Projects modern houses: simplicity and functionality

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The original architectural approach, the unusual layout and rich functionality - features that distinguish modern houses projects from classical buildings. Following the latest technology in a modern style, using computer programs actually develop an ideal project which will help create a dream house. How to do it and what are the features of modern design, this article will tell.

Projects modern houses: simplicity in harmony with functionality

Fantasy and modern technologies will help create a dream home project


  • 1 Especially projects of houses in a modern style
  • 2 Technical characteristics of the cottage in a modern style
  • 3 The characteristic features of modernity in the design of private homes
  • 4 Which is better: standard ready-made house designs or custom design
  • 5 Projects modern houses: milestones
    • 5.1 The process of creating sketches of houses: features and nuances
    • 5.2 The ABCs of creating a house project
    • 5.3 Especially projects of modern single-storey houses
    • 5.4 Storey houses designs: photos cottages in a modern style
  • 6 Drafting using special software for home design

Especially projects of houses in a modern style

In the process of creating modern buildings designers are guided primarily not in the tradition of design and construction, and the owners of the preferences, which usually consist in originality of design, functionality premises and general comfort housing. In the design of the villas are distinctive features can be clearly seen in modern style:

Projects modern houses are simple lines, openness and environmentally friendly

Projects modern houses are simple lines, openness and environmentally friendly

  1. Unity with the natural environment. Modern homes are created so that they harmonize with the environment and have been integrated into the landscape. These houses seem to be a natural extension of nature.
  2. Simplicity of forms. In creating projects dominate the ascetic tendencies such cottages are inherent minimalism and simplicity, no extravagant decor and artsy items. Individuality highlights the texture of materials, their color, shape and brightness.
  3. Openness and airiness. Due to large-scale panoramic glazing blurs the boundaries between the living quarters and the external environment. Proximity and visual contact with nature are also carried out through the creation of terraces, balconies and attics.
  4. Environmentally friendly. In the design of modern cottages advantage given to the use of environmentally friendly, natural materials. These include stone, metal, ceramics, wood, glass and concrete.

Adherents of modern style in the design of country houses is growing. It should be noted that the latest architectural style is quite extensive. In the creation of projects of houses in preference to one or more styles, such as:

The project is a two-story house in a modern style size 14,2h12,2 meters

The project is a two-story house in a modern style size 14,2h12,2 meters

  • high tech;
  • minimalism;
  • European modernism comprising functional approach;
  • Half-timbered houses;
  • F. style L. Wright.

Technical characteristics of the cottage in a modern style

In the current project the maximum attention is paid to efficient planning and the quality of communications, also it takes into account the efficiency of construction and long term operation of the home. In this important personality of the building - repetition and seriality is not allowed.

Useful advice! Should not rush to create a project. First of all it is desirable to investigate well the selected portion settle with the territory and the environment, to determine the light and the ground. Only after careful consideration of location, all the pros and cons of land should proceed to design.

When designing a modern house in the first place focus on building efficiency

When designing a modern house in the first place focus on building efficiency

In addition to functional features, modern design of private homes should be sure to have the following technical characteristics:

  1. Well thought-out plan that is rational and beneficial use of all available space. The house itself, in accordance with the project, can have both a compact size, eg, 120 m² and large settings (Over 200 m²), but only the effective use of the whole area, aimed at creating comfort, makes the cottage modern.
  2. Perfect communication. In modern designs gasket every meter of electrically conductive, water, sewerage and gas pipes carefully thought out so as to be used for this purpose, the minimum area. This approach not only reduces the cost of the cost of materials, but also provides a more reliable and secure communications operation.
  3. Promising projects. Modern construction involves the use of the latest technologies and materials, which ensure energy efficiency, durability and environmental friendliness.
  4. Economy. The total cost of the project and construction of the house should be the budget. Rationally calculate costs of special help-line designers houses projects.
During the construction of modern houses uses the latest materials and technologies

During the construction of modern houses uses the latest materials and technologies

The characteristic features of modernity in the design of private homes

Modern style in the construction of private houses was born over a hundred years ago, when the simplicity of forms began to prevail over the classical elegance. Modern architecture was the first revolutionary current, which defined the following main characteristic features inherent in all buildings, such as:

  • precise geometry creation forms;
  • flat or lean-characterized the minimum roof inclination angle;
  • exception artsy decoration and ornaments;
  • the use of modern building materials and the latest technologies;
  • large glazed areas;
  • presence of wide, open terraces and balconies;
  • use of natural materials in the construction and in the facades;
  • open plan rooms with the possibility of changes in the project plan at home against the premises of functionality;
  • equip houses such advanced technologies and systems, such as "smart house" or "smart lighting" and so on. d.
The project is a two-story private house with garage and terrace

The project is a two-story private house with garage and terrace

Despite its simplicity, modern homes due to their uniqueness, have a very attractive appearance. When this binding are qualities such as functionality, reliability and safety. The most popular are two trends among modern frame houses projects - minimalism and high tech. They can be represented both in pure form and in a harmonious fusion.

Useful advice!Using a pent roof allows them to equip solar panels, which is the latest in the field of energy technology.

Which is better: standard ready-made house designs or custom design

Creating a project of a modern home - a process very responsible, further comfortable family living depends on it. Therefore, it is important not only to realize all daring ideas in the planning and design registration, but a comprehensive approach is still at the initial stage of the project to the practicality. First, the hosts are defined with the style, the main construction material, area and height. After that there is the presence of many specific task: to buy a ready project two-storey house, order a custom design, or create it yourself.

During the creation of the project at home it is important to implement all the ideas and desires

During the creation of the project at home it is important to implement all the ideas and desires

Each option has its own rationale. The first is considered the most simple solution, as it not only includes the design of the house, but also takes into account the peculiarities of landscape design. Finished projects of modern town houses to be found in many online directories and websites specialized construction and design organizations. The application allows you to make a model project as its implementation, having become acquainted with the already finished construction. However, in this case, it lost the individuality of the building erected.

Ideally, the best person to address a construction company, which has worked well in the creation of projects. Qualified staff in the face of architects and design engineers will help you choose a ready-made, or create a new custom design for the home.

Many people, deciding to self-construction, using large amounts of information, download the finished projects on the Internet. You do not think about the fact that everyone ready, even the most simple design of the house is the property of the developer, and his work is protected by copyright law.

To create a quality individual project at home is necessary to address to experts

To create a quality individual project at home is necessary to address to experts

Projects modern houses: milestones

If you decide to self-design, it is better to ask for help to the architect, as the process requires special knowledge and specific experience. Actually, in order to create a project at home, you need to perform certain types of work.

sketch drawing. Already at this stage it would require some artistic and drawing skills. After a sketch - a visualization of the future construction paper in miniature. Therefore, companies with good reputation participate in this kind of work are taking almost all the experts: architect, draftsman, engineer internal networks. Usually sketch creation lasts about ten days.

The development of the architectural project of house with the layout. After agreeing sketch architect proceeds to a detailed design of the house, which includes a number of floors, the design and appearance of the facade, the determination of the number of rooms and outbuildings. At this stage, we use special software and the latest technology. Often the result of the work is a 3D home design.

House design in a contemporary style with panoramic windows and terrace

House design in a contemporary style with panoramic windows and terrace

Constructive step involves various calculations regarding the power of the foundation, the type of roof and floor, as well as systems and communications. At this process may take about a month.

Construction - this is the final step in establishing a home. To start the erection of buildings in the presence of drawings and calculations. In addition, the project is a modern cottage is necessary to approve the relevant authorities.

Useful advice!The project, commissioned by specialized companies, goes through all the stages of approvals without involving the customer. In addition, the customer receives a guaranteed legal protection.

Creating a home involves the following steps: sketching, creating a project plan, calculations and construction

Creating a home involves the following steps: sketching, creating a project plan, calculations and construction

This sequence of works is estimated as each project has its own characteristics. In any case, designing starts with a sketch, because before to build, you need to have an idea about the object.

The process of creating sketches of houses: features and nuances

Sketching only seems easy. No wonder the experienced firms for this work connect different specialists. The best option - it is independent owners outline on which architects and designers do the final design, which is an image of the appearance of the future building. Figure does not yet have precise sizes and dimensions, the materials at this stage is also not always possible to determine.

Related article:

Projects of houses with attic and garage: variations buildings

Distinctive features of the buildings. Key points for the design. The choice of material and roof type. Options houses projects.

In the photo, you can use the beautiful two-storey houses as a good example, but ultimately it is important that the finished building is fully in line with the initial sketch - it was an enlarged copy. Customer performing sketch can use a special program to create projects of houses. Further, it is up to the architect, who will perfect the sketch.

The project is a two-story house in a modern style

The project is a two-story house in a modern style

That sketch is the starting point in the formation of the project of the future house. On its base portion under development inner space that can be performed using special software planning.

In this case, even at this stage should be clearly defined with the number of floors in the building, the use of the basement, the presence of attic or attic. It is necessary to consider the number of windows, doors and balconies, as well as accommodation rooms on each floor. On additional facilities such as a terrace, a winter garden, garage, too, should reflect the initial stage.

Thus, a sketch, a prototype being graphic design, is able to create a vision of the future house. The perfect embodiment of it speaks about the professionalism of designers and builders.

The ABCs of creating a house project

After sketching and studying the peculiarities of the area proceed to the direct creation of the design of the project and planning the interior of the house. Any accommodation should be divided into zones:

During the construction of modern houses do not skimp on the quality of materials

During the construction of modern houses do not skimp on the quality of materials

  • a place to rest;
  • economic part;
  • leisure and reception area;
  • office space, such as a garage and a cellar.

Useful advice!Construction of modern buildings involves the use of the latest technology and natural quality materials, on the acquisition of which is not worth saving. Overpayment once the owners get a safe home and the ability to exploit its long period of time.

Each facility must have a high-quality communication, reliable heating and water sewer system. With the construction of the future is designed taking into account all of these requirements. Consider one example of a project at home, you can identify the main parts of it:

  • architectural planning stage involves the building with certain dimensions;
  • constructive section is a diagram markup foundation arrangement, floors, stairs, doors and windows;
  • engineering part includes a schematic representation of the optimal arrangement of communications, including the placement of outlets and valves;
House design in a modern style with a total area of ​​900 m²

House design in a modern style with a total area of ​​900 m²

  • design project involves interior design, down to the materials used;
  • estimates - are material costs required at separate stages, and the total project cost, including land work, construction of the foundation, floors, roofing, installation of utility networks, finishing, as well as related costs.

Especially projects of modern single-storey houses

Often developers in selecting the type of modern residential prefer a single-storey buildings. It is this building helps realize the main function of a country house - a merger with nature, as it is situated directly on the ground. In this case, any part of a one-story structure can be a stand-alone access to the garden or terrace.

The advantage in the design of single-storey houses is the lack of stairs. This is an additional plus in home security. The most popular among these designs are projects of modern single-storey house with a terrace. Its presence, as well as the presence of a veranda or canopy, brings the maximum building with the landscape, creating an organic link between the court and the housing.

The project is a modern one-story house size 19,80h15,96 meters

The project is a modern one-story house size 19,80h15,96 meters

The project of a modern house with panoramic windows - another popular option of single-storey buildings. This approach, as well as asymmetrical facade exterior and facilitates effektnosti imparts lightness design. In addition, in such buildings rational use of natural light, which is very important for the country single-storey houses located in the shade garden.

Drafting and cost depends on the material from which it is planned to build a house. For example, projects of modern houses from a bar - an innovative technology, environmentally-friendly trend in the construction, which guarantees high quality accommodation. The use of glued laminated timber allows to obtain excellent results in economic terms.

Useful advice!Large windows (from the ceiling to the floor) allow unobstructed sunlight to penetrate into the room, making any room visually more spacious.

Storey houses designs: photos cottages in a modern style

Design of two-storey houses, of course, differs from the one-story layout. The determining factor is the characteristics of the soil on which the land acquired for development, and the accuracy is also important in calculating the total weight of the future structure. From these factors depend on features of the foundation. To avoid ground subsidence under the cottage, it is desirable to carry out geological work or send a request for relevant information in urban planning agencies.

The project is two-storey house with a terrace the size of 6x6 meters

The project is two-storey house with a terrace the size of 6x6 meters

Another important criterion in creating a project modern houses is its location portion against the wind rose, i.e. depending on the direction in accordance with the parties Sveta.

It should be noted that the layout of houses and cottages with two floors and allows more efficient comfortably organize zoning and occupancy of rooms, thereby ensuring their maximum functionality. Most often, the first floor is used for the placement of business of the house, where are the garage, boiler room, pantry and kitchen. In addition, there is usually placed a living room. The second floor is the lounge area, where there are bedrooms and offices.

There are many different options for designing two-storey cottages. The presence of additional space at the expense of the number of floors allows to implement the most intricate ideas and imaginations of customers. Projections of these houses, including the attic, it is better left to professionals.

Drafting using special software for home design

Modern computer technology allows fairly quickly create a project at home, using for this purpose special programs. Conventionally, they are divided into two types - the program-both online and offline. The project is on-line mode is generated directly in the Internet browser. Program-offline assume their pre-download and install the software on your computer.

To make the project their own home need to use a special program

To make the project their own home need to use a special program

Full online programs to simulate virtually non-existent. There are special profile sites, a resource that allows you to create the layout of the house. Surround the entire home design such programs can not do. Create a plan of interior fittings and contribute to its original design help design special programs at home:

  • Floorplanner;
  • Autodesk Homestyler;
  • Floorplanner;
  • Roomsketcher;
  • Planner 5D.

Offline programs require installation on your PC hard drive. Using this resource does not require Internet access. However, their installation on electronic gadgets, such as a tablet, is impossible. Of the numerous list of such programs are particularly popular are:

Using specialized programs can significantly speed up the design process

Using specialized programs can significantly speed up the design process

  • FloorPlan 3D;
  • Home Plan Pro;
  • Envisioneer Express;
  • 3D Home Architect;
  • ArCon (Akron).

Useful advice!Using special programs at the stage of the project envisages the creation of the necessary changes with a view to its improvement. In addition, computer programs significantly accelerate the design process.

Thus, the creation of modern houses projects requires some knowledge of characteristic properties styles, design features, architectural law, and also implies engineering skills. Therefore, we recommend designing to professionals. If there is a great desire to participate personally in the process, you can do so by working with the experts. Planning the interior space can be achieved by means of special programs.

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