Vibratory plate with your hands: the technical availability and warranty

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Smoothly and very fast cars seem to action on a large construction site. Even yesterday, a huge bucket to bite into the ground, and today is the first level of the future building. It is on large-scale construction projects. But even if you need to put a country house, the principles are the same: you must first prepare the soil, tamping it. Buy expensive mechanisms for non-durable use - is inappropriate. Vibratory plate with their own hands - a real and affordable solution.

Vibratory plate with your hands: the availability of technical and quality assurance

Vibratory plate - this is a special unit designed for the compaction of soils, concrete surfaces, asphalt pavements


  • 1 Scope and technical specifications compactors
    • 1.1 Types compactors: the main differences, advantages and disadvantages
    • 1.2 Classification rammers by weight
    • 1.3 The device compactors: main components and connection methods
    • 1.4 Principle of operation
    • 1.5 Manufacturers recommended models
    • 1.6 Is it better to rent or purchase compactors b / a?
    • 1.7 How to make the vibration plate with your hands: the necessary parts and assembly sequence
    • 1.8 Vibratory plate with his hands: advice on using the

Scope and technical specifications compactors

Vibratory plate - a unit whose main function is tamper. It is used in various areas: in the construction for compacting soil, landscape planning, for tamping granular materials (sand, gravel, pebbles) when laying asphalt paving slabs, sett.

Vibratory plates are suitable for performing the amount of work does not exceed 1,000 square meters

Vibratory plates are suitable for performing the amount of work does not exceed 1,000 square meters

The machine is small in size, so manoeuvrable. It can be applied both in open country (for compaction land, parking, pavement, in the floor of large industrial premises and t. d.) and in a limited space (in ditches, trenches, near buildings around borders, wells, hatches and t. d.).

Vibrating plate for sealing the soil and other granular materials recommended for use in areas without In excess of 1,000 m² large size plots for these purposes is used on large and more powerful Technics.

Each model has its own vibratory plate performance indicators that determine the characteristics of its use and application. So, when choosing a compactor should pay attention to the following specifications:

  • support plate dimensions, mm;
  • vibration frequency in Hz;
Densification process required mass vibratory plates is carried out as a result of shock vibration in unbalance

Densification process required mass vibratory plates is carried out as a result of shock vibration in unbalance

  • a seal depth, mm;
  • amplitude of vibration, mm;
  • power, kWt;
  • mass unit, kg;
  • electricity or fuel consumption in kW / h or l / h;
  • maximum performance, sq.m. / hr;
  • dimensions of the device as a whole, mm.

Types compactors: the main differences, advantages and disadvantages

Vibratory plates are separated by several indicators. The first of them - this is the type of engine. Depending on which engine is installed on the machine, plates are:

  • gasoline;
  • diesel;
  • electric.
Translational vibrating plate with diesel drive for compacting soil, asphalt and gravel

Translational vibrating plate with diesel drive for compacting soil, asphalt and gravel

Electric vibrating plate 220 - this is the cheapest and most affordable option. For technical criteria it is slightly inferior to the other two species because it has a low weight and a low degree of compaction. Most of all, this model is suitable for use on private land, in agriculture, landscaping. The disadvantage of it is the mandatory presence of a source of power and limitation of the cord length range.

In the absence of a source of electricity, or the inability to connect to the mains should buy Vibratory gasoline plate. It is more expensive electricity, but it has no restrictions on operating conditions. It is easy to transport and move. Diesel fuel is cheaper than gasoline, but the engine itself is more expensive. Diesel units are the most powerful, they are more commonly used on construction sites. The disadvantage of the diesel compactor is a significant level of noise during operation, and high cost.

Useful advice! Engine power directly affects the movement of the plate. With high performance unit moves itself. If low power, the plate can dig. This drawback is exacerbated when compacted layer of fine-grained material.

Gasoline compactors - very maneuverable device thanks to its compact dimensions

Gasoline compactors - very maneuverable device thanks to its compact dimensions

Plate divided by purpose: for compaction of asphalt and soil compaction. First characterized by the presence in their structure of the device for supplying irrigation water. It is necessary to wet, wet surface eliminates sticking in the ground. The surface of this vibration plate is smooth, rounded edges.

The unit for compacting soil heavier, the surface texture of the plate relief.

Distinguish machines with reciprocating and Reverse. Progressive move in the same direction and have the same imbalance. The second type of plate compactors reciprocating direction of movement. They are two of the unbalance, so they can move in different directions. Controlled vibratory plates manually or remotely. The latter option is convenient and safe, but its price is much higher.

Vibratory plate to the motor less functional, it has a low weight and a low degree of compaction

Vibratory plate to the motor less functional, it has a low weight and a low degree of compaction

Classification rammers by weight

Along with power, an important technical indicator is the weight. That it is necessary to pay attention to when choosing the model or creating tamper with his own hands. According to this parameter compactors are divided into four types:

type compactors Weight Features and scope


100 kg

A low degree of compaction applied in agriculture, when planning landscape


100-200 kg

High frequency small amplitude, are used to thin layers of fine-grained soil fraction and asphalt pavements


200-500 kg

Used for thick layers of soil coarse fractions


500 kg

Have a high oscillation amplitude, are used if necessary a high degree of compaction

Useful advice! When choosing a compactor should be borne in mind that heavy device is less maneuverable, but more efficiently. If the weight does not correspond to the thickness of the soil and is less than the recommended, need a lot of time to seal and will spend an additional amount of fuel or electricity.

Before you buy a vibration plate, you need to decide for what purpose and where it will be used will depend on its mass

Before you buy a vibration plate, you need to decide for what purpose and where it will be used will depend on its mass

The device compactors:basic components and connection methods

To buy vibration plate, the price is recommended to choose viewing characteristics of the units and price lists of any trading organization. But to properly use and even more to make a car with his hands only, provided knowledge of its device.

compactors construction consists of the following components:

  • engine;
  • vibrator;
  • plates;
  • the centrifugal clutch;
  • motor frame;
  • control knob;
  • protective covers.

On the platform is installed the heavy vibrator, which is based on the unbalance shaft, placed in the bearing support and the cylindrical body. The design of fixed clamps, bolted to the plate. An important detail in the device compactors, which also joins the platform - motor frame. It is attached by means of shock absorbers.

The main components of compactors

The main components of compactors

Above the exciter is located the motor. The engine and the vibrator connects the clutch and V-belt drive. In operation, the motor generates rotational motion that is transferred vibrator which converts them into vibration. These movements are communicated to the plate, and then the surface layer, which is compacted.

If the compaction rammer function is to paving tiles or paving stones, then the model must be equipped with a nozzle softening of plastic or special support from polyurethane surface.

Principle of operation

Working mechanisms have beating action on the surface of the plate, which produces a certain number of movements in contact with the ground - this is the basis of the principle of operation of this device. The kinetic energy at impact is converted into other forms of energy. Instantly increases pressure on the surface, then there is a momentary slowdown. Consequently, in addition to the impact force, are effective speed and frequency. As a result of this action the fine particles fill the voids, thereby obtaining a very dense smooth coating.

From the quality of the material of construction of the operation plate, its characteristics depend

From the quality of the material of construction of the operation plate, its characteristics depend

iron and steel, two kinds of material used for production of boards.

Useful advice! Choosing a unit with a cast-iron stove, be sure to pay attention to the brand of metal. Low-grade iron plate can be covered with cracks during prolonged use of gravel.

Importance during operation also has a plate size: the smaller its area, the better its quality tamping. Vibration parameters determine how well will the sealing surface. If the plates have the same mass, but different vibrational forces, the unit with the higher rates will ram the better.

Manufacturers recommended models

For overscale work is recommended to buy electric vibration plate. It is non-severe, has a folding handle that allows you to move and transport it to the desired object. The unit has an adjustable frequency converter that allows you to change the frequency of vibration, to limit inrush current, to save energy, to establish the optimal conditions for data operation. Buy compactor electricity, the price of which is several times smaller species with fuel engines, it is possible from any manufacturer, which shows similar products.

Ammann plate compactors are versatile and have the ability to easily adapt to different types of work

Ammann plate compactors are versatile and have the ability to easily adapt to different types of work

The most in demand, and therefore, are widely represented compactors with gasoline engines. Very popular assemblies of the Swiss company Ammann, plants which have long been working throughout Europe and have already gone beyond its limits. The range of units includes almost all kinds (from extra light to the heaviest) diesel rammers.

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Features of the device assembly and choice of motor. What materials are needed for the frame. Instructions for the production.

Compactors Ammann distinguished by a high level of comfort necessary for the operator. The guide handle is isolated from the maximum to reduce engine vibration. Patented as further vibration damping rail, which can be used as an additional option. efficient engines. There are models that run on gasoline and diesel fuel.

Compactors Splitstoun today took a strong position on the market of construction equipment such as machinery, which has a high level of quality and reliability

Compactors Splitstoun today took a strong position on the market of construction equipment such as machinery, which has a high level of quality and reliability

Among domestic manufacturers of competitive products on the market delivers the Russian group Splinstoun industrial companies. Vibroagregaty have good technical characteristics and a low price. It is worth to highlight the compactor Splitstoun VS-244. This is the most demanded vibrating plate with a balanced combination of performance, productivity and cost. With a weight of 74 kg is 100 mm rams layer. Vibrating plate VS-244 provides a seal of bulk materials, a variety of soil and asphalt on small areas, in confined spaces.

Vibratory Plate Shampion RS9045F - American products and the development of high-quality Chinese assembly. This model can be used for personal purposes as well as on construction sites. Powerful and seal depth of 300 mm. permissible noise level. Cooling air, bulky water tank no. The disadvantage is the lack of aggregate reverse.

Gasoline compactors Wacker Neuson - products made in Germany. The same company (Wacker Neuson) works in Germany since 2007 and specializes in light construction equipment. The products are of high quality and considerable cost. Wacker Neuson vibrating plate MP15 in the model number represents the best option matching affordable price and good performance. The small dimensions allow the use of vibrating compactor even in narrowly confined spaces. Vodooroshaemuyu apparatus has a system that allows the use of the hot mix. Foldable guide and convenient lifting handles provide a simple transport. Wear-resistant bearings for extended service life. Linear thrust unit, it somewhat limits its possibilities.

Compact, low weight Vibratory gasoline plate Champion RS9045F effective for use in limited areas and small volumes of work

Compact, low weight Vibratory gasoline plate Champion RS9045F effective for use in limited areas and small volumes of work

Particularly in demand in the market of construction machinery used compactors with Honda engines. These mechanisms are small in size, efficiency and durability. Petrol Honda plate compactors have different characteristics. They are presented as a significant number of models in the lungs, and the moderate.

Useful advice! To Buy compactor gasoline prices want to see at least 3-5 price lists. Sometimes the difference in their value is 15-20%.

Is it better to rent or purchase compactors b / a?

If funds are limited or impractical to buy a single unit for work in a small area, you can rent a compactor. The main advantages of this option are the operation of a significant reduction in financial expenses and no need for maintenance. The process of registration of the lease gasoline compactors (however, as well as electric or diesel) should include a number of mandatory points:

  • drawing up a contract, which specifies the terms of use of technology and obligations of the parties;
  • preparation of acts of acceptance and assembly;
If there is a large volume and constant work for the compactor, it is best to take the unit for rent

If there is a large volume and constant work for the compactor, it is best to take the unit for rent

  • briefing on the safe use.

Lease compactors ranges from 700 to 5000 rubles. per day. It mostly depends on the weight of the machine and the terms of use. Heavy machines are more expensive. Rent for the long term involves discounts. When renting compactors gasoline fuel is not included in the payment. The unit is charged with the expense of the tenant.

To save money, if necessary compaction of soil and other surfaces, you can buy used compactor / y. But in this situation you need to be prepared to ensure that the guarantee will be only verbal. Term future of the machine can not be determined. The degree of wear can be set only relative, for the visual evaluation, the release date is not defined. There is always a risk to buy the unit, which get rid of any technical reasons. Most often, the seller refund mechanism, the former operation is impossible.

Useful advice! Having decided to buy plate compactors / y, be sure to check the engine. If there are problems, they will be shown respectively uncharacteristic noise, launch delays or other deviations from the norm.

Rental compactors very popular service among builders because there are some advantages of renting before buying

Rental compactors very popular service among builders because there are some advantages of renting before buying

How to make the vibration plate with your hands:the necessary parts and assembly sequence

Of course, you can buy an electric vibration plate 220, and can be in no way inferior mechanism by hand. The advantages of this variant is sufficient:

  • significant savings (no less than 50%);
  • confidence in the build quality;
  • creating mechanism with desired characteristics;
  • moral satisfaction.

Electric vibrating plate 220 with their hands drawing is not required, as the complexity of the design is not characterized and spend time calculations on paper is inappropriate. The motor, as a variant, it is possible to use a vibrator for ploshchadochnyj compactors IV-98E, powered by 220 V. If gasoline is selected option, suitable trehtaktny engine with one cylinder, preferably Honda models.

The reason for the platform can serve as the sheet metal thickness of 8 mm and a size 45h80 mm. 2 also need the channel, the elastic cushion 2 for fixing the handle, the bolts for the motor M10 or M12 for gasoline, plastic wheel 2, the tube segment, hollow tube of 1.2 m length.

Scheme dimensioned electric compactors

Scheme dimensioned electric compactors

assembly sequence compactor with an electric motor with your hands:

  • with electric cover is removed to be able to adjust the strength of vibration;
  • a metal sheet made two incisions at a distance of 10 cm from the edge, the depth of 5 cm. The edges are folded by a cut with a hammer. It is necessary that the plate does not dig into the ground;
  • using U-sections attached to the vibrator plate. The edges must not protrude beyond the work surface. Method of attachment - welding;
  • M10 is connected to the metal vibrator. Holes on the channel bars are drilled at the same distance as the motor mounting holes;
  • of the pipe is done through the handle and the cushion attached to the base. Cushions dampen vibration;
  • then welded pipe segment wheel joined thereto - for transport.

Useful advice! Homemade compactor follows to test on a small area of ​​soft friable surfaces giving minimum load. This will reduce to zero the risk of injury in the event of abnormal operation of the mechanism.

Gathered with his hands electric vibrating plate - reliable mechanism, which does not give way to the factory for service life. Insignificant disadvantage is the only low aesthetic improvised device. Although if you want, and this deficiency is easy to remove, having painted the details in bright colors.

Vibratory plate with his own hands - quite a feasible task in the presence of all the necessary components

Vibratory plate with his own hands - quite a feasible task in the presence of all the necessary components

Vibratory plate with his hands: advice on use

Created by vibrating their own hands will be the subject of self-esteem and provide trouble-free operation if you follow certain rules of operation:

  • before switching the machine to check the strength of anchorages and damage and to eliminate the identified deficiencies prior to use;
  • after switching to the engine to warm up for 2-3 minutes;
  • use the vibration plate only in loose surfaces;
  • promptly carry out replacement of air filters and oil into gasoline models (every 100 hours);
  • to prevent overheating of the engine;
  • include a device in a clean and preventative maintenance;
It is not advisable to overload the engine homemade compactors tamping too hard or moving too fast

It is not advisable to overload the engine homemade compactors tamping too hard or moving too fast

  • if using polyurethane mat, it should be cleaned after each use.

Useful advice! If necessary, several layers of each seal layer should be separately ram. This will ensure the quality and extend the service life of the mechanism.

To reduce vibration at work needs to be done to handle the large loop of rope and hold on to them. In this case, the impact on the hand and upper extremities is significantly reduced. If you need to water surface, it is necessary to attach the water tank and the hose from which water will be supplied and subsequently irrigate the necessary parts. Care must be taken to prevent moisture from getting to the engine.

If, after a passage of compacted surface is insufficient, it is recommended to repeat the action to achieve the desired result. Most often you need to do the rammer one section passage 5-6 times.

For safe use of compactors need to trace that all nuts and bolts are securely tightened

For safe use of compactors need to trace that all nuts and bolts are securely tightened

The appearance of plate compactors accelerated compaction process surface hundreds of times. A variety of modifications makes it possible to pick up the necessary mechanism for the quality and comfort of work. Ability to manufacture homemade compactors made available to use by people with a variety of aggregate material possibilities.

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