The floors in the kitchen, which is better: tiles, laminate flooring, self-leveling floor, linoleum

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Kitchen - is a special room with a specific microclimate. Floor covering must not only integrate harmoniously in the selected interior, but also be comfortable, durable, reliable and durable. What material should be laid on the floors in the kitchen, which is better: a practical tile or laminate quality, traditional liquid or linoleum or natural cork? Consider this further helps this article.

The floors in the kitchen, which is better: tile, laminate or linoleum floor filler

When choosing flooring in the kitchen, it is important to give preference to not only the beauty, practicality and durability as


  • 1 What to do in the kitchen floor: coverage requirements
  • 2 What better flooring for the kitchen: a review of species
  • 3 Features ceramic tile on kitchen floor
    • 3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic tiles
    • 3.2 What kind of tile in the kitchen to put on the floor: product specifications
    • 3.3 What is the best tile for the kitchen on the floor: ceramic varieties
    • 3.4 Other popular varieties of ceramic tile
    • 3.5 Using granite floor in the kitchen
    • 3.6 PVC tiles on the kitchen floor: a budget option for a stylish cover
    • 3.7 How to lay tile floor in the kitchen: a review of techniques
  • 4 The floors in the kitchen, which is better: linoleum or other material
    • 4.1 Varieties as a universal linoleum flooring material
    • 4.2 The choice of design and colors of linoleum for the kitchen design
  • 5 Which laminate flooring for the kitchen is better: selection rules
    • 5.1 Laminate flooring in the kitchen: the pros and cons of flooring
    • 5.2 Which to choose the laminate for the kitchen: design options
  • 6 What better linoleum or laminate on the kitchen floor
  • 7 Self-leveling floor in the kitchen: features modern cover
    • 7.1 Variety of design self-leveling floor
  • 8 The use of cork floor covering in the kitchen
  • 9 Combination flooring for the kitchen

What to do in the kitchen floor: Coverage requirements

When deciding which sex is better for the kitchen, it should first of all take into account the characteristics of the indoor environment. For a given space characterized by high humidity, temperature fluctuation, a significant amount of grease and grime, so the floor should be made of a material that is resistant to all these negative exposure.

The ideal flooring in the kitchen should be water-resistant, easy to wash off, have a solid surface and fit into the overall design

The ideal flooring in the kitchen should be water-resistant, easy to wash off, have a solid surface and fit into the overall design

Based on the purpose of the premises, for the cuisine is characterized by the presence of different kinds of pollution associated with the process cooking, therefore it is necessary that the floor quickly and easily washed, and it should not adversely affect its appearance. It is required that the material does not absorb moisture and grease. The surface must endure frequent exposure to detergents and brushes.

It is recommended that the floor was resistant to mechanical stress, is not afraid of scratches and other minor injuries that may occur as a result of frequent gatherings of people in the room, the movement of furniture, falling to the floor and table ware instruments. The material should be durable, strong, and resistant to aggressive effects and durable.

In addition to the necessary performance, it is necessary that the floor is perfectly fit to the selected interior space. Its design can be brief, that will be the background basis for the other elements of the interior, or bright, that will recreate the accent in the room.

Sex in the kitchen, not only depends on the style of interior, it is very important to make sure that the selected coating has a suitable base

Sex in the kitchen, not only depends on the style of interior, it is very important to make sure that the selected coating has a suitable base

The color gamut of the floor covering is required to select not only in view of stylistic direction in which the space is made, but also on the basis of its dimensions. For small kitchens should prefer monotonous, uniform and bright materials, which will not be unduly overload the space. There is also not recommended to use the combined coating, which reduces the visual area of ​​the room. The 3x3 floor overall the kitchen need to lay a given zoning space, so you need to use different materials in harmony with each other in texture and color.

What better flooring for the kitchen: An overview of species

When choosing flooring in the kitchen, which is now presented in a wide range, previously recommended study the characteristics of each material and practicability its use in this area.

Based on numerous reviews tile in the kitchen on the floor holds the leading position among the other coatings. Today, in the construction market it is presented in three forms, where products are of material composition and manufacturing method. Manufacturers produce ceramic, PVC and stoneware tiles.

For a small kitchen to choose a homogeneous and uniform floor covering, a floor will help to visually enlarge a small space

For a small kitchen to choose a homogeneous and uniform floor covering, a floor will help to visually enlarge a small space

In second place in the ranking of flooring for the kitchen is linoleum, which is characterized by practicality, durability and wear resistance. The product is made of natural or synthetic components.

As the flooring in the kitchen, you can use laminate flooring that combines the durability and environmental safety. The product is presented in the form of chipboard or MDF plate, which is glued decorative film with an imitation of wood. Next, the surface is covered with a protective layer providing wear resistance material.

Newfangled modern coating is self-leveling floors, through which the kitchen, you can create an unusual and unique floor surface, which will be a highlight of the room. The most environmentally clean cork floor is characterized by good performance properties and technical. Such material can be safely used for food.

Choosing the kitchen floor, it is necessary to take into account the weight of nuances - ease of cleaning, abrasion resistance and moisture, and more

Choosing the kitchen floor, it is necessary to take into account the weight of nuances - ease of cleaning, abrasion resistance and moisture, and more

Features ceramic tile on kitchen floor

Answering the question of which sex is better for the kitchen, we conclude that leadership position is ceramic tile. This is a practical, durable, environmentally friendly, durable and affordable material, which is presented in a wide variety of designs and colors. Today you can pick up items that simulate all the existing materials.

The feedstock used clay and fine quartz sand, whereby reduced shrinkage percentage of slag, nepheline and feldspar, which then has a positive effect on the structure of products. During the manufacturing process the material is subjected under certain conditions of molding and calcination procedure.

Ceramic tile for kitchen is discharged to the floor glazed and unglazed, with smooth or ribbed surface. The article may have a square or rectangular shape. Tiles made of different sizes and in different colors. The most popular are the dimensions of 30x30 and 50x50 cm. The rear wall can be roughened or glass. it is recommended to choose the first option products for rooms with high humidity, because after packing material, due to the high adhesion, eliminates the possibility of moisture penetration under the tile. The price tile for the kitchen on the floor in the range of 300-1200 rubles.

Ceramic tile has a solid surface which differs persistent color, is not subject to abrasion and does not interact with the household cleaning

Ceramic tile has a solid surface which differs persistent color, is not subject to abrasion and does not interact with the household cleaning

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic tiles

Tile characterized by high moisture resistance, resistance to aggressive detergents and cleaners means, resistance to abrasion, so the purification is not to be feared for aesthetic integrity coverage.

The material has heat resistance, tolerance to temperature fluctuations and sunlight. The use of quality materials, together with professional installation of the tiles on the floor in the kitchen will ensure robust and reliable surface capable of withstanding heavy loads and withstand the mechanical impacts. The tile on the floor in the kitchen does not attract dust, which allows the surface to remain clean for a long time.

Along with the numerous advantages of ceramic tile has its drawbacks. The material is characterized by a cold surface that creates discomfort in the further operation, however, in hot weather, such a feature could be regarded as an advantage. Therefore keremicheskoy tiles should be mounted in the kitchen floor heating, so that the atmosphere in the room will be more comfortable during the cold season. Good practical and aesthetic solution is a combination of tile and laminate flooring in the kitchen, which is clearly shown in the photo space.

The main disadvantage is the cold tile surface

The main disadvantage is the cold tile surface

That the floor was durable, should be properly and accurately perform a Laying tiles on the floor in the kitchen. If between the article and the base of the air gaps will remain, it will promote disbonding material and further cracking. Pick up and replace damaged pieces will be very problematic, since tiles of one type, but from different batches may differ materially externally.

What kind of tile in the kitchen to put on the floor: Product specifications

Choosing the floor tile for kitchen ware should be considered indicators such as wear resistance class, degree of hardness, friction coefficient and the class of chemical stability.

Important! Do not put on the floor wall tiles, as the product is characterized by low strength and high degree of abrasion.

When choosing a floor tile, first of all, you need to pay attention to its porosity

When choosing a floor tile, first of all, you need to pay attention to its porosity

Tiles can be one of the five classes of abrasion resistance, which is assigned to the product after determining the number of rotations of the abrasive wheel on the element surface to the signs of wear on the material. The higher the PEI, the stronger product. Kitchen should be selected models PEI III, PEI IV. Most durable products are PEI V class, but they are intended for public crowded places. Buy a tile for the kitchen is not economically feasible.

The value of the degree of hardness product indicates resistance material level impacts, scratches and other mechanical damage. This rate is determined on the Mohs scale. For use in the kitchen it is necessary to give preference to models with a degree of hardness of not less than seven.

The coefficient of friction indicates the possibility of using the material for a particular room, not to cause traumatic situations. Kitchen recommended to choose a tile with a friction coefficient not less than 0.75%, having not lower marking R10. Such a material may be used in environments with high humidity.

Wear resistance - one of the main characteristics of the floor tiles, which determines how long it will retain its appearance unchanged

Wear resistance - one of the main characteristics of the floor tiles, which determines how long it will retain its appearance unchanged

Be sure to take into account the ability of a material's resistance to aggressive chemicals that defines a class of chemical stability of the tiles. Kitchen must select products of AA grade, indicating absolute stability of the material to chemical attack and excludes the appearance on its surface visible damage.

Useful advice! To save a lot of money, you can use the tiles with the chemical resistance of class A and B.

What is the best tile for the kitchen on the floorCeramics species

Manufacturers produce several types of ceramic tiles on the floor in the kitchen, a photo of interior design is visually display. Monokottura represented articles coated with enamel. Due to the fact that during the production of tiles using single firing raw materials, the coating is firmly connected to the carrier tile surface. This creates a material resistant to mechanical and chemical adverse influences.

According bikottura its structure is porous and not too strong

According bikottura its structure is porous and not too strong

Bikottura produced by double firing material, for which reason the product differs friability. Further on the tile is applied enamel coating, which is characterized by the instability to abrasion. Despite the low cost of the material, it is not recommended as a floor covering cuisine.

Related article:

Floor tiles for the kitchen: photos and prices of popular species

Ceramic, stoneware and quartz-vinyl flooring. Overview of tile manufacturers.

Unusual and original will look like a kitchen floor tiles monoporosa. This large squares, stylized marble or granite. When laying the material must be used exclusively white grout. Despite the fact that the tiles have aesthetic appearance, she has high strength, therefore, the product is recommended to be laid around the perimeter of premises where a smaller load tile.

It represents monoporosa ceramic tiles to single fired glaze application

It represents monoporosa ceramic tiles to single fired glaze application

Other popular varieties of ceramic tile

terracotta tiles made from red clay extrusion method. The result is a product with a matt imitation of natural clay. To give the surface durability, the tiles should be not less than once every two years to process waxy protective waterproof layer.

Kottoforte made on the basis of the previous version, but the product is covered with a glaze that It gives the material properties of waterproof, so it does not need extra wax impregnation.

Maiolika made double firing method. The first step is carried out at low temperatures, followed by applying glaze and pattern, whereupon the product is calcined at a higher temperature. Such tiles with an elegant, uncluttered, stylish ornament will look in the kitchen, decorated in the style of Provence, and country.

The glaze on the tile is applied kottoforte opaque, and therefore on the kitchen floor, she looks amazing

The glaze on the tile is applied kottoforte opaque, and therefore on the kitchen floor, she looks amazing

Unglazed tile has high strength and water-resistant characteristics, which is ideal for the flooring rooms with high humidity. In addition, the products are of low cost. However, such tile has a limited range of colors. Popular gray tiles on the floor in the kitchen.

Useful advice! Unglazed tiles can be used as a discreet background to create an original pattern in other product variants.

Glazed tiles represented in a wider range due to the fact that the ceramic layer is applied to the glaze glass with a decorative pattern. It can also be used as a floor covering, however, the products have slippery surfaces and are durable.

One of the major drawbacks of the glossy floor tiles, it is traumatic

One of the major drawbacks of the glossy floor tiles, it is traumatic

Using granite floor in the kitchen

When deciding what to choose tile in the kitchen on the floor, many prefer porcelain stoneware, which according to its technical and operational parameters exceeds ceramics. For the manufacture of the material taking mixture of clays, quartz sand minute fractions, as well as mineral pigments and metal oxide which are used for coloring the product.

Tile for kitchen on granite floor has high strength, water resistance and resistance to chemically aggressive Substances that impact actions, mechanical stress, which is achieved due to the absence of pores and voids in the structure material. This is due to stage the tile pressing in the process of firing. Porcelain tiles relates to wear-resistant and durable materials.

The disadvantage of the product is too cold surface, which requires the creation of a warm floor in the kitchen under the tiles, it is especially important in a private home. Porcelain tiles can be combined with ceramic tiles, which is warmer. It is possible to fill the center of the room, and decorate the perimeter of granite as visually display the photo tiles on the kitchen floor.

Kramogranit resistant to moisture absorption, to aggressive external environment, and also prevents the appearance of spots on the surface of the material

Kramogranit resistant to moisture absorption, to aggressive external environment, and also prevents the appearance of spots on the surface of the material

Another disadvantage is the limited product range of color tiles. It is mostly represented imitation quartz, granite and marble. Buy the product can be from 500 rubles. for a unit.

PVC tiles on the kitchen floor: a budget option for a stylish cover

PVC product is the warm tiles in the kitchen on the floor. The material consists of several layers: an upper protective vlagoottalkivayuschey, polyurethane, decorative, core vinyl and lower adhesive with a protective film which is removed during assembly. The product is manufactured in the form of a square or rectangular panel with imitation parquet. When mounting the material it appears as a seamless coating that visually displayed photo kitchen tiles on the floor under the laminate or parquet.

This tile is characterized by a moisture resistance, wear resistance, surface slip, good sound properties, resistance to chemically active components, which makes it ideal for use on the floor kitchen. For this purpose, it is recommended to choose products 2,5-3,5 mm thick.

PVC tile for floor - universal coverage, first of all, to attract buyers resistant material

PVC tile for floor - universal coverage, first of all, to attract buyers resistant material

Installation of tiles is carried out quickly and easily thanks to the self-adhesive surface. However, this requires an even laying base, it is necessary to floor surface contained no dents or bulges. Depending on the options PVC tile products have very low price, which starts from 200 rubles. Also, the material is presented in a variety of colors and variety of images.

How to lay the floor tiles in the kitchen: A review of techniques

Tiles manufactured in a wide variety of sizes, textures and colors. The following specific use one of these techniques, you can create a unique and original design of the kitchen floor tiles.

The traditional way of packing material is a parallel arrangement of products in relation to the walls of the room. There are two options: the elements of each subsequent row are placed one above the other to form seams as horizontal lines, or stacked, offset by half the length of the tiles, which resembles a brick masonry.

Laying tiles on the diagonal floor can be safely called the most beautiful of all the options

Laying tiles on the diagonal floor can be safely called the most beautiful of all the options

Tiles on the floor - kitchen photo display various options - can be placed diagonally, which contributes to the expansion of visual space. This is a more complicated and time-consuming laying method, which requires a large amount of material. Tile carefully select the size. Abnormalities in this case inadmissible. Stitches in the form of parallel lines should be placed at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the walls of the room.

When using tiles of contrasting colors it is placed in a checkerboard pattern, which certainly gives the room brightness and dynamism. Products can be placed in the traditional way, and on a diagonal.

Useful advice! For a large room inappropriate use of large tiles. Here advantageous will look small items or mosaic.

Option laying kitchen tile floor "herringbone", looks very unusual and original

Option stacking "herringbone" tile kitchen floor, looks very unusual and original

Get an original kind of flooring you can use the modular stacking technology products. It applies tiles at least three sizes. Identical monotonically segments alternate among themselves, resulting in surface looks trivial and quite unusual. It is important to choose the products of the same texture, from the same collection, the length of which must be equal to each other.

Useful advice! it is recommended to purchase products marked on the package «modulare» for modular masonry.

Identity will look surface where the products are laid herringbone technology. For this method, you can use the tiles to the kitchen on the floor under the laminate. To get a more effective external image, use a contrasting grout.

The process of laying tiles on the floor in the traditional way may well be carried out independently

The process of laying tiles on the floor in the traditional way may well be carried out independently

If you use wood tiles on the floor in the kitchen, you can use a variant of the usual braid, which will recreate the surface imitation wood veneer weaves.

The floors in the kitchen, it's better: Linoleum or other material

Linoleum is convenient and practical flooring for the kitchen that best fits in this particular room. The material is characterized by a plurality of distinct advantages. Qualitative an expensive coating is durable, resistant to mechanical damage, wear resistance, durability, moisture, heat and noise insulation properties. The material does not require special care. Linoleum quickly and easily fit that does not require professional skills. This should be considered when choosing a tile or linoleum in the kitchen.

Important! To flooring looks aesthetically pleasing, should be aligned base for laying linoleum.

The surface of linoleum can simulate any material, including ceramic tiles

The surface of linoleum can simulate any material, including ceramic tiles

The natural or synthetic materials may be used as a raw material for the manufacture of linoleum. In the first case the use of pine resin, jute fabric, limestone powder, linseed oil, wood or cork flour, natural dyes. The second embodiment is represented by products of mono- or bilayer PVC, based on the non-woven fabric or heat-insulating material.

Natural products are characterized by ecological, antibacterial properties, long service life (15-20 years), resistance to burning, abrasion and moisture. The coating does not fade in the sun, it does not tarnish after exposure to chemical detergents, which allows the product long time to keep pristine color and texture. Linoleum is presented in a wide range of colors.

The disadvantages of natural products are the high cost and fragility, which promotes cracking cloth with excesses.

Linoleum is resistant to abrasion, not afraid of water and hot steam, as well as easy to clean, which is very important for the kitchen

Linoleum is resistant to abrasion, not afraid of water and hot steam, as well as easy to clean, which is very important for the kitchen

Among the advantages of PVC linoleum are the following: a low thermal conductivity, environmental friendliness, non-conductivity current, resistance to rot, sufficient elasticity, affordable price and a wide palette of patterns, drawings and color solutions. Very popular products with imitation wood and natural stone. Among the range presented a worthy place belongs under the linoleum tile, photos clearly show the different versions of the material.

The disadvantages of the product are sensitive to high and low temperatures, poor resistance to fats, alkali and chemical solutions and fragility (5-10 years).

For the premises of any size can choose the appropriate size of the material, making it possible to lay solid web. This will prevent the formation of joints that have a positive impact on the life of the coating. The surface of the product does not slip. There are variations, which additionally applied antislip layer.

Linoleum is characterized by affordable price, as well as a very easy way of laying, which can be mastered by yourself

Linoleum is characterized by affordable price, as well as a very easy way of laying, which can be mastered by yourself

Important! In deciding what is best in the kitchen - linoleum or tile, it should be noted that the first option is more warm and quiet floors.

Varieties as a universal linoleum flooring material

Linoleum can be one of three types: domestic, semi-commercial and commercial. Each type is characterized by the class of wear resistance, which determines the feasibility of using the material for certain premises.

Appliance linoleum represented foamed material coated with a protective layer with a decorative surface. The product is relatively soft, so that on the surface rapidly form dents or traces remain from mechanical damage. Abrasion is 21-23, which indicates the possibility of using the material for residential applications with small load on the surface. Kitchen is not the best option.

An ideal option for the kitchen will be the semi-commercial linoleum, it has more powerful features than the consumer

An ideal option for the kitchen will be the semi-commercial linoleum, it has more powerful features than the consumer

Semi-commercial linoleum characterized by increased resistance to abrasion. This is the best option for the kitchen. Class linoleum wear resistance is 31-34. Product cost an average of 350 rubles / m². The commercial embodiment has a maximum density and durability. It is used for areas with high load on the surface, such as large shopping centers and industrial buildings. Class wear resistance of products reaches 41-43. Such an embodiment can be applied to kitchen, but this is economically impractical.

Today, manufacturers produce improved species linoleum, such as Marmoleum and artoleumy. These variants differ environmental friendliness and high cost. Each product type can be with or without insulation him, which affects the price of the product and its specifications.

The choice of design and colors of linoleum for the kitchen design

Today linoleum is presented in a wide range of colors and patterns. Natural products are available in bright, juicy color palette that does not fade in the sun. However, the decorative possibilities of PVC products is much wider. Here you can find imitation wood, stone and ceramic tiles. On the surface, it appears not only the appearance of oak, beech or cherry, but also exotic species of wood, such as rosewood, bamboo, Zebrano. Very popular collection of parquet, mosaics and texture of natural wood.

Linoleum can simulate the parquet, wood, stone and even metal

Linoleum can simulate the parquet, wood, stone and even metal

It looks spectacular linoleum under granite or marble. Often you can find models that reproduced aged natural materials in a shabby stone or wood with traces of time.

Useful advice!Floor covering under a rock should not mix up the wooden furniture. This combination will look very wildly.

Manufacturers offer linoleum with simulation technique of marquetry, which is presented in the form of a mosaic of different types of veneers. Original look abstract designs or geometric motifs on the floor covering, which can be used in rooms in the style minimalism and high-tech. There are models in the form of a plain rectangular strips of different widths. Using such a material, it is possible to recreate a parquet floor laying abutting or herringbone. You can also use other options masonry, to form unusual patterns.

Manufacturers now offer linoleum in many colors, patterns and textures

Manufacturers now offer linoleum in many colors, patterns and textures

A good solution is to use two different decors or variants contrasting shades, by means of which can be zoned placement. This is graphically displayed on floor photo in the kitchen-living room.

Manufacturers also offer monochrome options with a variety of textures. light shades of flooring should be selected for small spaces. Kitchen with dark floor will seem a lot less.

Which laminate flooring for the kitchen is better: selection rule

When deciding what to choose laminate flooring for the kitchen, you should pay attention to a number of technical parameters of the material. Depending on the level of wear resistance of the product is divided into classes according to what is determined by the purpose of the material and its durability.

Lowest variants that differ low performance, wear resistance 21 correspond to the class. Products fear moisture and mechanical influences. They are not recommended for use for flooring in the kitchen. Laminate class 22-23 can be installed in the room, but its service life will not exceed five years. The most suitable embodiment is a material for kitchen grade 31-32, having a high moisture resistance and resistant to mechanical stress. coating service life under normal use is at least 12-15 years.

Laminate flooring can simulate all types of wood, including precious and exotic, so thanks to him, you can do interer unusual and original cuisine

Laminate flooring can simulate all types of wood, including precious and exotic, so thanks to him, you can do interer unusual and original cuisine

Choosing laminate flooring, you should pay attention to the level of water resistance, this should be reflected in the product packaging in the form of marking a drop of water. Another important criterion is the type of tool joint. Kitchen recommended to prefer glueless flooring with collapsible system that is more reliable, durable one, easy to install.

Useful advice! Kitchen should choose a material with rough embossed patterns to avoid traumatic situations.

The thickness of the product affects its period of operation without deformation and loss of original appearance of the coating. Kitchen is necessary to give preference to not laminate thinner 9mm. To products in the joints did not linger debris and moisture, it is necessary to choose the material without chamfers. In accommodation, the laminate must be marked E0 or E1, which determines the safety of the material for human health.

An important property of the laminate is that it allows you to do in the kitchen heated floors

An important property of the laminate is that it allows you to do in the kitchen heated floors

Laminate can be water-resistant and moisture-resistant. That different types of coatings that are made of different materials. Each of them behaves in a special way with water. Moisture resistant protective laminate has vodonepropuskayuschy layer. It interlocks impregnated with a special wax containing composition. However, if water gets into the seams between the articles, they swell, which will lead to deformation of the floor. Water resistant laminate made of plastic which is not afraid of contact with water. Unfortunately, the range of models in this material is very limited.

Laminate flooring in the kitchen: the pros and cons flooring

Is it possible to laminate in the kitchen? The material is a good alternative to wooden floors. Despite the fact that the material is not very eco-friendly, it has the characteristic advantages:

  • resistant to mechanical stress;
  • durable;
  • moisture-proof;
Kitchen is best to use water-resistant laminate with enhanced water repellency

Kitchen is best to use water-resistant laminate with enhanced water repellency

  • a pleasant warm to the touch surface;
  • affordable price;
  • presentable appearance, allowing the simulation to recreate the floorboard;
  • Compatibility with underfloor heating system.

Make a choice: tile or laminate kitchen - deficiencies should be considered the last:

  • a large number of joints that need the mandatory processing of the sealant to reduce the likelihood of debris or moisture under the covering;
  • not withstand prolonged contact with water, which may cause deformation of the product and will need replacement cover;
  • The surface should be dry, that longer retain the original appearance of the product;
When laying laminate it is very important to make high-quality waterproofing screed

When laying laminate it is very important to make high-quality waterproofing screed

  • instability of the surface to fat and aggressive cleaning agents, which can spoil the appearance of the coating;
  • low fire resistance;
  • floors emit a distinctive ringing sound of a man walking on the surface.

Useful advice! For large families are not recommended to lay laminate flooring in the kitchen, which will last no more than five years.

Which to choose the laminate for the kitchen: design options

The laminate is produced in the form of rectangular strips of different widths and lengths. The most popular format is a product of length 1200-1380 mm, a width of 190-200 mm. The material can have a chamfer with two or four sides and be smooth all around. The laminate is single-sideband where pattern imitating wood, located across the width of the board, two-way (half divided die) or a multiband. Different options are shown in the photo floor design in the kitchen.

Color, texture, "tree breed" must be chosen based on personal preferences and focusing on the color of the furniture and flooring in other rooms

Color, texture, "tree breed" must be chosen based on personal preferences and focusing on the color of the furniture and flooring in other rooms

Today you can buy laminate flooring in the kitchen, whose price starts from 400 rubles. per sq. m, simulating the board or wood of different species: pine, walnut, ash, chestnut, oak, wenge and others. Many variations of the material has oak: bleached, natural, weathered, stained, stained, for oil or varnish. Cheap products are produced with the same type of image on the plates, and looks more expensive coverage Naturally, since they have a clear pattern with transitions from light to dark, which is clearly visible wood structure.

Among the options takes its rightful place under the laminate tile. Kitchen is a solution for those who prefer to ceramics, but is not willing to put up with her coldness. If the room is designed as a loft or high-tech, you can choose a laminate under concrete.

What better linoleum or laminate flooring for kitchen

High-quality linoleum and laminate are in the same price category. Therefore, the buyer is often the question arises, what is better - laminate or linoleum in the house? Both coatings are presented in a variety of colors and decoration, can simulate a variety of finishes: wood, stone and tile. Despite these positive properties, the appearance of some linoleum laminate loses. This applies particularly to coatings with imitation parquet.

Natural and synthetic linoleum - a versatile material, including perfect for kitchens

Natural and synthetic linoleum - a versatile material, including perfect for kitchens

Each material has sufficient moisture resistance, so can be used in a room with a specific microclimate. However, if the laminate cover with water, it will lose its original appearance and performance properties, after which it will be necessary to carry out overhaul of the kitchen floor.

Linoleum is presented as a synthetic or natural material. Laminate is a fully synthetic product. The service life, depending on operating conditions, both materials are practically identical. However, laminate flooring needs special care with special detergents that help you to permanently preserve the original appeal of the surface.

linoleum is much softer structure. On its surface are dents from furniture. Touching a hot object can spoil the appearance of the product. Laminate such exposure is not terrible. Insulating properties in the laminate higher than the linoleum. In expensive options, this figure is higher than the cost of laminate models. Laying linoleum is much faster and does not require special skills. Mounting of the laminate is more time-consuming process.

The difference between the cheapest representatives of linoleum and laminate will be a multiple of approximately two

The difference between the cheapest representatives of linoleum and laminate will be a multiple of approximately two

Self-leveling floor in the kitchen: features of modern coatings

Self-leveling floor is also called liquid linoleum, which is similar to it in appearance, and in contact resembles a ceramic tile. The main advantages of the material are high mechanical resistance, strength, wear resistance, durability and simplicity in use. It is non-toxic fire-safe version of the floor finish.

When mounting the self-leveling floor are formed seams and joints that allows to create a uniform smooth surface which is characterized by improved resistance to moisture. Filling all cracks, voids and cracks, linoleum liquid forms a sealed cover so floors do not require pre-arrangement of waterproofing.

The material has good adhesion and engaged with any base, so do not require the prior disassembly of the old coating. In addition, self-leveling floors are self-leveling compounds. Thickness - 7.1 mm, this value depends on the humidity and temperature in the room. For the kitchen, this value is 3-5 mm. However, one should consider the fact that the dismantling of the floor is a time consuming and complicated process.

The surface of the self-leveling floor resistant to increased moisture and can easily withstand load of furniture

The surface of the self-leveling floor resistant to increased moisture and can easily withstand load of furniture

There are several types of self-leveling floor, differing in composition, quality and reliability. Universal methylmethacrylate embodiment is the type that has increased strength, mechanical resistance and durability. He quickly hardens even at low temperatures.

Epoxy self-leveling floor is endowed with strength, resistance to shock and attack by chemical means, so it can be used in bathrooms, kitchens, swimming pools. The polyurethane material has high strength and elasticity, resistance to any chemical or mechanical influences. The coating can withstand any load, including point and low weight. This is a good option for the kitchen. The most budget for this is an acrylic cement floor with good technical and operational characteristics. Buy material can be from 350 rubles. 25 kg.

Variety of design self-leveling floor

A wide range of colors and designs will create a beautiful and presentable floor covering, which perfectly fit into any interior space.

An important advantage of self-leveling floor is the variety, they can be easily used in both classical and modern décor

An important advantage of self-leveling floor is the variety, they can be easily used in both classical and modern décor

Very popular today enjoy 3D leveling floors in the kitchen, photos clearly show the interesting options. Due to the material on the surface to create different images and drawings. This design will make the room a special and individual. The selected pattern is printed on the banner fabric or vinyl adhesive film required size. It is laid on the base layer, after which the surface is filled with varnish. Figure may be deposited on the base layer using acrylic or polymeric dyes.

Useful advice!When you create a 3D floor filler should use the services of specialists, who will perform the work quickly and qualitatively.

Manufacturers offer options on how to recreate the texture of marble, granite and other non-trivial surface. Very popular special blend: Acrylic chips, flock and glitter. Flocks are self-colored, two-color, resembling straw, flakes or bubbles.

Leveling floors significant advantage is resistance to UV and corrosive components

Leveling floors significant advantage is resistance to UV and corrosive components

It is interesting and will look lively floor, containing inclusions of sequins. You can use a mix flokovye unobtrusive pastel shades, it fit into the interior Kitchen in country style and Provence.

The use of cork floor covering in the kitchen

Fans of natural finishes should focus on cork, which is used for the manufacture of cork. Such a floor is pleasant and useful to human feet. This eco-friendly and safe material that is ideal for creating flooring kitchen and other rooms, where there are people who suffer from allergies. Fire resistant material, characterized by good sound insulation. On its surface is not formed mold or fungus. If a trace remains after mechanical impact on the surface, due to the porous texture of the place strike will be imperceptible.

Practical cork surface, does not attract dust and other debris, taxing to clean. However, not has high moisture resistance. Therefore, for the kitchen floor space should be covered with a layer of protective varnish. Cork can have different colors and structure that makes it possible to choose the model best suited for a specific interior.

The floors are made of cork will appeal to lovers of natural eco-friendly materials

The floors are made of cork will appeal to lovers of natural eco-friendly materials

Cork floors are divided into types:

  • tile adhesive with a protective top layer and without it;
  • pellets, rolls, plates, which are used as acoustic and thermal insulation under the floor base;
  • cork flooring in the form of MDF panels of rectangular shape, which are assembled by means of snap couplings.

The main disadvantage of the material is its high cost, which competes with parquet. The price of 1 sq. m. The cork floor starts from 3000 rubles.

Combination flooring for the kitchen

There is no single answer to the question of which sex is better to do in the kitchen. Each of the suggested finishing materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, very often when creating a floor covering used a combination of two or more of the material, allowing you to zone common space.

Often, designers offer combine two floor coverings, depending on the functional food area

Often, designers offer combine two floor coverings, depending on the functional food area

The most popular option is a combination of the kitchen floor and the laminate tiles. The first type of material can be laid in the dining area. Thanks to the warm surface creates extra comfort for your feet. The second material is covered zone covering the place under the sink, refrigerator, stove, protruding by 1 m from the workplace. Photo tiles and laminate on the kitchen floor vividly reflect the use of coatings in the interior.

Both materials must have a uniform thickness. The main condition for such a combined floor in the kitchen: tile and laminate must have shades, harmonious in relation to each other. Shape interface can be straight or curved, depending on the design of the kitchen. Sutures camouflage using flexible or rigid thresholds of metal, plastic or cork.

A good symbiosis of comfort and practicality is the use of the kitchen floor tiles and linoleum. The combination of materials is done on a previous combination. But this is a budget option, because you can choose a cheaper option linoleumWhose surface will imitate wood flooring or the kitchen floor.

The working area of ​​the kitchen floor tiled with ceramics practical and dining is lined with laminate

The working area of ​​the kitchen floor tiled with ceramics practical and dining is lined with laminate

Stylish, it will be expensive and presentable look harmonious combination for the kitchen floor tile and laminate stoneware, which must be placed at the entrance to the room, and in a place where water can enter and fat. It is better to prefer a matte surface that does not slip, good clean and can not be deleted

For those who can not decide what is best in the kitchen - laminate or linoleum, you can easily combine the two materials, placing first in the dining area, and the second - in the work.

Matte porcelain is perfectly combined with the floorboard

Matte porcelain is perfectly combined with the floorboard

There is no single answer that is best in the kitchen - laminate or tile, or self-leveling floor linoleum. Each material different characteristic features should be targeted first. Among the wide variety of colors and designs, you can find a suitable option that will fit your personal preferences and pricing.

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