As a newcomer to plaster the walls with his own hands: video and recommendations for use

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The fact that the plaster walls - an effective way to eliminate defects and surface irregularities, knows almost everyone. But when it is your responsibility to do the job for the first time, often there are many issues related to technology, applying the solution on a variety of surfaces. Consider, as a newcomer to plaster the walls with his own hands: video, photo, and expert advice.

As a newcomer to plaster the walls with his own hands: video and recommendations for use

Learn how to plaster the walls is easy, as it will help save money on hiring experts, as these services are not cheap


  • 1 How to plaster the walls: especially technology and material selection
    • 1.1 How to plaster brick wall with his hands
    • 1.2 How to plaster the walls: a video guide for working with the concrete surface
    • 1.3 The plaster walls in the bathroom: the advantages and disadvantages of various options
    • 1.4 How to plaster the walls with his own hands: peculiarities of working with foamed concrete
  • 2 As a newcomer to plaster the walls with his own hands: video instruction
    • 2.1 As the brick wall plastering: features of surface preparation
    • 2.2 Features of preparation of the surface of the concrete wall
    • 2.3 Features of preparation of wooden surface
    • 2.4 How to plaster the walls with his own hands: video instruction on putting up beacons
    • 2.5 Rules applying plaster to the surface
    • 2.6 How to prepare a solution to plaster their own hands
    • 2.7 How to mix your own solution: rules and recommendations
  • 3 How to putty the walls with his own hands: video newbie

How to plaster the walls: especially technology and material selection

Before the surface of the plaster, it is necessary to accurately represent all the nuances and characteristics of the process. In this case, the novice master will remain insurmountable obstacles, and the result of the work will be close to professional.

To determine the possible error is to test on a small section of the wall

To determine the possible error is to test on a small section of the wall

In addition to theoretical knowledge in this field, it is important to get the basic practical skills that will help in the further work. It is best to practice first on a small area of ​​the least conspicuous. This will give the opportunity to test their own capabilities and to identify common errors that occur during operation.

Experience plaster useful for any owner of an apartment or private home, which prefers to make repairs on their own. Stucco is often used for the surface alignment needed by almost all the walls of old houses.

It is important to choose the right mortar, taking into account the characteristics and the material from which the wall is built. It is also necessary to consider the type of surface and environmental features. This is largely dependent on the outside or inside of the building work will be carried out. Consider a particular technology for each type of surfaces.

How to plaster brick wall with his hands

To qualitatively plastered brick wall, it is better to use a mixture, which was made on the basis of cement. Sometimes the composition includes lime, which gives the mixture an additional ductility. This allows the use of plaster in the rooms, which are characterized by high humidity. Or in the case where the work is carried out outside the building.

For the first layer of plaster can be used mixed with a coarse fraction

For the first layer of plaster can be used mixed with a coarse fraction

The procedure of applying plaster on the brick wall is carried out with the following recommendations:

  • a mixture layer which is applied to a brick wall, should not be more than 30 mm. It is important to know that if the layer thickness is greater than 20 mm, as the basis necessary to use mesh-netting. This will allow to hold a layer of the mixture and make it more reliable, not allowing the coating eventually fall away from the wall. Plasterer thus can be both external and internal walls of the building;
  • to eventually cover the characteristics meet the requirements, you need to properly perform all mixing ingredients, observing the following ratio: 1 part of cement need to add ¾ parts sand, pre-clearing and sifting him. Thereafter, water is added and all components are mixed until such time as the solution becomes ductile while retaining their thickness;
  • another option - lime-cement mixture. For its preparation will need 1 part cement, as well as parts of sand 5/7 and ½ of the lime putty. In this case, first you need to mix the cement and sand, and then add them to the lime, pre-diluted in water to the consistency of milk.

Useful advice!If the result of the plaster preparation in accordance with all guidelines mixture was still turned too thick it is allowed to add a small amount of water.

Finished plaster mixture should have the consistency of thick cream

Finished plaster mixture should have the consistency of thick cream

One of the most difficult cases - the need to plaster on top of bricks. Its surface is very smooth and it significantly reduces the adhesive properties of the plaster. In some cases, the use of reinforcing mesh may not be effective and plaster crumbling chunks or just slipping on the surface. For such complex surfaces affordable solution exists in the form of special primer compositions.

In such cases, you can seek the advice of a professional builder. He will help you choose the best option primer mixture and a suitable reinforcing mesh with all the features of the surface.

Although many prefer to do it all yourself, to view a training video. For beginners plaster walls may seem a daunting task, but a necessary skill formed quickly, and within a few hours of training apply the mixture evenly and will be much more beautiful easier.

Note!It can be a very useful video, like a novice with his hands plastered walls of plasterboard. This process has its own nuances and, if necessary, should be considered on an individual basis.

Initially, the wall plaster process may seem complicated, but with practice, improve equipment

Initially, the wall plaster process may seem complicated, but with practice, improve equipment

How to plaster the walls: a video guide for working with the concrete surface

Working with the concrete surface has its own nuances. If the surface is smooth, require prior preparation and priming, in which add quartz inclusions. This allows you to make a rough wall and provide the necessary grip surface with plaster. To enhance the adhesion of the mixture and the walls, in the step of mixing into the solution is recommended to add gypsum powder.

The better to plaster walls inside the house, when it comes to the concrete surface? For this purpose, suitable gypsum mortar, which can be prepared using the following components: 1 part of gypsum and lime ¾ part. Primarily gypsum is mixed with water. It should be done very quickly to prevent the thickening mixture. Then add mortar and again it all quickly stir until smooth.

Complex preparation process is not required if the concrete wall initially has a rough surface. In this case, it is sufficient to use the traditional technology of plastering.

Useful advice!Experts say that regardless of the type of the concrete wall, which is to be plastered, it is useful to first apply a layer of primer deep penetration.

The last stage - the application of the last layer of fine plaster that is attached to the walls of the finished look

The last stage - the application of the last layer of fine plaster that is attached to the walls of the finished look

The plaster walls in the bathroom: the advantages and disadvantages of various options

Special attention should be given an answer to a question than to plaster the walls in the bathroom under the tile. Difficult operating conditions, characterized by high humidity and constant temperature changes may adversely affect the coating condition.

Choose what to plaster the walls in the bath falls between two options: cement and plaster structure. A first embodiment provides excellent waterproofing that under high humidity conditions is a huge advantage. Furthermore, the material is characterized by a vapor permeability and extremely high durability.

But the use of gypsum plaster for finishing the bathroom has some nuances that have to be taken into account. In particular this applies to the layer thickness. It should not exceed 20 mm. And before you start laying the tiles need to be sure to treat the surface with primer.

Thus, in the bathroom is better to make the plaster walls with cement mortar. With his hands the material is applied easily, and its characteristics indicate that the coating will last for many years and is a good base under the tile.

Bathroom walls more suitable mortar based on cement

Bathroom walls more suitable mortar based on cement

We should also consider the question of how the newcomer with his hands plastered ceiling. Video tutorials demonstrate the complexities and subtleties of this problem, so that the owner can only follow the recommendations for a good result.

How to plaster the walls with his own hands: peculiarities of working with foamed concrete

One of the main conditions of work with the foam - the use of the reinforcing mesh. In this case, possible to use as a plaster or cement mortar. Home qualitatively prepare surface treating its special impregnating primer which is able to penetrate deep into the surface. But sometimes it still requires the use of additional measures, such as securing a special glass fiber reinforcing mesh, which is called "serpyanka".

Responsible approach to the choice of materials for plastering walls determines the life of the coating, as well as the level of comfort in the process. In specialty stores, you can find ready-made mixes for all types of surface. So if you do not want to mess around with your own by mixing the components, you can simply buy a ready option. This product is simply diluted with water, after which it is ready for use. Moreover, the manufacturers recommendations will help to understand better the plaster walls in a particular case.

Scheme wall decoration using a heater and plasters

Scheme wall decoration using a heater and plasters

Important!Given the diversity of dry mixes, they are very easy to get confused and do not buy exactly what is required. It is therefore recommended to carefully read all the instructions and recommendations supplied by the manufacturer of products.

As a newcomer to plaster the walls with his own hands: video instruction

You first need to carry out preparatory work aimed at cleaning the surface of various kinds of dirt and remove old finishing materials. This step is important as it determines how well will hold the plaster in the future.

In order to ensure a secure grip, you must thoroughly clean the wall, removing anything that might be between it and the base of plaster. Cleaning method selected considering characteristics of material from which the wall is composed. All cracks identified during the preparatory phase, necessarily removed to prevent cracking plaster in the future.

Preparing the wall to spray plaster mix

Preparing the wall to spray plaster mix

Seal the cracks in the wall in various ways, each of which is suitable for a particular size of the lesion. For small cracks that penetrate deep into the walls need to expand it to get to the narrowest part.

Finding its base, is cleaned to eliminate dust and dirt. Then, using a brush abundantly primed. When all finally dry, the crack can be repaired using the fillings prepared based on gypsum or cement. Using a spatula, you should try as much as possible to level the "patch" from the wall surface.

Shallow narrow crack can easily be embedded with sealant or a silicone compound. Typically, complete with a tube is a special nozzle with a thin spout that allows for such operations, directing it deep into the cracks easily.

If you want to eliminate the really extensive damage, for this purpose, you can use the mounting foam. Typically, one primer layer is applied, after which the space is filled.

Useful advice!If in the process the excess foam were above the level of the wall, they can be easily removed, cut with a sharp knife.

As the brick wall plastering: features of surface preparation

The better plastered brick walls inside the house - a moot point. However, regardless of the choice, quality surface preparation procedure should be carried out.

Plaster brick wall with beacon

Plaster brick wall with beacon

Often faced with the fact that on the surface of the brick wall has a layer of old plaster. In this case, you need to get rid of it qualitatively. You can use water and a sponge, wet the surface several times and wait until the water is absorbed. This procedure will greatly facilitate the task.

Thereafter, using a spatula, the thickness of the working surface which is at least 1.5-2 mm, and a hammer, the old plaster strays. To do this accurately and at the same time effectively, you must first carefully with a hammer to tap one of the wall sections. As a result of this procedure will crack, which will pick up trowel coating. If there is a need for a spatula handle can also tap a hammer to facilitate the removal of the old coating.

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After removal of old plaster layer, it is required to walk on the surface of a wire brush or a grinder. After that, should proceed to deeper seams between the bricks. This will ensure a better adhesion between the plaster and the wall. It will be enough to deepen their 5-7 mm.

The final stage of the preparation of a brick wall - clean the surface with a soft brush and a damp cloth. Then it remains only apply a coat of primer deep penetration. Moreover, it is better to make it in two layers after allowing the first layer to dry before applying the second.

Before applying the plaster on her brick wall must be primed

Before applying the plaster on her brick wall must be primed

Features of preparation of the surface of the concrete wall

In comparison with brick, concrete wall to clean much easier. However, due to a smooth texture Apply the plaster so that it is held to be more difficult.

In order to remove a surface layer of concrete underlayer must be thoroughly moisten the sponge with water and wipe the wall. Then, using a brush to clean off the unwanted iron layer and carefully wipe the surface again.

Another method - put over the underlayer thick paste. After drying using a conventional spatula, the entire topsheet can be cleaned easily.

After completing the purification, can proceed to the application of shallow incisions on the surface. This measure will provide traction. Despite the fact that their application will require considerable effort and time, this process is very important and determines the result of the work, so ignore this step is not necessary.

Application of the plaster on the mesh-netting

Application of the plaster on the mesh-netting

Some prefer to use a more simple way, without requiring the application of incisions - priming and addition of silica sand, followed by plastering of the walls cement-sand mortar. Due to the fine fraction it is held on the surface, creating the adhesion between the plaster and the wall. However, this method is not always effective, and to ensure its effectiveness, it is recommended to conduct a pre-test on a small area of ​​the wall.

Useful advice!To determine how effective the method is silica sand allows a simple test: primer and sand applied to the surface and allowed to dry completely. Then the wall is necessary to hold your hand. If sand begins to crumble from the touch, then you have to attend to the creation of incisions on the surface.

Features of preparation of wooden surface

The process of cleaning a wooden surface - the simplest of all the problems. In this case it is enough to knock on the wall with a hammer, and just osypletsya plaster on the floor. Advance is recommended to lay a polyethylene film to avoid contamination and to facilitate the cleaning process.

Preparation of wooden walls before plastering

Preparation of wooden walls before plastering

For fixing plaster on a wooden surface is required to fill special wooden reechki. Popularly referred to as shingles. Using conventional nails, they packed all over the wall, focusing on the diagonal. This allows you to create not only an excellent base for laying a finishing material, but at the same time It solves the problem of the need to establish beacons, which are required for surface leveling walls.

If after removing the old layer of plaster underneath shingles detected, it necessarily need to knock down and make a new one. Wooden elements can be easily damaged, succumbing to rot, insects and exposed the influence of time. In addition, often the old shingles is a source of odor.

It is important not to forget about the need to apply protection to all the wooden surfaces and elements. Antiseptic is needed to prevent the appearance of fungus, mildew and harmful insects in wood. The composition is applied to each element and the wall before fill shakes, and then again after the installation is complete. This ensures maximum protection.

Plaster composition based on lime

Plaster composition based on lime

There are times when instead of wooden crates reechek to use a metal chain-link fencing. This is also valid option, but its thickness should be not less than 3 mm and the mount should be not to the wall surface, and a specially prepared for this rails.

How to plaster the walls with his own hands: video instruction on putting up beacons

Since one of the main objectives of plaster - as much as possible to align the existing surface, require guidance, which otherwise are called beacons. To understand how to plaster walls on beacons, it is necessary to understand how and why they are portrayed. Do it with a spirit level, to continue to be able to make the surface as even as possible.

Usually used for this purpose metal rails, which fastening is performed by means of a plaster solution. This method is the fact that the plaster dries quickly and does not allow the profile to move, holding it in position. Arrange such beacons need to approximately 1.5 m apart.

Drawing markup beacons premises

Drawing markup beacons premises

Useful advice!If the current level is too short and its length is not enough to check the flatness of mounting beacons, you can use a long bar. His put to one of the guides, until the solution was completely dried up, and is applied to the center level.

As an example, see the instructions on how to plaster the walls with his own hands without beacons. Videos will demonstrate other embodiments of surface alignment.

Rules applying plaster to the surface

Plastering surface consists of three stages, each of which is applied a layer of solution. Each of them is different and is placed on a special technology that best suits his purpose. The first layer is the thickest. It attacks the wall and actually serves as scrap paper, over which hereinafter will be laid over flat and smooth layers.

Application of the first layer is carried out using a trowel or a hand. It is only important to remember that in case of skin contact of the solution, you need to take care of the protection of rubber gloves. The thickness of the first layer depends on the substrate: for masonry or concrete walls will be sufficient to 5 mm, but the wooden layer required about 8-9 mm with the batten.

Special mesh between the wall and the plaster mixture provides the best adhesion to the wall surface

Special mesh between the wall and the plaster mixture provides the best adhesion to the wall surface

The second layer must be applied more accurate, but still it is not finishing. It is applied using a wide spatula or trowel, bringing the solution to a dough-like consistency. The thickness of the middle layer should be of the order of 7-8 mm.

Finishing layer prepared with the addition of fine sand that contains no large insertions. The consistency of the solution should resemble cream to go smoothly and flatten unevenness that remained after deposition of the first two layers.

For beginners in this matter will help eliminate the risk of errors purchase pre-mixes for each layer, which is in any hardware store. Their compositions are almost always promote good adhesion and provide a robust and reliable coverage.

Also worth preview the video as a plaster wall corners. Of course, with a smooth surface is easier to work, but for angular alignment may require specific skills, especially considering the fact how imperfect are the raw data.

Methods of reinforcing angles before application of the plaster

Methods of reinforcing angles before application of the plaster

How to prepare a solution to plaster their own hands

Despite the ability to save yourself the hassle and buy ready-made compositions, many people prefer to try to do everything on their own and prepare a plaster for each layer by hand. Consider some of the most popular recipes, which are widely used and have gained the trust:

  1. Cement mortar, wherein 1 part of cement necessary to add 3 parts of sand.
  2. A solution of lime-based, in which 1 part were added 3 parts of sand.
  3. Cement-lime: 5 parts of sand 1 part falls lime and 1 part cement.
  4. Lime with added gypsum composition: 1 part dry gypsum is added to 3 parts of lime, kneaded to a dough.

Important!The resulting solution should be pliable and easy to "disperse" on the applied surface, but at the same time it should not flow downwards.

The finished mortar must be ductile and easily lie on the surface

The finished mortar must be ductile and easily lie on the surface

Before proceeding to the kneading of the solution of the selected recipe is useful to know that the amount of cooked must be used for an hour, because in the future plaster tends to lose some of its properties, e.g., plastic. Furthermore, such a "delayed" material adheres poorly to the surface.

Particular attention should be paid to the solution prepared with the addition of gypsum, as this component significantly reduces the shelf life of the plaster before applying to the wall. Such a solution should be applied immediately, immediately after preparation. In addition, the duration of drying will influence the layer thickness: thin dries almost instantly.

In order to avoid mistakes and do not mess up a portion of the final mixture, you need to carefully read the instructions, and only thereafter proceed to the addition of water as curing and drying period can be different.

Made mixture is best used immediately, as with time of its properties deteriorate due to drying

Made mixture is best used immediately, as with time of its properties deteriorate due to drying

How to mix your own solution: rules and recommendations

To mix a good blend of yourself, you must adhere to the following procedure:

  • in a vessel designed for mixing a solution, it is necessary to pour water. Then, according to the instructions, fill 6-8 trowels ready mix and thoroughly mix using a mixer construction;
  • the rest of the mixture is added gradually during the thorough mixing, thus avoiding the formation of lumps and impart plasticity and uniformity of plaster;
  • then it is desirable to wait 2-3 minutes and again mix the solution. At this stage it is possible to determine whether there is a need to add water or dry blend to make a thicker plaster or, alternatively, a liquid.

Once again you should pay attention that one batch should consist of an amount of material that can be used here and now. The recommendation is as follows:

  • for a solution containing gypsum, the shelf life is limited to 25-30 minutes;
  • if cement based, this period will be 40-60 minutes was used.
The secret of a good plaster mix is ​​correct observance of the proportions of all the components

The secret of a good plaster mix is ​​correct observance of the proportions of all the components

Wishing to make the surface appearance of the finished, many prefer applied over a layer of fillings that makes the surface is perfectly smooth and serves as an excellent basis for staining. Videos like putty walls with their hands telling in detail about all the nuances of this process and allows you to effectively complete the finishing work on leveling the surface.

How to putty the walls with his own hands: video newbie

How to plaster the walls with cement mortar or a mixture, which includes plaster, you can learn to view a training video a case. Video how to plaster walls gives details on the preparation and conduct of each phase.

In addition, so you can get answers to many questions, such as plaster the walls and corners that you need to do to continue to keep the coat in original form. Be sure to pay attention to the stage and finishing - plaster the walls and their further processing.

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