Gate with his own hands. Drawings, photos and video

Drawing arrangement of swing gate with a wicket

drawing arrangement Swing gate with a wicket

According to this scheme, the leaf and the gate hinges are mounted on conventional, welded to the supporting pillars. They mount can be done in two ways: with the inner and outer sides of the supports. Of mounting options and varieties of loops depends on the opening side gates. More often shutters are made in the form of metal frames made of shaped tube or metal corner. Sheathing can be carried out from different decorative materials, here are:

  • timber;
  • thin metal sheets;
  • profiled.
Driving the creation of forged gate with their hands

The scheme of creation wrought iron gates their own hands

Nice look and forged shutters, but their creation is better to entrust the master because of the complexity of such a process. No special skills are impossible to collect the gate with their hands. Drawings, photos and videos to facilitate the self-assembly of other types of doors can be found below.

Swing gates with their hands (video 1)

Installation of swing gates

If the swing gate is intended to operate from a relatively lightweight material - sheeting, then as supporting pillars are perfect metal pipe having a diameter of 80-100 mm. For such a task fit and shaped square tube.

Sami flaps are made of tubes with a square cross-section, but smaller. Recommended dimensions 40h25h3000 mm. Using sashes made welding frame as normal frames and then amplified or crossmembers diagonals of the same material. Be sure to provide space on the wings of bolts, locks and opening and closing stops.

Opening gates in a private house

Opening gates in a private house

Begin with the installation of such structures with the installation of the supporting pillars. Here's how to perform the installation of poles for the gate with their hands. Drawings, photos and videos will help to understand all the intricacies of the work.

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Installing the supporting pillars are two ways

Installation of supports can be done in two ways: the usual hammering or concreting. To establish qualitatively metal tube into the ground, it is necessary to make a hole in advance and using a large sledge hammer support. clogging level is approximately 120-130 cm.

This method is considered the most simple, fast implementation and ensures high reliability of future construction. After installing the support needs to be fixed to the fence posts or if you want to outbuildings. Next welded awnings, which are subsequently collected in advance are hung sash.

Schematic representation of the supports and the frame swing gates

Schematic representation of the supports and the frame swing gates

As another method of installation of supports can be used concreting. It can be run with or without a reinforcement binding metal reinforcement. For this prepared hole diameter of about 25-30 cm and the depth of 150-200 cm. These values ​​may vary depending on the section of the support column. At the bottom of the prepared pit to sleep so-called pillow - layers of sand and gravel, which are then compacted.

Hinged wooden gates

Hinged wooden gates

After this column is set to the prepared cushion, if necessary, reinforcing banding is set and the whole structure is filled with concrete. You can use the cement brands M-200, 250. While the solution is fresh, pillar set on a level and fix the optional props. Look good supporting columns are made of bricks. In this case, the space for mounting loops are embedded in the masonry.

Swing gates with their hands (video 2)

sliding gates

Of all variants of the sliding gate, there are three most common. They are:

  • console;
  • sliding;
  • suspended.

The least popular of these species are suspended gates. When they are installed is limited passage height as the top mounted metal profile, which is hung sash.

In regions where winters are cold and snowy it is not necessary to install the recoil version of the gate. To make full use of them will always have to clean them from ice and snow drifts, which is not always convenient. The rest of these constructions are pretty good, they do not require a large area for the full opening.

The design of sliding gates

The design of sliding gates

It's not hard to make a sliding door with his own hands. Drawings, photos and videos will help you understand the features of such structures installation. For sliding gates necessary to provide free space along the fence. The approximate dimensions of the sash shown in Fig.

On the ground surface is equipped with a special rail or profile, on which the flap is moved by special clips. At the top of the rolling elements are also installed and additional bracket that will hold the web during movement.

Sliding doors on rollers

Sliding doors on rollers

How to install cantilever gate with their hands.
Drawings, photos and videos milestones

Cantilever gates are considered harder on the device than their counterparts. But it is a special device ensures reliable operation even in the frosty season. The main advantages of this type of gate: no height restrictions and the ability to install only one reference column. They have no contact with the ground rail, so their use in any kind of weather does not cause any problems.

Sliding doors with their hands (video)

Features sash assembly and preparation of the foundation

The door leaf is mounted on the prepared frame, made of metal tube, profile or corner. Bottom frame is welded to the guide beam, within which mounted roller carriage. It is for them the base is moved in both directions, carrying out the opening and closing of the design.

3D-sketch cantilever gates

3D-sketch cantilever gates

Useful advice! After welding, the frame received grinder joints must clean and to remove from the whole surface corrosion centers.

To learn the necessary size of such the gateYou need them conditionally divided into two parts, covering the opening and a counterweight. The length of the counterweight (arm portion) should be 35-50% of the width of the desired opening. Under arm portion foundation arrangement required to withstand the load generated when the gate movement.

Sliding doors in a private home

Sliding doors in a private home

Useful advice! Standard opening for easy entry of the gate must be 4 meters. Accordingly, the length of the cantilevered portion will be about 2 meters.

For this it is necessary to prepare a channel №20, a length equal to the cantilever part of the gate. Then dug a pit adjacent to the supporting pillars. Its size should be a bit more sill size and the depth below the level of soil freezing. It is also necessary to create at least two reinforcement cages for binding sill to the foundation.

Channel 200 mm laid against the pole. Channel 160 mm fits with indent 50 mm from the column. Filling the posts are mounted flush with the brickwork (finished)

Channel 200 mm laid against the pole. Channel 160 mm fits with indent 50 mm from the column. Filling the posts are mounted flush with the brickwork (finished)

After pouring the finished basement takes about a month to finally to stand, but within a week he gets maximum strength, after which you can start the installation of sash.

Examples of structures of different types of sliding gates

Examples of structures of different types of sliding gates

required accessories

Accessories for cantilever gates provided on the construction market, is quite varied. When it is selected should take into account the width of the opening and the final weight of the sash. Standard kit includes:

  • 6 meter guide beam;
  • two roller bearings;
  • Limit rollers;
  • catcher end rollers;
  • 2 additional device with rollers;
  • caps for the ends of the beam.
Swinging metal gates

swing metal goal

Useful advice! To work arrangements did not cause problems, the rollers must be fixed in a single plane.

Included is typically assembly instructions, you can use it to collect all the construction gate with their hands. Drawings, photos and videos collected in this article will help to understand in detail with all the nuances.

Swing gates (video)

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