How to build your house with your own hands and how to do it cheaper

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In this article, you can learn how to build your house with your own hands with minimal effort and choose the best for this material. The text describes the possible ways of saving and tips on how to avoid mistakes during operation. The article considers the peculiarities of the projects on the basis of frame technology, bricks, beams, gazoblokov and other materials, as well as the efficiency of each of them.

How to build your house with your own hands and how to do it cheaper

In order to understand what kind of house to build cheaper, it is necessary to examine the various options


  • 1 How to build your house with your own hands: the initial phase of work
  • 2 Which house to build cheaper: the choice of cost-effective project
  • 3 How to build a house with his own hands: photo projects from different materials
    • 3.1 Frame technology: what inexpensively and efficiently build a house, the pros and cons
    • 3.2 Construction features of the house of bricks with their hands
    • 3.3 Features of the construction of affordable homes from gazoblokov
    • 3.4 How to quickly and inexpensively build a house from a bar with his own hands
  • 4 From which to build a house for less: an overview of prices
  • 5 How to build a house with his own hands: the description of technology
    • 5.1 How to build a house on their own: the creation of the box
    • 5.2 How to build a house with his own hands: the use of a heater
    • 5.3 How to build a house with his own hands: heating organization, water and sanitation
    • 5.4 How to build a house quickly: work on the organization of the roof and floor
    • 5.5 How to build a house: flooring manufacturing technology
    • 5.6 How to build a cheap house: interior decoration
  • 6 How to build your house with your own hands: video review technology

How to build your house with your own hands: The initial phase of work

Building a house from scratch is always accompanied by high costs. Not every owner of the suburban area can afford such a project without paying attention to the numbers in the budget. In most cases, you have to deal with the construction of cheap houses with their own hands, to squeeze into the budget. However, resorting to save, you need to clearly understand in what cases it is reasonable, since then this building will have to live to the owner and his family.

The cost structure is largely dependent on the material chosen

The cost structure is largely dependent on the material chosen

Which house to build cheaper: Selection of the project cost

Savings starts with the rational distribution of resources and proper project selection. The more complicated the shape and architecture of the building, the greater will be the cost of its construction.

After selecting the appropriate project, to build a house cheaply and quickly as possible, but this must be considered the following nuances:

  1. Simple layout and scheme of the building.
  2. The minimum amount of space.
  3. Optimal materials.
  4. The use of formwork nekonditsiyu.
  5. The correct approach to land work.

Important! Do not skimp on the quality of materials or technical supervision, doing costly construction project. It is better to limit your choice of small building with a conventional roof and without complex architectural elements, then do not have to resort to cut costs.

Planning has to be modern and comfortable accommodation

Planning has to be modern and comfortable accommodation

Choosing a project with a minimum of architectural forms, can increase the chance to fit into the limited means of the estimate. To develop the optimum scheme of the house, you must use the space wisely. Enough for one person 11 m². Multiplying this figure by the number of family members, and adding to the result of a general-purpose rooms and sanitary facilities, we can achieve the best in all respects house.

No matter how complex on a plot of ground to build a house you need to buy appropriate materials. By selecting from which to build a house, you should not strive for maximum savings at the expense of quality. The same applies to the services of experts hired to carry out work that it is impossible to perform with his own hands, or the paperwork with the appropriate permissions. If you take a light weight materials, it is possible to reduce the load on the foundation of the building and do a simplified base.

The simplicity of the architectural forms at home will further reduce construction costs

The simplicity of the architectural forms at home will further reduce construction costs

Significant savings can be achieved using nekonditsiyu for construction formwork structures. It is extremely desirable to reduce the cost of cement. Brand material should be of high quality, otherwise premature structural failure occurs.

Calculating the mass of the building right level of penetration, it is possible to prevent a strong shrinkage of the house. Due to this decrease the risk of cracks and other defects, which in the future may require major repair costs.

How to build a house with his own hands: photo projects from different materials

If the construction will be carried out by the hands, rendering mandatory costs - preliminary cost estimates. The most economical and fastest way to build a frame technology. Such structures are stable, practical, and are not subject to deformation changes. The service life of houses built on frame technology, is about 75 years. At the same time there are no restrictions on the use of the lining.

The duration of the construction cycle carcass method - one of the lowest

The duration of the construction cycle carcass method - one of the lowest

Timing of construction of the house with his hands on frame technology usually takes several months. In some cases it is possible to confine a few weeks.

There are two varieties of frame technology:

  1. Panel.
  2. Shields.

Note!Construct inexpensive house on frame technology can, if the building is not more than 20 m and not more floors 3. In other cases, such a project would be costly.

Frame technology does not limit the "construction season"

Frame technology does not limit the "construction season"

Frame-panel technology allows for the construction of their own hands. This process includes the following steps:

  • production of wood frame;
  • laying of waterproofing and insulation;
  • installation of panels as cladding.

In this case, the speed is substantially reduced built construction, since each element separately mounted.

As the insulation is best suited materials that are resistant to moisture

As the insulation is best suited materials that are resistant to moisture

Frame-panel technology does not require much effort, it is reliable, but it is accompanied by high costs than the previous version. This method involves the construction site at home on the basis of ready-made prefabricated panel-boards. Owner suburban area will only have the right to assemble all the elements of construction

When the question of what to build low-cost and high-quality building, in most cases, developers prefer the following materials:

  • brick;
  • wooden beams;
  • aerocrete.
Timber houses are considered to be among the most popular: quickly erected, diverse in style, comfortable and durable

Timber houses are considered to be among the most popular: quickly erected, diverse in style, comfortable and durable

On the basis of these materials, you can create a beautiful and comfortable house with his own hands. In each case the construction will have certain advantages and disadvantages.

Frame technology: what inexpensively and efficiently build a house, the pros and cons

Using frame technology, the owner of the suburban area is concerned, both the advantages and disadvantages to this method.

The positive side of this method is as follows:

  1. Cost-effective - technology allows you to personally create a low-cost housing.
  2. Lightweight structural weight - due to this, you can simplify the foundation of the building.
  3. The high speed of construction.
  4. No shrinkage - the walls are not subject to deformation changes.
  5. Walls retain heat very well, so it is possible to reduce heating costs.
The walls are made of wood well keep heat in the house

The walls are made of wood well keep heat in the house

Warming frame houses happening quickly enough. Since the walls are made of materials with low thermal conductivity, heat loss is minimal.

Deficiencies in frame technology not so much. This method requires at least a minimum of experience in construction, so before you get to work, it is desirable to consult experts to get acquainted with the technical information and view visual Video reviews. Only in this case the use of frame technology will be economically justified.

In addition, the timber needs to be impregnated, so you'll have to purchase an additional special means of providing protection against the influence of negative factors:

  • fire;
ventilation channels can be routed within the wall or walls of the carcass structure

ventilation channels can be routed within the wall or walls of the carcass structure

  • insects;
  • water, etc.

Note!It is desirable to provide for the presence in the house of a good ventilation system. This is especially true of buildings with several floors.

Cheap to build a house on frame technology can be made of wood or metal. In the first case, the material does not increase the weight of the building, the walls of the house breathe and maintain optimal climatic conditions. If you use metal, for building ideal lightweight thermal profiles.

Related article:

Which blocks are better for building a house: an overview of a variety of materials

Classification, constituent materials, process parameters and dimensions. Characteristics, price-performance ratio.

The advantages of thermal profile:

  • complete fire safety;
Metal frame without drawbacks such as shrinking and desiccation

Metal frame without drawbacks such as shrinking and desiccation

  • there is no need to use biological protection;
  • light weight.

In many ways, the metal timber is much better, but it is important to monitor his condition and to provide protection against corrosion. What is cheaper to build a house each owner of the plot resolves itself, although it should be borne in mind that the life of the metal profile is much greater than that of wood. As the base used melkozaglublenny tape, the pile of slabs or foundation.

Construction features of the house of bricks with their hands

Brick is one of the most popular materials used for the construction of private and country houses. However, it is not very suitable for those who want to reduce the construction period and to limit the minimum cost.

Bricklaying is made only in a dry, warm season

Bricklaying is made only in a dry, warm season

Disadvantages of the construction of buildings of brick:

  • the need to produce very thick panels for the walls;
  • the formation of the brickwork is time-consuming;
  • building shrinks;
  • mixture required for fixing the bricks;
  • heavy weight building, which requires powerful and reliable foundation.

In this case, the economy is not possible because the foundation would have to bury the soil freezing, hiring professionals to do the same or to rent equipment. Therefore, choosing from what is cheap to build a house, do not use a brick, which is suitable mostly for creatures sturdy and durable buildings.

Lengthy and labor-intensive work on the masonry walls is a major flaw in the construction of houses of brick

Lengthy and labor-intensive work on the masonry walls is a major drawback in construction houses of brick

Benefits construction of brick are shown in the following cases:

  • building a home made "for centuries";
  • site has the appropriate parameters of the soil and the necessary level of water-bearing veins;
  • the owner is experienced enough to carry out all the work on their own;
  • the developer has sufficient time.

If all the above conditions for the construction of house costs will be justified.

Features of the construction of affordable homes from gazoblokov

For the construction of economic houses are ideal aerocrete. These elements are represented in a large number of sizes and shapes. The technology works with them is very easy, so you can easily perform construction homes with their own hands.

Aerated concrete house does not need insulation

Aerated concrete house It does not require insulation

The advantages of using gazoblokov:

  • possible to reduce the wall thickness without compromising the energy efficiency;
  • light weight of the building and the possibility of saving on the part of the foundation;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • a high level of sound insulation.

Note!House made of aerocrete, has its own characteristics, and therefore need to be carefully selected and high-quality finish to perform waterproofing.

Aerocrete have minimal background radiation due to natural constituents

Aerocrete have minimal background radiation due to natural constituents

To build the house itself on the basis of gazoblokov profitable yet for many reasons. Such buildings are virtually no subject to shrinkage. To work need to purchase a special adhesive, but construction time is minimized, as well as three times reduced consumption of the fixing solution.

How to quickly and inexpensively build a house from a bar with his own hands

Build a wooden house is much more profitable than to erect a building on the basis of aerated concrete or brick. This technology is more simple and accessible. Housing made of timber, very warm. If you comply with all requirements, such a construction will is strong enough to stand for a long time.

For the construction of timber is better to take the size of 200 mm in cross-section. Also insulation layer need not less than 100 mm. The walls are covered by a 2-3 cm layer of plaster. The result is a cost-effective, attractive house, whose term of service will be several decades.

When building a house from a bar with your hands, you must pay attention to the quality of materials

at building a house from a bar with your hands, You must pay attention to the quality of materials

What are the advantages of building a house is accompanied by his own hands made of wood:

  1. All work can be done personally.
  2. The low cost of the material.
  3. The high level of thermal insulation.
  4. Small construction time.
  5. Small weight of the building.

Bruce is perfect for the construction of affordable homes as an alternative to blocks and bricks. However, the need to carefully examine the features of this process.

An important advantage of the construction of the house of timber - its inexpensive cost

An important advantage of the construction Timber houses - its inexpensive cost

From which to build a house cheaper: Overview of prices

When choosing materials for low-cost and rapid construction, you must consider several factors:

  • especially soil;
  • Project specificity;
  • conditions at the disposal site for construction.

It should also be borne in mind that the most expensive part is the payment service workers, so many site owners are interested in how to quickly build a house on their own.

Average prices for building houses:

building type Price, rub. / M²
Mesh 890
of timber 1950
of aerated concrete 2000
Brick 2350

If you do not take into account the features of the site, according to the table it is clear that the most cost-effective building is a house, built with the use of frame technology.

With the right skills, the developer almost all the work he can perform and at the same time save on the brigade staff

With the right skills, the developer almost all the work he can perform and at the same time save on the brigade staff

Note!Rates in the table based on the average: the level of soil freezing is 1.5 m, the water table is at a depth of 2 to 5 m.

How to build a house with his own hands: the description of technology

Before starting work on the arrangement of the house on its own site, should prioritize the work.

The main stages of construction:

  1. Production of the foundation.
  2. Creating a box.
  3. Gasket communication systems (electricity, sewerage and running water).
  4. Installation of ceilings.
  5. Construction of the roof.
  6. Finishing work.
3D foundation resettlement scheme for private homes

3D foundation resettlement scheme for private homes

Relief foundation - the most effective way to reduce costs. He works on the assumption that the light material selected for the construction of walls. If the pile is used, melkozaglublenny slab or foundation, foundation improvement at the level of 0.5 m. Thereafter performed waterproofing.

How to build a house on their own: the creation of the box

To figure out how much of the material required for the construction of the box, you should use a special formula. To do this, the overall area of ​​the building, which is measured in meters3, Divided by the number of piece of the material contained in 1 m3.

Driving a private house project

Driving a private house project

If you want to make the most cost-effective construction, it is not necessary to use a brick, and other materials suitable for this purpose:

  • adobe;
  • foam;
  • aerated concrete;
  • timber;
  • coquina.

Of all these materials coquina is able to offer the highest vapor permeability figures. This makes it possible to reduce costs for the organization of insulation, but in this case, you need a good waterproofing. The house of rakushnyaka necessarily tedious strengthening door and window openings. To do this, you can use metal corners.

Coquina - natural material with excellent construction and ecological characteristics

Coquina - natural material with excellent construction and ecological characteristics

How to build a house own hands: the use of a heater

When the building is ready to box, the work is done by its insulation. The most reliable and proven materials are glass wool and rock wool. Do not skimp on the quantity and quality of the rolls, because the more carefully will be carried out works aimed at the insulation, the less in the future will be the cost of heating homes. There is another positive feature - extends the life of the building services, the need for restoration and repair of the structure there any time soon.

For the manufacture of interior partitions in a box suitable drywall. Sheets of this material are available in the price and allow the creation of any form of lightweight construction, while maintaining high strength.

The use of metal sheets will strengthen the wall. These elements are easily fastened and via sheathed gypsum board. Such work does not require high costs and are very fast.

Insulation of glass wool produced for thermal and sound insulation of walls

Insulation of glass wool produced for thermal and sound insulation of walls

How to build a house with his own hands: Heating organization, water and sanitation

As heating equipment for private homes suitable gas boiler. Allowed to use the oven and the water circuit. Of course, the furnace operation is accompanied by certain difficulties, but it allows saving, unlike gas heating.

Useful advice!Solar panels - a great alternative option of heating. However, it is suitable only for regions with a large number of sunny days.

When organizing water and sanitation is better to give preference autonomous systems because they are economical. In order to drill a well require the appropriate conditions, the process itself is simple enough. In this case the site owner receives a constant supply of water to the house independent of centralized systems.

Independent heating system gives the possibility of regulating the room temperature

Independent heating system gives the possibility of regulating the room temperature

For the organization of the sewer system can be built on the site of a septic tank. The construction will require proper installation and selection of equipment, but the work will be carried out by a one-off. Qualitative septic tank will allow for a long time to forget about such a problem as blockages in pipes, etc.

How to build a house quickly: Work on the organization of the roof and floor

Construction of floors and roofs can also be performed independently. The paper should be used beams of wood. Pre-need around the perimeter of the building to fix reinforced belt.

To build a house with his own hands with a minimal cost to the organization of the roof is better to use materials from the budget segment:

  • slate sheets;
Seam roof requires careful care

Seam roof requires careful care

  • ondulin;
  • corrugated board;
  • metal.

All of these materials can be found on the shelves in a wide range, so will not be difficult to pick up the required coating color or configuration. To increase the strength of fixing of the roof, it is recommended to build crate. It will not prevent additional warming of the entire structure. This will prevent heat loss through the roof. For this fit wool. As an environmentally friendly material cane can be used for roofing, wood, straw.

How to build a house: Floor manufacturing technology

Concrete floors - the most simplified version. To do this, arrange the screed and fill all grout. Will only warm the base and perform finishing.

Thermal insulation of the floor keramzit occurs on special technology

Thermal insulation of the floor keramzit occurs on special technology

manufacturing technology of concrete floors:

  • cleaning the base of the debris and dust;
  • bedding of clay as a waterproofing layer;
  • the formation of sand-gravel cushion;
  • laying waterproofing;
  • assembling a thermally insulating material (foam, basalt wool, expanded polystyrene or expanded clay);
  • reinforcement by metallic rods or mesh;
  • installation guides;
  • Preparation and filling of the solution;
  • alignment.

Useful advice!If the tie is on the upper floors, you need to perform additional reinforcement slabs.

The application of the alignment layer on the concrete surface

The application of the alignment layer on the concrete surface

How to build a cheap house: Interior decoration

Interior decoration depends on the imagination and the budgetary possibilities of the owner. As a finishing material for floors suitable:

  • tile;
  • laminate;
  • linoleum etc.

Tile is the most practical and resistant to mechanical damage to the material. He is easy to clean, and through the use of the system "warm floor", such finish will not be cold.

Finishing material for the floor depends on the financial capacity and the taste preferences of the customer

Finishing material for the floor depends on the financial capacity and the taste preferences of the customer

With suspended ceilings can visually expand the interior space of a small house. The glossy surface creates a beautiful decorative effect due to the reflection of light. Beautiful interior decoration will be the structural elements such as openings, niches, arches. For the manufacture of these parts is better to use the metal profiles and plasterboard.

As for the finish wall surfaces of such materials can be used:

  • wallpaper for painting;
  • decorative plaster;
  • wood.

As for the technical supervision, is to address this issue better to attract an experienced builder or engineer, since no article or video will not be able to help fully grasp the characteristics of this process. Also, do not skimp on communication systems, convenient access to the building and other moments that provide comfort. Trusting drafting professionals, it is important to get the opinion of different experts. Actions superintendent and the designer should be agreed.

A great option wall design wallpaper house for painting

A great option wall design wallpaper house for painting

On the basis of the information contained in the article, it can be concluded that to build a house with his hands without construction experience is quite real. This will require pre-calculate the costs and the required amount of material to study the technology and make a plan of work, and to make time in his schedule. The rest depends on effort and determination.

How to build your house with your own hands: video-Review technology

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