Decorative bricks for interior decoration and its properties

Bright picture contrast with the background of a white brick wall

Bright picture contrast with the background of a white brick wall

Make such products from a variety of materials that can be listed:

  • gypsum. Gypsum brick in value are the most affordable. The technology of their production is very simple, and the raw material is a conventional plaster. This nondescript material, thanks to the paintwork, looks almost no different from their counterparts. He is practical, quite durable and resistant to temperature changes. However, gypsum is afraid of damp areas that need to be considered when choosing the material;
  • acrylic. Acrylic decorative brick has a synthetic additive;
Using the decorative bricks for lining the arches in the kitchen

Using the decorative bricks for lining the arches in the kitchen

Useful advice!If you can not buy decorative brick, but really want to decorate their walls, that is, the possibility of self-production. For sale is a wide variety of forms, in which you just need to fill in plaster. Decorative registration received products depends entirely on your imagination.

Decorative bricks can be made independently of the gypsum mixture

Decorative bricks can be made independently of the gypsum mixture

The properties of ceramic bricks for decorative interior wall

Used in the manufacture of decorative bricks technology contributes to giving him some useful physical characteristics:

  • high strength and durable to use (up to 40 years). In this case, apparently a beautiful view over the years, is unlikely to change;
  • material is quite flammable. Some species successfully decorate fireplaces and stoves;
Example of the decorative finishing brick for bedrooms

Example of the decorative finishing brick for bedrooms

Where the interior is best to use a decorative brick

If we take into account the technical and physical properties of cladding products, you can not truthfully say that its scope may be very large. They make the surface of the lining of the walls in the living room, bedroom, hallway, kitchen, dining room, bathroom.

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Special applications found decorative brick, which has a white matte textured surface. It is used with success in the design of the corridors in various public buildings. He also spread fireplaces, furnaces, fountains, slides and other similar facilities.

Walls and working kitchen apron decorated "brick" masonry

walls and kitchen working apron decorated "brick" masonry

Aesthetic and artistic possibilities of decorative brick tiles are also the highest. Any color and texture of the front surface of products designed to complement and emphasize the most daring and non-trivial interior ideas. For example, one of the most popular options today is aged brick - facing decorative item, which is often used for the design and decoration of the walls in the living room, in the hallway, on the the kitchen or hall. It is noteworthy that the use of aged decorative bricks eliminates the need for subsequent surface finishing.

Pilaster in the living room is highlighted with decorative beige and brown brick

Pilaster in the living room is highlighted with decorative beige and brown brick

Enough attractive and glossy surface of some products. Their use allows you to create the perfect mood and complement some interesting design twist. In the market there are many proposals, but it is necessary to understand that, as a rule, by shape, color and texture of all types of decorative bricks for interior decoration are designed to imitate the natural stone.

One wall of the room is lined with decorative finishing bricks

One wall of the room is lined with decorative finishing bricks

Features of the application of the material in various conditions

Presented finishing building material is considered to be truly universal. Use it is possible for laying on brick, plasterboard, aerated concrete and other similar surfaces. The main thing that they were quite smooth. Since the decorative brick tile itself is a finishing material, the stack needs to be very careful with the observance of technology.

TV screen spectacularly stand out against the bright decorative bricks

TV screen spectacularly stand out against the bright decorative bricks

Correctly and competently installation of the surfacing material ensures an extension of the life of the repair and preservation of the impeccable quality of the ceramic products. Indeed, the presence of even the slightest of cracks can lead to a very rapid deterioration of the lining. Furthermore, improper stacking necessarily leave gaps between tiles, in which the ubiquitous penetrate moisture, dirt and dust, which will be the main cause of fading and destruction.

Decorative tile with imitation brickwork in the living room

Decorative tile with imitation brickwork in the living room

How to choose a decorative brick

The most important criterion is the aesthetic quality of the product, as to create an exclusive environment, fill the house with warmth and comfort can only a brick, which perfectly matches all design premises. Be sure to ask about the physical and technical characteristics of the product. At the same time we should not forget that the alleged consumer properties are obliged to meet future operating conditions.

EXAMPLE artificially aged finishing material on the wall

EXAMPLE artificially aged finishing material on the wall

Useful advice!Facing the most difficult elements can be performed easier and more interesting if you choose some mosaic or non-standard shaped products. In addition, by using such a geometrically irregular shapes you can create all kinds of ornaments.

The use of white bricks for decorative wall finishing

Using white brick for decorative wall finishing

Do not be afraid to experiment with the development of the interior design of their homes. Using the decorative bricks for interior decoration will make it so that your experiments will be particularly successful.

Decorative bricks for interior decoration: the video placement

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