Cutters for metal lathe: characterization tool

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Experts who have repeatedly in their practice used cutters for metal lathe to perform certain tasks, clearly understand what types are these tools. For beginners, who first encounters with these elements, it is difficult to understand what is distinctive feature of each model and how to choose the right tool for the implementation of certain tasks. To understand the important issue will help in this article.

Cutters for metal lathe: a detailed description of the tool

Turning tools - the main working tool of machine tools by means of which the workpiece is attached to the desired shape and size


  • 1 Features design Cutters for metal
  • 2 Classification Cutters
    • 2.1 Cutting and scoring blades for metal
    • 2.2 screw cutters
    • 2.3 boring tools
    • 2.4 Universal cutters for lathes
  • 3 Rules sharpening cutting tools for metal lathe

Features design Cutters for metal

The design element consists of a toolholder by which is fixed on the machine tool, and a working head, which directly processes the workpiece surface. The holder may have a square or rectangular cross section. The working part of the tool is formed from several adjacent planes and cutting edges. Their sharpening angle is dependent on the characteristics of the material being processed and the type of processing.

To achieve the desired movement of the items parameters are fixed in the machine tool and the workpiece relative to each other

To achieve the desired movement of the items parameters are fixed in the machine tool and the workpiece relative to each other

Working head can be solid or with welded or brazed plates. Novelty is the cutters for metal lathe with interchangeable plates. The first embodiment is represented by solid with the tool holder element. Such a tool may be made of a special high-speed or tool steel. But such cutters are used very rarely.

Advantageously metalworking lathe cutters used with welded or brazed plates. Tool manufactured from high speed steel or cemented carbide, in which the composition contains metals: titanium, tungsten, and tantalum. It is characterized by high strength and Privacy Policy. This turning tool may be used to handle products from ferrous metals, cast iron, steel, and any non-metallic materials.

Important! When working with plates of hard alloy should adhere to safety rules, since the product is very fragile.

Very often when processing material used Cutters with replaceable plates. In contrast to the previous embodiment plate mechanically fastened to the head by means of special clamps or screws. The tool is useful in later operation, when the plate is made of mineral ceramics, which significantly increases the cost of the cutter with replaceable plates.

Variety Cutters for metal indexable insert

Variety Cutters for metal indexable insert

The working part of the machine for the turning tool can be made of cemented carbide (tantalum-tungsten-titannovye, titanovolframovye, tungsten), high speed steel (high or normal efficiency), high carbon steel quality. The cutters may be used for these types of lathes as shaping, turning, grooving, revolverto automata and special.

Classification Cutters

According to state standards, there are three kinds of Cutters for metal:

  • turning and planing, in which the cutting part is made of high speed steel;
  • planing and turning carbide brazed;
  • Lathe with mechanical fastening plates of ceramic, carbide and other superhard materials.

Manufacturers produce these types of cutters:

  • communicating;
  • cutting;
Types of turning tools: about - communicating directly and used - communicating folded in - checkpoints persistent, g, d - scoring, e - boring communicating, Well - boring resistant, and - cutting and -fasonnye to -rezbovye

Types of turning tools: about - communicating directly and used - communicating folded in - checkpoints persistent, g, d - scoring, e - boring communicating, Well - boring resistant, and - cutting and -fasonnye to -rezbovye

  • thread;
  • scoring;
  • boring;
  • universal.

Depending on the direction in which the feed movement committed, we can distinguish these types of cutting tools for turning machine:

  • left-hand type;
  • right-hand type.

To identify the tools you need to put your hand on the cutter. Location edge relative to the thumb of the left hand or the right will indicate the type of tool.

Depending on the nature of the work, there is the following classification of cutters:

  • for roughing work, which still bear the name of stripping;
  • for rough work;
  • for finishing works;
Work scoring cutter element is a sharp edge (wedge), which cuts into the material layer, and deforms it

Work scoring cutter element is a sharp edge (wedge), which cuts into the material layer, and deforms it

  • for fine processing steps.

The cutting of the plate cutters, regardless of the type of instrument manufactured from a particular grade of hard alloys: TK5K10, VK8, and T15K6 T30K4. The most popular are blades BK8.

Depending on the setting principle of the following types of cutters for metal lathes:

  • radial;
  • tangential.

In the first embodiment, a turning tool relative to the workpiece axis, which is processed, located at an angle of 90 degrees. This type of product is widely used in industry, due to the fact that the tool is quite easily and quickly installed in the machine. Moreover, there is a wide range of geometrical parameters of the cutting edge.

Radial device is mounted at an angle which is 90 ° to the planes of the workpieces

Radial device is mounted at an angle which is 90 ° to the planes of the workpieces

Tangential turning tool is located at any angle other than 90 degrees. relative to the workpiece axis. Fixing of the tool to a lathe is more laborious than in the previous embodiment. However tangential cutters provide better processing metal blank. They can be used for automatic lathes and semi-automatic.

Depending on the location of the cutting edge relative to the rod there are types of turning tools:

  • straight - all projection parts have a straight line;
  • bent - upper projection has a curved line, the bottom - line;
  • bent - upper projection mapped straight line, and the side - curved;
  • drawn - the cutter head, which can be on-axis, or be shifted to the left or right, has a smaller width than the core.
Tangential cutting edge has a greater resistance as compared with the radial and under the same conditions removes a larger chips

Tangential cutting edge has a greater resistance as compared with the radial and under the same conditions removes a larger chips

Turning communicating cutters can be:

  • direct;
  • bent;
  • persistent bent.

Feedthrough straight cutters are used to process the outer surface of the cylindrical blank. Buy straight through the cutter GOST 18877-73 is possible for 280 rubles. Holders for such a tool may be provided in two sizes:

  • conventional rectangular shape - 25h16 mm;
  • square shape that is used for the production of specialty papers - 25x25 mm.

At feedthrough bent cutters working part can be bent to the left or right side, which makes it possible during the operation to bend around the preform from different sides. In addition to processing the end portion of the workpiece on a lathe, the tool used for chamfering. According to GOST 18877-73 holder for this type of tool can have such dimensions:

  • 16h10 mm - for educational tools;
Cutter passage thrust relates to cutting lathe tools are used for machining cylindrical workpieces

Cutter passage thrust relates to cutting lathe tools are used for machining cylindrical workpieces

  • 20h12 mm - non-standard items;
  • 25h16 mm - universal size;
  • 32h20 mm;
  • 40h25 mm - made to order for the dimensional machine.

The most popular is deflected thrust cutting tools for lathes. It is used for processing of cylindrical workpieces. Special bending element enables a single pass to remove excess metal round items. In processing the workpiece cutter moves along the rotation part. Bent communicating cutters can be left and right side. The latter option is, in practice, is used much more often. Buy cutter can pass for 320 rub.otognuty

Cutting and scoring blades for metal

The most common is the cutting tool. It is intended for cutting the desired size blanks from a metal tube, billet, rod, which has a length exceeding the required value. This type of cutter hard to mix with other instruments. Product design consists of a thin legs with soldered on the end plate of cemented carbide. The narrower the leg, the lower cut, which correspondingly reduces waste. Clipping preform of the total metal body is carried out at a right angle.

The cutter cutting refers to those products which are made of high speed steel, this can not be applied for use with hardened metals, and rigid materials

The cutter cutting refers to those products which are made of high speed steel, this can not be applied for use with hardened metals, and rigid materials

Useful advice!Cutting cutter can cut a metallic article fine grooves of different depths.

Depending on the design performance, there are left-handed and right-handed cutting blades. To determine this, turn the product on the cutting down and see which side of the tool will be located leg. Buy lathe tool cutting is possible for 190 rubles.

Manufacturers produce a cutting tool holder with the following dimensions:

  • 16h10 mm - for educational tools;
  • 20h12 mm;
  • 20x16;
  • 40h25 - made to order for large machines.

Scoring cutter bent outwardly very similar to the thrust-through tool. The working part is also provided a plate of hard metal, but has a triangular shape with a rounded side. With this type of cutting tool can process the workpiece transversely to its axis of rotation, exposing the cutter perpendicularly.

Scoring bent cutter for metal turning machines in operation

Scoring bent cutter for metal turning machines in operation

Manufacturers also produce scoring resistant cutters, which have significantly lower demand in the construction market, due to the limited scope of use instrument.

Holder for the cutter scoring GOST 18877-73 are of such dimensions: 16h10 mm, mm 25h16, 32h20 mm. The cost of the bent blade will average 250 rubles.

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screw cutters

The set of tools for lathes must include thread cutters on a lathe. The cutting insert is made of products tverdoplavkih metals. There are two ways a tool: cutting the outer and inner threads. The first type is used for bolts, studs and other metal parts that have to be threaded. cutter plate is shaped like a spearhead. By means of the tool can receive metric or Whitworth thread, depending on the tool design. The cutters are shown in such sizes: 16h10, 25h16, 32h20 mm. Product price is 120 rubles.

Internally threaded cutter is designed for cutting threads in metal fabrication universal lathes and CNC machines

Internally threaded cutter is designed for cutting threads in metal fabrication universal lathes and CNC machines

Tapping on a lathe chisel cavity in the workpiece using the second embodiment of the threaded tool. Despite the fact that the shape of the insert tool is similar to the previous embodiment, it has a totally different form. Due to design features of the tool, it can be used for large diameter apertures. Manufacturers produce products such sizes: 16h16h150 mm 20h20h200 mm 25h25h300 mm.

Toolholder has a square shape, the values ​​of which are determined by the first digit notation. The third number indicates the length of the holder. This value determines the depth to which the internal cavity of the workpiece can be cut thread. Buy tools possible for 270 rubles.

Important!This type of cutter can be used on lathes equipped with a special device called a guitar.

boring tools

There are two types of cutters Boring: Boring blind or through holes. If the holes have metal workpiece, it is necessary to use the first embodiment of the tool. Boring cutter plate has a triangular shape, like scoring, but its cutting portion has a bend. This design allows the cutter to bring an end of the workpiece. In this case, the boring of parts from the center will occur, venturing into the preform body and completing the required hole diameter.

Schematic image lathe boring tool for machining blind holes

Schematic image lathe boring tool for machining blind holes

For such a cutter holder may be sized: 16h16h170 mm 20h20h200 mm 25h25h300 mm. The size of the cutter element will depend on the maximum diameter of holes in a metal workpiece. Buy the cutters for metal lathe can be 200 rubles.

Important! Bore holes can be of any size, the main thing to choose the right size tool.

To create through holes in the body of the workpiece using the second embodiment of the boring tool. Pre necessary in the metal piece to drill a hole of large diameter. Only then you can proceed with its boring to the desired size. tool design is characterized by a straight plate, which has no protrusions that allows the cutter easy to penetrate into the pre-drilled in the body of the tube blanks, and passing through, bore her.

During processing of the through hole is removed metal layer is equal to the magnitude of bending of the working portion of the tool. The cost of the tool is an average of 190 rubles. Cutters for boring through holes have the same sizes as in the preceding embodiment, which corresponds to GOST 18882-73.

Cutting lathe tool with replaceable carbide inserts for external turning

Cutting lathe tool with replaceable carbide inserts for external turning

Universal cutters for lathes

Versatile tool can also be called teams. This is due to the possibility to mount a single holder plate are different in a certain way, which makes it possible to handle different shapes metal strand at any angle. Holders universal cutters can be different. This type of tool is rarely used, so it is available in limited quantities. To meet him in the shop can be of a sufficiently high price, unlike other variants of the tool.

This type of tool can be used for CNC machine tools or special machine tools. Universal cutter used for turning blind and through holes, contour turning and other specialized works. Buy blades for lathe can be priced at 350 rubles.

Rules sharpening cutting tools for metal lathe

To ensure an efficient, high-quality and accurate processing of the workpiece on the lathe must be regularly sharpened incisors. This contributes to giving the working part of desired shape and angle obtaining a desired value.

Machine for sharpening turning tools, metal

Grinder turning tools for metal

Important!Only a tool in the form of disposable carbide plates does not need sharpening.

In industrial plants sharpening cutters carried on the machine with special devices that corresponds to the classification of a lathe. To perform the procedure at home, you can use one of the methods. Sharpening tool can be performed by using chemicals, using the grindstone.

Useful advice! By means of the abrasive wheel, which can be mounted on the lathe, it is possible to perform high-quality and effective sharpening cutters instrument giving certain geometric parameters.

When choosing a grinding wheel should pay attention to the material of manufacture of the working element. If the sharpening carbide cutter to be, you need to choose the range of the characteristic green silicon carbide. For products of high speed steel or carbon steel is better to use a circle of corundum.

Sharpening tool surfaces: a) a front surface; b) a primary relief surface; c) an auxiliary rear surface; g) the radius of curvature of the vertex

Sharpening tool surfaces: a) a front surface; b) a primary relief surface; c) an auxiliary rear surface; g) the radius of curvature of the vertex

Sharpening can be performed without refrigeration or cooling. The second option is more acceptable. In this case, cold water should be supplied at the place where the turning tool in contact with the grinding wheel. If cooling is not used, after the cutter procedure can not be quenched, resulting in cracking of the cutting part.

When the grinding is important to strictly observe the sequence of actions. Initially, the grinding wheel is handled rear main surface, then the auxiliary rear and front end. The last step consists of processing sharpening cutter vertex, giving it the required radius of curvature.

Useful advice! When the cutter grinding procedure should always move slowly in a circle, trying not to press him too. It is necessary that the surface is uniformly wear out, and cutting edge receives the maximum level.

Sharpening of cutting tools for turning machine, designed to work on metal, is a very important process that should perform well

Sharpening of cutting tools for turning machine, designed to work on metal, is a very important process that should perform well

Among the wide range of turning tools for metal the most suitable option can be selected, which will cope with the task. To do this, you should decide which metal will be subject to processing, which operations must be carried out if it is important to comply with the geometric parameters of the final product or the need to provide high quality processing surface. Only then should proceed to the selection tool.

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