What is the weight of concrete cube? Main characteristics and composition

Expanded clay is used as filler in the manufacture of concrete

Expanded clay is used as filler in the manufacture of concrete

When initially being equal weight of the two solutions can vary greatly. In mass affects even the size of the filler granules. The larger the fraction, the weight is less, since the kneading is formed larger voids.

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At the same time information about how much weighs a cubic meter of concrete, the builders simply necessary. On the basis of these figures is defined scope of material. It is used in determining the type of foundation for a variety of soils, as well as the calculation of other supporting structures (walls, floor).

Builders is important to know the weight of concrete

Builders is important to know the weight of concrete

Important! Data about how much weight concrete, can be useful not only in construction but also in the demolition of buildings.

types of concrete

Depending on the ratio of share of raw materials and the ultimate weight concretes are divided into several types. Allocate heavy and extra-heavy materials, light and ultra-light. For each type of market reserved its own niche.

Depending on the fillers, concretes are divided into different types

Depending on the fillers, concretes are divided into different types

Heavy, super heavy concrete

Heavy concrete, having in its composition of solid stone rocks, used to create the bases of buildings, foundations and other similar structures. However, when mixing the solution, equity its constituent ratio may vary, so to say with accuracy how many cubic meter of concrete weighs almost impossible. Usually this number varies: 1900-2500 kg / m³.

Especially heavy materials are used relatively rarely. The composition of such material may be added hematite, barite and even iron and iron-ore elements. It is also used for the production of cement is the highest marks, which significantly affects the price of the whole structure. For construction of private houses and apartments to use them irrationally. Especially severe cases fit in the construction of large industrial buildings. The average weight of the superheavy concrete cube can vary from 2500 to 3000 kg.

Stationary concrete plant for manufacturing

Stationary concrete plant for manufacturing

Lightweight, super-lightweight concrete

Such materials are characterized by their heavy counterparts more porous texture. Due to this cube weighs 500 - 1900 kg. Their application is limited to lightweight partition walls and small buildings walls. And how many cubic meter of concrete weighs ultralight version? Use of the following components: vermiculite, perlite, can significantly reduce the weight. Therefore ultralight embodiment can weigh less than 500 kg.

For special lightweight concrete include foam or aerated concrete. Reducing the mass in this case is due to the bulk, of the cellular structure. It is worthy competitors in the usual formulations have recently been a serious popularity.

The porous structure of lightweight concrete

The porous structure of lightweight concrete

Important!The use of aerated concrete is also possible for the creation of load-bearing structures, provided that the load on them will not be too great.

What is the weight of concrete cube?

Some characteristics of concrete can be improved by opening a SNIP 11-3. The table shows the weight of material, depending on the type of components:

№ p / p kind of concrete Weight in ton / m³
1 Reinforced concrete 2,5
2 foam concrete 0,3 — 1,0
3 With the addition of rubble 2,4
4 With expanded clay sand 0,5 — 1,6
5 With quartz sand 0,8 — 1,2
6 tufa 1,2 — 1,6
7 With perlite 0,8 — 1,0
8 aerated concrete 0,3 — 1,0

These are approximate figures, but it is their professional builders are used to determine the total weight. More accurate data practically impossible to obtain. Additionally, developers calculate the weight of 1 cubic meter, depending on the brand of cement. For heavy materials, these data will look like this:

№ p / p cement brand The liquid state (t / m³) Dry state (t / m³)
1 M100 2,366 2,180
2 M150 2,360 2,181
3 M200 2,362 2,182
4 M300 2,358 2,183
5 M400 2,350 2,170
6 M500 2,355 2,180

As seen, the weight of concrete depends on numerous factors. Therefore, accurate to 1 kg calculate values ​​no one can. It is sufficient if the necessary calculations use estimated figures to determine the weight of the future construction.

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