Noise protection of stretch ceilings

It's no secret that many people are simply annoyed by extraneous external noises, which are especially frequent in high-rise buildings. When neighbors have a higher apartment, they organize a party, which is unequivocally without dancing, a constant rumble and clatter do not let live. Fortunately, there is an easy way to solve this problem. Millions of people set themselves stretch ceilings with sound insulation and forget about extraneous noise. In addition, stretch ceilings - it is very beautiful and practical, so we are dealing immediately with two positive points. It can not be said that the process of arranging a stretch ceiling and soundproofing is very simple, but some important tips will greatly simplify the matter and eliminate the classic errors of the process.

Contents of

Process features

  • Selection of sound absorbing materials
  • Process for creating sound insulation of ceiling
  • Selection of tension material
  • stretch-ceiling-for-kitchen

    Process features

    Stretch ceiling is the best way to create sound insulation. This is due to the fact that the sound worst passes through soft and loose surfaces. At the same time, "bare walls" allow you to hear even the slightest rustle behind the wall.

    Stretch ceiling easily connects to the base ceiling, so there can be no security problems. It is worth mentioning that the classic ceiling mounts have rigid bridges, which only increase the spread of noise. In addition, a small thickness of the construction of tension material and sound insulation can significantly save space in small apartments.


    Choosing noise-absorbing materials

    Choosing a quality material for soundproofing is a very serious matter that needs to be seriously analyzed. The variety of soundproofing is impressive. Such materials have different thickness, weight, cost and quality.

    Specialists claim that fibrous and porous materials are optimal in terms of sound insulation. However, the best choice will be a composite material that combines several layers of different types of insulation. Most often used mineral wool. Often, this material is used as a heater, but it also copes with the insulation no worse. The most important thing is that mineral wool is cheap enough, and thus, you can save a lot.

    There is also stone wool. This material is a fibrous plate. The chaotic arrangement of the fibers in the best way affects the removal of unnecessary noise in the home. However, stone wool costs a little more than the well-known analogues.

    In fact, there is a huge amount of materials of this type. The most important thing to understand is how serious is the problem with sound isolation. If the external noise is small, you can limit yourself to cheap mineral wool.

    Polyfoam and similar materials should not be used. As a thermal insulation - a great option, but their sound absorption at a low level.


    The process of creating a ceiling soundproofing

    1. First of all, it will be necessary to work on sealing gaps or joints between the slabs. If the slits are large, it is best to seal them with a mounting foam. Small enough to finish with putty. Without this step, the efficiency of the insulation layer will be much lower.
    2. Now it's time to work on installing sound insulation. It should be understood that the installation takes place in two ways. The first is to secure the soundproof material directly to the base ceiling. In the second case, you can create a special frame, however, this will significantly reduce the space if the repair work is in a small apartment. Installation of insulation to the base ceiling is carried out by fastening anchors with a wide bonnet. This is a standard fastener that can be found at any construction store. Previously, a drill is required to drill a shallow hole in the ceiling. The process is very simple, similar to the arrangement of insulation materials. The most important thing is to know that the laying of the material must be continuous. The presence of gaps between insulation elements is not permissible.
    3. When the whole surface of the ceiling is covered with insulating material, it's time to think about installing the wiring. All wires and other communications must pass between the insulation and the tension ceiling. It is advisable to make sure that the wiring does not strongly protrude, otherwise it may spoil the appearance of the ceiling.
    4. When all the necessary steps have been taken, the installation of the stretch ceiling should begin. This is done by the relevant specialists, so there should not be any problems with this process.

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    Selecting the tension material

    As is known, the tension material also has properties that are able to isolate the room from sound a little. Of course, comparing the possibilities of a stretch ceiling with soundproof materials should not be. However, additional sound insulation is not a problem.

    First of all, acoustic stretch ceilings should be assigned to optimal options in terms of sound insulation. Unlike the classical versions of this product, the acoustic material has a perforated surface.

    According to experts, this combination of perforated tension material and mineral wool layer can remove about 90% of extraneous noise. This, of course, a good result, however, many can not afford to buy themselves an acoustic stretch ceilings. With a classic stretch ceiling and insulating material, more than 60% of extraneous noise can be removed. This is also an excellent result.

    It should be noted that the use of a tandem in the form of a stretch ceiling and soundproofing is a good solution for those who appreciate the beautiful design of the home and the absence of extraneous noise. Obviously, there are many other ways of soundproofing the ceiling, however, in the case of the tension material, we completely hide the presence of the insulating material. Especially popular is the way of sound insulation in houses where ceilings are quite high, and the dwelling rooms themselves have a large area. In tiny apartments, soundproofing is rarely used.

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