surface. Complemented by the option of the original curtains drapes and other decorative elements: garter, beads and bows. The main advantage of drape curtains on the grommet in the bedroom or living room - the protection of premises, not only from the sun but also from unnecessary sounds from the street.

It used to be that it is impossible to combine the eyelets with tulle. This is due to the fact that used for the manufacture of lightweight, translucent fabric which, at first sight, is unable to withstand the installation of eyelets on curtains. In practice, it turns out that if a ring to put right and then carefully take care of the goods, even a light tulle will last a long time.

To tulle on the grommet holding the form and did not lose attractive appearance, the upper portion of the web is strengthened on the Ribbon

To tulle on the grommet holding the form and did not lose attractive appearance, the upper portion of the web is strengthened on the Ribbon

Useful advice! Installing in tulle fabric eyelets with their hands, you should try to place them as close as possible to the top edge, otherwise eventually surround the comb can be stretched and spoil the appearance of the whole window.

Another option that is often used in the manufacture of designers tulle on eyelets, - application of an additional border at the top of curtains, which are made of a more dense tissue. In this case, the frill you can make profitable curtains accent piece that will transform the appearance of a window.

Choosing curtains design on the grommet in accordance with different interior styles

Before choosing curtains on the eyelets in the room or the other room, it is necessary to take into account the style in which the room is decorated. That is why the curtains are selected in the last instance after the walls and furniture selection. Depending on the stylistic direction of the interior design is selected and curtains:

  • high tech. Laconic style, which does not accept the use of bright colors - in this case would be appropriate setting monochrome curtains. Most often used lightweight translucent fabric gray, silver or white, placed on a metal cornice. Curtain unacceptable abundant decorate fabrics, and eyelets themselves should be the minimum amount;
Curtains on the grommet attract many brevity and elegance, and are suitable for any style of interior design

Curtains on the grommet attract many brevity and elegance, and are suitable for any style of interior design

  • Shabby-chic. Welcome pastel shades, curtains adorned with decorative elements - usually garters, symmetrically arranged on both sides of the curtains;
  • country. In this style look better with wooden curtains eyelets for attaching is recommended to use a wooden cornice. When choosing fabrics, preference is given to natural variants: cotton and flax;
  • Provence. Recommended for light curtains, which differ neyarkimi (as if faded) colors. Mainly used floral print that creates a special comfort in the room;
  • minimalism. One option modern styles, which adheres to simplicity of design. The most commonly used universal white color, preferred single-layer light curtains, which are hung on the white plastic curtain rod;
  • Gothic. Classical direction, characterized by the use of dark curtains at eyelets. As for the material, preference is given to a dense velvet, which protects against light. Cornice is better to choose from natural dark wood;
  • baroque. The design is appropriate to use a multi-layered curtains golden shades, to which selected metal cornice in a gilded frame. In this case, the curtains should be complemented by a beautiful lambrequins with festoons.
When choosing curtains need to take into account the style in which the decorated room

When choosing curtains need to take into account the style in which the decorated room

How to sew curtains on their own Eyelets: Calculation of the number of rings and the fabric

Before you make a curtain to the grommet at home, first of all you need to know the amount of work that will be required to perform. So, you need to carefully and correctly carry out measurements of the window opening and the fabric, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the material, its susceptibility to shrinking or vice versa, stretch. After performing the calculations necessary to proceed with the selection of materials and tools directly to the making of the product.

If there are available all the material for the production, as well as some experience in tailoring, at the end of work you can get customized and unique in its kind curtains that will accentuate the room and features design. Another plus is considered savings, because sew curtain eyelets on their hands will be much cheaper than to order the finished product in a salon or studio.

If a person does not know how to put eyelets, you must first familiarize yourself with some self-tailoring rules. The main thing - remember the main point: the eyelets on the canvas any width must be an even number, that allows you to arrange symmetrically opposite sides of the window. If an odd number of eyelets, one edge will be slightly expanded, whereby the curtain looks untidy. To know how to calculate the eyelets on curtains, it is necessary to accurately determine the width of the fabric. The main parameters that need to be taken into account:

  • ideal distance between the two grommets is 18 cm;
Eyelets are mostly used for decorative purposes, in particular to give a neat kind of holes

Eyelets are mostly used for decorative purposes, in particular to give a neat kind of holes

  • optimum spacing between the rings varies from 15 to 22 cm;
  • from the side edge to the grommet need to leave a gap of 5-7 cm;
  • distance from the upper edge of the grommet curtains depends on the diameter of the ring and the type of fabric, usually 1-5 cm.

It is interesting! The greater the distance between the rings, the larger will be the drapery folds.

To calculate the number of rings used is the formula: C = (L- 2a): 18 + 1, where C - number of eyelets, L - the width of the web, and - the length of the side seam curtains to the center of the first mounting. The result is usually rounded to the nearest even number. Approximate calculation of curtain width of 3 m, where the first grommet is situated at a distance of 4 cm from the edge, is as follows:

C = (300 - 2 × 4): 1 = 18 + 17.2

The gap between the rings may be from 15 to 22 cm

The gap between the rings may be from 15 to 22 cm

In this case, for the manufacture of a 3 m wide curtains need to use grommets 18. If you plan to hang on the ledge of the two curtains (3 meters each), then, respectively, need to purchase 36 eyelets. Advance purchase is recommended several additional rings just in case.

When calculating the curtain width length considered eaves, which is multiplied by 2 or 2.5, depending on the desired volume draperies. In the case where the selected light sew the fabric, the factor by which to multiply the required rate is reduced to 1.5.

In order not to be mistaken with the length and width, should be considered in addition to several centimeters hem and side seam respectively equal to 15 and 5 cm. A distance, which is required to leave the top depends on the diameter of the grommet and the fabric type. Thus, for light fabrics minimal seams are made at the top. Approximate calculation of width of the web for measuring 180 cm eaves as follows:

1.8 * 2.5 + 0.15 = 4.65 m

Not to be mistaken with the length and width of the fabric, it is necessary to take into account the extra few centimeters on the hem

Not to be mistaken with the length and width of the fabric, it is necessary to take into account the extra few centimeters on the hem

How to set the eyelets: Registration edge curtains

Once made all the calculations and purchased necessary materials, proceed directly to the sewing, which begins with the registration edge. Before you begin, you should check the availability of these tools:

  • scissors;
  • measuring tape or a ruler;
  • eyelets and lyuversnoy tape;
  • thread for marking;
  • soaps or pencil to denote circumferential eyelets;
  • pins;
  • hammer for metal rings;
  • iron.

Tape eyelet purchased with his own hands in a specialty store fabrics or curtains in the cabin, without it can not be done perfectly flat surface. Belt width is selected depending on the outer diameter of the ring and ranges from 5 to 12 cm. Sometimes, instead of buying fleece tape, but work is not so comfortable with it.

Own hands to set eyelets easy, you need only to strictly follow these instructions

Own hands to set eyelets easy, you need only to strictly follow these instructions

Important! Tissue, depending on the composition and characteristics can change their settings after washing and drying. Therefore, before making the curtains on the eyelets, canvas advised to wash and dry to prevent deformation after installation rings.

We are encouraged to review the scheme in the manufacture of curtains Eyelets own hands. Step by step instructions is as follows:

  1. For correctly handling the top edge of the curtain is turned inside out and iron to iron the top 2 centimeters of tissue. It is important to note that such a stitch hem is appropriate to use for thin material, the choice of the dense fabric: Skip this step.
  2. Then podvorachivaetsja next segment, which is as wide as the size lyuversnoy tape often is 8-10 cm. The strip is attached with a space from the edge of 1 cm, after sticking the tape carefully otutyuzhivaetsya. Should first on the fabric sample to check whether the fabric is burned, and if necessary, use a cotton pad.
  3. Strengthening the upper blade, go directly to the markup required for installation of eyelets. Calculating the number of eyelets is best to double-check before starting to cut holes in order to prevent the occurrence of errors and do not spoil the fabric.
  4. For carrying marking ring is applied to the fabric and encircled by the internal diameter. Cut hole by using scissors or a special punch - in the second case, the openings are obtained more accurate.
  5. For curtains, consisting of two webs, the counting should be mirrored, observing all distances and oversizes.
lyuversnaya tape was designed to strengthen the edge of the curtain fabric

lyuversnaya tape was designed to strengthen the edge of the curtain fabric

When the preliminary work is completed, proceed directly to the mount. For this eyelets thoroughly rinsed and cleaned of dust, the metal rings can be additionally polished. The web is then deployed the wrong side, and put her under the front part of the ring, which is pressed down from the top of the second half. Grommet is considered to be securely mounted, if after pressing will hear a distinctive sound to latch. Then you need to check that in the tissue around the ring no creases. Otherwise, half should be divided and repeat the process locks into place. Similarly, assembled and the rest of the ring.

Curtains on the grommet gained popularity thanks to a simple and sleek design, which, however, looks good on the windows. No matter what room to use curtains, because even in the bathroom products should look flawless. Keep in mind that a complete room design will come out only in the event that correctly select the appropriate interior style and size curtains.

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