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To build in their home or apartment interior walls of plasterboard with their hands, step by step instructions of this process is absolutely not prevent. This is true, for example, in the case of children of different sexes in the family. To build the main wall of brick requires permission from the relevant authorities, and it will cost too expensive. In addition, it is easier and cheaper just to build with their hands Interior partitions from drywall. Photos of these structures give a good idea of their aesthetic and practical qualities.
Assemble the baffle of drywall with his own hands is not difficult
- 1 What are the materials and tools needed to produce plasterboard interior walls
2 Interior walls of plasterboard with their hands, step by step instructions with explanations and tips
- 2.1 Mounting bases for the frame walls
- 2.2 Formation of elements doorway
- 2.3 Installation of vertical posts
- 2.4 Installation of horizontal bars and Wiring
- 2.5 Install sheets GCR on the frame
- 2.6 Plasterboard partitions with their own hands (video)
What are the materials and tools needed to produce plasterboard interior walls
In order to build a partition, we need first to make a rigid frame. For its production need to 75 mm galvanized profile with additional elements and blocks of wood. They will need to frame has been stronger in some places. Sheathing frame will plasterboard sheets of standard size of 12.5 mm thickness using screws.
Plasterboard partitions in the interior
Between the sheets GCR put sound insulation material when creating their own hands interior partitions plasterboard. Photo of the "pie" can be found, and to consider in detail.
In addition to materials for the production of work we need to get the following tools:
- cordless screwdriver or a small drill with a suitable nozzle;
- small hand-building level (bubble or gidrouroven);
- measuring 5 - 10 meter tape;
- a plumb, to align the vertical guide profiles.
Using septum room can be divided into functional areas
Useful advice!if you have leveling laser level, The speed and quality of your work will improve dramatically. It allows you to recapture higher quality vertical and horizontal levels.
To prepare the necessary tools and materials, you can proceed directly to the construction of the walls of plasterboard with their hands. Video of this process will help to better understand the technology and the serial device.
Internal dividing wall of plasterboard with a doorway
Interior walls of plasterboard with their hands, step by step instructions with explanations and tips
Process device plasterboard partition consists of several steps: assembling the carcass of guiding profiles, the installation of the door opening, filling frame gypsum boards, Finishing work. Consider these steps in order.
Room before and after the partition structures
Mounting bases for the frame walls
Before installing the framework necessary to make the layout of the floor and ceiling at the desired location using a level.
- screws fasten the guide profile on the line on the floor;
- Near the lower profile insert vertical guide walls which are fixed to the wall plugs vertically. Step between the fasteners should not exceed 30 - 50 cm. At the interface profiles using conventional screws for fixing them together or Prosekatel;
Step 1: Profile cutting and gluing the rear wall of the sealing strip
- We carry out installation of ceiling profile during continuous monitoring by means of a plumb. As a result, securing four profiles, we get a rectangular frame - the foundation for the future, made with his own hands, plasterboard partitions. Video frame construction is best illustrated by the intricacies of the process.
Step 2: horizontal mounting profiles to the floor
Formation of elements doorway
Our partition will attend an ordinary swing door, so the frame is necessary to provide space for the installation of the door block. The walls need to be tough to withstand the load.
Step 3: fastening profiles to the walls and ceiling
Useful advice!To increase the stiffness you need to take the dry and straight pieces of wood, which should enter into the profile. They greatly enhance the doorway that will help secure the door unit is securely and firmly.
The doorway forming the following sequence:
- prune rack galvanized profile height, to supply him with a piece of wood, which is inserted inside;
- design ready to insert the bars into the guiding profiles on the floor and the ceiling, so that the width at the bottom and top of the door opening coincide;
Step 4: Vertical mounting profiles with a step 60 cm
- via any level produce careful control of the verticality of the installation of door pillars and fasten them 35mm galvanized screws. Appropriate levels is particularly important in the construction of their own hands interior walls of plasterboard. Photos ugly designs nobody likes;
- cut from a piece of rack profile segment equal to the width of the door opening for the manufacture of the transverse beams. It is also inserted into the bar and set to the required height horizontally;
Step 5: cruciform attachment profiles together for opening structures
- the back of the goalposts and the crossbar to prepare a small hole under the nail. You will need a drill with a suitable bit. The bars are drilled to a depth of 50 mm, which would be almost half of the nail;
- nails at 120-150 mm, it is necessary to fasten the wooden structures which are inserted into the profiles. To do this, gently hammering nails very ordinary hammer;
- assembling cross finish after screwing screws laterally on both sides.
Related article:
Types of profiles for plasterboard: the size and price
What determines the quality and durability of interior trim. Characteristics metalloprofilnyh products.
Completely erecting the doorway, we begin to install the rest of the uprights.
Step 6: formation of a doorway
Installation of vertical posts
We continue to build a partition of plasterboard with their hands. Step by step instructions will install vertical profiles of the following:
- Rack installation site profile observed across the width of the sheet of drywall, which equals 120 cm in the standard. Thus on one sheet will fall racks 3 installed vertically at 60 cm;
Step 7: Finished frame made of metal profiles
- since the entire plasterboard better place from inside to outside, to hide in the most cutting inconspicuous places, and the rack is necessary to begin to establish the doorway toward walls;
- each vertical profile check level and fastened to the guide by conventional screws.
Step 8: lining one side of the frame with sheets GCR and laying a sound insulating material
Installation of horizontal bars and Wiring
To increase the stiffness of the whole structure is necessary to connect all the vertical guides horizontal bridges. This can be done in increments of 70 - 80 cm.
- Profile made of rack pieces 65 cm long edges of which cut out a way to be able to fix them to the uprights;
- when the frame is assembled, we run the electrical wires inside it. To do this, the manufacturer has provided profiles of the holes in their products;
Step 9: cladding sheets of drywall the second side of the frame
- electrical wiring is routed inside drywall partitions in a special corrugated non-combustible insulation.
This can be considered as completed frame assembly for plasterboard partitions with their own hands. Step by step instructions fastening sheets of drywall to the frame is as follows.
Step 10 is mounted inside the wall wiring
Install sheets GCR on the frame
Before you start installing the sheets, it is necessary to know how they can be cut if necessary:
- if there are no special tools for cutting the GCR, it is possible to apply a common profile with a knife for drywall;
- to the desired line of cut sheet, must be put on it and the profile piece knife multiple movements gypsum layer penetrate as deeply as possible. Then, just to break the sheet on the split. Cut edges treated with a special drywall for a plane. If not, you can do it with a knife and if chamfered from the end at 45 degrees;
Step 11: Output sockets and switches
Useful advice!In those places where it is planned to nail shelves, hooks, recesses, and similar objects, you need to install the wooden bars of the mortgages. Subsequently, these measures greatly facilitate the mounting of furniture.
- GCR fasten to the rails by means of screws at a pace of 15-20 cm. Screws must necessarily sink into the sheet body 1 mm, but we must try not to break through the board;
- Installation sheets are guided by vertical guides for keeping level;
Step 12: grout joints between sheets of drywall
- installation of gypsum board must be provided a certain gap from the bottom. To do this, set the same stand. Plasterboard partitions with their hands, which are very numerous video editing tend to sag over time. The gap is necessary that the sheets are not deformed;
- soundproof partitions made by means of mineral wool or Isover, which fits between the sheets.
Step 13: The end of the partition assembly and the transition to a fine finish
To create walls of plasterboard with their hands step by step guide will be very useful. Since the well-formed structure will be rigid, stable and attractive.