Devices for sharpening knives: ways to make the blade sharp

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The acquisition of expensive Swiss knife is not a guarantee that it never gets dull. Any manufacturer can guarantee the factory grind more than a year, so the question of recovery of visual sooner or later will fall. Devices for sharpening knives are used not only to restore the blade usual kitchen appliance, but also they can be used to make a sharp knife or a grinder planer. The main thing - to choose the most convenient device.

Devices for sharpening knives: a simple and quick way to make a sharp blade

Regardless of the price and quality of the knife, it must be regularly sharpened


  • 1 How to sharpen knives: a description of the main stages and rules
  • 2 Electric Knife sharpeners: design features and use
  • 3 Mechanical and manual sharpeners for knives with adjustable angle sharpening
  • 4 The main types of abrasives used for sharpening knives
    • 4.1 Musatov and other common household devices for sharpening blades
  • 5 Types of blades and the right angle knife sharpening: as it should be
  • 6 Why fast tupyatsya kitchen knives, sharpening angle, depending on the destination
  • 7 How to sharpen a knife own bar at home
  • 8 How to sharpen a knife by an electric grinding machine

How to sharpen knives: a description of the main stages and rules

Any knife, even the highest quality, sooner or later will become blunted, and this does not mean that it has been used very often. Corrosion, which is due to humidity or temperature changes, will still do the trick. If the instrument is used on a daily basis, then you need to sharpen it at least once a week. It all depends on the characteristics and frequency of use. In this case, do not underestimate the properties of certain materials. So, ordinary thick cardboard is able to double the blunt knife, even after several cuts.

To perform properly sharpened knife, you must adhere to certain rules

To perform properly sharpened knife, you must adhere to certain rules

Helpful information! Many worry that adjust for knife sharpening device is able to make too sharp, as this may cause injury. At the same time, experts recommend to take into account the fact that the risk of injury due to blunt knife coming off from the surface twice as high as the opportunity to cut off too sharp blade.

For best results, blade sharpening process should consist of several stages, each phase, depending on the quality of the device, may include the use of separate devices and instruments. So, regrinding process is to change the sharpening angle or in the elimination of severe mechanical damage to the edge of the blade. This process removed a substantial steel layer until the surface is perfectly flat. Regrinding rigid and coarse abrasives are most often used.

To restore the state of the cutting surface of the blade, the sharpening process is performed in which the applied medium and vysokozernistye abrasives. In some cases, the tools for sharpening knives can leave deep micro-scratches on the surface, which will cause too sharp places on the blade. In order to get rid of them, carried out one step, called "debugging" or "finish polishing".

After this process are eliminated even minimal scratches and the blade gets luster. Cutting capacity in this case is a little bit lower, but after finishing the sharpness will be maintained over a long period.

If the main goal is to make the knife more acute, it is necessary to use the abrasive medium and high degree of granularity

If the main goal is to make the knife more acute, it is necessary to use the abrasive medium and high degree of granularity

Separately, mention may be made of the phase changes, which is applied when the blade is slightly turned in direction, which significantly reduces the cutting performance. At this stage there is no sharpening, namely alignment of the side edge surfaces to the original position they occupied. It is important that in the course of this work, steel blade surface is not removed.

Electric Knife sharpeners: design features and use

All devices for sharpening knives can be divided into several groups:

  • depending on the type of abrasive - sticks and sharpening stones;
  • based on the characteristics of the work designs - manual and electric;
  • on the specifics of use - for home and professional use.

To find out the name of Knife Sharpener one type or another, you should know the basic principles of their work. For example, the electric sharpeners for knives are not only the type of electric drive, but also the size.

This may be the impressive size design with large disks or neat compact devices suitable even for use in small spaces. For example, such devices are often seen in restaurants or cafes: they are required to maintain the kitchen equipment in a constant manner. However, such knife sharpeners are designed for continuous use and can fix even badly damaged blade from durable alloys.

Suitable for domestic use, electric sharpeners small size

Suitable for domestic use, electric sharpeners small size

The very sharpening electrical construction consists of several slots through which the blunt blade is held. Inside of each recess are disks of different materials disposed perpendicular blade. After switching on the device begins sharpening the blade at which it 2-3 times passes through each slot. This type sharpeners allows choosing optimal sharpening angle of the knife and adjust it according to the type of sharpened surface, making it universal for different blades.

Useful advice!Despite the high cost of electric devices for sharpening knives, they are in great demand due to the fact that you can quickly and reliably grind any device. Another advantage is considered to be the absolute safety of use, because here prevents direct human contact with the blades or discs.

Domestic electrical grinding machines not such overall as compared with professional, but not less functional. It also provided the opportunity for sharpening angle fixing any type of knives and other cutting instruments, for example, scissors, screwdrivers or chisels.

Mechanical and manual sharpeners for knives with adjustable angle sharpening

Traditional mechanical grinding machines have long been popular, because of their use no need to connect to the electricity network, the more that a simple construction is rarely breaks or fails owner. In most cases, mechanical grinding devices are stationary structure having a large number of advantages, among which are:

Mechanical sharpeners permit can sharpen the knife as soon as possible

Mechanical sharpeners permit can sharpen the knife as soon as possible

  • availability of sharpening angle of the blade holder;
  • opportunity to select the desired abrasive stone;
  • fixing blade or grinding stone in position.

Mechanical devices are considered to be professional and make it possible to hold the knife all the necessary stages of sharpening. Many say that before their own to use the device, you should gain some skill and experience. In some cases, you will need to go a little training. Gained certain experience, you get a short time to learn how to quickly sharpen any knives device.

The simplest variant of the manual knife sharpeners considered a bar or a whetstone, which It is an abrasive tool used for sharpening the blades not only cooking, but also locksmith instruments. Whetstone is also considered an excellent device for sharpening knives planing and other carpentry equipment.

It is interesting! Sharpening a knife on the bar was used many centuries ago by ancient people. The result of the work here will depend on the user's skill. It is also considered a universal stone winepress that increases the sharpness of even the most blunt knife.

The easiest option for sharpening a knife - a grindstone or bar

The easiest option for sharpening a knife - a grindstone or bar

The main types of abrasives used for sharpening knives

In general, for the manufacture of mechanical or manual machines are used for sharpening the knives 4 basic types of abrasive:

  1. Natural. There is most often used novakulit or Japanese water stone, in general, these sharpeners are highly valued. Another disadvantage is the complex process of using this type of stone for sharpening knives.
  2. Diamond. The most demanded kind of sharpening, characterized by a variety of geometric shapes, sizes and types of grain. Main advantages - durability, good grinding results, low price.
  3. Ceramic. The most modern form of sharpening knives, which combines the positive qualities of natural stones and diamond.
  4. Artificial. Here are most frequently used options such solid stones as corundum and carbide, which are low cost. However, knife sharpening bar of such materials does not allow for fine-tuning of the finish of the cutting surface.
Diamond abrasives are distinguished by low cost and good performance

Diamond abrasives are distinguished by low cost and good performance

To bring the blade to a mirror finish polishing pastes are often used. The main purpose of the use of paste - finishing cutting the base, eliminating scratches. The composition includes an abrasive powder (ceramic or diamond), binder (which can be paraffin, vaseline or water) active additives as well as, the main task of which - cleansing and polishing the surface to obtain quality result work. The most common in our country is used for polishing paste GOI previously applied to the soft felt or tissue basis, although it developed and more modern facilities.

When selecting an abrasive agent should not forget about such a concept as grain, which is considered a determining factor in the efficiency of the grinding device.

Interesting information! To date, no single system, making it possible to compare different types of abrasives, because there are several different notations. In the case of knife sharpening bar of natural stone grain definition does not bear relevance in view of an inhomogeneous structure.

To perform sharpening with the help of bars of natural abrasives require certain skills

To perform sharpening with the help of bars of natural abrasives require certain skills

Universal symbol granularity considered GRIT, by which ratio is calculated based on the smallest number of holes per square inch of screen. There is considered the basic concept that the higher the value GRIT, the lower the grit material.

In general, very grainy effect on the quality and purity of sharpening. To carry out valuable work on sharpening tool should be used for several different granular materials. The finer the abrasive grain is, the thinner will be the processing and to a lesser extent will come off the metallic layer. Abrasives with larger grains are needed in order to conduct the initial rough grinding when you want to return the blade the perfect look and get rid of chips or irregularities.

The following table provides information about what is required of the abrasive grain for the various stages of sharpening:

Grain, Grit The average grain size, microns Type of work Effect
80-600 180-20 Rough Correction of the thickness or shape of the cutting blade
600-3000 20-4 preparatory The first stage of grinding and removal of the stripping trace
3000-6000 4-2 Poluchistovaya, finishing, sanding Lapping cutting edge
6000 and more 2-1 Finishing Bringing up the perfect purity of the blade

When working with a grinding stone should be considered and particularly abrasive. Thus, the ceramic surface with the same granularity gives a delicate effect than diamond base. Best knife sharpener are those in which there are several types of abrasive surfaces. The greater the difference in the grain, the more universal model and the more types of blade machining can be carried out. Of course, having a variety of abrasive surfaces will affect the final cost of the device for sharpening.

Musatov and other common household devices for sharpening blades

Externally musat is a knife sharpener in the form of a file with a round or oval cross section. The usability of the rod is provided by a convenient handle that is securely in the hand. Using Musat allows you to align the cutting blade and make it sharper, and will be able to work any housewife with no experience.

According to the principle of operation is similar to the rod Musat for sharpening, but if sharpening removes the part of the steel coating the musat only cleans the surface of the formed metal in the process fringe. Result is alignment surface by peeling with minimal metal along the edge of the blade.

Sharpeners for knives keyrings are easy to use, and have an original look

Sharpeners for knives keyrings are easy to use, and have an original look

Useful advice!If you purchased a quality knife while it is properly maintained, it Musat enough to maintain its normal intensity. It should not be forgotten that a small layer of metal removed during each sharpening. This causes shortening and reducing the blade.

In most cases musat made of metal. Stem length does not exceed 20-35 cm. The best are devices other than a shiny, smooth or mirror surface of the rod. Another advantage of the device is the presence of a magnetized tip serving to attract metal crumb been cleared off from the knife during sharpening. Basically Musatov may have the form:

  • circle or oval;
  • flat with facetted rod;
  • tetrahedron.

By manufacturing the metal material are allocated, and mixed diamond rods. The most effective is musat having a ceramic coating, which can be used as a device for sharpening knife planers, gouges and conventional kitchen knives.

Musat or file allows you to make a knife sharper, and align the blade

Musat or file allows you to make a knife sharper, and align the blade

Musatov addition, in the home are often used and other varieties of sharpening, for example, folding variants such "Balisong" got its name from the name of the district in the Philippines, where they were first developed. The device is a folding device with a handle is disclosed in the form of a fan 180 °. A special type of opening that resembles a butterfly flap, gave the second name sharpening - sharpener butterfly. A convenient form allows the use of a device for sharpening chisels, scissors or other tools requiring sharpness. Allocate these types of sharpeners:

  • rectangular;
  • shiloobraznye;
  • rod-shaped.

Related article:

Belt grinder: simple device for grinding and sharpening

Scope of Use. Advantages and disadvantages. Types of grinders. Construction and operation. Recommendations for selection and use.

Small size, ease of use and efficient operation sharpeners enabled device to receive widely used not only in everyday use but also for use in campaigns, or travels.

The most mobile and compact sharpeners considered keyrings, which models widely available in retail outlets. It is possible to select various shapes, sizes and original appearance. Often, in addition to knife sharpeners, complete can go hiking nail file, which further adds to the useful qualities of the device.

Sharpeners, balisongs have a comfortable design and compact size

Sharpeners, balisongs have a comfortable design and compact size

Types of blades and the right angle knife sharpening: as it should be

The knives are made of different materials, but the main is the different types of steel. Regardless of the material or shape of the product, it is in any case eventually need sharpening, because working with a blunt instrument is a danger to the user. Basically, the following materials are used for the production of knives:

  1. Carbon steel. These products are not intended for continuous use, because how quickly corrode.
  2. Stainless steel. Besides the basic material used for the manufacture of chrome, nickel and molybdenum. Such knives require constant sharpening.
  3. High-carbon stainless steel. Due to the presence in the composition of vanadium and cobalt considerably increases the strength of the blade.
  4. Damascus steel. Expensive material used for hunting or elite collection knives. This blade accept only hand sharpening along the tip.
  5. Titanium alloy. As part of the carbide is present as an additive, because of which the blade retains sharpness longer period. Sharpen knives better with professional sharpening machine.
  6. The zirconium alloy. Manufactured by pressing and sintering ceramic high mineral hardness. For sharpening requires no special tool.
stainless steel knives need sharpening in a timely

stainless steel knives need sharpening in a timely

To determine that the blade was blunt, it is possible not only for the operator but also to the eye. Proper sharpening is needed to restore the outlines of cutting face of the blade. The main difficulty of the sharpening process is to maintain the correct angle, and this will help special tools for sharpening angle of the knife.

Helpful information! The smaller sharpening angle of the blade, the easier it is necessary to cut material, which is particularly important when dealing with soft food. A knife with a small angle blunts sharpening several times faster than devices with a relatively large angle.

To navigate the angles, mostly standard values. For example, hairdressing scissors enough angle 45-55 °, metal scissors - 75-85 °. But more a sensitive instrument, such as surgical scalpel requires sharpening 10-15 °. Hunting knife sharpening angle should not exceed 25-30 °.

Knives of titanium alloy is recommended to sharpen using professional tools

Knives of titanium alloy is recommended to sharpen using professional tools

Why fast tupyatsya kitchen knives, sharpening angle, depending on the destination

Sharp kitchen knife - the key to fast and effective work in the kitchen, but the use of various boards cutting does not affect positively on the sharpness of the blade, because they are rounded cutting base instrument. It should also be aware that cutting on a wooden board in less influence on the deformation of the knife blade, than work on the board of plastic. Other reasons for tupyatsya kitchen knives:

  1. Butchering animal carcasses. Bones and tendons of any animal capable of different hardness and blunt knife even after one use. Such a different strength and bone most fruits.
  2. Cutting of crude fish with bones. Scales and fish bones are very hard on the structure and quickly blunt tip.
  3. Improper storage and care. If you keep the knife is not in a special holder, and together with the other cutlery, blade quickly will become worthless. Also keep in mind that most of the knives is not recommended to wash in a dishwasher.
When cutting animal carcasses knives can grow blunt very quickly because of the tendons and bones

When cutting animal carcasses knives can grow blunt very quickly because of the tendons and bones

When working with a kitchen knife need to know what can affect its sharpness even poorly peeled soft fruits and vegetables, which was sand or clumps of dirt. Therefore, before cutting quality should wash all products.

Special rules for sharpening kitchen knives does not exist, but all the same, experts recommend to comply with different angles for devices with different purposes, as shown in the table below:

type of knife Features of the application Point angle, degrees
table For grinding food on the plate, it blunts mainly due to the constant contact with the cutting part kitchenware 55-60
conventional kitchen Cutting and slicing products on board 25-35
professional chef For cutting meat and fish 20-25
cook For vegetables and fruits 35
Boning (coring) Separating the meat from the bones and tendons 20-30
Tourist For the application of mixed 30-45

How to sharpen a knife own bar at home

The bar is considered to be an excellent device for sharpening knives grinder, ordinary cooks devices and even carpentry tools. When using the basic rules must be followed:

  • observe proper sharpening angle, starting from the application blade;
  • maintain the position of the blade in relation to the surface of the stone during the whole period of sharpening;
  • avoid sharp and abrupt action, all movements should be smooth and sliding;
  • prior work drench detergent bar, soapy water or oil;
  • carefully inspect and clean the knife blade.
Care should be taken that the angle between the blade and the bar was the same in the process of sharpening

Care should be taken that the angle between the blade and the bar was the same in the process of sharpening

Because the full sharpening cycle consists of several stages, it is recommended to buy just a set of bars with different granularity. By using the bar to be followed for optimal sharpening angle of the particular device. To make it easier to keep the right angle, it is necessary to use clamps made of paper or wood. During the whole process of sharpening one hand held bar, and the second - the knife blade itself. In some cases, it is easier to fix the bar in one position and hold the knife with both hands. Grinding is carried out alternately in each plane.

How to sharpen a knife by an electric grinding machine

During the application of sharpening devices with power requirements for the performance of work remain essentially the same as you would with a bar or a whetstone. The only time - is that when using the device for sharpening knives on sandpaper wetted not abrasive surface, and the blade of the knife, because the ever-rotating wheel water will not retained. Other rules of sharpening:

During grinding at the electrical machine need to be periodically moistened with water knife blade

During grinding in an electric machine must be periodically moistened with water knife blade

  1. We need to constantly ensure that the blade does not overheat much of what can happen when pressed against a strong knife to the abrasive surface.
  2. For proper sharpening angle fixation is required to use additional devices, which are securely fastened to the chassis of the grinding machine.
  3. To ensure the safety of using emery, should not be neglected remedies, which include gloves and goggles.

If you are using a small home grinder, it is necessary to sustain the optimal interval work and find the right grit sandpaper, because most of the fixation angle is automatically.

In shops offers a wide selection devices for sharpening knives and other tools that need maintaining sharpness. Various designs for other purposes are of different equipment and, consequently, cost. When selecting a model is required to take into account design features of the knife as well as the material from which the device is manufactured. Also, do not forget the most simple sharpener, which alone will be able to use any hostess.

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