Machine for sharpening drills and other tools: selection rules

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Requirements for machining of various materials are quite high. In the category "marriage" sent items with threaded correctly performed, offset opening end chipped after pruning, and so on. D. The main cause of defective products is improper processing condition of the cutting tool. Avoid such problems will help the machine for sharpening drills.

Machine for sharpening drills and other tools: the rules of selection and use of

Grinder It helps to efficiently handle a drill and other tools


  • 1 The main types of grinding machines for drills and other cutting tools
  • 2 The design and standard equipment for drill sharpeners
  • 3 Commercial and home machines for sharpening drills
  • 4 Machine for sharpening cutters for metal recovery hole saws wood
  • 5 Grinding discs: design, methods of operation
  • 6 Grinding machines planing machines: automatic and manual
  • 7 Features of the application of machine tools for band saws grinding
  • 8 Performing sharpening cutting tools for lathe
  • 9 collection algorithm grinding machine with his own hands
  • 10 Machines for sharpening drills: prices and producers
    • 10.1 Machine for sharpening drills: reviews and opinions of users
  • 11 Machine for sharpening drills: how to choose

The main types of grinding machines for drills and other cutting tools

Improving the production of various types of technology products makes it necessary to use cutting tools with a perfect sharpening. Otherwise reduced processing quality, lost performance produced items. Cutting elements, made even the most high-strength materials, require periodic restoration of the working edge. For these purposes the grinding machines.

All machines can be divided into two categories: household and professional use

All machines can be divided into two categories: household and professional use

Depending on the scope of the installation are divided into:

  • for professional grinding machines;
  • domestic mechanisms.

There is also a division of sharpening machines for universal and narrowly focused. Universal units are devices that allow to produce both sharpening blades conventional household knives and saws, cutters, chisels and the like. D. Narrowly focused tools designed to handle a single species.

Professional design for the most part are universal. They are large in size and the corresponding capacity shall be established permanently. These machines require considerable energy consumption. The consequence is a noisy high-power operation, so professional devices arranged in separate rooms. Working with them is most often carried out with the use of noise-reducing means.

Domestic machines for grinding of drill bits generally are mobile devices that can be placed on any horizontal surface. Units low-power, compact, used for sharpening household tools.

As a rule, domestic machines are small and mobile devices

As a rule, domestic machines are small and mobile devices

The design and standard equipment for drill sharpeners

The basic structure of each of the grinding machine is quite simple. The apparatus includes the following elements:

  1. The housing, which is placed in the engine. For processing elements made of soft material applied low power engine. When sharpening carbide is often used powerful models. It depends on the power of the rotational speed of grinding devices and, consequently, the time required for the processing tool.
  2. Mounted parallel abrasive wheels made of different materials. For sharpening elements of hardmetals used diamond wheels that can vary in size. The outer diameter ranges from 125 to 250 mm. Important value of the seat: the most common variant - 32 mm, but there are dimensions 21.7, 16, 20 mm. No less important indicator is the grain: for roughing enough 40-60 to finish - 80-120.
  3. The sanding belt or other special equipment. Additional structural elements inherent universal grinding machines. Such parts may also have different sizes indicators, and so the coating structure. D.
  4. Screen. The transparent protective plate-shield ensures safety.
  5. startup and shutdown of the unit button.
Scheme depicting standard design grinding machine

Scheme depicting standard design grinding machine

Useful advice! Experts recommend purchase grinding machines with induction motors. Such devices are more resistant to changes in the electric power network.

All dimensions and features of the elements must be specified in the passport of the grinding machine.

Commercial and home machines for sharpening drills

Drills are a tool that is actively used both in the production as well as for domestic purposes. With regard to the industrial scale, it is worth noting that for sharpening almost always use universal machines. Another option is simply unprofitable. And here at home, and in the case of small-scale periodic activities (professional training establishments centers retraining and t. d.), have found widespread use narrowly focused units for sharpening drills.

Such machines can be divided into two types:

  • Device for sharpening spiral drills;
  • machines for restoring a cutting surface feather of drills.
For home use grinding machine can be done by hand

For home use grinding machine can be done by hand

The diameters of the nozzles to be reconstructed ranging from 2 to 18 mm. Features accessories allow to perform angle for drills pen 170-180 °, for helical options - 140-180 °.

Many people prefer to use for sharpening drills homemade machines. More precisely, not machines, and improvised devices. It may be, for example, clamps "Swifts" and grinder. Construction works in the following way:

  1. The drill is set in the clamp at the angle required for grinding.
  2. Podruchnik retainer abuts the machine, then smoothly supplied to the rotating abrasive surface. Care should be taken so that the processing angle is not changed.
  3. After sharpening of the cutting elements performs machining the rear portion.

Useful advice!Taking into account that when the sharpening device on such visual angle is controlled, costs have to reconcile with fulfilling sample drill cutting surface.

Machine for sharpening cutters for metal recovery hole saws wood

Nozzles for cutting may have very different shapes: cylinder, cone, hemisphere, etc... There are lots of sizes of the cutting tool. It is therefore a matter of sharpening is quite complicated, especially for non-professionals. That the result was positive, that is, after the processing mill regained their functional abilities necessary to apply grinding machine for milling metal.

Grinding mills is quite a complicated process for the beginner

Difficulty of data recovery cutting nozzle surface due to the two features:

  • a sufficiently large extent;
  • curvilinear tooth shapes geometry.

As regards the latter characteristics distinguish cutters with pointed teeth and relief. The former have a flat back surface, it is for her and carried sharpening. Undercut teeth are characteristic of shaped cutters. The complexity of the samples performed by them influences the way of sharpening: it runs along the inner surface of the teeth. Use different tools for sharpening cutters for metal is not recommended.

When it comes to ring nozzles on a tree, it is necessary to say that as a self-made grinding machine can be used thin diamond bar. He is attached to the edge of the table, and the mill is found on its surface. It is important to take into account the degree of wear of the tool to find the right grain surface of the bar and have an effective treatment.

Grinding discs: design, methods of operation

Grinding discs are highly directional category grinding mechanisms. they can be made as follows in its construction:

  • motor and grinding wheel remain static, moving only processed disk;
  • rotate and sharpen the installation elements and the circular saw;
  • move the motor gear and equipment, sharpened disk remains stationary.
Installation for grinding discs are highly directional products

Installation for grinding discs are highly directional products

By the latter species include machines for hand sharpening discs. The principle of operation of such devices is as follows: the saw blade is secured, manual electric mechanism encircled by the treated tooth surface. Sharpening of circular saw blades can be performed on the following types of angles:

  • front;
  • rear;
  • bevel the front and rear portions;
  • sharpening (size) of the front and rear corners.

All of the above characteristics are dependent on the specific application of circular saws:

  • required for longitudinal cutting angle 15-20 °;
  • required for transverse cutting rake angle 5-10 °;
  • universal version of the saw blade has an angle of 15 ° (mean value).

Important!cutting angle must be considered not only the selection of the saw blade for a particular purpose. It is also important for the quality of the material used: the denser the structure of the workpiece, the smaller should be the front and rear corners.

When sharpening the discs must be remembered about the cutting angle

When sharpening the discs must be remembered about the cutting angle

Grinding machines planing machines: automatic and manual

Planing machines are available in virtually every private studio or a large production, where processing is carried out timber. On the need to maintain the knives in the desired state the following facts:

  • blunt surface at planing knives it is covered with bristles, and even may have significant irregularities;
  • podtertye cutting edges crumble during operation;
  • Use of worn cutting surfaces contributes to motor overload, and this may lead to its premature failure.

Grinders for sharpening knives differ in method of supplying the latter. Knives can be loaded:

  • manually;
  • automatically.

Machines with manual feed have the following structure:

  • base-platform;
  • abrasive element;
  • carriage for fixing the processed unit.
Devices for sharpening planing machines are manual and automatic

Devices for sharpening planing machines are manual and automatic

During operation of the device moves the knife with the handle. Such a device is small in size, it can be placed on any horizontal surface.

Fully automated machines are mounted on a frame made of cast iron, they are large in size and quite a diverse set of options. The processing speed and the thickness of the peeling layer are set automatically. Such devices can simultaneously handle several knives.

There are automatic machines for sharpening planer knives and home-use devices. They are characterized by small size, and also have the ability to set the speed. However, at a time can only handle one instrument.

Features of the application of machine tools for band saws grinding

Bandsaw is a metal strip with teeth on one edge of a closed loop. With this tool sawing material is performed most diverse configurations. Naturally, after a certain cycle so the saw must recover its full potential. The main index, indicating the need for sharpening is excessive roughness of the machined surface.

If the band saw leaves the surface roughness, it is time to sharpen

If the band saw leaves the surface roughness, it is time to sharpen

First drink is sent to the adjustment of the layout, ie the adjustment of bending teeth in different directions. Depending on the functional arrangement there are various ways of cutting elements: wavy layout, remains intact every third tooth alternate limb of each element.

After performing wiring tool is machined for sharpening saws of this type. The main element of tools (wheels) must conform to the material of which band saw performed. For bimetallic options suitable CBN or diamond abrasive. For saws, tool steel is enough corundum obtachnogo circle.

Related article:

Knife Sharpener with their hands: how to make an effective tool

Why do we need, what design is best. Diagrams and drawings. The materials used to create an abrasive surface. How to sharpen the blade.

Choose obtachnye circles on the shape and size of saw blades. Various versions of the machines can be equipped with the following types of abrasives:

  • flat;
  • poppet;
  • the cup;
  • profile.

Useful advice! Before performing the sharpening on the machine band saw blade should turn and leave in this state for 8-10 hours. The processing will be more efficient.

Machine tools for band saws can be equipped with the cup, profile, flat or trayed abrasives

Machine tools for band saws can be equipped with the cup, profile, flat or trayed abrasives

Performing sharpening cutting tools for lathe

Turning tools consist of two main components - a base-bar, with which the tool is fixed in the machine and the head. metal edge processing is carried out, formed by combining the main (rear) and front surfaces. In operation, the tool paramount angles. Several of them, in total they account for 90 °.

On the specifics of the application of the cutters can be divided into such types:

  • boring;
  • for drawing threads;
  • Miter;
  • to perform grooves chamfers;
  • shaped.

Turning cutters may have removable inserts. Such an instrument can not be restored. The remaining embodiments require constant updating of the cutting surfaces. Processing is carried out on the machines for grinding cutters. Large companies often have permanently installed units and whole departments working on these specialists.

At home, the same conditions, it can be hand-held version of the winepress. Cutters Keep your obtachnomu rotating circle, the course of the process is evaluated visually. In this case, it is very important to choose the right abrasive. Tool made of hard materials need green silicon carbide wheels. A speed of the cutters or carbon steel well restored after sharpening corundum circles medium hardness. Such a method of sharpening is definitely inferior to the processing of electronic machines, but can be quite effective, subject to certain rules:

For manual versions sharpening cutting tools important to choose the right abrasive

For manual versions sharpening cutting tools important to choose the right abrasive

  • in sharpening tool should be watered with water at the point of contact with obtachnym circle;
  • when grinding dry process tool after treatment can not be lowered into the water - will crack;
  • pressure on the grinding wheel during processing should be identical, gentle.

After sharpening necessarily required to perform finishing cutters (4 mm from the edge of the cutting part): carbide tool must modify copper touchstone lubricated special paste, other types - whetstone medium abrasiveness using kerosene or machine oils.

collection algorithm grinding machine with his own hands

Many use the device for sharpening drill bits are extremely rare. In such cases, subject to the availability of certain elements completely available to assemble the machine for sharpening drills with their hands. For example, a device for recovery of the same circular saws may be composed of the following constructional parts:

  • electric motor with a shaft, which can set the grinding cup;
  • table or other type of stand, the upper plane of which will be flush with the abrasive wheel axis;
  • hinges and screws. First ensure the fixation of the stand with one hand, while the latter (rotating) - elevation change on the other. Formed a slope allowing to perform angular grinding front and rear surfaces of the cutting teeth;
  • clips, whereby the need of a grinding disc will be secured to the stand;
    device by means of which it will be possible during operation to move the engine cradle or a disk;
  • stops providing the installation strength.
If you have the ability and the desire, the machine for grinding can be collected personally

If you have the ability and the desire, the machine for grinding can be collected personally

The indisputable advantage of the machine manufacturing for sharpening your own hands is not only the price but also the possibility to take into account the technical features of the mechanism in accordance with the purpose.

Machines for sharpening drills: prices and producers

Company "Diold" very popular among domestic producers enjoyed. Price machines for sharpening drills and knives rather moderate. For example, the model PCM-02 can be purchased for 2900 rubles. The apparatus has a powerful commutator motor, high speed. Rational arrangement of the engine and attachments allowed to put into the body cooling element - the impeller. The disadvantages of the model include a fairly high level of noise and non-standard abrasive wheels.

Sturm claimed as machines. The company is headquartered in Germany, it has production facilities in many European countries, as well as in China. Among the products of this manufacturer are many inexpensive home models. In particular, this machine Sturm BG6010S. The device has a medium capacity engine, is quite satisfying domestic needs. There is a possibility of exhibiting sharpening angle. Price of the device - 2300 rubles.

Useful advice!Before taking tinkering homemade grinding machine, it is necessary to calculate the costs and assess the intended result. May buy an inexpensive model is much more economical.

firm "Diold" domestic production of machine can be purchased for 2.9 thousand. rubles

firm "Diold" domestic production of machine can be purchased for 2.9 thousand. rubles

Among the tools for grinding disk saws can be identified variant JMY8-70. It made tool in China, but it should be attributed to the relatively high-quality and functional models. The body is made of solid steel. Diamond abrasive disk most actively employed diameter - 125 mm, the rotational speed is 2850 / min. blade holder has an inclined position, which allows for angular grinding.

Machine for sharpening drills: reviews and opinions of users

Largely reviews are the opinion subjective. What is considered acceptable and very comfortable for a single user, it may be quite the opposite for another. But it is mentioned in several reviews are the same merits or demerits indicate a certain quality.

Several opinions about the winepress for drills Sturm BG6017S:

"Assembled perfectly, no backlash anywhere. Noise average. Simple, intuitive, but only for home, small functions. It sharpens the drill with a 4 mm. Consumables in stock manufacturer does not offer, then he gets. Worth its price. "

Ivan, Kislovodsk

"How long sharpened by hand, then I bought the machine. So what... I better leave. The mechanism for the full neumeek ".

Eugene, Irkutsk

Machine TRIOD UTG-220 has a lot of positive feedback from users

Machine TRIOD UTG-220 has a lot of positive feedback from users

"... an unusual stone, barely found similar. A mechanism to "four ..."

Sergey, Kursk

Opinions about Grinding mills TRIOD UTG-220 123015 more positive:

"Set in a private shop. It serves three milling machines. It works 12 hours a day, almost without interruption, except weekends. With such a load bowl 1 change every 2 months. Absolutely satisfied. Stable, powerful, sharpening performs perfectly. "

Vlad, Zelenogorsk

"I did not expect such a high quality from the device having a low price. Detailed instructions or did not refer to someone's aid. I work for the second month, until there is no problem. Turnover high, the disc is fixed firmly. Too much dusts only. "

Alexander, Serpukhov

Members Sturm BG6017S note the build quality and usability

Members Sturm BG6017S note the build quality and usability

Machine for sharpening drills: how to choose

When choosing sharpeners of drills for metal, wood and other materials should focus on three main indicators:

  • ergonomics of the device;
  • an assembly;
  • options.

As for ergonomics, then be sure to understand how convenient and safe to use: the implementation of directly handling, replacement of grinding wheels, machine movement and so on..

build quality has to be perfect. In the process, all the disadvantages of such a plan will have a negative impact on the quality of sharpening. Vibration (it is inevitable for such purpose machines) together with backlash will considerably worsen the deviation of trajectories of the moving parts.

The presence of some options greatly facilitate the use of the machine and will perform the proper sharpening. Therefore, you should choose the following models:

Buying a machine for grinding is necessary to pay attention to its functionality, build quality and ergonomics

Buying a machine for grinding is necessary to pay attention to its functionality, build quality and ergonomics

  • with the presence of illumination of the working area;
  • having a speed adjustment function;
  • to apply a tilt of the stand or processed items to perform angular sharpening;
  • Secure container for the water used during cooling;
  • with a set of abrasive wheels of different grit.

Useful advice!For home use, not buy construction machinery, where the body is made of durable but lightweight material. This greatly simplifies the process of moving the tool.

Sharpening tool - a process that accompanies the main activity. Installing the machine can not take much time, and the execution processing of the cutting surfaces should be clear and accessible. Properly selected tool will perform the above-mentioned requirements. And then the work will indeed be a joy.

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