Finishing the attic with gypsum plasterboard - a reliable way to transform the room

Mounting on the wooden crate

There are two ways to trim the attic. In the first variant, the whole internal surface is insulated and lined, since it is planned to use even hard-to-reach areas between the bottom of the ramp and the floor. In these places, built-in closets, storerooms and so on are often arranged. In the second case, these parts of the room are enclosed by a partition. Sheathing of the attic with plasterboard can be performed on rafter feet, wooden or metal battens.

Wooden crate is made of rails, which are attached to the rafters by screws at a certain distance. The cross-section of the rails must be determined depending on the width of the rafter pitch and the thickness of the plasterboard. So, at a step of rafters in 100 centimeters and a single-layer covering it is necessary to use racks of section 60 × 40 millimeters. To the wall of the pediment the lath is mounted using dowels, and the slabs of the cladding material to the frame are joined with screws with a pitch of 25 centimeters. If the finish is done in the second variant, then during the installation of the side partitions a guide rail with a cross section of 60 × 40 millimeters is installed. Between it and the rafters a rack is attached, across it in a step of 40 centimeters are mounted rails, which will become the basis for the cladding.

Note! It is recommended to pre-treat the wooden crate with an antiseptic for great reliability.

Finishing the attic with plasterboard on the metal crate

Let's now consider how to trim the attic with gypsum plasterboard on a metal frame. It is mainly used for plating large areas. In addition, this scheme gives a high degree of stability and fire resistance of the entire structure. Use it is possible only with the step of rafters not more than 100 centimeters.

The first thing to the rafters are attached hangers or staples. Next to them perpendicularly screwed profiles with a given step, the value of which depends on the thickness of the drywall. So, at a thickness of 125 millimeters, it will be equal to 50 centimeters. The sheets are fixed with screws in steps of 15-20 centimeters. The laying starts from the bottom, and each new row starts with the cropped sheet remaining from the previous one. The ceiling of plasterboard in the attic is executed according to the same scheme as the walls.

Tip! The building market offers a large number of different screws and screws, but in order to avoid rust traces on the plasterboard, it is recommended to buy stainless steel screws.

Finishing work

After all the cladding is completed, it is necessary to seal the seams between the sheets. Before starting this process, you should check the entire surface for possible defects. These include:

  • loose joints;
  • protruding fasteners;
  • dents and holes;
  • convexity.

In case of detection, they must be repaired before starting to seal the joints. It is carried out in two stages: the first is the priming of the surface, the second - in the finish. Sutures formed from uncircumcised edges, and joints at the angle of the ceiling-skate transition, the ramp-wall, should be covered with reinforcement tape. After they are fixed, the same thing should be done with the heads of screws.

Note! Any type of putty can be used to seal seams.

The attic of gypsum board is finished in any other way: wallpapered, painted, putty, lined with clapboard and so on. If the whole process seems complicated, then how the attic is finished with plasterboard, the video can be found on our portal.

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