Barn with their hands: how to create a simple material hozblok

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Each owner of the suburban area there is a need in the construction of buildings in which to store garden tools and other things necessary for economic activities. Shed your own hands can be used for keeping poultry, rabbits, pigs or goats. It is often organize a workshop or a warehouse for storage of crops. The hardware unit can be equipped with a toilet with shower, adding to the construction of bath room.

Barn with their hands: how to create a simple material hozblok

Garden shed - is an essential building on a country site


  • 1 Shed for garden: especially the construction and basic requirements for it
  • 2 How to build a shed in the country: construction technology
  • 3 How to build a shed with their hands: Preparations
  • 4 Construction of the foundation for a barn with their hands
  • 5 Frame barn: especially the construction of technology
    • 5.1 Building a shed with their hands on frame technology
    • 5.2 The floor and walls of the wooden buildings in the country with their own hands
    • 5.3 The device of the roof frame of the barn with his hands
    • 5.4 Varieties roofing for country barn
    • 5.5 The inexpensive sheathe shed outside: popular options
    • 5.6 Budgetary and eco-friendly options for frame plating
  • 6 Barn with their hands out of foam blocks: the main advantages
    • 6.1 How to make a barn with their hands out of foam blocks
    • 6.2 Other variants of the block of material for the construction of the shed
  • 7 How to make a shed at the cottage made of logs, lumber or railroad ties
  • 8 Prefabricated shed to give: design features
    • 8.1 Plastic garden shed: the characteristic structures
  • 9 Ready barn in a container: a compact and functional structure
  • 10 Sheds for animals, design features and requirements
  • 11 Video "How to build a cheap shed their own hands"

Shed for garden: especially the construction and basic requirements for it

Such a construction may be temporary or permanent. The second option requires the drafting of a barn with a reference to the site plan. The construction can be designed for a particular purpose or multipurpose be composed of several compartments. The structure is often used as a shed for keeping livestock; and feed stocks. For the construction of such facilities subject to special requirements.

Shed to suburban area may be temporary or permanent

Shed to suburban area may be temporary or permanent

Multifunctional structure often consists of several zones where organized storage room, equipped with toilet and shower. Attach the porch or terrace, you can extend the functionality of the facilities, to equip a place for rest and meals.

For farm buildings in a shed put forward a number of requirements. The structure should be built quickly and cheaply. Despite the fact that it belongs to the category of non-residential construction should be solid, reliable and durable, have minimal comfort needed for further operation. Depending on the purpose of the building should be insulated to the desired degree. shed size should be selected based on the size and site construction purpose. It is convenient and free movement of the person to be secured.

Useful advice!We should not build too high structure. Note, however, that people should move it to full height, without bending.

Shed should be reliable, convenient to operate and suitable size

Shed should be reliable, convenient to operate and suitable size

The construction of the shed is carried out in accordance with technical, sanitary and fire protection requirements. If there is to be stored gas cylinders, flammable liquids and other combustible materials should be particularly responsible approach to the issue of fire safety. An important role in the economic blocks assigned to the proper organization of good ventilation.

How to build a shed in the country: construction technology

There are three options that allow to build a shed in the country:

  • monolithic technology;
  • frame construction;
  • modular method.
There are several technologies of erection of a shed: skeleton, monolithic and modular

There are several technologies of erection of a shed: skeleton, monolithic and modular

Monolithic technology is the erection of the building elements in the form of breeze blocks, foam concrete and aerated concrete, brick, cobblestone or log house. This method makes it possible to obtain high strength, capital and durable construction, which will cost quite expensive. Accelerate the construction, while reducing costs, it is possible, using cinder blocks or concrete blocks. This clutch is now used often for parking facilities of 20 m² or more.

The most popular in the construction of sheds uses frame technology. Its principle is to provide durable carcass, which is the skeleton of the building, from wooden boards or shaped tube with its subsequent sheathing boards, panels, tiles or wood. Such a construction of the barn with his hands made into a rapid pace and are relatively cheap. At the same time provides adequate strength and reliability of structures.

The modular process involves the assembly of prefabricated cabin modules, which may be made of metal or plastic, which exhibit a beautiful picture sheds. Fastening elements among themselves occurs by means of the use of special parts. The main feature of these structures is their portability. The construction can be disassembled and moved to another location.

How to build a shed with their hands: Preparations

Before you make a barn, complete the layout of the territory of the plot with the definition of the location of the future building. In this matter, there are its own peculiarities. The barn is built on the territory, are not involved under cultivation summer crops. Do not place the construction in the valley. In case of strong precipitation structure will be subject to constant flooding.

In the first place before the construction is necessary to select a suitable location for the barn

In the first place before the construction is necessary to select a suitable location for the barn

Depending on the purpose of the shed he should be on a remote distance from the residential buildings and the interfaces with the adjacent plot, which is regulated by the current regulatory documentation.

You will then need to make a plan for future construction of a space design. Here, all the dimensions must be specified. The drawing can be done on their own, taking into account personal preferences, or use ready-made standard designs for garden shed, presented at specialized sites.

The next step is to compile (on the basis of the barn with his hands drawings) materials list, which depends on the technology of erection of buildings. For the frame construction is calculated the amount of material needed to create the frame construction and performance of finishing the building. In the case of using a monolithic embodiment determines the number of masonry material and the amount of solution that is needed for execution.

The plan area of ​​11.15 m² shed 1 - 7.30 m² shed, 2 - pantry 1.75 m² Workshop - 2.10 m²

The plan area of ​​11.15 m² shed 1 - 7.30 m² shed, 2 - pantry 1.75 m² Workshop - 2.10 m²

Construction of the foundation for a barn with their hands

Under shed one of the two types of bases may be performed: a belt or a bar. The first embodiment is arranged for capital frame structures with a concrete cap. Lightweight construction is recommended to be placed on columnar base.

Important! Strip foundation to be erected in areas with sedimentary soil or peat bog.

Phased technology tab strip foundation under the shed with their hands is as follows:

  • performing layout for future building according to its size;
  • Preparation trench depth of 40 cm and a width of 30 cm;
  • filling recesses with gravel sand bed height 15 cm;
  • strengthening of the bottom and side walls roofing material;
For columnar foundations need to dig wells of 80 cm

For columnar foundations need to dig wells of 80 cm

  • installing formwork perimeter of the trench;
  • laying a reinforcing frame in the form of boxes from rods 12 mm recess over the whole area;
  • pouring concrete mortar.

Important! The foundation must protrude above the ground to the height of the plinth.

After two to three weeks it will be possible to start building the barn in the country with their own hands.

Installing the columnar base involves the following stages:

  • execution hole depth of 80 cm below the foundation pillars at the corners of buildings and in the junction baffles arranged to be at least 1.5 m;
  • filling bottom openings rubble bed with sand or gravel 15 cm thick;
  • setting pieces of metal in the wells or pipes or asbestos roofing liners;
Tape base for frame structures with cement plinth

Tape base for frame structures with cement plinth

  • filling the space between the counter and the ground sand and gravel;
  • cavity filling pipe fittings 10-12 mm thick wire ligated to 2 mm;
  • pouring concrete pipes.

Useful advice!To improve the waterproofing of the base and extending its life supporting columns should coat with special mastic.

The bars can be made of brick or concrete blocks. It is also possible to use larch or oak logs at least 300 mm thick. Wood products must be carefully processed antiseptic. The lower part of the timber, which is buried in the ground, covered with mastic asphalt and is wrapped with several layers of roofing material. After installing the racks in the wells of timber supports are filled with concrete.

Frame barn: especially the construction of technology

Very popular in the construction of sheds uses frame technology, which is being built according to the building skeleton, which is then sheathed with a finishing material. The frame is created from wood or metal. The latter option is used to create the shed of corrugated board with his own hands. Widespread has a wooden frame construction, which is characterized by increased strength, ability to withstand significant loads.

Plan of the frame of the shed with the pent roof size 2,2h2,5h2,7 m

Plan of the frame of the shed with the pent roof size 2,2h2,5h2,7 m

Frame technology makes it possible to build a building in the shortest possible time with minimum cost. Since wood is highly technological raw material, it becomes possible to annex additional elements. The material is quite durable, exhibiting good insulating properties and environmental friendliness.

Wood characterized hygroscopicity, thereby to form a high vlagopogloschaemosti rot, mildew and fungal infections. Therefore, the material needs to be treated with special moisture resistant and antiseptic compositions, and to prolong its service life can be covered by an outer protective layer of varnish or paint.

Durability and design of the barn directly dependent on the cost of materials. Build cheaply and quickly shed their own hands can be of edging boards spruce, birch or pine, and the building will have an unsightly appearance. More aesthetic construction is obtained from high quality material in a trim board, corrugated timber or lining.

Building a shed with their hands on frame technology

After the foundation of a barn completely frozen, you can proceed to the construction of the wooden frame of the barn with his hands. Its production starts with the bottom frame, which will form the basis for future design. Therefore, for its production, use high-quality wooden beams free of knots and mechanical damage.

It can be used for a carcass shed not only timber, but also steel angles, tube or profile

It can be used for a carcass shed not only timber, but also steel angles, tube or profile

Before you make a shed made of planks with your hands, you want to waterproofing basement. To this end, the foundation must be covered by two sheets of roofing material. This procedure protects the wooden frame from moisture.

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The lower frame is created from the timber-section of 100x100 mm. In the corners of the elements are mounted using nagelja. By banding crown align logs from boards section 50x100 mm at a distance of 50 cm from each other. The next step is the construction of wooden struts of lumber the same section as for the bottom of the frame. They are fixed by means of an overhead metal plates or may be obliquely nailed.

Important! If arranged pent roof, wooden desk set of different height, which will facilitate further roofing.

The distance between the wooden uprights should not exceed 1.5 m. The best is 0.6 m. In this case each support will coincide with the top joists and becomes a reliable basis for the roof. To create additional rigidity to the vertical uprights and the lower frame by bolting the struts are attached. In the upper part at a distance of 2 m from the bottom ring rail is performed by providing struts wooden frame. Door and window openings are formed by means of vertical uprights and horizontal crossbars. The distance between them is determined by the dimensions of the structure.

For the construction of the frame of the barn with his hands is necessary to use high-quality timber

For the construction of the frame of the barn with his hands is necessary to use high-quality timber

Not only wooden beam can be used to build the frame of the shed. There can be applied a steel pipe, a corner or profile. The procedure for the construction of the frame in this case remains unchanged. The only difference is that all the metallic elements are interconnected by electric welding. This framework does not require the construction of the foundation. It can be installed on the sand and gravel embankment.

Useful advice! Before plating metal frame should be painted. An exception is the profile of a galvanized coating.

The floor and walls of the wooden buildings in the country with their own hands

After creating the framework and laying the lag may be attempting to install the floor. Cold shed of boards with their hands should be used OSB sheets that are nailed to the joists. It is laid on top of them as a waterproofing sheet of roofing material. Next is performed a finishing floor decking or edging boards. The first option is preferred because at the ends of the boards, there are special grooves to exclude the probability of cracks, thereby increasing the strength of the floor.

Gender can be insulated. For this purpose, mineral wool, expanded clay or polystyrene, are stacked before installing the floor covering. To do this, OSB inciting bottom lag. This process is carried out before step erecting studs. If this point has been missed, the rough floor of the material stuffed on top of a log. On the plate is mounted kontrobreshetka necessary to produce cells in which the insulation is laid. Under his rough floor is laid waterproofing. Top layer of insulation covered by a vapor barrier. Further, mounted a clean floor.

If necessary, the floor of the shed can be insulated using mineral wool, plastic foam or expanded clay

If necessary, the floor of the shed can be insulated using mineral wool, plastic foam or expanded clay

Useful advice! The height of the heater should be slightly less than the height lag to provide a ventilated gap between it and the flooring.

Until the moment of finishing the walls of the frame is necessary to strengthen the permanent struts. They are particularly needed in the event that construction will clapboard or clapboard. Jib mounted at an angle of 45 °, which provides better rigidity. Near the doors or windows is allowed to withstand an angle of 60 °. The docking elements to the frame is performed "in leg" or "vpoldereva" that prevents the formation of gaps.

Important! Before you fix the jib, check the evenness of the frame corners using a spirit level or plumb.

Upon completion of the installation of stays and flooring runs wall insulation. To do this, it uses foam or mineral wool. From the premises closed vapor barrier material followed by plating, and from the street - waterproofing, which is nailed to the kontrobreshetka of slats section 20x40 mm for everything ventilation gap.

To strengthen the skeleton of the shed must be installed jib at an angle of 45 °

To strengthen the skeleton of the shed must be installed jib at an angle of 45 °

The device of the roof frame of the barn with his hands

To create a pent roof of the barn with his hands used wooden boards section 50x100 mm, from which the following rafters. Design it's best to collect on the ground and ready-fixing on the frame uprights. The rafters are mounted at a distance of 0.7-0.8 m from each other. On top of them mounted crate. For this strip unedged board mounted with a gap of 15-20 cm from each other (in the case of slate as a roofing material). If rolled products are used, then batten step should not exceed 2-3 cm.

Important!Lathing should be covered with the waterproofing material.

You can do without the rafters. For this exterior wall frame is performed at 50 cm above the back, as shown in the figure in the country shed their hands with 3x6 pent roof. In this case, the upper harness fall joists under some bias. They will play the role of the rafters. In such an embodiment should be arranged overhang the roof that is provided by lapping beams 50 cm in front and behind the structure.

To create the roof of a shed in the frame used wooden boards

To create the roof of a shed in the frame used wooden boards

For the attic above the barn is built a gable roof, which form a triangular rafters that are fixed to the top of the trim frame. In this case, the frame front and rear walls must have the same height.

Varieties roofing for country barn

As a roofing garden shed on your own hands, you can use metal roofing, Slate, Ondulin, shingles, roofing material or trapezoidal sheet. One of the most low-priced option is slate, which is characterized by durability, good toughness, weatherability. However, it is quite fragile, and therefore requires careful handling. During installation there is no need in getting your reliable crates. Material has low aesthetic characteristics that are not so important to shed the country.

Metal is also an inexpensive material which is characterized by durability, and a wide range of attractive appearance. When mounting the cover should be wary of any scratches or other damage, which will be a prerequisite for the formation of corrosion.

Profiled similar in their technical and operational characteristics for metal. However, it is much cheaper and has a simple appearance, which is clearly shown in the photo of the barn with his hands made of corrugated board.

As used soft roofing tiles, slates, roofing material, or steel sheet ondulin

As used soft roofing tiles, slates, roofing material, or steel sheet ondulin

Cheap and easy roof covering is rolled roofing material. It is characterized by ease of installation, carried out in several layers, and low aesthetics. Soft slate presented Ondulin, which has a low weight, is flexible, easy to install and different aesthetic appearance. However, the material is characterized flammability.

Good performance and aesthetic performance has flexible metal. However, the material has a relatively high cost, so it is impractical to use as a roof covering of the shed.

The inexpensive sheathe shed outside: popular options

To trim frame wooden sheds with their hands, you can use wall paneling, wooden board, OSB sheets or steel sheets.

The most popular and inexpensive option is to use edging boards. Dissolving them into elements of necessary size, that operate outside the carcass skin. However, such wall formed with time slots which can be closed by wooden slats. But it is better to perform overlapped planking herringbone. With this technique each subsequent row of boards is letting the lower tier of its edge.

For covering the outside of the shed can be used edging boards

For covering the outside of the shed can be used edging boards

A bit expensive at a cost, but it is more easy to cutting and assembly are OSB panels. It is important to expose the elements so that their joints are necessary on center studs. This material does not deform under the influence of moisture and does not rot. However, to provide additional protection and to give the structure a more attractive appearance of the surface to be coated with paint.

For the organization of cold storage, you can use steel sheets, the elements of which are fastened to a wooden frame with screws. The sheets should be applied on the overlap of 15-20 cm. If the construction is given for animals or as a workshop, the wall of the shed of corrugated inside sheathed heating materials.

Shed Polycarbonate elevated for closed-range poultry. cellular plastic installation technology is similar to the installation of OSB. Fixing is carried out using self-tapping screws with a big hat and a sealing washer.

Budgetary and eco-friendly options for frame plating

One of the cheapest and most popular in the countryside of materials are compressed blocks of straw, which are also distinguished by environmental friendliness. Such bricks are treated with a special composition to protect them from fire. They have good strength and ability to retain heat. Bricks from straw filled gaps in a wooden frame, so set intermediate rack with his device.

The pressed panel or blocks of straw - an inexpensive and environmentally friendly option plating

The pressed panel or blocks of straw - an inexpensive and environmentally friendly option plating

The resulting wall of the shed timber trim clay plaster which is applied on a steel mesh secured over the straw. Thatched building has a minimum value, and in heat engineering characteristics, it surpasses sheds of aerated concrete and brick.

Another option is to use budget opilkobetona. To do this, constructed smooth and robust casing from sheets of OSB, which is securely fastened to the frame construction. Further lamellar filling is performed from a mixture of sawdust and cement slurry in a ratio of 2: 1.

To make a cheap and eco-friendly at the same time shed for livestock; you can use cordwood construction. This mixture of clay, wood, cement-sand mortar which fills voids in the skeleton structure. The result is a robust structure having high energy-saving performance.

Barn with their hands out of foam blocks: the main advantages

For the construction of thorough economic structures most commonly used blocks of aerated gas or foam. The main advantages of the material are as follows:

Plan small cottage shed size of the foam blocks 6h4h3 m

Plan small cottage shed size of the foam blocks 6h4h3 m

  • a large amount of products that can be installed quickly and easily;
  • exact geometry that reduces the complexity of the process;
  • lightweight product is 11 kg;
  • low thermal conductivity due to the porous structure of the material, which allows to retain heat for a long time;
  • Increased resistance to frost;
  • good sound insulation properties;
  • high hygroscopicity, which enables the material to breathe, outputting steam outside while avoiding the likelihood of mold formation and moisture in the room;
  • fire resistance;
  • yielding products during sawing (due porous substrate);
  • environmental material;
  • low cost.

However, the material can be used for buildings not higher than 10 m, due to the limited strength of the material. Another drawback is the unattractive appearance of the product, which requires no additional finishing the walls of the shed for the garden with his own hands from the foam blocks.

Concrete blocks have high frost resistance, low thermal conductivity and good sound insulation

Concrete blocks have high frost resistance, low thermal conductivity and good sound insulation

How to make a barn with their hands out of foam blocks

Before building the shed of foam blocks, elevated strip foundation which manufacturing technique described above. Units stacked on a waterproofing material that covers the base. In this case it is possible to use roofing or waterproofing. should prepare the adhesive mixture for masonry block, which is composed of sand and cement in a ratio of 1: 3. The first series begins on the structure of the angle and extends around its perimeter. The thickness of the seam between the articles should not exceed 30 mm. After laying the first row of wall checked for flatness using a level.

Useful advice!To obtain a firm and strong construction after every third row of blocks stacked on the reinforcement bars of 80 mm diameter.

The last row is covered with waterproofing material. Next, you create a shed roof. For small structures (width less than 3 meters) single-slope fit option. For sheds with your hands 6 to 6 m better equip the gable roof, which will be described below installation.

Use of metal studs to the top row of masonry mauerlat fastened in a wooden timber section 50h150 mm. The distance between the pins must not exceed 120 cm. On mauerlat set extreme farm that form the gables. For ease of installation rafters assembled on the ground and then lifted for installation. All elements should be joined together by means of metal fasteners and linings. Truss installed waterproofing membrane is covered over which stuffed lathing. It fastens the selected roofing material.

Blocks to be installed on the waterproofing material

Blocks to be installed on the waterproofing material

Next performed insulation outer wall surface villa buildings with their hands with the selected material. The most commonly used foamed polystyrene plates, which are glued by means of special composition. The slopes of windows and doors should be reinforced using aluminum triangles. Next, the adhesive mass is coated insulation thickness of 3-4 mm, which is recessed reinforcing mesh. After complete drying of the surface, coming after 48 hours, the wall plastered and painted. They can also be sheathe siding or trapezoidal sheet, which will give the construction more aesthetic appearance.

Other variants of the block of material for the construction of the shed

An alternative to concrete blocks - arbolit. It is often used for the construction of ancillary facilities. The material is characterized by high strength, high water vapor permeability, low thermal conductivity, resistance to mildew and rodents. Simultaneously it, in comparison with foam concrete, is less brittle. Material has low frost resistance and moisture resistance.

For the construction of the barn with his hands 3 by 3 meters, you can use a brick. Material is robust, moisture resistance, fire resistance, durability, resistance to mildew and rodents. Having attractive appearance, walls made from bricks, do not need the subsequent wall. However, the brick has a high cost. Brickwork is a laborious process. In addition, the material is characterized by considerable weight, which requires a reliable base of the device, as this would entail additional costs.

A suitable material for the construction block is a brick of a barn

A suitable material for the construction block is a brick of a barn

stone may be used for the economic construction of buildings from the quarry which is laid on cement-sand mortar. Such a structure can not be called warm, so it requires no additional insulation inside the mineral wool. The outer surface of the walls can be clad with clapboard.

How to make a shed at the cottage made of logs, lumber or railroad ties

Build a shed with their hands can be made of logs or lumber. The material is characterized by high insulation performance, so it can be equipped workshop or place for year-round maintenance of animals. The service life of buildings can reach 70 years. Assembling the structure should be carried out by specialists, to eliminate the possibility of errors and failures in the work.

Important!In the shed of logs or timber, do not store firewood indoors as inadequate ventilation to dry heating oil.

For the construction of buildings in the country suitable timber section 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm. The elements are placed on a belt or a pier foundation. The first crown is processed antiseptic. The bars run cuts by half the width of the product, which ensures a good grip. The length of the elements must match the width of the wall. The deepening of the logs are made in the shape of a semicircle or angle along the entire length. Between the rows is necessary to lay a layer of insulating material. For this purpose, a tow or jute. To ensure the necessary design strength crowns interconnect pegs, which is clearly shown in the photo of the timber sheds.

Barn construction made of logs or lumber recommended to professionals

Barn construction made of logs or lumber recommended to professionals

The barn can be made of old wooden sleepers. This facility will be stout and durable. The walls are built by laying the sleepers on each other. In the corners of the elements are tied with steel staples which are driven into the upper faces of bars, carrying compound abutting rims. Along the perimeter of staples driven into the lateral faces of the elements.

There is another version of the installation. To do this, one of the sleepers digged into the ground on the perimeter of the structure. The remaining elements are cut on the ends of the chain saw in such a way as to obtain spike. The posts by two beams at the tamping sleepers formed groove. Further ties are inserted into the prepared slots. Between elements is fixed with staples.

Prefabricated shed to give: design features

Prefabricated barn is made of individual elements of the principle of design. The cost of such construction will exceed the costs necessary for the construction of a frame or block construction. Buildings differ mobility and high speed of erection. Prefabricated barn with their hands (photo showcase different options) can be made on the basis of:

  • sandwich panels;
  • SIP- panels;
  • plastic panels.
Garden shed can be assembled from plastic, SIP- or sandwich panels

Garden shed can be assembled from plastic, SIP- or sandwich panels

CIP panels consist of two layers of wood, between which insulation is placed. Sandwich panels have the same structure, only the sides of the insulation material arranged metal sheets.

The first phase of construction involves the creation of an assembly frame. Then attached thereto typical components specially manufactured for specific variant construction. Assembling structure is carried out on the basis of detailed instructions to the drawing.

SIP panels can be made independently. To do this you need OSB panels, foam, glue and wooden beams. The assembly takes place on the principle of "sandwich". On OSB sheet, laid flat, the adhesive composition is applied. It keeps the foam so that the contour of the product remained free space under the docking timber. On the insulation adhesive is applied and then the second sheet is laid. On top of the resultant structure load uniformly distributed over the entire area.

Plastic garden shed: the characteristic structures

Such a beautiful shed made of composite plastic frost, which is characterized by strength, durability, reliability and practicality. The material is resistant to sunlight, moisture and does not corrode and attack harmful insects thereon not formed mold and fungus. Despite the low weight, such a structure can withstand constant and prolonged stress. For longer service life plastic, unlike wood, it does not need treatment with special compounds. When used correctly, such a construction will last at least 15 years.

Plastic shed - a practical, reliable, durable and durable

Plastic shed - a practical, reliable, durable and durable

Roof ridge made of transparent material, so that the light in the room during the day. The design is characterized by passive ventilation providing unobstructed movement of air masses inside a barn, whereby air does not stagnate and the room remains dry. The service life of buildings is about 25 years. The plastic construction is suitable for creating a workshop or place of storage of garden tools. it is recommended not to use this structure for the animals, due to its small area and lack of insulation.

Current models of plastic sheds cottages - photos clearly prove it - attracted the attention of a neat and stylish appearance. Such shed can become a real decoration suburban area. It is such an arrangement without assistance within 2 hours. The work is carried out without the use of additional fastener elements, the use of complex tools and welding. Under this facility does not need to build a foundation. The object is a mobile that allows you to carry the design to a new location.

Useful advice!Do not move often plastic shed, because of its fastening the crank, whereby the structure will lose the proper strength and reliability.

Ready barn in a container: a compact and functional structure

Today, you can buy ready-made metal shed for garden container type. The basis of this monobloc structure is a rigid metal frame, the sides of metal sheathed with insulating layer, wherein the wiring is routed. Such shed looks like a container.

Shed a container - a compact and reliable design

Shed a container - a compact and reliable design

The inner content from different models can differ significantly. There are models with shelves in the shed that resembles the pantry. Some designs are equipped with a canopy for decorating outdoor terrace. It is possible to buy ready-made garden shed with toilet and shower. Multipurpose containers is recommended to use as a small country house at a time when the main building is constructed. Later, the container can be sold.

It does not require the construction of the foundation for the installation of the finished design. It can be placed on a concrete slab. Container delivered in finished form and mounted with the crane. These sheds are expensive and not very attractive appearance, offset durability and practicality of construction.

Sheds for animals, design features and requirements

Animal sheds refer to a separate category hozblok to which special requirements. The structure of domestic fowl should be well ventilated. This is primarily due to the large number of animal droppings inside the premises. It is chemically active, allocates ammonia. The consistency of the manure and its rate of drying are different for different kinds of animals. The barn can be additionally equipped with a place for the storage of manure and manure, which is a valuable fertilizer.

animal shed must be well ventilated, be environmentally friendly and warming

animal shed must be well ventilated, be environmentally friendly and warming

Location barn for living creatures in the area is strictly regulated by the regulatory documents. The structure must withstand heavy loads and mechanical stresses. This applies particularly to the cowshed. It should also be borne in mind that certain types of animals love to chew on wood. Therefore you should not build a shed made of wood, impregnated with an additional antibacterial and water repellent compositions that may be harmful to some species.

For chickens structure should be made of chemically resistant material and is fitted good ventilation. For pigs suitable collecting wooden shed for the garden with a reinforced frame. Goat barn wood is undesirable. Barn should be warm and safe. It can be performed on a tape foundation block of material, followed by warming.

Barn in the country is an indispensable multi-functional structures that can be erected in any building material. mount technology depends on the structure of the destination, its size and financial capacity of the owners. In order to build a shed in the country, the price of the work of which will depend on the version of the building, it is important to use high-quality material and observe algorithm of actions in the construction of facilities of the selected type. With good financial opportunities can buy ready-made mobile barn to give a key in the form of a container or a set of structural parts for self-assembly.

Video "How to build a cheap shed their own hands"

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