Construction bath from a bar with your hands in the country site

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The article examines in detail the technology according to which the construction of a bath from a bar with your hands. The text describes how the proper selection of materials, design features of future bath made of wood, creating for her foundation, building walls based on the formation in them of window and door openings, as well as other stages of construction and finishing works.

Construction bath from a bar with your hands in the country site

The wooden bar is considered one of the best choices of material for the construction of baths, due to environmental friendliness and long service life


  • 1 Benefits construction of a bath from a bar, the price turnkey projects and photos
    • 1.1 Advantages and photos of baths from a bar on a country site
    • 1.2 How to build a sauna from a bar with a terrace: Photo and recommendations
    • 1.3 Recommendations for the construction of two-storey bathhouse from a bar with a terrace turnkey
    • 1.4 Features of the construction of a bath from a bar with a loft
    • 1.5 What is the cost of lumber baths turnkey: the price of finished projects
  • 2 How to perform the construction of a bath: video review and description of the technology
    • 2.1 The list of necessary materials for the construction of baths
    • 2.2 How to choose the right timber for the construction of a bath with the optimum characteristics
    • 2.3 Construction bath from a bar with your hands: the foundation arrangement
    • 2.4 Production of strapping and the creation of a log house from a bar with your hands
    • 2.5 Building a sauna from a bar with your hands: work with the top of the log
    • 2.6 As for the bath of the timber to build their roof arms
    • 2.7 Installation on the roof made with his own hands from the bath timber
    • 2.8 Flooring for bath under shrinkage of the profiled bar
    • 2.9 As in the bath of the timber to build podium for the installation of the furnace
    • 2.10 Building a bath right: technology portal arrangement for furnace
    • 2.11 Electrification baths of profiled bars: wiring construction
    • 2.12 Construction of door and window openings in the bath made of wood
    • 2.13 Inner bath decoration: how to build and sheathing frame
    • 2.14 Methods for mounting of lining on the wooden frame of slats
    • 2.15 Construction bath from a bar 150x150 own hands: video instruction

Benefits construction of a bath from a bar, the price turnkey projects and photos

For the construction of baths different construction materials can be used for summer cottage. On the market a wide range of presented, allowing to achieve any performance of future construction. If the owner of the suburban area decided to build a sauna from a bar under the key, the price will be one of the most important criteria for selecting the material. In addition, recorded and personal preferences. If the construction will be carried out personally, the choice can be based also on the availability of work experience with a certain material.

The bath can be built in a separate building or an annex to private home

The bath can be built in a separate building or an annex to private home

Most often, the owners of suburban areas prefer wooden buildings, picking up projects from round logs or timber. These materials combine the advantageous benefits of natural raw materials and relatively low price.

Advantages and photos of baths from a bar on a country site

Rating timber as building material for the bath due to the large number of advantages. Primarily consumers captivating natural origin of the raw materials. Wood is ecologically clean, it absolutely does not contain toxic substances and impurities, therefore completely safe to humans. With a little practical experience in dealing with it, a person can build a bath with his own hands in a relatively short period of time. And the work is carried out with a minimal set of tools.

Brus has excellent technical characteristics. It easily fits in rows, whereby the structure does not need much time to shrink. Price fellings baths from the beam is more democratic than the other buildings. The material stores heat well, creating optimal indoor climate and the air filling the pleasant aroma of wood and natural resins.

In order to protect the bath from the negative influences of the environment it is necessary to use protective compounds for wood

In order to protect the bath from the negative influences of the environment it is necessary to use protective compounds for wood

Bruce is glued and profiled. The last one is of particular constructional structure, allowing to carry out the assembly of the walls by tongue and groove. The result is a very durable and reliable construction.

Useful advice!If you do not want to wait long will shrink, you should not choose a profiled material. For these purposes, the best fit glulam, bath price turnkey, made on its basis, is much higher, but the building is a more robust. In addition, this material is less susceptible to deformation changes.

Bruce easy to all kinds of processing, it is supple and does not impose limitations on the design. The material enables to construct a bath with almost any structural features and layouts:

  • one- and two-story;
  • with attic;
  • with one or more inputs with porch;
  • with veranda;
  • with terrace;
  • pool and so on. n.
An example of a compact bath private home with panoramic windows

An example of a compact bath private home with panoramic windows

For the construction of the bath does not require the construction of a solid foundation. The use of timber greatly simplifies the technology. Much of this material is even better timber. It is convenient, cost effective and does not require during the construction wall fitting on the ground. Packing material can be carried out immediately on the foundation.

How to build a sauna from a bar with a terrace: Photo and recommendations

Bath is used to make water treatment, however, is not its only purpose. Here people can relax and unwind. And it can be done and in the open air, if the construction provides for a terrace. The smaller the dimensions of buildings, the greater the need to create this additional structural element. The manufactured their own hands baths from a bar 3x4 m or 4x4 m terrace presence will not only add storage space, but also to give a general view of construction finished look.

If the construction is done with his own, it is better to opt for a project storey building. Bath size of 4x6 m will be an excellent option. In this case, you need to make support-pier foundation. Desirably, each cabinet was on 4 blocks. For walls suitable shaped beam. The optimum height of the premises at such sizes of bath 2.15 m. For the construction of walls, you can use frame-panel technology.

Simple bath construction project can be realized with his own hands for the gentle period

Plain bath construction project you can implement your own hands for the gentle period

To eliminate heat loss through the window openings, it is desirable to use constructions with double glazing. The floor plan for washing compartment should be given at least 4 m² of internal area. In this room you need to organize the drainage system and build a shower pan.

The same size should be and steam room. As for finishing walls in this room can be used in linings. Gasket made of foil will help keep the heat inside the building. In need of additional insulation floor and ceiling, which also filed clapboard. For the internal arrangement of the pair can take aspen. On the basis of this material to manufacture and install shelves a bunk structure.

After that, the work is done for the production of roof. To begin truss system is constructed on the basis of timber. After that, on the basis of not edging board made crate for the installation of the roof. Heating equipment timber for a bath of turnkey stove as coloring Ondulina roof matched with the taste preferences of the owner suburban area.

EXAMPLE circuit layout bath terrace 6x4 m

EXAMPLE circuit layout bath terrace 6x4 m

Useful advice!An extension in the form of terraces it is recommended to place on the leeward side. Otherwise it is necessary to perform glazing to protect against drafts.

The most popular design of heating equipment - oven-stove. It should be set so that it was possible to carry kindling from the lounges.

Recommendations for the construction of two-storey bathhouse from a bar with a terrace turnkey

Often the owners of suburban areas have resorted to the construction of a two-story bath. Even the relatively small size of the building 6x6 m or 6x8 m. The presence of the second floor will allow to arrange additional rooms that ensure comfort in use bath.

These locations include:

  • cupboard intended for drying and storage of the fuel (firewood);
  • airlock which acts as an air lock, retains the heat within the bath;
  • pantry;
Construction of a two-story bath with a line of timber requires bookmark a strong foundation

Construction of a two-story bath with a line of timber requires bookmark a strong foundation

  • dressing room;
  • guest rooms, and so on. n.

The construction is analogous to the previous embodiment. Due to the second floor increases the weight load on the foundation, so the base should be strengthened. Thus it is possible to select any completely internal circuit bath. If you would not complicate the layout, you can add space to the break room and there to arrange a zone for the game of billiards, darts, set of upholstered furniture with a TV, and so on. N.

Better equip the steam room on the first floor. It recommended close to her to organize the wash room with shower. It allowed the transfer of the premises on the second floor. As for the flooring of the premises to choose abrasion resistant material with a non-slip surface. The two-story building in need of high-quality ventilation system, to maintain the performance of humidity and temperature at the optimum level.

The upper level of a two-storey building to be protected from the negative effects of moisture, because in this area a high probability of occurrence of mold and mildew. To this layer is laid on the ceiling vapor barrier material. Do not make ceilings too high, as they can be a source of undue heat loss.

layout plan bunk bath terrace 7,5h5,6 m

layout plan bunk bath terrace 7,5h5,6 m

When the main part of the work to assemble the frame of the building and the organization of internal systems is over, you can start the installation of heating equipment. Stove, heater should be placed in the steam room, turning its area to lay the wood on the side of the washing or recreation rooms. Installation bunk shops carried out along the walls. To provide heating flue pipe of the upper tier should put it through the second floor. Here settling terrace, which can be issued as a gazebo or a large balcony. It is set on pillars made of round logs.

Useful advice!Length of standard beams from the store is not enough for the construction of terraces. Request material a length of 12 m by visiting sawmill.

Features of the construction of a bath from a bar with a loft

The procedure of the construction of a bath from a laminated board with an attic floor should start with the tab bottom. If the site difficult terrain, it is better to opt for a continuous footing. It is reliable and perfect for two-storey buildings. Desirably a brick oven arrange a separate base, which is self-contained relative to the total foundation. This is done in order to equalize their levels after shrinkage. The fact that the base of the building will be harder to fall under the influence of heavy weight than the area where the oven is installed.

Type mansard roof should consider at the stage of planning to calculate the future load on the foundation and walls of the bath

Type mansard roof should consider at the stage of planning to calculate the future load on the foundation and walls of the bath

Then, on the basis of concrete is spread two layers of roofing material. If the finished bath log cabin was bought from profiled timber turn-key, it is enough to assemble its components according to the instructions. It comprises a procedure for connecting the elements by the numbers.

Installation of flooring can be performed based on any of the favorite techniques, but equipping sand-gravel cushion is a must. In addition, you need to put several layers of waterproof material and is impregnated wooden elements antiseptic and moisture protection means.

The furnace is installed in such a way to heat the largest possible number of premises. Proper organization of the ventilation system to avoid stuffiness effect in the attic. The bath is also settling down a vapor barrier system to prevent the proliferation of molds and fungi. To lift the attic ladder is constructed inside the building with comfortable non-slip steps and a safe railing.

It's worth noting that an important consideration when selecting a mansard roof for the bath are additional measures to weatherization and insulation construction

It's worth noting that an important consideration when selecting a mansard roof for the bath are additional measures to weatherization and insulation construction

Very attractive look to the bath photo of glued beam with a penthouse and sloping ceilings, which consists of the following elements:

  • crates;
  • hydraulic and vapor barrier layer material;
  • insulation;
  • interior decoration;
  • roofing material.

Related article:

bath projects with a gazebo under one roof: the best ideas for implementation

Features of the structure and review of the best options for implementation. Recommendations for the construction. The original idea of ​​planning.

Since the attic characterized by a special temperature and humidity conditions, blocking further isolated from the heat and moisture by a film or foil material. Then, the installation of insulation and installation of finished floor. The ceiling is sheathed by a lining.

Attic bath from a bar can accommodate a recreation room, dining room or guest bedroom

Attic baths of timber you can place a relaxation room, a dining room or guest bedroom

Useful advice!Using the seal will help to protect the structure from moisture penetration into the walls through the joints zone at an oblique rain.

What is the cost of lumber baths turnkey: the price of finished projects

Developers offer two approaches to the construction of a bath from a bar: a shrinkage or for finishing. The fact that the wood is exposed to changes in the deformation under the influence of natural factors. This feature should be taken into account when construction of a bath made with their own hands. It takes about 1-2 years to stabilize the material. This process is called shrinkage. This method of construction is suitable owners of summer cottages that are willing to share the cost of a few parts.

In this case, the construction of the scheme is divided into stages:

  • the creation of the framework;
  • manufacturing truss structure;
  • installation of sub-floor.
Erection bath turnkey takes less time because the experts use ready-made construction plans and aware of all the nuances of installation

Erection bath turnkey takes less time because the experts use ready-made construction plans and aware of all the nuances of installation

When the shrinkage process is completed, finishing work performed. The price of the bath shaped timber made under the shrinkage is considerably lower than the cost of the project for finishing as the customer receives the building, ready for use.

Prices of building under construction and shrinkage bath turnkey (150x150 mm timber):

feature project Building Size, m Total area, m² price, rub.
under shrink Full construction
one floor 4x5 19 232000 336000
4x6 24 234000 338500
5x6 26 237800 340800
5,5h6 27 265000 384000
6x6 32 272000 396000
Two floors 5x7 55 354000 515000
6x8 72 404000 561000
8,5h10,5 99 571000 832000
With attic 6x6 60 297000 447000
6x6 63 307000 457000
6x8 66 392000 582000
6x9 94 430000 640000

Many owners of summer cottages note the practicality and comfort of the bath shaped timber, feedback on the forums confirm this:

"A couple of months ago, I finished the construction of its own bath in the country. I did not bother too much, as much experience in this business I have not. Opted for the small bath the size of 4x4 m. Of course, I had to work hard, but the result met all expectations. Steam heats up very quickly, firewood for the stove requires a bit. Even friends to visit frequent. I especially want to note the pleasant aroma that exudes a bar. Bricks or blocks can not be compared with a natural tree. "

Eugene Novokshanov, city Moscow

The cost of building turnkey baths depends on the complexity of the project and the construction of the desired size

cost of baths building turnkey depends on the complexity of the project and the construction of the desired size

"Last year, my wife and I saw on the photos from a bath shaped timber with a swimming pool and just fell in love. I do not make friends with the tools, so hired for construction professionals. A pleasant surprise was not only the price but also the speed of the project. Within a few months, we have handed over completely ready for operation project with all facilities. A year later, we are still happy with the result. "

Sergei Nikitin, city Samara

How to perform the construction of a bath: video review and description of the technology

The simplest and most budget option for the building will be the room of 3x3 m. Dimensions of this building allows to arrange the construction in any zone suburban area. construction technology is available even for those who do not have professional knowledge and skills. Planning includes combined washing room and steam room where the stove is installed, as well as a room designed for rest.

Useful advice! In carrying out the construction work, it is desirable to follow the requirements of SNIP. In this case, you need to take into account the normative document 31.02.2001.

Interior finishing bath room requires compliance with fire safety regulations

Interior finishing bath room requires compliance with fire safety regulations

Construction Technology baths from a bar with your hands 150x150 steps:

  1. Construction of the foundation of the building.
  2. Assembling carcass (carcass part).
  3. Manufacturing of a roof.
  4. Installation of flooring.
  5. Organization of door and window openings.
  6. Installation of the electrical wiring.
  7. Cladding on the outside and the inside.

The list of necessary materials for the construction of baths

Even if the construction of the bath is carried out under the budget technology, all materials must be of satisfactory quality. Otherwise, the building will not serve long enough.

List of materials for construction:

Material Features amount
Cement M400 150 kg
timber sawn, 150x150 mm 3.5 m³
Reiki 50h20 mm 25 lm
boards 100x50 mm 0.3 m³
Brick refractory, fireclay 500 pcs.
Molded natural 0.5 m³
ondulin 10m²
Board Edged, thickness 25 mm 0.3 m³
concrete blocks the standard value 30 pcs.

In addition, the required window and door construction, as well as consumables:

  • metal corners for the construction of roof system;
  • screws of different sizes;
  • nails;
  • fittings;
  • heating material;
  • electric cable and switched outlets.

All materials are listed with a reserve to cover the discrepancies in the calculations, as well as unforeseen moments.

How to choose the right timber for the construction of a bath with the optimum characteristics

Woody material for the construction of houses, baths of laminated veneer lumber or monolithic selected on the basis of homogeneity and moisture. From these indicators depends on the degree of shrinkage of the building and its service life. Residual moisture promotes cracking and deformation of the material, and also reduces the possibility of heat-insulating timber.

The degree of humidity for a bath timber:

Type of Material according to the degree of humidity The percentage moisture content of the material,%
Dry <25
medium-dry 25-35
Natural >35

If you choose for a bath of dry material, it is possible not to interrupt the work after the erection of walls. Lumber drying chamber does not shrink, so you can from technology to equip the roof and enter the building in operation. However, the risk of cracking the material.

Select the type of timber for the construction of the bath determines the period of shrinkage of the building as well as the need for additional measures to protect the wood from the adverse effects of

Select the type of timber for the construction of the bath determines the period of shrinkage of the building as well as the need for additional measures to protect the wood from the adverse effects of

Buying timber with natural moisture levels much cheaper. Such material will significantly increase the construction time, as will have to wait about 1 year before installing floors. Drying of this timber occurs naturally, but homogeneous material is obtained, which eliminates the occurrence of cracks.

The material from which the timber is made also affects the service life and the performance of the bath. It is not recommended to use coniferous wood. Under the influence of moisture distinguishes such a resin material, harmful to human health. For this reason, should not be used softwood lumber for interior decoration.

Useful advice!If perform natural finish wall lining made from hardwood, e.g., lime, can reduce the impact of hazardous resins.

Best of breed for bath:

Solid wood type Features
Oak Used for manufacturing robust and costly bath.
Larch Used for decorating basements 4-5 crowns log (lower rows).
Pine The most popular material that is technologically and optimal price.
Spruce Used for the construction of the upper rims and partitions. It has similar figures with pine, but it is more prone to rotting.

Most often used for construction material with a size of 150x150 mm cross section. Although the network found a photo of baths with their hands from a bar 100x100 mm. Such material can be applied, if the construction is carried out in southern areas with mild climate. For severe zones should be selected massive products with a size of 180 mm diameter or more. Beam cross section 145h150 mm for those regions where the winter temperature does not fall below -30 ° C.

Wooden beams with 150x150 mm section size is used more often than other types of

Wooden beams with 150x150 mm section size is used more often than other types of

Construction bath from a bar with your hands: the foundation arrangement

To start making markings on the ground under the building. For example, the draft bath has a size of 3x3 m. For this approach the building foundation of the columnar type. Partitioning the external base contour by using rope and wooden pegs to arrange step 1.5 m. Since the partition between spaces is not a carrier is not necessary to equip underneath foundation. First, the corners are installed bollards and rope stretched between them. Thereafter, the intermediate mounting pegs.

By setting columns excavated hole in the ground. Their diameter 40 cm, depth of 0.5-0.6 m. On the bottom of a sand formed pillow. The thickness of the application phase - 15-20 cm. If the area clay soils, the construction of the formwork is not required. The recess is filled with concrete. That the base is completely solidified, it is necessary to wait at least two weeks.

Next is marked heating equipment installation area. In this case, it will be located between the joint space pomyvochnaya and steam room and a relaxation room. As a result, the furnace will heat a maximum area. Foundation for the heating equipment settling deeper than the basic. It is desirable that it goes below the level of soil freezing. However, if the oven has a compact size and light weight, it is enough to bury it in the base 1 m. At the bottom cushion is formed by sand thickness of 25-30 cm.

foundation type depends on the quality of the local soil and bath size and the number of floors

foundation type depends on the quality of the local soil and bath size and the number of floors

Useful advice!The use of polystyrene plates will reduce the risk of "undermining" the basement in the winter. To do this, fit the product thickness of 20-30 mm, which are placed on the perimeter of the pit. When the soil begins to swell, plates take the main part of the impact force. As a result, the base remains stationary.

common ground bars is better not to pour concrete and Murowana. For this purpose, blocks of 30h20h60 cm. To begin to align the concrete at the base. To achieve the desired result, it is desirable to use the building level with bubbles. All defects are compensated by means of a cement-sand mortar. First, the procedure is performed with all the extreme poles, then to intermediate elements.

In addition, using concrete blocks should be fit and a furnace foundation. The difference between the level of the bars and the base for the installation of the heating equipment includes a width of the beams and boards, as well as floorboards.

Before the rough floor screed base for bath must align

Before the rough floor screed base for bath must align

Production of strapping and the creation of a log house from a bar with your hands

There are several methods of connection bars. Since the construction is done with his own hands, we can restrict the simplest of them. In the corners of the system will be used "in a paw", and end connections -. "In a half-tree without a trace" Before you start, you should double-check the distance between the base of the column. To identify the horizontal deviation is necessary to pull the threads and to verify the parameters of each of the sides and diagonals in between. If there are any problems, the foundation is adjusted.

Before the installation of how to perform the first bath rims log of timber, the material is desirably processed using antiseptic agents. Not interfere with 2-3 bed underneath roofing layer. It is necessary to mark the first crown area of ​​the future placement of door and window openings. Performed installation of the first row. In the corner regions of timber is required seal. This requires nageli, and are tabulated as basic and intermediate fasteners.

Further, according to the method "in a half-tree without a trace" stacked beams overlap the lower increments of 1.2-1.5 m. This stage requires special attention and scrutiny, because the mistakes made at this point, fix will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible. Given the fact that the bath is small, you can do without sawing angles. Only need to lay the ends of the material in a checkerboard pattern.

Types notching wooden beams

Types notching wooden beams

As mezhventsovogo heater can be used a conventional material, such as a tow or tape current which substantially simplify and accelerate the process. Be sure to need to check the spatial position of each crown. Through a series installs metal or wooden dowel with a pitch of about 1 m. The corner regions of the door and window apertures maximum indentation is 0.2 m from the edge. Then put nageli not worth it.

Important!Forming holes nageli be performed vertically. In this very part must be placed inside are not back to back, and with a small gap, or during the shrinkage of the structure series will sag because one peg holds the 1-2 series.

Building a sauna from a bar with your hands: work with the top of the log

The next step is the installation of the ceiling beams. This should be done not until the very end, the last two series are not put. Approximate ceiling height is 2 meters. However, a slight deviation from this parameter is not critical. "In a half-tree without a trace" zapilivanie beams carried on technology for ceilings. Since the bath can confine a small installation pair of ceiling boards.

Beams for ceilings mounted manner "in a half-tree without a trace"

Beams for ceilings mounted manner "in a half-tree without a trace"

Running assembling two first rows material. For fixing use nageli need to be placed in the hole with an effort to design was fixed very firmly and permanently. If this is not done, then the truss system will put pressure on the crown, deforming the frame. Further temporary plank ceiling. For this purpose, the board that is partially fixed. After the basic work on the construction of the roof will be made, they will be removed.

Specialists involved in the construction of houses, baths from the beam is recommended as soon as possible to perform all the steps prior to installation of the roof. After that you can safely slow down, because the interior of the buildings will be protected from the weather.

Pent roof arrangement for sloping or gable structure may be used for the bath. In the absence of experience, it is better to stay on the first option, because it is more simple in execution. In this arrangement of the ceiling is carried out immediately. It requires installation of insulation. Usually used for this purpose rockwool. If we want to simplify the process and reduce the cost of insulation, you can take the foam plate. This material is not afraid of water and is able to replace a hydraulic and vapor barrier.

The complicated structure of the roof trusses requires mounting scheme for uniform weight distribution

The complicated structure of the roof trusses requires mounting scheme for uniform weight distribution

Insulation work is done in stages:

  1. Edged boards 2 cm thick are nailed to the roof beams on the bottom side.
  2. It is laid on top of them a dense layer without a gap insulation layer.
  3. On the ceiling beams flooring boards or sections of wood that can withstand the weight of people (This layer is necessary for carrying out roofing works, no one will then move on roof).

Useful advice!Insulation is best cut with margins of 1-1.5 cm. In the process of laying the material will be compressed, which will provide a sealed layer. Cutting foam suitable carpenter knife and ruler.

As for the bath of the timber to build their roof arms

First, checking the size of the upper rim and its vertical position. If there is a defect deviations can be leveled via trusses. Then it is necessary to determine the angle of slope. Experts recommend to stop at 20 °. Further side is determined, which will drain the rainwater. You should also take into account the features of adjacent buildings and the character of the accommodation doors.

For fixation of rafters can use the method scored or fixing metal corners

For fixation of rafters can use the method scored or fixing metal corners

Based on the calculated height of the palm is formed of rafters. To do this, you need to take the boards to length and set as the vertical supports. On top of these beams horizontally stacked. The supports are arranged with a pitch of 1.5 m. Gashes may be dispensed with in the process of assembling the structure. Screws used for fixing corners or of metal. To increase the reliability of the stop, can fix it on the beams overlap via the corner boards.

The next step is measured length of the rafters. This takes into account the flight. In this case, 3.2 m will suffice. As trusses may be used boards size 100x50 mm. For the construction of 3x3 m bath will be sufficient to 6 pieces. On technology initially set extreme rafters. Followed pull rope therebetween. This will allow even put the other elements of the roof. The most reliable one for fixing the details of construction method is notched, but suitable corners and metal.

Installation on the roof made with his own hands from the bath timber

Onduline - the optimum material for the organization of the roof. It has low cost and of sufficient quality. When laying the material is correct, the roof will turn solid. This eliminates the chance of leakage, so do not have to use Gidrobarer.

Process mounting Ondulina using slate nails to wood furring

Process mounting Ondulina using slate nails to wood furring

For the installation of roofing material required carcass basis in the form of crates. Ondulin outwardly resembles asbestos cement sheets. In contrast to the slate for its installation require crate with more frequent placement of racks. As an alternative to the construction of the frame can be used not edged boards a small width. They are more convenient in relation to nailing. During the construction of crates it is very important to ensure that all ranks were placed evenly. In the absence of experience it is better to lay the first row, check its position, and only after that to start nailing.

Note!Desirably, each sheet had Ondulina support in four places. To do this, fit the rack at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other.

To fix Ondulina fit the usual slate nails. Fasteners installed on the upper wave. The lower the angle of inclination of the roof, the stronger sheets should overlap. In this case it will be enough to make the overlap of about 10 cm. Hammer nails should be very careful, otherwise you can damage the wave. If desired, can be arranged on the roof of the storm drainage system.

When mounting on a flat roof Ondulina should take care of the presence of the channels to divert water

When mounting on a flat roof Ondulina should take care of the presence of the channels to divert water

The space located between the bath wall on the side where the rising ramp, and rafters clogged boards. That's all urgent work is finished. Now the frame can be left for shrinkage. During the winter there will be all the deformation changes, the relative humidity of the material reaches the natural values. If you do not want to postpone the construction of a bath from a bar for a few months, you can continue working, do arrangement room from the inside.

Flooring for bath under shrinkage of the profiled bar

The floors in the bath formed on the basis of cake, where the materials are stacked in layers.

Optimal Layout of floors as follows:

  • sand, crushed stone pillow;
  • levelcrete 20-30 mm (reinforcement is not needed);
  • an insulating film layer "Izospan D»;
  • Extruded polystyrene plates;
  • an insulating film layer "Izospan D»;
  • levelcrete 80-100 mm thick reinforcement.
Installation and insulation of the floor made according to the rules and recommendations of specialists for finishing a floor covering for a bath

Installation and insulation of the floor made according to the rules and recommendations of specialists for finishing a floor covering for a bath

In addition, the need to make the expansion joints. For this cut sheets Epps 3 cm thick. The seam is laid around the perimeter of the room, as well as around the base, intended to be mounted furnace. At the same stage of settling the internal layout of the water pipes and sewage systems. Next, the floor is poured sand and gravel, and then compacted cushion. On top of it poured a concrete screed. To use a surface alignment generally better.

When the screed is completely dry, it is possible to lay Izospan. Fabrics should be laid with a slight overlap on each other. Part of the material should overlap and expansion joint. All edge portions of the film and the joints are fixed with adhesive tape. Further installation is performed expanded polystyrene sheets.

Useful advice!It recommends the use of extruded polystyrene plate thickness 6-10 cm.

Plates can not fix, but they should be based on the most densely. Thereafter plank IZOSPAN another layer, which is also fixed tape. Next poured reinforced concrete screed. Once it dries, it is possible to install heating equipment, and then perform the finish flooring tiles, granite or other material.

The final floor covering can be installed only after completely dry screed

The final floor covering can be installed only after completely dry screed

As in the bath of the timber to build podium for the installation of the furnace

The base under the stove need waterproofed. To look aesthetically desirable equipment on top of this layer of bricks to build a podium height of 10 cm or more. For this is laid out two continuous series. Before you do this, you need to protect from fire.

The floor according to the dimensions of the rectangle nacherchivaetsya furnace design. The marking is done strictly on the place where the equipment will be installed. Next you need to make allowances for 5-10 cm from each side and draw another rectangle, a larger size.

Important! We should not forget that by heating equipment lining the walls to the premises should be a distance of at least 38 cm.

The process of construction for installation of the furnace podium

The process of construction for installation of the furnace podium

protective sheet is mounted in front of the furnace door, which dimensions are 50x70 cm. The sheet should extend along the furnace. On the floor is necessary to put the layout for its installation. If a fire door goes into the next room, the protective sheet is installed there.

Given the size of the rectangle drawn on the floor cut out part of the plate and screwed on minerita markup using screws. Laid on top of a pair of continuous rows of brick. You can use the full-bodied red material, but preferably is fireclay. Pre-soaking the bricks need to perform in the water.

Masonry cement mortar better fix with refractory properties. Be sure to check the horizontal placement of each row. If there are deviations, the bricks can knock out using mallets or adjust their position by adding a solution. Further diluted refractory adhesive composition and using it on a podium is fixed a protective steel sheet. Instead of metal, it is possible to use ceramic, which perfectly transfers the impact of high temperatures. Two days later, it will be possible to proceed to the installation of heating equipment.

When constructing the catwalk for the installation of the furnace is important to use a refractory brick prepared

When constructing the catwalk for the installation of the furnace is important to use a refractory brick prepared

On defense, the temperature and the fire needs not only sex, but the walls of the bath. Most often used for this purpose in the form of shields brickwork, natural stone or porcelain tiles. The cost of construction of the bath timber due to this increase, but the result is aesthetically attractive. There are also more cost methods, such as applying a layer of plaster on top of the 2.5 cm thick metal mesh or steel screen assembly.

Note!The metal sheet of stainless steel provides protection not only against heat but also against infrared radiation.

Building a bath right: technology portal arrangement for furnace

To install the bath inside the furnace space is formed between the baffle and the pair rest room. Take a couple of bars (their length must correspond to the height of the rooms) preimpregnated with antiseptic and mounted vertically. As a fixture in the ceiling and floor using screws and perforated corners. Similarly, the horizontal bridge is fixed between the beams.

Placement of the furnace should be thought at the stage of laying the foundation

Placement of the furnace should be thought at the stage of laying the foundation

As a result, "H" skeleton framework should turn shaped. The bottom will be placed brickwork of the furnace and the fuel channel. The upper zone is insulated and sheathed via lining. Plates basalt wool 10 cm in thickness are installed between joists. Further horizontal lath formed of wooden slats with the size of the cross section of 2 cm.

Using the staple gun, it is necessary to fix the foiled vapor barrier material coating on each side of the partition frame. Molded by means of nails or klyaymerov mounted on a purlin in a vertical position. Before doing brickwork, it should be soaked in water. The material is laid on the level. Between masonry and timbers to maintain a distance of 3-4 cm. At the same distance from the brick should be located and the furnace fuel channel.

If there is a need for cutting material, it is better to use a grinder. The use of steel angles simplify manufacturing process of overlap, because a brick will rely on them. When the clutch is complete, in the gap between the bricks and beams should be inserted Miners or basalt cardboard. Do not use for this purpose the foam or mineral wool.

Useful advice! With wooden casings can be closed and decorate unsightly areas with insulation between the beam and the brickwork.

Properly constructed portal for the oven and allow to cook warm bath room from the rest of the room

Properly constructed portal for the oven and allow to cook warm bath room from the rest of the room

If the project is expected in the bath of the timber to build not only a portal, but also a protective shield made of bricks, heating the equipment is installed in its place once and closes the film, which protects the area from dirt during interior work. In other cases, you can set the oven after the completion of construction and finishing.

Electrification baths of profiled bars: wiring construction

When working with electricity is very important to adhere to all rules and requirements for the installation of electrical equipment. These provisions contain all the necessary information for the safe summing up the electricity to the bath, proper wiring and connected devices.

First you need to decide what method will be carried out the supply of power cable:

  1. Air.
  2. Underground.
In conducting electricity to the bath it is important to adhere to the rules of fire safety and electrical installation

In conducting electricity to the bath it is important to adhere to the rules of fire safety and electrical installation

The cable can be fixed directly on the outer wall of the bath, pre hiding it in a corrugated pipe or a crashbox made of plastic. Since SIP is strictly forbidden to enter the room directly at the point of entry is set box with circuit breaker for two or four poles. An opening through which the cable is introduced into the room must be reinforced by a metal tube with earthed. Rubber tube used in this case is impossible.

On drafting the scheme should operate a specialist who understands the network design for areas where there is an increased level of moisture and temperature. It should decide what is the connection: three-phase or single-phase. This affects the circuit cabling. Three-phase connection it is expedient in the case in the bath will be installed a large number of high-power electrical equipment.

It is desirable to perform the installation of electrical wiring composed of open-circuit method. It is not only safe, but also convenient. Hide wires under the skin can only be in the room steam room.

In conducting electricity in the bath, all wires must be insulated to prevent condensation of moisture negative impact

In conducting electricity in the bath, all wires must be insulated to prevent condensation of moisture negative impact

To fix the cables can be used:

  • staples;
  • porcelain insulators;
  • cable trays.

Useful advice!To make the aesthetics of the wiring, it can be hidden under the baseboards or the European cable-TV.

Further, all the necessary equipment is installed in a junction box:

  • a step-down transformer;
  • RCD;
  • machines.
For a bath is better to buy a socket with protective screens

For a bath is better to buy a socket with protective screens

Placing it must as close to the exit, since in this zone the temperature level and the lowest moisture indoors. The shield must be grounded, and check that all fasteners are secure wires. Boxes, sockets and switches must be installed in the common room. Installation of these elements in the steam room is not allowed.

Standards for installation of wiring:

element of the system The height (distance from the floor), m
electrical panel 1,5-1,7
sockets >0,2 (<1,2)
switches 1-1,5

Construction of door and window openings in the bath made of wood

For the self-production of door and window openings need to have experience working with wood and specialized equipment. It is much easier to acquire the necessary products in the finished form. Moreover, constructs may be either wood or metal-plastic. For installation is required to perform preparatory work.

Installation diagram of a window in the bath of the log

Installation diagram of a window in the bath of the log

Existing openings need to crop and straighten, as each timber during the laying log is not corrected. To do this, put the marks on the wall with the linear dimensions of the door and window openings. Need for cutting electric or petrol saw. With this tool, you need to cut off the ends of the boards, which extend beyond the mark.

Next, based on 100x50 mm boards manufactured boxes for installing door and window constructions. If you do not want to mess with the manufacture of the grooves and thorns, the assembly of parts can be made by driving nails into the end portion. Prepared for the installation of window and door openings are placed in the box and fastened with screws or nails.

Important! Between the box and the upper beam sure to leave a space of 3-4 cm. It is no longer necessary, since the height of the bath is small. This is in order to compensate for the changes that will occur during the shrinkage of the building, otherwise the door can be locked and the window design lead.

Installation of plastic windows are best left to the professionals

Installation of plastic windows are best left to the professionals

Left in the upper part of the slit is insulated. For these purposes, ideal for foam or oakum. You can then install the doors and windows. If selected for the bath wooden windows, they should be secured to the obsade screws. If you do not want to drill the box, you can restrict the use of anchor plates as locks for windows.

Installation of metal structures requires professionalism and skills. Therefore, the installation of such windows should be engaged in the firm in which they were acquired. This approach would eliminate the error when installing structures and get a guarantee. The same applies to doors with glass. The door to the steam room must necessarily open outside. This requirement is dictated by security considerations. It is outdoor seating crossbars and hinge pins. Such setting eliminates negative influence of temperature and moisture on these elements.

Inner bath decoration: how to build and sheathing frame

As a finishing room for washing and steam rooms should be used full battens. Other material is not recommended for this purpose. dayroom less demanding in this respect.

Interior finishing bath rooms should be as environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful substances during heating

Interior finishing bath rooms should be as environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful substances during heating

Finishing walls therein may be performed:

  • plywood;
  • plastic lining;
  • GPT and r. N.

Of all these materials lining assembly technology is considered the most difficult. For it is necessary to install the base plate. This process requires diligence and care. For manufacturing a skeleton of wooden slats fit the size of the section 50h20 mm. Before you start working surface of the walls should be leveled, eliminating much of the outstanding. After that, the markup is applied to a future frame.

According labels are nailed on the corners extreme base rail. To precisely set the required level of the wooden elements. To this end, between the end rails stretched rope. Focusing on it, you need to install the rest of the frame rails. They are mounted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. Next you need to check the height of the parameters of the corners of the bath. In this zone, the distance is measured between the ceiling and the floor.

Battens should not mount flush with the ceiling in order to avoid the negative effects during the building of shrinkage

Battens should not mount flush with the ceiling in order to avoid the negative effects during the building of shrinkage

Useful advice!If between the different angles, there are differences of heights, this defect can be eliminated on the last and the first row of siding. To this end, the material is fixed with a small gap in the floor and ceiling. Suffice it to 1-2 cm. Cracks are formed in the process, closed plinths. Baguettes have to be nailed directly to the bunk, not the ceiling level. Otherwise, during the shrinkage of the building cladding can be deformed.

To fix the lining to the frame need nails. The optimal length of 1.5-2 cm fasteners. These nails are driven into the groove lining, so that the material is fixed to the wooden frame rails.

Methods for mounting of lining on the wooden frame of slats

Elements lining may be fixed to the wall horizontally or vertically. Method vertical mounting panels is accompanied by one major disadvantage. Warming lining along the length in this case is uneven. As a result, life of the coating is significantly reduced.

Wooden battens may be used to finish both inner and outer part of the bath

Wooden battens may be used to finish both inner and outer part of the bath

Clapboard cladding vertical way is ideal for rooms with climate sauna. When used in the observed high temperature steam and low humidity. To enhance the circulation of air flows between lining and insulation, bunk to be drilled in several small holes.

When placing a horizontal panels deformation changes in bunk under the influence of temperature will be less noticeable. This method allows you to visually increase the size of the room, which is an advantage for the pair of small size. Horizontal fixing lining keeps air circulating, as the panels are mounted on the vertical frame rails, whereby the vertical gaps remain. Through this coating rodents will be more difficult to penetrate the finish.

In general, with the construction of small-sized bath can handle each. To a large extent it depends on the result of diligence and quality of materials, as well as proper compliance technologies. A complex processes such as designing circuit wiring and installation of plastic windows can be left to professionals.

Construction bath from a bar 150x150 own hands: video instruction

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